AN: Much like Crios Cath before it, don't expect this to start for quite a while, though the wait probably won't be as long as Crios Cath's was.

The camera pans through various shots of ruined or overgrown areas of Crios Cath, notably a collapsed Tomb of Shame, the Nialasach Ruins, and the camps of both Team Ebisu and Clan Cyfrwys, clearly now home to the fauna of the island. All the while, Chris McLean narrates.

"Hud Hynafol… Ancient Magic… Such supernatural power was once prevalent among the natives of Crios Cath, and among this island's many ruins, some of them created simply by last season's cast, the island's trilogy is about to come to a close."

The camera focuses towards a small cottage in the Cloch Mountain Range. The smoke rising from the chimney makes it clear that a fire is burning inside. It's a warm home, though it's location also gives it an ominous feeling, being located in such treacherous terrain.

"Diviners of the time used ancient signs in the stars to determine the futures and pasts of all who visited them. And this will be the name of the game this season. Two teams of eleven players each will find themselves stranded among the ruins of Crios Cath, the first human life this island has seen in quite a while, and will have to make do with what their predecessors have left behind for them, assuming anything still works."

The camera zooms in towards the cottage in the mountains, and changes to reveal Chris sitting at a table, behind a crystal ball, with twenty-two cards laid out in front of him.

"These are the Major Arcana of tarot cards." He explains as he gestures to each one's star-motif backside. "At the beginning of this season, each of our twenty-two newbies will be dealt a specific card. With each one comes both a special Total Drama advantage that may be invoked only once at any point throughout the game, as well as a hindrance specific to that card. The players will not be allowed to show each other their cards unless they specifically are invoking that card's ability, so they'll have to take it on faith that their competitors are being honest about the card they possess, if they say one way or the other at all."

The camera shifts back to the Ionad Desert, where Chris is standing in the middle of the bonfire pit. "Teams will once again compete in challenges for immunity, and the losing team will be sent here to the Tine Naofa Bonfire Elimination Ceremony, where one of their unlucky members will find themselves voted out of the competition, and be forced to trudge the Sands of Shame…" Chris pointed towards a path of sandstone that had been laid out in the sand, "which will lead them straight towards the Loser Lounge! A ramshackle conglomeration of huts among the interns' tents, cut off from the rest of the island! Who has what it takes to adapt to their own personal setbacks, which contestant is the star-chosen child, or can any of them defy the odds and carve their own fate? Find out, right here! On Total! Drama! Hud Hynafol!"

Application(I'll put it on my profile too):

IMPORTANT: ONLY PM THESE, include your OC's name in the subject of the PM as well so I can find them easily later.

Character Name:

Character Sex:

Character Age(16-18):

Character Sexuality:

Character 'Label' (Like how Hubert from Zero Sum is 'The Detective' or Oswald was 'The Gentleman Thief'):

Character Appearance(nothing too descriptive, just short and sweet):

Character Background(once again, not too descriptive, just short and sweet):

Character Audition(This is important. This audition will determine whether I want to interview your character or not. Put everything you have into this audition. Just saying "please choose me" doesn't count):

Cast (no priority will be given, no spots will be saved, I accept or deny as they come in. If you want to be accepted, put a lot of effort into the character application):


1: Joshua Levinsworth (submitted by The Great Fantaman)

2: Yannick Wheeler (submitted by ThorBringsTheThunder)

3: Vincent "Rocket" Van Hook (submitted by PRAKNASTY)

4: Cameron Bats (submitted by BlindmanV2)

5: James Alvera (submitted by Solaris321)

6: Seth Grayson (submitted by GirlPower54)

7: Jaime Blanc (submitted by szenkinmaciej)

8: Jared Monuel (submitted by Candela Monsoon)

9: Dan Vesus (submitted by Isaiahchambers750)

10: Alexei "Alex" Rivera (submitted by Writer8543)

11: Ulysses "Vergil" Vergilius (submitted by Epifanio Therion)


1: Bella Lykos (submitted by lacrimanightmare)

2: Marisa Campbell (submitted by Omakin)

3: Janet Richardson (submitted by I am a fish)

4: Helena Browning (submitted by Dogtimus)

5: Hailey Weatherford (submitted by Lady Vira)

6: Gabriella "Gabby" Garcia Martinez (submitted by JackHammerMan)

7: Morgana Kademan (submitted by ninjedi)

8: Katarin "Kat" Tolstoff (submitted by decoy73)

9: Emily Sturges (submited by keyblademaster avenger)

10: Saino Terazawa (submitted by 1Glimmershine)

11: Faith Ravenwood (submitted by Lady Ravensblood)

The Major Arcana Cards:

0-The Fool

1-The Magician

2-The High Priestess

3-The Empress

4-The Emperor

5-The Hierophant

6-The Lovers

7-The Chariot


9-The Hermit

10-Wheel of Fortune


12-The Hanged Man



15-The Devil

16-The Tower

17-The Star

18-The Moon

19: The Sun

20: Judgement

21: The World