6 months later

Jennie sat outside her local coffee shop with her regular order. In a white sundress and shades, overlooking the water. She was just about to dive into the book she brought to read under the sun when suddenly a familiar face stood before her.

"Chuck!" She beamed up at him. She stood up to hug the former Beverly Hills 90210 screenwriter.

"Look at you, you haven't aged a day!" Charles Rosin smiled

"Oh stop!" She grinned, "Have a seat!"

"I'm not disturbing you, am I?" He asked

"God, no." She assured, as she pulled up a chair for him to sit beside her.

'So, how are ya, sweetheart?" He asked, once he joined her at the table.

"Good, life is good." She nodded "How's Karen? Please say hi to her for me."

"She's great, I'm just out running her errands for her." He chuckled

"Now, that's romantic." She giggled

"So, tell me... how's your daughter?"

"Molly she's... almost 20."

"No!" Charles gasped, "You can't have a 20 year old child, you are a child!"

"I wish that were true." She chuckled.

"Oh, you know who I ran into the other day?" Charles began and Jennie shook her head, "Luke."

"Oh, I thought he was still in Ohio?" She asked

"No, he's back. He's an old man now." Charles joked, and Jennie chuckled politely

"You two..." Charles sighed, "You two were great together."

"Huh?" Jennie gasped anxiously

"On the show... It was a risky move, but I'm glad we pulled it off."

"Oh. Yeah..." Jennie nodded politely

"The network didn't think we could you know." Charles began to ramble on, and it wasn't a trip down memory lane that Jennie wanted at this moment.

"They didn't want us to mess with the Brenda/Dylan thing." Charles continued, "But, Luke and her weren't getting along; he didn't wanna do those scenes with her anymore and I bet she wasn't too happy dealing with him everyday as well... and let's face it, Jen, the boy always had a thing for you. So when he asked to work with "the blonde" I had to give him what he wanted." Charles laughed again

"It was a fun coupling." She eventually agreed

"More than fun... I knew you two would have genuine chemistry. And more than that, because you guys had a great connection you'd do this thing where you'd look at each other and convey emotions without any dialogue! It made the show look a lot more authentic when we could show the depth and feeling of a character without becoming redundant with words."

"Really?" She was surprised, she hadn't thought much about the fact that she could communicate so well with Luke without speaking.

"Yeah! You two became my favorite! I was rooting for you. The pool scene with you two was the sexiest scene we had ever done. I mean it says it all. What you feel for each other, the spark, the passion, you sold the scene for us. And the steamiest scene was the strawberry bed scene in season 4."

"You mean what Dylan and Kelly feel for each other." Jennie corrected coyly

"Not just them. You and Luke too. I mean come on, there was very little to work with in the script of the strawberry scene... all that desire and sexual tension that was genuinely you two that brought it to life. When we watched it we couldn't believe how you two kids made it blow up. We had never expected it to be that passionate, that was all you two... and well, Luke's unscripted displays of affection." He chuckled causing Jennie to chuckle.

"Alright... we were little devils." She shook her head as she blushed

"Jennie..." Charles comforted, he knew the cast as if they were his own kids. "You miss him don't you."

"What?" She seemed taken aback

"I mean, you thought he was in Ohio."

"...We've only had two brief phone calls in the past six months. It was awful, making small talk which is something we never do. He was always there for me..."

"I know. I remember it all... when you and Shannen were about to claw each other's eyes out, Luke grabbed you to protect you, while Jason pulled Shannen away from you."

"Yeah..." Jennie smiled

"And during that season 3 scene when you kids were on jet ski's, he pulled you towards him every time you fell off, making sure you're okay. In fact, we even kept that bit in the show."

"Ha, well. He did run me over first." Jennie laughed, knowing it was accidental

"You really freaked him out." Charles chuckled. "He thought he killed you."

"Yeah..." Jennie cackled at the thought of the memories

"Alright, sweetheart. I gotta get home to the wife." Charles smiled, patting Jennie on the back.

"Okay. Thanks for this, you always put a smile on my face."

"I'm glad, darling. Now call your Dylan. Do it for me, Team Kelly." He burst out laughing, emulating the teenagers.

Jennie giggled. As Charles walked off, she realized that she felt so much better. Maybe all she needed was someone a little older and wiser to see things clearly. Why was she afraid to call Luke and tell him what's been going on? Was she scared that their friendship could finally break? Or was she scared that that's all they'd ever be, friends?

Jennie began walking along a familiar street. Remembering the moments her and Charles discussed earlier. But one memory sprung to mind. It was the first moment she knew that she and Luke were developing deep feelings. She had walked onto the beach to do the shooting star scene, pizza box in hand. Followed instructions and sat beside him. The moment he pulled her into his arms and held her tight, they both knew it wasn't just Dylan hugging Kelly, they were falling for each other.

What was worse? The memory had a soundtrack! She couldn't listen to Damn, I wish I was your lover without shivering.

How could I have fallen for my best friend, she thought.

And then she realized something, she had fallen for her best friend.

"Hey..." She greeted, standing outside Luke's front door as he opened it only to be gobsmacked

"Jen!" He seemed surprised to see her.

"Bad timing?" She asked

"No, of course not." He pulled her in for a hug, always happy to see and hear from her. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I thought I could spend sometime here... with you." She eyed him closely, and he knew exactly what she meant without any words

"... What about Michael?" He asked, not breaking their gaze

"What about him?" She shrugged, letting out a smile. And Luke knew what that meant. She was his. This time, knowing that she was single of her own accord, and he had nothing to do with why her and Michael didn't work out. This was really it. He was going to get his happy ending with her.

He couldn't help but feel giddy like a schoolboy.

"Jen..." He let out a giant grin "Wha- How- When?" He was speechless from excitement

"I had a really great conversation this morning with someone and, it just made me realize... that you and I are forever."

Luke grabbed her and picked her up as they shared a passionate kiss.

-The End-