Chapter 1: Supposed To Be Making Love

The movie ended, and Lorelai drove Kirk home in her Jeep. The Gleasons lived on the edge of town, and all the windows were dark when she switched off the headlights. The pair turned to face each other.

"Well... that was a great first. I had a nice time. We should make plans for the next one," Kirk concluded. She looked at him heartbreakingly, torn. Kirk must have noticed the sadness in her eyes, for he frowned. "Lorelai...?"

"Oh, fuck it," she sighed through a deep breath. Grabbing his face, Lorelai pushed her lips fiercely against his and kissed him.

Kirk didn't respond for close to a full minute, and only reciprocated after Lorelai squirmed and pushed her tongue into his mouth. He tasted... nice. Not good, not bad, just nice.

She finally broke the kiss at last, releasing him gently. Kirk appeared thunderstruck and Lorelai frowned.


His hand cupped her face, the other hand cradling the curve of her neck as he pulled her back in for another kiss. Lorelai let out something that sounded like a squeak, and her eyes popped open... then they drifted shut, as she accepted and even deepened the kiss. "Mmmmmm..." She actually moaned and pried his mouth open with hers, her tongue wriggling back in.

She shrugged off her blue suit coat. Quite suddenly swung both her legs over the console as she moved to straddle him. Her hand groped for and found the stick shift that allowed her to recline the seat back, as she pulled Kirk between her thighs. She felt a hardness, his length, brushing up against her skirt and a tear pricked at her eye. Kirk sharply twitched out of the kiss, gasping.

"What... what are you doing?"

"Sssssssssshhh..." Lorelai's finger hovered and traced over his bottom lip. Eyes resigned, heavy and sad, she replaced her finger with her mouth again, as her fingers moved on to deftly unbutton the buckle at his pants. He popped free, and she clasped him in her fist so that he inhaled sharply, biting down on her lower lip accidentally and eliciting from her a tiny yip. Reaching up under herself, Lorelai's free hand shimmied her dry-as-a-bone panties down to her knees. Guiding Kirk to her...

She sank down on him. She buried him inside her to the hilt and he jolted in deeper. She pulled his face into her shoulder, her hair as he cried out, so that it was muffled. Lorelai nuzzled her own face into the cushioned fabric of the seat and groaned; it actually sounded like a whine. Slowly, she gyrated her hips, rising them and then lowering them. Up and down... up and down...

Kirk's moving about inside her was mostly her doing. Any independent movements he had were uncertain, his breath heavy in her ear and punctuated by moans. Lorelai's knuckles fisted the headrest in front of her, her fingernails clawing as they worked up a rhythm. At least one of them was enjoying this...

"Uhhh... Huhhhh... Ugghhhhh..." She gasped softly, wanting to cry.

She was not close. Nowhere near close. She wasn't going to cum. But Kirk did. He stiffened against her quite unexpectedly and ejaculated deep inside her in feeble spurts.

They lay there for a minute, Lorelai letting him catch his breath. Then, gaze still forlorn, she slowly sank to her knees, needing to crouch almost into a ball to fit under the dash. Kirk watched her every move, transfixed.

"Lorel -?"

Rearing forward, Lorelai took him deep in her mouth. She closed her eyes, lashes fluttering, trying to find some part of herself that could enjoy this, even as she felt detached from her own body, her ministrations as she worked. Her one hand curled around the base of his shaft, holding him in place, and she sucked Kirk in deeper still; his tip was now touching the back of her throat. Lorelai's jaw muscles grew sore quickly, but she didn't stop. She felt a pinch as Kirk's hands cradled her skull, his fingers weaving into the tendrils of her long, brown hair...

"Uh, God!" Kirk went stiff again and a torrent of fluid inundated Lorelai's mouth. She greedily gulped down all he had to give her without complaint. Slowly, she released him, accidentally hitting her head on the glovebox, and did her best to admire her handiwork. A red lipstick print ringed the base of Kirk's shaft, which was still hard but rapidly wilting. In terms of size, Lorelai had seen worse. Without a word, she tenderly tucked him back into his pants.

"Good... good night," and she almost broke on the first word. Kirk didn't move for a moment, and she felt his eyes on her.

"I love you." His voice was soft. Eyes glassy, the tears welling up, she shook her head.

"Get out..." she softly choked. Lorelai couldn't bear to see the hurt in his eyes as Kirk stumbled out of the Jeep. Closing the door, she slowly redressed, muscles burning as she got out of a kneeling position and tumbled ungracefully back into the driver's side. She felt horrible, filthy, disgusted with herself. She pulled out of the drive just fast enough to still not induce a squeal of tires and wake up the whole neighborhood. Speeding recklessly for home, she let the tears fall, breaking down in sobs...