Chapter 8: Hatching

It's been two weeks since Toothless layed his three eggs, and he and Luna have been keeping a close eye on them the whole time, anxiously waiting for them to hatch and see what's inside.

One day, Cloudjumper decides to stop by to check on everyone.

"Hey, guys." He says as he enters their den. "How's the little ones?"

Luna smiles and says, "Doing well. Should be hatching any day now."

He looks to Toothless and asks, "And I gotta know, what's it been like for you now that the eggs are out."

"It's weird." Toothless responds, "I'm glad that the eggs made it out okay but I still can't help but feel a bit…empty inside."

Cloudjumper chuckles, "I'm sure you'll get used to it. Hey listen, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you both about."

Toothless and Luna look to each other before looking back to CJ where Luna says, "Ok. What is it?"

Cloudjumper sighs, "Now, I know you two are excited about raising these hatchings once they arrive, but I wanted to remind you both that they are just as much my eggs as they are yours. So, I was wondering, would you be ok with me taking care of them as well, maybe have them come to my place once or twice a week?"

Toothless smiles, "Of course you can. I would be a horrible dragon if I didn't allow you to see them. Why do you ask though?"

"Well, it's just that I never knew my father, he pretty much up and left my mother before I even hatched, so I wanted to make sure that the same doesn't happen to these guys. Which brings me to the other thing I wanted to talk-"


That loud crack was all that needed to be heard for Cloudjumper to stop talking and for all three dragons to look over at the eggs. All three now have a crack in them and were shaking, they were starting to hatch.

They all rush over to the nest, not wanting to miss a second. Toothless and Luna stood right in front of the nest while Cloudjumper, being the larger dragon, stood behind them.

The eggs shook like they were in an earthquake and the cracks kept getting bigger and spread, until a minute later when they burst opened, causing bits of shell to fly everywhere. The three large dragons had to avert their eyes so they didn't get shell in them, but when they opened them, there they were.

Three dragons, the size of a Night Terror, sat there in the nest, their eyes opening almost immediately to see the strange world they just entered. They all seem scared of the three larger dragons that stood in front of them at first, but quickly realized that they were in no harm.

"Toothless." Luna says with her mouth wide open.

"They're. They're more beautiful than I could've ever imagined." Toothless says through tears, as he couldn't believe just how beautiful the new hatchlings turned out.

There were two boys and one girl. Each had black scales but both boys had stripes of tan running down their backs and their underside while the girl had spots of tan all over her. One of the boys had green eyes while the other two had yellow. Each of their heads had a large horn running across their brow plus they had long, pointed ears. They each had two legs and four wings but their wings were shaped like that of a Night Fury. Their tails had two fins on the end but they were shaped like that of a Stormcutter.

Toothless leans his head in till his nose is inches away from the green eyed boy, who then extends a wing and touches his nose, all three hatchlings calmed down after that.

"Wow." Toothless says as he pulls his head back. "I-I love them already."

Luna then decides to ask, "So what are we calling them?"

Toothless blinks and then looks to his wife, "Huh?"

"You know, what is their species? No one has ever seen a dragon like these so, we need to figure out what to call them."

Toothless's eyes widen. "Right. I-I have no idea." He looks back to them, "I was so busy being pregnant that I didn't even think of what to call them."

Luna says, "Well, they kind of look like if you were black, Cloudjumper."

Cloudjumper chuckles, "Yes, I suppose they do."

"So, how about Night Cutters?"

"Night Cutters." Toothless says before his smile goes as wide as it can go. "It's perfect, what do you think, Cloudjumper?"

"Seems fitting to me." Cloudjumper says.

Toothless then thinks for a second before saying to the Stormcutter. "Cloudjumper, I want you to have one of them for yourself."

Cloudjumper couldn't have looked more surprised. "Toothless, I-I can't. These are your kids after all."

Toothless shakes his head. "No, like you just said they are as much yours as they are mine. Look, you have treated me like a brother since I first met you, and, well my father wasn't around much for me either, and there are many times when I wished I had him there, but you, you can be there for them. Please."

Cloudjumper takes a moment to think about what Toothless just said. It's true that he has been wanting a child of his own for quite some time now, and the fact that his father wasn't there made him wish they could know their father. Maybe. Just maybe. He looks over to Luna and asks, "Are you ok with this?"

Luna smiles, "Whatever you two want."

This makes Cloudjumper smile. "Alright." Cloudjumper says. "I will take the girl, it has been a dream of mine to have a daughter. And I will name her Valka, after my rider."

"I like that name." Luna says and then looks to Toothless and says, "So what do we name the other two."

Again Toothless's eyes go wide as he realizes he never picked a name. "I don't know. I never thought about it."

"Well, that one in the middle seems to have taken a shine to you. And it looks like there's something quite unique about him as well."

Toothless then finally notices, the boy with green eyes only has three wings while the other two have four. The wing must not have developed as well as the others' did. This would likely mean that he couldn't fly as fast as the rest of them.

That's when it hit him, the emerald green eyes, the disability, the way its hand touched his nose earlier just seemed so…familiar, like the way he felt some years ago with…with…

His eyes go even wider as he realizes the perfect name for this underdog, this accident, this…hiccup. He looks to the two dragons sitting next to him who both give nods saying that they know what he's thinking and they think it's perfect.

He looks back to the hatchling and says, "Hiccup. Your name. Is Hiccup." He says as his eyes start tearing up again.

Cloudjumper smiles. "Seems like a good name to me. That just leaves the boy with yellow eyes, Luna, any thoughts?"

She looks back to Cloudjumper gets a surprised look on her face. "You want me to pick a name?"

"Of course. They are going to be your children after all. Besides, Toothless and I got to pick a name so it seems fair to let you choose as well."

"Wow, thank you. Well, I've always liked the name Sol. I know that my name means the moon so I always thought that if I had a kid then I could name it like the sun."

Cloudjumper nods. "I like it, Toothless?"

"Y-yeah it's perfect." He says.

"Well, now that that's taken care of, there is one last thing, the thing I was going to say before they started hatching. At some point we are likely going to have to tell them about how they were brought into this world. And I can tell you, if you thought Toothless being pregnant was awkward, this just might be another level."

Toothless nods. "Then I guess we'll just have to do our best to keep it a secret until that time comes."

Luna nods. "They are not going to have a normal life."

Toothless shrugs. "I'm the king of dragons who laid eggs a few weeks ago, I gave up the idea of having a normal life long ago."

Luna laughed at the sentence and held her husband closer. Cloudjumper wraps a wing around the two, and they all sit for a minute, excited to get their new lives with the Night Cutters started.


A week later, Cloudjumper comes back to take his new daughter home. Toothless finally returns to fulfill his kingly duties after months of being at home and, when asked why he was gone so long, he just tells them that he had a bad case of dragon flu (He wasn't sure if dragon flu was real, but so far no one has questioned him) and that the Night Cutters were found abandoned by their parents, and they decided to adopted them. With all of that craziness done, Toothless, Luna and Cloudjumper are excited to begin their new lives with the new Night Cutters Valka, Hiccup and Sol.

The End

Well, that's it. That's the story of how Toothless went through pregnancy and ended up with a happy family. I hope you all enjoyed this story, and if you did please give it a favorite. Thank you so much for reading and I will see you once I have written another story. See ya!