90 year after the last series of Pretty Cure, Rainbow kingdom

Far from earth lays the world of the kingdom of Rainbows. This kingdom is led by Queen Rainbow and her daughters the princesses: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Purple. This kingdom was typical happy and colorful kingdom whit happy fairy's. Until today they were attacked by the forces of Infinity Grey. Their mission is to steal al colors in the word by taking the power of colors from Rainbow Kingdom. In the palace of rainbows

lord greyham: Queen Rainbow I came on behalf of my misters Queen Greyness to get the powers of the rainbow.
Queen rainbow: how dare you think to demand the power of rainbows Lord Greyham!
Princes Red: mother wat do you wish that we do?
Queen rainbow: my daughter look for your sisters and go to the Hall of Rainbows hurry!
Princes Red: yes mother!
Lord Greyham: Silly queen your kingdom is doomed there is nothing you and your daughter can do to stop us!
Queen rainbow: we may not be able to stop you now but this is not over there is still away. she use a spell too hold him back and runs to the Hall of Rainbows.
Princes Orange: mother we are here!
Queen rainbow: my daughters we have no time to lose my spell will hold them not away for long. You have to leave to earth and find the next generation of pretty cures. Take this book it will guide you and never let this book out your side!
Princes Green: mother do you not go whit us?
Queen Rainbow: no honey I will hold them up until you are save retreated to earth than I while use all my magic to hold our kingdom and you safe my beautiful daughters. Now form a circle I will sent you now to earth. They form a circle while they are sad to leaf there mother. And Queen use a teleporting spell.
Lord Greyham: nought Queen where did you sent your daughters?(grinning)
Queen Rainbow: where you never will find them!
Lord Greyham: you think so?
Queen Rainbow: now it's time spell of the Rainbow Feniks! an explosion is heart and the queen vanished.

While the princesses are on the way to earth they hear in the distant the explosion and are all in distress and sorrow.