I own nothing.

It's a quarter past midnight as two heroes entire a dark building. Their agencies had gotten an anonymous tip that a very dangerous villain was using this as a hideout.

"Ground Zero, are you sure you're up for this?" One if the heroes spoke up as he looked around.

Ground Zero gave a grunt and reaches up to push his Ashy blond hair out of his face. "Of course I am, Red Riot. She may have beaten me once in the past but it won't happen again, we'll beat her and bring her in."

Red Riot shrugged in surrender to the argument. "Ok, just checking."

As Red Riot and Ground Zero walked deeper into the builder, music started to become more evident it was a soft tune and it sounded as if someone was humming along with it.

Ground Zero held out his grenade clad hand to stop Red Riot and held his index finger to his lips indicating for him to be quiet. They than, crepes forward to where the music was coming from.

As they crept closer, the humming voice started to sing.

"Oh, to my dearest ruler and lord

Merciful husband

Noblest of kings...

Your heart of gold has long since tarnished

In my chamber

What will the morning bring?"

Ground Zero grimace as he heard the song.

"What it my heart that doth betray me

'Cause I loved more than one man?

Is it true your wear a wounded spirit?

Pray let me mend it and make our love anew...

Allow me to be your humble servant

Once again, as before...

Are you like the others, so quick to judge

And for this the queen must fall

What is my heart that doth betray me

'Cause I loved more than one man?

Truth within the writings of a letter

Signed and sealed poor Catherine Howard's fate...

Truth within the writings of a letter

Signed and sealed poor Catherine Howard's fate…"

The voice stopped singing and everything grew quieter. Ground Zero and Red Riot crept forward a little more before the voice called out in an eerie, spine-chilling voice. "Are you two going to come out of the shadows any time soon?"

The two heroes tensed before standing up to their full height and walked into the room where the villain is.

Ground Zero growled out. "Siren, you are under arrest for multiple counts of armed robbery, multiple accounts of illegal quirk use and multiple accounts of villainy. You will come with us quietly or we will use force."

The center of the room was lit up with a spotlight and in the spotlight, sitting at a piano was a green haired female. As she turned around, the heroes got a good look at her outfit. The legs were skintight and had a fish scale pattern to them while her upper body was clad in nothing but a bikini top, making her resemble the sirens from Greek mythology she had read about and named herself after.

Siren smiled when she saw them. It was a friendly smile but a more disturbingly excited smile. "I didn't know they'd send you. If I had I would have tidied up a little more. Because you know…" Her eyes grew darker as she said the next part. "It's not every day that my childhood best friend comes over."

Red Riot took a step back in shock when he heard that and looked over at Ground Zero. "What's she talking about?"

"Nothing, she's just trying to get inside your head."

"Oh you didn't tell him?" She put a hand over her chest in mock pain. "I'm hurt. I'm truly hurt. Why would you not tell anyone about what happened between us? That you are the reason I'm a villain." She paused before adding darkly. "Kacchan."

Red Riot looked between Ground Zero and Siren before asking. "Bakugo, tell the truth. What is your relationship with Siren?"

Before Bakugo could answer, Siren opened her mouth and started to sing. She didn't sing any words, just notes and Red Riot started to feel himself get woozy before he felt he lost complete control of his body and Siren stopped singing and smiles. "Red Riot, if you could be a dear and come over here and protect me from Kacchan that be nice."

Red Riot was about to protest before he felt his body move on its own and he realized what had happened and started to panic. He had met the requirements for Siren's quirk to work on him and he was now under her control.

As soon as he got over to Siren and turned around and faced Bakugou, who was visibly getting angrier by the minute. "Siren, release the effects of your quirk right now."

Siren smiled a chilling smile. "No I don't think I will." She then stands up and whispers into Red Riot's ear. "Kacchan, always starts a fight with a big left hook, get past that and punch him in the stomach as hard as you can and we will win."

Bakugou let out a roar of rage and launched forward aiming to hit Siren but Red Riot got in front and ducked under his left arm that had extended and hardened his arm and punched Bakugou with all his strength, inside he winced as he watched his body do this. Bakugou didn't even have time to grunt in pain as he passed out. His body slumped to the floor and Red Riot's body standing stock still like a robot without any orders.

"Good Job, Riot. Now go to sleep."

Red Riot felt his body start to shut down and he soon slipped into sleep.

Once the two heroes were out, Siren's form slumped a little and she let out a sigh of exhaustion. She fell onto the piano stool.

"You played with them too much, Siren. You still haven't recovered from what happened."

Siren glared at the voice as a man with black hair and patches all over his face. "Tell me something I don't know. I could feel the stress."

He shrugged. "Whatever, just grab Red Riot and let's go."

Siren sighed and stood up, walking over to Red Riot and picked him up. "You were sent here to do the heavy lifting. Why aren't you carrying him?"

"The heavy lifting and is fighting and I can't fight if I've got a red haired hero in my shoulders."

Siren rolled her eyes. "Whatever Dabi, let's just get back before Kacchan wakes up."

The two villains walked out of the room and disappears in the shadows.

A few hours later at an undisclosed location

Siren was sitting on a chair in front of an unconscious Red Riot or as they had found out, Eijiro Kirishima. She was the only one in the room because the other members had other things to do. Siren had her phone out and was checking the news and saw that the news of Kirishima's disappearance had made it out and she smiled. She had once again proved that flashy quirks aren't everything. The news said that it was her doing, that she had gotten the best of the number one and three heroes and kidnapped the latter. With nothing but a simple hypnosis quirk. Kirishima let out a grunt as he woke up.

Siren looked up. "So you're awake. If I didn't know any better I'd say that you needed the sleep."

Kirishima looked at Siren and tried to stand up only to find that him was chained to the chair.

"Do you really think we would just let you roam free?" Siren then waved her hand dismissively. "But that doesn't matter." She looked at Kirishima with a serious expression. "Since we have some time let me ask you something. Did Kacchan ever talk about our history?"

Kirishima debated on whether or not to answer but his curiosity got the better of him and he shook his head. "He never spoke if you like he knew you. This is the first time I've ever heard about it."

Siren frowned. "Well since he never did, I think it's story time. Well first off my real name is Izuki Midoriya."

The song that I used is called Catherine Howard's Fate by Blackmore's Night.