A/N: Couldn't resist on doing a little short story about the Kana Nee-san situation with a dash of Maria and a sassy Kyoko... or is that Natsu... Wait! Maybe Setsuka...?

Playboy Ways?

He had thought to approach Kyoko from behind. He knew it was an ambush tactic, but ever since that detestable day, she'd been avoiding him and he hadn't had the opportunity to clear anything up. He was a little shocked. Apparently she had a ferocious little guard dog.

Ever since she'd seen the tabloid sitting on her grandfather's coffee table, all of the photos, and been bombarded with the disgusting news shows 24/7, gushing about how that old woman was perfect for Ren-sama, and him practically swallowing her face in the pictures, she wanted to hunt the wicked witch down that hurt her Onee-sama, and cover both culprits in poisonous spiders.

At the moment she was upset by everything and clinging to Kyoko. Kyoko thought it was because she was upset by the news. Well, she was but not for the reason Onee-sama thought. Wrapped tightly around Kyoko and clinging to her as she watched Ren-sama approach Onee-sama, she glared at him, scowled, and stuck her tongue out at him, she may have added a stink-eye to that too, for good measure.

Kuon sighed inwardly. That woman had caused more trouble with the women in his life than she was worth. He was really starting to dislike her. No wonder my office and dressing rooms have been infested. He groaned inwardly. Yes, there were spiders, roaches, centipedes, and all other manner of creepy-crawlies in his clothing, his shoes, his desk, just everywhere one could possibly imagine. He was regretting even meeting Kana Kusunoki now.

He watched as Maria whispered something to Kyoko, Kyoko turned and saw him, then both girls quickly said good-bye to Kanae Kotonami, and speedily vacated the hall. Gone in a flash was the opportunity to talk to Kyoko, once again. Now it seemed as though he would need to talk to Maria too. Great, now he had an angry Ice Queen stomping up to him with the most scary "I'm going to hide your body" look on her face.

"Mo! Stay away from my best friend. You, your future trophy wife, your harem, and your scheming manager aren't welcome in the LoveME Section anymore. I don't care what the President has to say about it." She told him, poking him in the chest with her index finger, then stomping away after Kyoko when she was finished. "I'm sick of hearing about how perfect you two are together from every lovesick cow that Kyoko and I come across, because they think she's still your kohai. Fix it or keep it private!" She told him loudly as she walked away.

He turned as he watched her back. "What are you talking about? Harem?"

Kanae stopped and turned, then walked back. "All of these stupid hags you gave jewelry to for White Day. You know all the women you've worked with? Well, the ones you haven't played tonsil hockey with anyway, or maybe you have. You seem to enjoy toying with the young ones, and chasing the old, washed up ones, just like Fuwa. They keep asking Kyoko what you gave her. She didn't even get those stupid tickets until they were almost expired. The least you could have done was give them to her yourself. Then it probably would have felt less cold." She finished and stomped off.

He sighed loudly and groaned. "Great, great, great! What the hell do I do now?"

She didn't know why she was even here in this place. Well, her manager insisted, since Lory Takarada had pointed out that if she didn't attend this meeting with Ren, then she would definitely be shocked by what he was going to say in the interview to clear things up. She hadn't even made it to the elevator when she was greeted by an adorable little girl, dressed like a doll with lots of frills and lace. Well, one would think she was adorable, if she actually liked children.

"Good morning Grandmother. Welcome to LME." Maria smiled deceptively sweetly, but under that smile lay the heart of a little predator.

That little toad! How dare she! Her smile faltered. "I'm not old enough to be your obāchan, dear."

Maria smiled a little more sweetly than before, and now it was obvious. "I'm sorry for my mistake, it's just I had a difficult time telling with all of your wrinkles." Maria whispered the insult with a glint in her eyes.

"Why you little..." Kana started, and was abruptly cut off.

"Maria-chan! I thought we were meeting in the café for lunch." Kyoko stopped, noticing the clearly angry woman standing with Maria, looking as if she were about to slap her.

"Be right there, Onee-sama!" She chirped sweetly and hurtled towards Kyoko and into her arms.

Kana turned to Kyoko. "You should keep a better eye on your Imōuto's manners. They're deplorable. She needs a good slap." She hissed out quietly and Kyoko stood there wide-eyed not really knowing how to respond, other than allowing Setsuka, and Natsu to push through.

Kyoko smirked with a very laid back, relaxed look. "And you should learn to dress your age, Cougar-san." She drawled out in a relaxed, elegant demeanor, with a saccharine smile.

"Well, I never! You can be certain that your president will hear about how you and your little sister treated me, at my meeting with him." She announced to the pair.

Kyoko rolled her eyes and turned away with Maria in her arms. Maria employed the stink-eye once again along with her tongue. "Neyaah."

"Maria-chan... I know how you feel, but there's no need to continue to be rude. It was entirely his choice, and we have no say." She reminded her and Maria nodded quietly.

"Sorry Onee-sama. I won't make faces at her again." She whispered. But that doesn't mean I won't do anything else. She gave a tiny smirk.

She gracefully sat on the small sofa across from Lory, and nodded with a gentle smile directed at Ren. "Before we begin Takarada-san, I would like to bring your attention to the ill treatment I received when I arrived." She announced, feigning distress.

Lory furrowed his brow, and looked at her expectantly. "May I ask what happened?"

"I was greeted at the door by a little girl that insulted me and her plain, common sister was rather rude to me also." She informed him. "That horrible girl insulted the way I was dressed, while she was dressed in a hideous pink rag."

Ren winced inwardly. She should actually consider herself lucky that Maria-chan didn't break out the bug box.

Lory picked up his office phone and dialed. "Ah... Minami-san, could you please have Maria-chan and Kyoko-chan come to my office? Yes, thank you."

Kana swelled with smugness inwardly at the apology she would receive.

"Kusunoki-san, I had your manager call you here today so that you would be prepared for what Ren is going to say in his interview tonight on Kimagure Rock along with the reporter that took those photos. We were able to make a deal with Boost, and he is more than happy to speak with Ren regarding the meaning behind the photos that were taken." Lory narrowed his eyes at her. "He tells us how he got the photos in an exclusive lounge, and we give him the interview that he's wanted for over a year."

She gave Ren a horrified look. "Ren-san, surely you wouldn't allow yourself to be interviewed by that rag? It's so beneath stars such as ourselves."

Lory held up his hand. "Actually, he didn't want Ren." Lory's phone buzzed and he told the person on the other end to enter the meeting.

If not me then who? Then Ren remembered.

The doors flew open. "Ojīchan!" The offensive child ran to the man sitting before her, and sat in his lap. Ojīchan? The girl in pink prowled to a seat off to the side like a large predatory feline, and essentially snubbed both guests. Well, not really snubbed. She glanced at Kana and gave Ren a look that made him feel like he had spiders crawling up his spine. That smile... Natsu? Or is that Setsu? No, has to be Natsu. I doubt I'll ever be lucky enough to see Setsu again in this lifetime. "Did you need something from me Takarada-san?" Natsu purred with a sexy smile.

"Ah yes, Kyoko-chan... There's a reporter at Boost Magazine that's been following your career since Ring Doh, and he would like to interview you." Lory told her.

Natsu cocked her head slightly, and narrowed her eyes. "Now, why would I want to speak to a paparazzi?" She purred.

"He promised to help ease this little scandal between Kusunoki-san and Ren." He answered honestly.

Natsu laughed. "Why on Earth would I want to help them? It's not my problem they couldn't control themselves in public." She glanced up from examining her nails at Ren. "Besides, Ren-san would never kiss just anyone. He told me himself, and everyone that's asked me what I knew about the photos have indicated that you two are a perfect match. It's not much of a scandal since you two are dating anyway. Although, a few acquaintances did complain a little that young women like us have absolutely no chance of ever claiming a spot in your heart, Tsuruga-sama. We would never have the intimate experience needed to make someone like you happy." She said sweetly, and turned back to Lory. "Did you need me for anything else, Takarada-san?" She finished innocently, with the part referring to experience, being aimed at both, while Natsu enjoyed the angered and horrified looks a little too much, and adoring completely the effect that the new honorific had on him. Normally Kyoko-chan wouldn't be rude enough to refer to another's age the way she did, or impress upon someone's sexual experience as she did with Kusunoki-san, essentially calling the woman an old slut in a nice way, and Ren a playboy of the highest order, but... this is Natsu we're talking about and Kyoko was done with all of that crap.

Ren couldn't help but think maybe he actually deserved that one, remembering how the night she gave him a hickey went, and the conversation at that point. It didn't seem she was going to let that one rest, and it appeared that this situation was cementing that opinion in her mind.

Lory sighed out. "No, that'll be all. I understand your refusal." He glanced at Ren. "I won't make it a request."

Kyoko nodded to him, and felt a deep sense of relief. She was not about to throw the last and only thing she had for herself under the bus for a man that didn't love her, never again. She turned to the pair. "Congratulations in advance on your announcement." She she said sweetly and turned back to Ren and in typical, malicious Natsu fashion, added an extra little dig, not caring anymore about if he found her out or not. There wasn't any point, he didn't like her anyway, and then had the nerve to ask that of her. Never again would she sacrifice anything for a man like Sho. "Typical. I hope that the heart you have broken was worth it." She murmured sweetly with a malicious smile. He could take it how he wanted. Either the girl he lied about, her, or Maria, but mostly she meant Maria. She no longer wanted anything to do with this disgusting emotion. It was entirely too painful. She held out her hand to Maria. "Maria-chan..." With those last words ringing in his ears in her angelic voice, she and Maria left. It was official, she hated him and he was just like Fuwa in her eyes.

Lory turned to Ren. "Well, it would appear that your omamori has been dispelled Ren. I'm afraid that you will be on your own in this one." He turned back to Kana. "You should probably consider yourself lucky that she didn't agree." He chuckled to himself. "Well actually I should probably consider it, Kuu would kill me for putting her in that situation anyway. I'm thankful she didn't choose to do that interview." He mumbled. "Well back to the matter at hand." He gave Ren a stern look. "Have you decided?" Ren nodded. Lory looked at him expectantly. "What do you plan?"

"I plan on doing what we discussed earlier." There was no way he was going to give this vile woman a chance to say anything in advance that would ruin the interview tonight.

Lory turned back to Kana. "Well Kusunoki-san, I suppose you'll want to attend the interview with Ren for the announcement?" Oh, Lory was a master at twisting meanings and words. This was going to be delightful. Especially watching this cougar's eyes light up with expectation and glee. Thinking that she'd be getting what she was after.

She nodded. "Of course, sir. It would be a pleasure."

Lory clapped. "Wonderful. TBM, Kimagure Rock, at 6pm." He stood and bowed to her.

"Thank you so much." She gracefully returned the bow and left. She was so excited with the prospects that she'd completely forgotten about Kyoko and Maria.

He gave Ren a pointed look. "I think you need to give Kyoko-chan some space. I've never seen her like that. I could feel the malice rolling off of her. Is there something you haven't told me?"

He groaned at that question. "Other than this? Well... I may have overreacted, maybe overstepped my boundaries, all things considered."

Lory raised an eyebrow. "Do tell..."

Ren sighed. "I may have been a little jealous when I saw her with Fuwa... and... I might have mentioned the photos that you showed to me... and there's the little matter of how I sent her White Day gift through the post and she didn't receive it until after everyone else got theirs... Kotonami-san mentioned something about jewelry and women asking her about Kusunoki-san and me."

Lory winced a little, noticeably. That is definitely going to set her back...Maybe? No wonder she did as she said she would do. He essentially proved her convoluted theories, about him, correct. She was so close to graduating too. He groaned inwardly at that thought. Now he supposed he was back to square one.

"I hate her." Maria groused as she stabbed at the piece of chocolate cake, and swirled the frosting around the plate into a pasty mess. She really didn't have much of an appetite after having to behave around that gross old lady, and Ren.

Kyoko sighed. Natsu had left her in the elevator on the way down, but she regretted nothing that was said. In fact, she honestly wished that she'd said infinitely more. "I'm sorry that you have to go through this Maria-chan." She wanted to say that she was sorry that Maria found out that Ren was like Shotaro. Well, at least she wasn't old enough for him to use her like that, but sadly there are other ways to use people's affections.

Maria glanced at her. "What about you Onee-sama? He made you feel bad too."

She gave Maria a small smile. Just like her grandfather, she knew she couldn't lie to her little Imōuto. "I'll be fine Maria-chan, I'm used to it." It hurt a lot more than she thought it would to admit something like that.

"But Onee-sama, I can tell that you really cared about him. I thought he felt the same for you." Maria said with distress.

Kyoko chuckled wryly and shook her head. "Maria-chan, I know your grandfather thinks that one only has to love to be loved in return, but that just isn't the case for me. Tsuruga-san could never have any feelings towards someone like me. I learned long ago not to expect anything. I'm not the type of person that is meant to have anything real like that, so I'll settle for people loving my characters. It's not really so bad. I'll still get to experience love while I'm acting. I just need to make sure that my acting is up to the challenge and try to gain as much as I can as far as being able to act it out and make it convincing for the camera." She thought of the experience insult that Natsu had tossed out in the office in the end, trying to goad Ren and watching him squirm like a rat under a cat's paw.

This was really too depressing. Maria shoved her plate away and stood up. She grabbed Kyoko's hand and began to drag her out of the café. "Onee-sama... I'm putting in a LoveME request. I would like for you to accompany me to Ten's salon for a spa day. We still have time before you have to go to work tonight."

Who was she to deny Maria's request? She certainly was not going to turn down a few hours in the makeup chair of the Makeup Goddess. Not to mention the fact that she always felt better after talking to the small woman anyway. She always seemed to know what to say and how to relax her. Perhaps she could even do her hair and makeup for her concept of Momiji. It was something that needed to be done anyway, so she wouldn't have to spend hours in makeup and wardrobe while they put in the extensions for her hair. She couldn't wear a wig with Momiji like she did with Mio and Setsuka. The part was too active. Yes, she would definitely have to ask or get a few suggestions on where she could go for something like that.

Much to Maria's delight, the visit to Ten was just what the Love Doctor ordered. She was definitely better at putting a patch on a broken heart than her Grandpa. Although, if Kyoko hadn't been Kyoko, she wasn't sure if the spa trip would have worked as effectively as it had, but it did and her Onee-sama had her new look, Ten's phone number, and she looked infinitely more cheery than she had when they'd first got there. Not to mention the fact that she was completely gorgeous. That old hag had nothing on her Onee-sama, and Ren-sama could eat his heart out, because Maria was going to make it her life's mission to see her Onee-sama very loved and very happy. She was not unlovable like she believed!