If you already read Part I, you can skip to Part II.

The former Number One Hero had known what he was giving up when he decided to devote his life to the public's safety. Any prospects of love, marriage, children, and even the simple pursuit of a hobby had all been thrown out the window without much of a second glance.

All Might had never looked back since then. He had slammed that window shut, pulled the curtains closed and raced off to save the world. He had looked upon his life as if it were a marathon, his body always one step ahead, always moving towards the scene of the crime.

There's always someone in need of saving.

That's what he would tell himself when he would return to his empty house after he had been on active duty for the maximum number of hours allowed by the Public Hero Safety Commission, when the sweat from overexertion was dripping down his face and the blood from a brutal villain fight was staining his battered and torn hero costume.

There had been critics; there are always critics. All Might could have vacationed in every country in the world with the amount of times people had suggested he take a week off. His doctors had loved to lecture him about all the stress he was putting on his body, about the restful retirement he would never have because of the crippled state he was leading himself towards. All Might had never paid them much attention, though, because life was a marathon and how could he stop to think about his own life when hundreds of others were hanging on the line between life and death.

As long as I'm still standing, I have to keep fighting.

Ever since his hero debut, All Might had been one with his work. That had been his life, his identity, his whole purpose for living. The Symbol of Peace couldn't afford any distractions. If it didn't contribute to his work as a hero, then it didn't matter.

Without heroism, All Might wouldn't know what to do with himself. It's an idea he hadn't ever toyed with before given the horror of the notion, and simply because All Might had never thought about his life after retirement. He had always known it was inevitable, the day he would caste off his hero costume for good and lay aside the name "All Might," but sometimes it had just been easier to pretend he didn't.

And now as he sits here, quirkless, supervising the students of class 1A while they train, Yagi Toshinori is having, what he thinks is, an overdue midlife crisis. He had reached the end of the marathon, but far sooner than he had anticipated. It had slowly dawned on him that, aside from choosing a successor for One For All, he hadn't really thought about what he was going to do once it all came to an end.

After his final battle at Kamino, Toshinori had spent much of the remainder of UA's summer break alone in his empty house, contemplating his life choices and the end result. He had come to the conclusion that it had been the longest amount of time he had ever remained in his own home, not that it ever really felt like a home. No pictures line the walls, no personal trinkets or souvenirs adorn the bookshelves. The house is furnished with just the bare necessities, as Toshinori had never had any time to think about interior decorating.

Besides, what's the point if you're rarely home.

He asks himself if it had been worth it. Deep down, he knows it was, but there's always that little "what if" dangling in the back of his mind. He wonders if he could've been the Symbol of Peace as well as something else. He thinks back to all the numerous families he had saved; could he have had something like that?

Toshinori sighs and checks his watch. The students still have five more minutes left but Toshinori decides to let them go early. Mr. Aizawa had mentioned something about them staying up past midnight the night before. This was their last class of the day and Toshinori knows they're counting down the seconds. Besides, with how much they've improved, he knows they deserve it.

"Alright, that's enough for today! I'm gonna let you guys out early."

He doesn't have to say it twice. The noise of twenty teenagers testing the range of their quirks dies down as they hurry to gather up their belongings and head back to their dorms. Toshinori can't help but smile as he watches them indulge in their unexpected token of luck.

"If Mr. Aizawa would have been teaching us, he probably would've made us stay for an extra five minutes." Kaminari comments as he and Kirishima pass by him.

"Yeah! Thanks, All Might!"

All Might.

Even without his quirk and his name removed from the Hero Billboard Charts, his students still consider him a hero. He had never given much thought to what people think of him, but it leaves a warm feeling inside knowing that these future heroes can look past his present pitiful state and see the man he had once been.

Maybe it had been worth it, after all.

As Toshinori watches them all pack up, his eyes fall upon Todoroki. He's standing at a distance from everyone else and is packing his bag at, what seems to be, a very slow pace. Toshinori would even go as far to say that it's intentional, like he doesn't want to return to the dorms.

Toshinori thinks back to the beginning of the class when he had taken individual assessments of each of the students' progress on their quirks' abilities and their fighting techniques. Overall, he had been proud to see that the majority of them had made significant breakthroughs during their training at the summer camp and on their own over their summer break, and the remaining few aren't far behind. They just need a bit more time.

However, there is one student who had given Toshinori a tough time when trying to decide how to assess them.

Todoroki Shouto.

Before this year, Toshinori had met the youngest Todoroki child only a few times. The boy had tagged along with his father, the current Number One Hero, to some events and dinners which both All Might and Endeavor had attended. Toshinori had always found it strange that only Enji's youngest would come along. In their earlier years, before Shouto had even been born, Enji's wife would occasionally accompany him. That soon stopped, however, along with rumors of a separation between the two. When questioned about the sudden disappearance of Rei from the public eye, Enji had simply stated that she had gotten ill. Whether the illness was physical or mental was left unspecified and the Flame Hero had made it clear that the issue was a private matter and he wouldn't be speaking of it anymore.

Once, a few years before the rumors had begun, Enji had brought along his eldest son, Touya, who he had introduced to Toshinori. The fourteen year old had his father's flaming red hair and turquoise eyes and had it not been for his short stature and thin build, he would've looked like an exact replica of a younger Enji. To Toshinori, the boy had looked more like a ten year old.

"He'll be applying to UA next year." Enji said while glaring at the Number One Hero.

Toshinori couldn't tell who looked more disappointed- Enji or Touya. While the Number Two was supposedly trying to take him down with a death stare, Touya seemed to be trying to make himself look as small as possible, which wasn't too hard given his already short stature. It was like he didn't want to be there.

Toshinori didn't blame him, though, these things were torture enough for the adults. It puzzled him that Enji would make him come. The boy should have been at home studying or playing video games or hanging out with his friends.

But who was he to criticize Enji's parenting? The man had raised four children while he had zero experience in child rearing. He really was in no place to judge.

"Well, that's exciting!" Toshinori responded, shooting the eldest Todoroki child his signature smile. "I wish you luck, Touya. I'm sure you'll make a great hero someday!"

Except that he never would.

Two months before the UA entrance exam, Todoroki Touya had disappeared. The tragedy, which had been circulating in the media for almost six months following the incident, had sparked a nationwide police investigation and search for the missing boy. He had seemingly vanished after failing to return home from school one day. There had been no leads on the case and it eventually went cold. It remains a mystery as to whether he had been kidnapped, committed suicide, or even faked his own disappearance.

Looking at Todoroki Shouto now, Toshinori wonders how much the boy remembers of his eldest brother. If he does remember the disappearance, Toshinori can't even begin to imagine how traumatic it must have been. Coupling that with his mother's apparent illness and his parents' possible separation, he wonders just how much Endeavor's children have gone through. Perhaps it would explain young Todoroki's distant and aloof personality of which Toshinori had taken notice of back when he first met the boy when he was a mere six years of age.

Todoroki's bag is now packed but he hasn't moved to leave yet. Instead, he watches his fellow classmates with a hesitant expression, his eyes bouncing back and forth between his bag and the exit. It takes a few more minutes for him to finally exit the room, though, and Toshinori doesn't overlook the reluctance in his step.

Toshinori recognizes his hesitancy. He had displayed it earlier during his quirk assessment when Toshinori had asked him if he could show him what he could do with his left side. Todoroki had agreed, but with much reluctance. It had made Toshinori want to take back what he said and tell him he didn't have to use it just yet.

Todoroki had started with igniting a small flame, barely hot enough to burn. With much concentration and tension, he had slowly let the flame grow until it reached a full fledged fire. To Toshinori, it had seemed like all his energy was being focused on controlling the flames. Before Toshinori could ask him to do anything with it, though, the boy had extinguished the fire.

"I can only control small flames right now. A fire that size, though technically considered small, is still difficult for me to control."

Toshinori had let the boy go after that, not wanting to question him on a topic that clearly makes him uncomfortable. One day, he knows, Todoroki will have to face whatever fear he has and learn to control his fire, but not today. He's still young and he has plenty of time ahead of him. His right side alone is far more advanced than any of his classmates' quirks, so Toshinori has no doubt that he'll be able to overcome whatever is holding him back.

That is, if whatever is holding him back is just a childish phase that he'll grow out of on his own. What if there's something about his quirk that he's not telling them? Toshinori wonders if he should mention it to Mr. Aizawa, or maybe even his father.

Todoroki Enji.

Toshinori is conflicted in his thoughts towards the new Number One Hero. Everytime they meet, the man seems to have it out for him and Toshinori doesn't know why. He tries to be civil with him, friendly even, but either Enji doesn't take the hints or he just downright ignores them. It makes Toshinori angry sometimes. Why does he appear to hate him so much?

Of course, it hadn't always been like this. It's what makes the situation all the more confusing for Toshinori. He had first met Enji back in UA and at the time, Toshinori had thought they were friends. Something had changed, though, and Toshinori, for the life of him, could not figure out what.

"The winner of this year's third year class is Yagi Toshinori! And that concludes this year's Sports Festival!"

Toshinori let the smile fade from his face as he left the arena. Having to keep grinning for the cameras and the spectators was exhausting but that's the kind of hero he chose to be, so he wasn't going to complain.

It was hard to believe that he wouldn't be participating in another Sports Festival- high school really does fly by as they say. And yet, it wasn't too long ago that he was quirkless with no chance of participating, let alone win the whole thing. Miracles really did happen.

Toshinori wiped the sweat from his face as if on instinct. It was one of the downsides of being a hero that no one talked about; the fact that they're always sweating whether it's from fighting, training, or even interviews. Some of the questions people come up with are crazy enough to put him into a nervous sweat.

He's about to head inside the locker room to retrieve his things when someone turns the corner. Another student- Toshinori immediately recognizes him with his red hair and turquoise eyes. It's Todoroki Enji, a first year and the winner of his class' Sports Festival. Toshinori had watched his matches, the boy was a natural and his fire quirk was incredibly powerful. With a bit more training, Todoroki would easily become one of Japan's next top heroes.

"Hey, Todoroki!"

The first year student looked up at the sound of his name, his blue eyes meeting Toshinori's. "Yeah? Yagi, right?"

Toshinori nodded. "Yup! I don't think we've formally met yet. I just wanted to congratulate you on your win today. I saw your fights, your quirk is impressive. I think you have a lot of potential."

Todoroki stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Uh, thanks, I guess. Though, I should probably be congratulating you too. Winning as a third year is more impressive, I think, considering you've all had three years of training and are practically almost Pro Heroes."

"Hey, don't sell yourself short! Consider your victory as a good sign for the future."

Todoroki leaned against the wall as he pondered Toshinori's advice, or at least Toshinori hoped he was pondering his advice.

"You're graduating this year, right?" The first year asked and Toshinori nodded. "Do you have an agency in mind for next year?"

Ah, the inevitable question that all high school third years training to become heroes get asked. It's the equivalent to regular high school third years getting asked about their college plans.

Toshinori hesitated to answer. It's not that he didn't have plans, he did, but he hadn't even told any of his classmates yet. He literally just met Todoroki, would it be rude of him to tell some random first year before telling his friends?

Except Todoroki wasn't just some random first year. Toshinori couldn't explain it, maybe it was because they both won their respective Sports Festivals, but Toshinori felt like would understand his decision regarding the coming year. He wasn't going the normal route most students did upon graduation and he wasn't sure how well it would be recieved by his classmates.

"I'm actually not going to an agency next year." Toshinori finally answered. "I'm going to study abroad for a few years in the United States. I want to get some more experience before starting my career here."

Todoroki stayed silent for a few seconds and Toshinori realized he was holding his breath. He finds himself interested in the first year's opinion.

"Study abroad, huh?" Todoroki folds his arms over his chest and looks down with a calculating gaze, as if he's weighing the pros and cons of Toshinori's plans. "I think it's a smart idea. Three years isn't really that much time when you think about it and eighteen really is quite young to start working as a hero. That's probably why most heroes don't make it big for a good few years or so."

He then looked up at Toshinori. "Do you mind if I consider that for myself when the time comes?"

Toshinori was taken aback, he hadn't thought Todoroki would like his idea that much let alone come up with the same reasoning that he did.

"Sure! It's not like you have to ask my permission though."

Todoroki smiled and stretched out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Yagi, and good luck next year in the US."

Toshinori accepted the handshake. "Thanks and good luck to you too. I'm sure you'll make a fine hero some day. I look forward to working with you in the future."

"Same here."

As Todoroki turned to leave, Toshinori called out to him. "By the way, my hero name is All Might!"



Train, breakfast, school, homework, dinner, train again, sleep.

That's Shouto's basic schedule for most days, or at least, it was his schedule. Now he's standing in the common room of Heights Alliance after returning from the gym and for the first time in his life, there is no one there to dictate how he spends his night.

For a solid five minutes, Shouto just stands there in the corner of the room reveling in this new notion of freedom. He tries to be nonchalant about it, leaning against the wall with a mask of indifference plastered on his face as if the experience isn't anything new to him even though Shouto knows it's anything but.

Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero are sitting on the floor in front of the television set playing a video game Shouto has never seen before. He watches them out of the corner of his eye with feigned disinterest even though inside, his mind is doing somersaults trying to comprehend that this is a normal thing for kids his age to do during the day. He doesn't overlook the fact that Kaminari has a bag of potato chips in his lap, Ashido still has her shoes on, and Sero had just discarded his backpack and gym shirt onto the couch, seemingly minor things that Shouto wouldn't be caught dead doing in his own home.

Asui and Uraraka are sitting nearby browsing through some magazines and drinking from cans of soda. Shoji and Tokoyami are playing a game of chess (which Shouto prides himself in recognizing- it's one of the few games his father had tolerated in their house), and Yaoyorozu is reading a book with a cup of tea sitting on the table in front of her while Jirou talks beside her, though Shouto is unsure why because Yaoyorozu's attention is clearly somewhere else.

Standing there, watching his classmates go about their evening in the same way they go about every evening makes Shouto realize that he has no idea how to proceed right now. Everywhere around him, his classmates are breaking rules and doing things that he had been conditioned to avoid since his childhood. The do's and don't's in the Todoroki house had been non-negotiable and Shouto's instructions for when he had come home from school had always been strictly followed.

Remove your shoes upon entering the house, hang up your coat, put your backpack in your room where it belongs and don't leave anything lying around. Do your homework as soon as you get home so it will be completed by dinner, stay off your phone, don't turn on the TV, and don't even think about entering the kitchen before dinner because the concept of snacks doesn't exist in the Todoroki household.

The whole day, Shouto had been counting down the seconds until the end of the school day while simultaneously dreading it. He wants this, he really does, but everything is just so foreign and unfamiliar to him. His mother's words are playing in his head, "it's normal to fear the unknown," and "everything's gonna be alright." He wants to believe her, to take her words to heart and try to make his own decisions, but he doesn't know if he's ready for that big of a step just yet.

He knows doing his homework isn't the only option. He does have a book he's in middle of reading and a nap before dinner doesn't sound too bad either. He is a little hungry- he hasn't eaten since lunch and that training session with All Might had taken a lot of energy out of him. He had made him use his fire, his left side which wears him out with even the smallest flame. He knows he needs to keep using it despite how exhausted it leaves him, but Shouto can't help but feel nervous everytime he activates his quirk and a spark ignites, the familiar yellow glow bringing to light some of his worst memories as it ominously dances in front of his eyes.

Don't play with fire.

The phrase every child knows, but Shouto knows it best. He knows what it really means, he's experienced the consequences of playing with fire.

Don't disappoint Dad.

If Shouto were to go join Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero and play with them, no one would take away his phone for the night. If Shouto were to drink a can of soda with Asui and Uraraka, no one would take away his dinner. If Shouto were to go and take a nap, no one would force him awake and make him train for the remainder of the night.

And yet, despite all that, Shouto knows his anxieties about being in unfamiliar territory will only cease if he goes upstairs to his dorm room and does his homework, like his former schedule permits him to. So with a sigh and frown, Shouto slings his backpack over his shoulder and heads towards the elevator.

I'm sorry, Mom.

"Hey, Todoroki!"

Shouto's finger freezes in the process of pushing the elevator button as Midoriya calls his name from behind. All Shouto wants right now is to go to his room, close the door and do his algebra homework. After those last few stressful minutes of figuring out how to go about his night, Shouto doesn't have anymore mental strength to talk to people right now.

But instead of walking through the elevator doors which have just opened, Shouto turns around to face Midoriya.

"Do you need something?"

Midoriya tends to ramble, so Shouto tries to get him straight to the point. It doesn't work as well as Shouto would have hoped.

"Uh, no, not really." Midoriya responds, his voice lowering as his eyes dart around the room. "I just wanted to talk to you about something."

Shouto resists the urge to display his discontent and merely nods his heads, hoping Midoriya gets the hint and starts talking.

He doesn't.

"No, no. Not here!" He scans the room again and Shouto wonders what it is he's looking for. "Can we go outside?"



Midoriya gives him a small smile but Shouto can see the worry laced through it. He doesn't know what his classmate is so nervous about but he figures he'll find out soon enough. He hopes it's just Midoriya being Midoriya. The way he gets tongue tied in some situations where Shouto is the epitome of confidence (as Midoriya had called it once) leaves him confused. Nervousness isn't something Shouto experiences often.

You were nervous earlier with All Might.

Shouto pushes the thought to the back of his mind. He doesn't want to think about that right now.

You never want to think about it. Your left side- you can't ignore it forever.

Shouto tries to tune out the intrusive thoughts running through his head as he follows Midoriya outside. The courtyard is empty, the only sounds coming from the rustling of the trees in the wind. The flowers are in full bloom and the sun shines high in the sky. It would have been peaceful had Shouto not been so distraught.

"Haven't we gone far enough?" Shouto asks as they venture further away from the building. "Are you afraid of someone hearing us?"

Midoriya stops walking and glances around, the nervousness still evident in his eyes. "Yeah, sort of. I mean, I didn't think you'd want anyone to hear us."


Midoriya gives him a look that Shouto can't comprehend. It borders somewhere along pity and concern. Maybe it's both but Shouto doesn't really care. He just wants to go do his algebra homework.

"Well, what is it? What's so secret that you had to drag me out here to talk?"

Midoriya rings his fidgeting hands together and averts Shouto's gaze. "Do you remember what you told me at the Sports Festival?"

The Sports Festival.

Shouto panicks, but it's only for a second. He composes himself, he had known this conversation was coming. He had known it the moment the words from the first conversation had come pouring out of his mouth. What had he been thinking? In all his fifteen years, Shouto had experienced no difficulty in keeping the lid shut. What had gone wrong? What had he done?!

And of course, Midoriya would remember. How do you not remember something like that? Shouto had told him about his father- his father! If this gets out, if Midoriya tells someone, his life is over. He has to fix it before things get out of control, but what if he's too late?

He's hot, so hot. His right hand instinctively raises to touch his forehead, its icy temperature doing little to combat the smoldering flames he believes are raging through his body. He had made a mistake, a major mistake. He needs to fix it before it's too late.

I can fix this! Let me fix it!

"I said a lot of things that day." Shouto responds, his voice not as calm as he had hoped. "You're gonna have to be a bit more specific."

Midoriya is looking at him now. His nervousness has faded and Shouto finds it difficult to stay collected in front of him. He knows what conversation is coming but he doesn't know if he'll be able to keep his emotions in check. He has to fix his mistake of telling Midoriya. It had been stupid of him to think that Midoriya would just ignore it and pretend like he doesn't know what's going on.

I have to fix this.

"I think you know what I'm referring to, Todoroki." The green haired boy says, his eyes still fixed on him like they're trying to pull out the truth from him, but Shouto won't let them.

He can't let them.

"What about it?"

"I'm only asking because I care!" There's the nervousness seeping through again. Shouto still braces himself- he knows what's coming. "You said a lot of concerning things back there. I just want you to know that I'm here for you and if you want my help, I'm glad to give it to you."

I don't need help. He's gotten this far, hasn't he? He's training to be a hero, he should at least be able to defend himself from his own father.

"...You mentioned some things going on at home and while you didn't give many details, it didn't sound too good. Does anyone else know about this? Maybe you can talk to Mr. Aizawa?"

I can protect myself from his flames. He doesn't need Midoriya. He doesn't need Mr. Aizawa.

He doesn't need anyone!


The boy's frantic muttering comes to a halt as Shouto shouts his name. He can feel his quirk fighting to activate. He has to convince himself that Midoriya isn't a threat, not like his father. It's all just a simple misunderstanding, that's what he needs to make Midoriya believe. But he's already let some of his emotions slip out, so it may not be so easy.

"Midoriya," He says, calmer this time. Midoriya is staring at him with wide eyes and Shouto doesn't blame him- he hadn't been expecting the outburst either. "I appreciate your concern but I assure you, nothing is going on. My father can just be a bit hard on me sometimes and the Sports Festival was one of those times. I was upset with him and I took things too far. That's all it was. Things at home are fine."

Shouto's heart is pounding so hard, he can barely hear the words coming out of his mouth. He's sweating and while his rational side is trying to convince him it's just nerves, he insists that it's from the heat. The heat of the flames, the flames of-

"Todoroki, are you okay?"

He can't look at Midoriya right now. Shouto is an expert liar when it comes to talking about his family, but never had he flat out told anyone the truth! Midoriya is now the first person outside his immediate family to know. He knows! He feels like he's betrayed his family- his mother, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Touya. How hard they all work to keep everything under lock and key. It's a miracle, Shouto thinks, of how far they've held out.

And he had just broke their record.

"I'm fine." Shouto mumbles, stuffing his hands into his pockets so Midoriya doesn't see the ice forming on his fingertips. "Please, just forget about what I said. Nothing's going on."

He doesn't wait for Midoriya to give him an answer. The ice on his fingertips is spreading to the rest of his hand. He needs to get to his room so he can release the rest of the tension building up inside of him. He just hopes Midoriya takes his word for it.

He can't afford to disappoint his father right now. Shouto can only imagine what he would do.


So much for not making him mad.

Izuku slumps against a tree as he watches Todoroki hurry away. Not only had he made him mad, but he had made Todoroki so uncomfortable that he had activated his quirk.

He had tried to hide it, the heat radiating from his left side and the ice freezing his fingertips on his right. It had been in vain though, Izuku had taken note of it. He feels awful now. He hadn't been expecting that reaction at all.

Todoroki had been lying. Normally, Todoroki is a very good liar but today he had slipped. Izuku had seen right through it, but he hadn't bothered calling him out on it. It had been obvious that Todoroki was not going to admit to anything.

But Izuku is still stuck with a dilemma; what to do now?

He could still tell someone despite Todoroki's wishes. He wonders what a true friend is supposed to do in this situation. Does Todoroki even consider Izuku a friend anymore? Maybe he should go apologize.

Izuku decides against it. He should probably give him some time to burn off some steam, and quite literally too. He'll definitely keep an eye on him though.

He'll think about his dilemma some more tomorrow. Right now, he needs to let off some steam of his own. Maybe he'll go do some research on that missing pro hero Mr. Aizawa had talked about in class earlier that day.

Researching heroes always helps to take his mind off things. With a sigh, Izuku gets up from his slumped position underneath the tree and heads back inside. He barely makes it through the door though, before being bombarded by Kirishima and Ashido.

"What did you say to Todoroki, Midoriya?" Kirishima asks, looking at him like he had just killed a puppy.

"What do you mean?"

Ashido gives him a similar look and if he hadn't been feeling guilty already, he certainly does now. "He walked in here looking like he was gonna have a panick attack!"

Maybe he should go apologize, or at least check on him.


Todoroki needs his space. Izuku is not going to try and diffuse the situation, besides, he'll probably just make it worse. Instead, he's going to go upstairs to his dorm room and dig through the internet to find more information about Body Snatcher.

"It was nothing, guys." He says, pushing past Kirishima and Ashido. "He'll be fine. We just had a disagreement."

Four hours later, Izuku had found almost nothing significant about Body Snatcher. His search had resulted in just one video of a Sports Festival match from his days at UA and a couple of follow up news reports debating on the controversy surrounding his quirk. He had also found the original newspaper article reporting the night of his disappearance and Izuku had found it interesting that he had been with Endeavor that night. However, it's nothing to go off of so Izuku dismisses any theories that would involve him.

Izuku had even read through some fanblogs and popular hero websites to see if anyone had any theories on the case. He had found that Body Snatcher isn't a big conversation topic on most blogs and sites, though it hadn't surprised Izuku. Like Aizawa had said, the pro hero had only been active for a year at the time of his disappearance.

There had only been one blog which brought up the mysterious case of Body Snatcher; toHellwithHeroes.

tHwH is an anonymous blog dedicated to digging up dirt on heroes and the hero industry, its purpose being to publicize the flaws in modern hero society. Some of the claims are strictly conspiracy and many of tHwH's facts are outright false, but every now and then there is a valid claim made against the heroes.

Izuku doubts that tHwH's theory about Body Snatcher falls within that last category. According to the hero hater, Body Snatcher had fallen off the deep end and joined the Born-to-Be Villains Alliance, a villain organisation Izuku had never heard of before. And that's not all, the theory goes even further to claim that Body Snatcher is using his quirk to possess pro heroes.

Izuku knows he should probably stop his investigation here, as the theories will only get more ridiculous from this point on. He's not too disappointed with his minimal findings though. He hadn't been expecting much.

Izuku is about to turn off his phone and start his homework when he gets a news notification. He skims it, intending to come back to it later when something in the headline catches his eye. It reads, "Police Apprehend Member of the Born-to-Be Villains Alliance." His finger clicks to open the full article without much of a second thought.

As he reads through it, Izuku's mind goes back to the theory he had just read on toHellwithHeroes. It's strangely coincidental that he hears about the organization for the first time from two different sources on the same day. He knows the theory probably isn't true but Izuku does find it interesting that the police and heroes have very little information on the BtB, a strong piece of evidence that tHwH uses to back up his claim.

Maybe he just doesn't want to believe it because it's too scary of a notion to think about. The fact that a villain could be possessing a hero, or that a hero had become a villain.

He really needs to stop reading hero conspiracy theories.

Part I Notes:
Okay, so first of all a huge apology for the major delay! School is cruel and it's been hard to find time to write (much to my dismay).

Now, just so you know, this isn't actually the end of this chapter (it's a long chapter) but I got this first part finished and I don't know when I'll be able to finish the rest so I figured I'd just give you guys this part for now because it's already over the average word count of most of my chapters anyway. So the next chapter will be like Chapter 8 Part II.

A few things I want to say about this- first off, let me remind you that this fic deviates from canon (duh) and because of that I'm making a few slight changes aside from the big obvious change involving Enji.

Let's start with All Might: I don't think the manga ever really goes into this aspect of All Might's life. It gives off the impression that he sacrificed a lot of himself for the greater good and I always wondered about his personal life or if he even had one. Honestly, I don't know what my actual headcanon is but for this fic, I'm gonna headcanon that his personal life and his hero life were always blurred up until now. It served my fic's purposes better, if you can tell. I'm curious though, what do you guys think about canon All Might? If I'm remembering correctly, Nana Shimura gave up her personal life in a sense by giving her son away so that she could be a hero (she didn't think she could do both). I'm not gonna judge that choice but it makes me wonder if All Might might have been influenced by her in that way.

And a little thing about Shouto- for this fic, his left side is even less developed than it was at this point in canon for reasons you'll see later. Hope that's cool with y'all. And don't worry, I know I kind of left you with a dangling Shouto there but he was supposed to come later in the chapter so he's not really dangling. We'll get back to him and what's going on there.

Enji...so he was friends with All Might back in their school days. Poor Toshinori, he's so confused! Imagine your friend just one day starts hating you with no explanation. Sound like a familiar relationship? *hint* ryuunosuke *hint*

Sorry, I love parallels. I was actually rereading the previous chapters and I noticed so many parallels I made between different scenes and characters. I can't help myself!

Part II Notes:
And here we have some character development for Shouto. It'll matter more later, that as well as his undeveloped left side.

Izuku is quite the researcher. He may or may not contribute to the rescue efforts- you'll have to just wait and see. And toHellwithHeroes...looks like somebody knows what he's talking about. And as always, his identity will not be revealed just yet.

And I know said Dabi would be in this chapter, but I tweaked the plot a bit so he should be in the next chapter instead.

So let me know your thoughts, I love hearing them! I really want to thank you guys for all your support with your favs/follows and your amazing reviews. You have no idea how much motivation they give me! I try to respond to as many of you as I can but even if I don't get to you just know that I really do appreciate it.

Have a great week!
