Rin looked around at the playground, spotting a redhead and blond playing together. It reminded her of Kushina and Minato-sensei a bit.
Ah, Kushina, what were she and Minato-sensei doing now? Rin had heard from the redhead herself that they were expecting a baby, and she wanted Rin to help with the baby. She wondered if the baby had Kushina's hair and Minato-sensei's smile or maybe it was the-
"Here you go." Hana shoved the strawberry ice cream in front of Rin's face, disrupting her thoughts.
Rin looked at Hana who was licking her chocolate ice cream, "Um thanks? But how do you know my favorite flavor?"
Hana looked at Rin with a deadpan expression, "I think the whole school knows by now, you practically gush at everything strawberry themed."
That wasn't true, sure Rin might have been excited about the new strawberry themed week, but she did not gush over everything. Strawberries were delicious...and if she had a strawberry plush, nobody needed to know.
"I don't gush over everything, I think you're over-exaggerating my whole 'strawberry obsession'"
"Tell that to your fan club, I think they built a shrine of you and strawberries," Hana turned back to licking her ice cream, "It's like a whole room dedicated to you, it's freaking weird."
"Hey, I'm sure they're just...happy about the strawberry week too?" Rin stammered out a weak explanation.
"You go believe that."
After Hana left the playground, because and Rin quotes 'I'm studying for the math test' which was balderdash! Hana was easily one of the smartest kids in the school, she didn't need to study for anything. And when she did study, she got extra credit when there weren't any questions for extra credit. It was complete barnacles!
But this gave Rin more time to think about her past life. Like what about Kakashi, Minato, and if she gave up adding honorifics after their name, who would go tattle on her. She was in a completely different world for Kami's sake! And it wasn't like there were any Yamanakas to dissect her mind just to find out she wasn't using honorifics on her teachers and friends. Holy shi-guacamole!
(almost cursed right there, Rin you got to be child friendly, remind yourself of the children, the children. Don't contaminate the children with foul language, be a child-friendly person.)
What if someone from the Elemental Nations came to this world too? Rin started fantasizing about the possibilities of that. But she came to her senses and shook her head. The chances of her coming into contact with another person from the Elemental Nations, especially someone she knew were low. And even if someone came, they could be from Iwa or Kiri! Or they already here, and don't know about each other because they live on the opposite side of the world! Kami this was frustrating, it was like you suddenly realize that there's an exact same person doing the exact same things you're doing except you don't know where they are because Earth has a Sugar-Honey-Ice-Tea ton amount of people on it!
And even if they found a person from the Elemental Nations, what were the chances that the government were going to reveal it to the public. Like, are they're really going to go like, "Oh hey we just found evidence of a whole new world, and our only piece of evidence is this slightly deranged child...teen...something...humanoid?"
Yeah, Rin thought so.
"You look like shit."
"Hana, language, there are impressional children here!" Rin reprimanded sternly at Hana, "We don't want to corrupt them to be like you."
"What do you mean, there aren't any impressional children, they're brainwashed by you." Hana looked at her dead in the eyes.
"You shouldn't say that about them, their feelings could be hurt!"
"Their feelings? I don't think they have any feelings left. They're practically a robot."
Rin stopped walking to look at Hana, "You think you should be talking? You sprout dictionary facts like an encyclopedia all the time."
"Do I look like I can build a shrine in a day?"
"Yeah, that's right. "
"So, do you want to go to the park?" Rin asked Tsuna, "We could play your favorite game, hide and seek."
Tsuna turned hesitantly, "Is the dog going to be there?"
"The dog?" She tilted her head. "What dog?"
"The big dog."
"The big dog?" Rin asked with visible confusion in her eyes, there weren't any dogs in the area. "Where was the big dog?"
He pointed at Matsuda-san's house, which Rin knew owned a really cute chihuahua named Rui. "You mean Rui?"
"Mm-hmm," mumbled Tsuna.
"The small tiny dog who is like eight inches tall?" Rin paused patting Tsuna's hair, which was even fluffy, was that even possible?
"He scares me," Tsuna curled himself into a ball. "I don't like him."
"Tsuna, Rui isn't even here, he's gone to the vet," The blonde had to keep herself from laughing but she couldn't help it, "Haha...haha-"
"It's not funny!" Tsuna tried to look angry but it wasn't working because his hair was just so poofy and fluffy, and his cheeks just looked so squishable. "I'm serious, stop laughing!"
"Haha...ha, its just...haha t-too funny!"
"Stop laughing!"
Rin paused for a second to look at Tsuna, she thought she caught his eyes turn orange. But the sun was bright today and it could be a trick of the light too. Or was it the strange fire chakra she has? Does Tsuna have it too? Then how did he get? This just opened up a whole lotta questions for Rin to find out.
Thanks for everyone that followed, favorited, or reviewed this story. This was a wild week so far, a lot of bad things happened to me, but I'm recovering :)
TekoloKuautli- Thanks, Hana has invaded this chapter too!
Melany shiro- I don't think I'm going to do that, it's just that I really like Hana as this sarcastic child and I don't want to add her being a reincarnated person to the mix.
And a quote to keep you laughing, "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us." -Bill Watterson
– Bill Watterson