
A Kyle & Smmer story before the K*la affair.

"So," Kyle started. "How's it going with your girl?"

Billy glanced up. "Things are great. They are better then they have been in years. I'm so happy."

"Good. I know how bad you wanted her for so long," Kyle replied.

Billy chuckled. "It was an ongoing battle, but this last month with Vick has been amazing. How's your divorce going?"

Kyle dropped his pen on the folder. "It's—it's happening." He looked at Billy. "I feel like a giant asshole for what I did to Summer."

"It definitely wasn't the nicest thing, but you can't help who you love. If you love Lola, you love Lola," Billy replied. He studied Kyle's face. "Unless you don't?"

Kyle sighed and shook his head. "I—I do, but—"

"But you love Summer too?" Billy guessed.

"Yeah," Kyle replied, rubbing a hand over his face. "You have any advice? I know you've been the center of a love triangle before."

Billy chuckled. "Unfortunately. You can care about both of them, but there will always be one woman that you love more and would do absolutely anything for. In my case it's Vicki. What I had with Phyllis was never meant to be for two reasons. One, we just made each other worse and two, I always loved Victoria more."

"I loved Lola a lot," Kyle expressed. "We had fun and she's so driven and kind, but before her accident we just fought and we were way too different." He leaned back in the rusty red leather chair. "But with Summer...she's beautiful, smart, so kind to Dina, she keeps me on my toes and I can be myself with her."


"But she hurt me before," Kyle sighed. "And I really hurt her and I really don't think I could make up for it if I tried."

Billy smirked. "It sounds to me you already know who's your endgame."

Kyle gave him a look. "You are way too old to be using that term."

"Hey, it got me back the love of my life so it obviously works," Billy retorted. "You're an Abbott Kyle, we are messed up, but it's pretty clear that you still love your wife and you might regret leaving her."

Kyle nodded, smiling at the picture of her on his phone. "Thanks. I really didn't think talking to you would help me." He stood.

"Well, I'm going to ignore the sarcasm and take the compliment. You gotta make up your mind. No man can have two women and if you string them both along you're going to lose the one you really want. I have first hand experience with this."

Kyle gripped the door handle. "I'm going to go talk to Lola. Wish me luck."

"Good luck! I hope you don't get hit by flying pasta or a flea market purse," Billy said.

Kyle laughed in response.

He moved to the hall and stopped at the elevator that to his disappointment wasn't working. He sighed and moved to the stairs. He pushed open the door, staring at his phone. He was so conflicted. He had to tell Lola that he was denying his feelings out of fear of being hurt, but he wanted to hurt. Hurting felt so good with Summer.

He bounded down the stairs and glanced up. He froze in place, his heart stopping and his fingers quit texting. The phone dropped and tumbled down a few steps. He wasn't seeing what he thought.

Summer was unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. He swallowed. "Summer?" She didn't move and he jumped down to her level, not caring about the impact his knees took.

"Summer? Summer?" Kyle asked. He cupped both his hands on her small face. "Summer? Hey? Can you hear me?"

He moved one hand to her neck. "Please. Please. Oh thank god. You're okay baby. You're going to be okay." He gripped her small hand, leaning back to grab his phone. He dialed for assistance, pressing his phone to his ear using his shoulder.

"Babe? Summer?" Kyle asked again. "Hello. I'm at Jabot Cosmetics. My...my wife fell down the stairs, she's unconscious...please I need an ambulance now. Okay. Thank you. The north stairwell. Hurry!"

He let his phone fall, leaning over his wife. He brushed his hand in her hair. "Hey, Summer it's me okay? I'm right here. Your husband who needs you. If you can hear me I need you to hold on. You're going to be fine. You have to be."

He feathered a kiss to her hair. "I love you Summer. I love you. You're my badass, funny, adorable snowflake who I want to spend the rest of my good and bad years with."

"You son of a bitch!" Nick thundered. He grabbed the collar of Kyle's shirt. "I'm going to kill you! What'd you do to my daughter!"

"I didn't do anything," Kyle replied. "I mean, not with this. I found her, she must've tripped. I never wanted her to hurt like this!"

"Maybe you didn't hurt her physically, but you broke her heart!" Nick raged. "She gave up apart of her liver for your ex who you cheated with on my poor daughter! All Summer ever did was give a damn about your poor excuse of a life."

Kyle nodded. "I know. I know and I never deserved her. I love her so much and I made huge, colossal mistake. I can't apologize enough for that, but I can be here for her. I'm her husband still and I'm going to be with her."

Nick was about to rebuttal, but Nate walked out. He approached the two.

"How is she?" Kyle asked. "She's okay right? Giving you hell probably."

Nate sighed. "She hit her head, but that isn't the problem. Summer didn't trip down the stairs. She passed out from her liver failing."

Kyle felt his heart drop to his stomach. "What? But, she was okay. She was recovering well...how could that...what does she need?"

Nick glared. "You're telling me because of what she gave up, she's in the hospital!"

Nate nodded. "She's in critical condition and we medically induced her into a coma. I wish I could tell you two she'll live, but I don't know. I'd prepare for the worse."

Kyle gripped onto the doorframe. "Okay, Dr. Hastings, with all due respect I don't think we are talking about the same person here. Summer, my wife is the strongest, bravest, most stubborn woman I have ever met. She is not the woman you are saying she is. She isn't vulnerable, frail or weak so you go back into that room and comeback when you have accurate information."

Nick glared at Kyle before looking at the ground. "I gotta call Phyllis." He looked at Kyle. "Don't you dare go near my daughter. You've done enough." He walked off.

Kyle pressed his head against the wall, slowly sinking down to the floor.

"You bastard!" Phyllis screamed, slapping Kyle hard across the face. "You manipulated my daughter into giving up a piece of her vital organ for your cheap, whore of girlfriend and now she's dying!" She slapped him again and then hit against his chest.

Kyle took it because it was all true. Nick grabbed Phyllis to stop her. "Shh. Don't waste your breath on him."

Phyllis stared at him, tears in her eyes. "Are you happy! Are you happy now!"

Kyle shook his head. "I love her Phyllis. I know I hurt her and I can't fix that but she's my wife whether you like it or not and I need to be with her. Phyllis, she loves me for some odd reason and maybe if I'm with her she'll comeback. Please. Please let me save my wife."

Nick rubbed Phyllis's shoulder. "I hate that he's right Phyllis. Summer still loves his ass and he could give her the will to live."

Kyle looked up imploringly. "Please. The minute she makes it through this I'll be out of your lives forever, but until then...please. I want to be with her."

Phyllis moved her hand towards the hall. "Fine, but if you upset her...you do one thing to hurt her...I'll kill you."

Kyle finally willed himself to look at her. "Baby, what have I done to you?" He picked up her small hand and wrapped his larger one over it. "I can't apologize enough for hurting you Summer. There are no words, there are no actions. I can't Excuse how I treated you. I love you so much Summer. I always have and I always will. You're it for me. We are meant to be and I'm a fool for denying it."

He pressed his lips to her hand. "I don't know what I ever did to deserve you sometimes. You love me for who I am. You even loved me when I gave you absolutely no reason too. Summer you are my wife and everything I said to you in those vows I meant them. They weren't for Lola, they were for you. I was on my way to tell Lola I couldn't be with her. I was going to beg you for another chance. Snowflake, I want to tell you how much I love you and I want you to hear it."

He held back tears. "The doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. You are going to make it through this because that's just who you are. You are stubborn, brave and so beautifully outgoing. You're going to wake up and I'll be right here, as your husband."

He rolled his stool closer and rested his head against hers, moving his arm around her body. He ran his fingers over hers. "I'm sorry I caused this. I love you so much Summer and it took me too long to realize it. Come back to me baby. Comeback to me."

"Miss Summers?"

Phyllis looked up, her eyes narrowing. "What are you doing here?"

Lola offered a smile. "I heard about Summer. I'm really sorry and I figured you could use some coffee." She offered the cup.

Phyllis grabbed it and threw it in the trash. "Don't play all sweet and innocent Lola. You claim such a moral high ground yet you wanted to lose your virginity to a married man. You hurt my daughter and you are just as much to blame for her being here! You're alive because of her."

Lola looked down. "I know. I owe Summer a lot, but she manipulated Kyle to marry her. She should've been smarter than to marry my man."

Phyllis stood. "Get the hell out before I break every single one of your five star cooking, life ruining, cheap fingers."

Lola shook her head. "I see where Summer gets her vindictiveness from."

Phyllis slapped her. "You little bitch."

Lola gasped, holding her cheek. "Oh my gosh. I'm looking for Kyle. We have a date."

"He's with his wife," Phyllis replied. "You should see him Lola. He can barely function right now. His heart is breaking over the woman he loves. Princess, I think you lost your virginity for no good reason because that man in there is devoted to my daughter. Go see for yourself."

She walked off and Lola shook her head. She was lying. Kyle clearly loved her. She sauntered down the hall and peered behind the curtain. She paused, watching Kyle. He was cuddled close to her, just looking at her in a way Lola never saw before. He reached over and kissed her cheek.

"I love you."

Lola felt her cheeks burn red. She bursted in. "Kyle?"

He looked up shocked and concerned. He glanced at Summers calm face. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on her and you. How is she?" Lola asked. She fought the urge to be rude about it. She acted all sweet.

Kyle didn't even look at her. "She's stable I guess."

Lola nodded, holding her arm. "Listen, you've been here for hours. Why don't we go grab some coffee—"

"No," Kyle said. He looked over at his wife, kissing the side of her face. He whispered to her that he'd be right back. He moved away from her reluctantly . He walked outside the curtain, dragging Lola with him.

"You shouldn't be here Lola," Kyle whispered. "She doesn't need this."

"What about what I need?" Lola asked.

Kyle looked at her surprised. "What you need? Lola, she's critical because of what she did for you. I have to be here for her. I'm her husband."

"Now you're her husband?" Lola asked.

"I've always been. I'm sorry, but my wife needs me. I need to stay here. I love her. I need her."

"Kyle you only love her because you feel guilty and she's tolerable unconscious. The minute she's okay you'll want me."

"No I won't," Kyle replied. "Before I found her I was on my way to break things off with you. Summer is my girl. She loves me for who I am and doesn't treat people the way you do. You need to leave and don't comeback to this hospital or around Summer. Bye Lola."

Kyle was at his wits end. He didn't know how to help her. He sat in the chapel, staring at the large cross. "I know I messed up. I am a horrible person and I know that, but please don't punish me by taking her. Summer has a huge future ahead of her...she's smart, vibrant and the most driven woman I've ever met. She contributes to this world like no other person so please, I'm

begging you, don't take her away from her family. They need her. She needs to have a great life filled with the love and happiness."

He wiped his tears. "I love her so unbelievably much, more than I thought was possible. This Love is eating me alive and I finally understand it. So if you gotta take a life, take mine. I hurt Summer so it's only fair I pay for it."

"I don't think that's how it works," Billy said, walking up the aisle.

Kyle turned. "It's worth a shot."

Billy nodded and sat next to Kyle. "Your dads on his way back from his vacation. Since he's not here...I guess I can be here for you."

Kyle nodded. "Thanks." He glanced at his hands. "I hate loving someone this much."

Billy chuckled. "It sucks doesn't it?"

Kyle sighed. "This is how you feel about Victoria isn't it? You'd do anything for her?"

"Yeah. I would," Billy answered. "I don't know what'd I do if I was in this position."

"You were before," Kyle reminded. "When she was in prison."

"That's true," Billy sighed. "You feel really helpless when you can't help the woman you love. I know I did and I would do anything it took to make sure Victoria was okay."

"And you did. You broke her out of jail and stashed her at the cabin," Kyle teased.

"Yeah I did do that," Billy replied. "And it didn't turn out the best, but I don't regret it. I wish I could've protected her from JT that night, but I'm happy she's okay and he's in prison."

Kyle rubbed his wedding band. "Do you ever think about what would've happened if Victoria didn't survive that night?"

Billy shook his head. "I try not too because it makes me feel physically sick, but it's hard not too. That night I realized something and that was that I was in love Victoria more than I thought I could be. It took almost losing her to realize I was going to fight to win her back and I did."

"What if I lose Summer? What if she dies? I don't know what I'm going to do Billy. The last things I said to her were horrible and can't let those be my last words. I can't live with myself if she dies because of me," Kyle whispered, his voice breaking.

"Kyle, we are talking about Summer here," Billy reminded. "She's stubborn and not to mention Phyllis's daughter. She clearly loves you. She'll be okay."

Kyle wiped his eyes. "Thanks for the talk. I'm going to go see her." He paused. "Do me a favor, tell Victoria how much you love her. You don't know if you might never get the chance."

"Summer?" Kyle whispered. "I brought you something." He pulled the ring out of his pocket, sliding it onto her finger. "That's the symbol of my undying love for you. Please Summer I don't want to lose you. It'll kill me. Guilt is eating me alive. Wakeup babe. I need you."

He rested his head against her stomach. "Please let me prove to you I can be the husband you deserve."

He felt a familiar soft touch against his head. He reached up and gripped her hand, he sat up fast and stared at her pretty face.

"Kyle?" Summer whispered.

"Oh my god," Kyle smiled. "You're awake. Baby." He leaned forward and kissed her lips, pressing his forehead to hers. "Thank god Summer."

She swallowed. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry," Kyle cried. "I'm so damn sorry. I love you. I have always loved you. Baby it's you. I don't love Lola. Frankly, she's a bitch. Summer, you drive me up the wall, but I am so fantastically in love with you that it hurts. This feeling is love and It's miserable babe. Miserable, but that's what love is. You fight. You love. You make each other better. You make each other crazy. You are my wife and I'm an idiot for thinking I didn't love you because I do, in a way that makes me what to explode. Be my wife, continue being my wife."

She smiled. "That was a lot, but I love you too. In all the crazy ways. I will be your wife."

"Kyle," Summer sighed. "I'm not going to break."

"Not taking any chances," Kyle replied, lifting her up, into his arms.

She sighed. "You are impossible."

He kissed her. "Maybe, But after that hell we've

been through I think I deserve to be this way."

She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. "I won't argue that."

Finshed. Drop a review if you want more Skyle content. ;)