Author's Notes
This starts out a strong M but will move into E territory later on.
If you are just here for the pleasure and have not read the other stories.
Quick recap, Natasha and Peter are in love. She has Spider Powers due to the Black Spider, another Romanoff via the Spider-verse.
That should cover what might confuse you.
About a week before Peter's 18th birthday. Natasha started to look for places they could get away. She wants at least a weekend with him all to herself.
FRIDAY seeing what she's looking for brings up an address. "What is this?"
"It is Ms. Potts summer home. She purchased it not long after she and boss moved to New York, for when she needs to get away from what she calls 'his craziness.' She has not used it in a while. Would you like me to ask if she would let you use it?"
"Sure can you tell me more about it?"
As FRIDAY asked Pepper about Natasha using the house, she also told Natasha some of the features. Small private beach. The house as large and spacious most of the residence only spend part of the year there.
"Ms. Potts has requested to know why you want to use it."
"Is she busy?"
"No, in fact she is on her way to you."
As if by magic, Pepper stepped into the door frame.
Natasha left her office door open.
"So, romantic weekend getaway?"
"I figured as much. I think it would be a great place. In fact most of the neighbors are not there right now. The privacy was the biggest reason I got the place."
"How much access does FRIDAY have?"
"She monitors the exterior but I wanted to be away, so there is a intercom system that you have to press to talk to her. She doesn't monitor beyond that." Pepper figured that Natasha wanted privacy with Peter without the all seeing eyes of the AIs. "When do you want to use it?"
"Next weekend."
"So after the party?"
"Yes, he and I can ride down on Saturday and come back Monday or Tuesday. Barring any world ending problems."
"I can have the usual company come in and air it out and stock the fridge if you would like."
"I assume you trust them?"
"Tony went over the crew with a fine tooth comb. It's all done anonymously so they don't know who owns it and who will be staying there."
"Then yes please, how much do I owe you for it."
"It'll be a present for Peter... and you."
"Thank you."
"You make him happy, and he makes you happy. That's all I want for you both."
"Well, that takes care of that. Maybe I should get some lingerie."
"You could, but something tells me he won't notice what you're wearing. Save it for another time."
"Spoken like someone who knows."
"I do." Pepper didn't need to elaborate further.
"We still have a cruising bike downstairs?"
"Yes, it needs a tune up, but it runs. Also I have contacted the company to go do the cleanup and restocking. They have informed me it will be done by Friday."
"Thank you... Oh FRIDAY, please ask Bucky if he will take the cruiser to the shop for the tuneup this week." Pepper said.
"Of course, I will make an appointment with them, when I find out the best time for sergeant Barnes."
That evening Peter stayed in her room with her and they held each other.
It's getting hard for them to keep their hands to each other, each morning they wake up with his hands and her hands in a very intimate places.
They have gone as far as some very heavy petting. She has found he's very into her breasts.
He likes to tease her about having a thing for his ass.
But it leaves them both aching and wanting more. Thank god there is only a couple of days left.
She's not sure why she is making them wait. There is no legal reason, but it just feels better for him to be 18.
When they are in bed, she is once again facing him they have spent several minutes making out. "Peter, we are going away this next weekend. Pepper has a place down in Delaware next to the ocean, that she said we can use."
She loves how his eyes dilate even farther. She can feel in other ways just how excited he is about. "Down boy, we still have few days."
"Natasha, you are killing me, I have never ached this bad." Peter said smiling, to let her know he's teasing her, but she knows it's true.
"I know, I'm aching to, but just think a few more days. Please hold out that long for me."
"As you wish, my queen." he playfully pouts.
She smiles tomorrow Bucky takes the bike to get the tuneup.
And she is going to surprise Peter Thursday night she's not waiting until Saturday. She is aching as much as he is.
They fell asleep quickly, they have been working out hard each day, just so they are worn out enough to sleep.
Thursday morning comes around and Natasha is about ready to climb the walls, without using her abilities.
He once again has his hand on her breast and is kneading it in his sleep. She also had her hand on his ass gripping it.
Now he doesn't get all flustered and try to bury his head in her shoulder, but he does stop which makes her have to stifle a whine.
She tried to leave her hand on his ass once just to see what he would do, he opened his eyes and smirked at her.
Then he put his hand back on her breast and started to knead it, he leaned over to kiss her and her jaw and nuzzled her neck.
She felt him silently chuckle and start to nibble on her neck. Getting progressively more, it took her a few minutes to realize he was going to give her a hickey.
She pulled back and pulled him in to kiss, when he looked sad then she pulled away. "No, hickeys."
With a smirk he said "yet."
This morning they get up and each took a cold shower in their own bedrooms. Then they go workout, after they go to his lab, he's finishing up a second revision of her web shooters. He also put the finishing touches on his back up suit.
She pulled him up for lunch, and he went to work with Tony in his lab and she went to help out Pepper. At dinner they all ate together. She can't believe how excited she is. She's not told anyone her plan for tonight.
To burn of some energy they go out and patrol for a couple of hours. She elects not to go to a separate area, she sticks close to him. He isn't complaining, but he is looking at her strange.
As it gets closer to midnight, she turns to him and says "Take your queen home." He smiles and wraps an arm around her and leaps towards the tower.
She loves when she's in his arms, even though they are both about the same strength level, he can lift a little more than her, but not much. She gets turned on by the power of his long lean muscles, she can feel in his body.
They get back to the tower Peter goes to his room to clean up, and she tells him they are sleeping in her room tonight.
She listens for him to turn on his shower. "FRIDAY, when Peter comes in, wait 5 minutes then start to softly play the playlist you and I put together. When midnight hits, please engage privacy mode, and let anyone that might think of disturbing us, before we come out of the room in the morning, that I will murder them in their sleep."
With an amused tone. "Understood agent Romanoff. I will make sure you both are not disturbed."
She quickly jumps into her shower and takes a little extra time to clean up.
She hears him come into her room as she finishes she puts on the same type of shirt and shorts she normally wears but forgoes the panties.
She doesn't wear her bra in bed, when he's there anymore.
She takes a deep breath and steps out, good he's already shut and locked her door.
She has to keep her mouth from watering when she sees he isn't wearing a shirt. He sometimes wears one but more often he doesn't, knowing she loves to run her hand down his abs.
She loves to watch him shiver when she does it.
A quick glance at the time shows they have time to dance to a couple of songs. She pulls him up, "dance with me."
He smiles, they hold each other tightly swaying as FRIDAY starts the first song on the list. They are kissing before the first chorus is finished playing.
"Natasha" he whispers her name so reverently that it goes straight to her core.
A few more songs, than as the forth song finishes FRIDAY quietly says. "It is now after midnight, privacy mode is engaged. Good night, and happy birthday Peter."
They dance to one more song then Natasha pulls out of his arms. "Peter baby, happy birthday, come unwrap your gift."
"What, you mean, we can, are you sure?" Peter is completely caught off guard he figured she might wait until tonight after the party.
"Peter, we both have been aching... but if you don't want..." She is cut off by Peter stepping up and kissing her hard.
He moves his mouth back slightly whispering "Don't you dare finish that statement... I love you so much."
He just gently grabs her shirt and lifts it over her head, she can feel the way his hands shakes.
This is the first time he's seen her topless, he wraps one arm around her as he leans over to start to nibble and gently bit one of her nipples which are rock hard, while his hand kneads her other breast.
He then gets down on one knee and kisses his way down her abdomen when he gets to her shorts he gently pulls them down.
His breath catches as he sees her sex. As he pulls her shorts down he leans over and kisses there, than he reaches his tongue out to taste her, it sends a shiver up her spine.
"Fuck, you are so beautiful." He whispers looking up at her his pupils are almost completely dilated.
"Come here, show me just how beautiful I am."
He stands she can see his leg shake, and feel his hands shake when he helps her onto her bed.
"I wanna taste you."
He then climbs on to the bed as well and crawls on his hands and knees to kiss her and then works his way down to her jaw and neck.
Gently biting and nibbling the sensitive spot on her neck that he has discovered in the last couple of weeks.
He moves down to kiss her collarbone. Taking one of his hands and kneading her breast while he starts to lavish attention on her other breast with his mouth and tongue.
She feels him use his abilities to stimulate the nerves in her breast and nipple she grabs his head with both of her hands and arches her back while pulling him down on her. "Fuck, baby I didn't know you could do that."
"That isn't all I can do." Peter whispers cryptically as he moves down to kiss her abdomen she also has noticed he loves hers as much as she loves his.
She can feel herself growing wetter as he gets closer.
"God, your scent drives me crazy." as he gets closer.
He gets between her legs and the thought of teasing her crosses his mind, but he can't, he wants to taste her so badly.
He knows it will drive him mad, more than her scent.
He has been dreaming of her scent, since that night on the boardwalk, he always wakes up hard and aching when she's not with him.
The thought of what she tastes like, has been on his mind for the last couple of weeks.
He takes few minutes to kiss her inner thighs then he lays his tongue flat on her folds and slowly licks up. Making sure his tongue brushes her clit the whole way.
"Fuck, Peter oh baby, oh god." Natasha cums right then, she has been so close to the edge since he whispered that he wanted to taste her.
His every move showed just how deeply he loves her.
She grabbed his head again and pulled him deeper into her. She can feel her ab muscles quiver.
As she starts to come down she can feel him still lapping her pussy, trying to get more of her juices.
She immediately feels herself start to crest again. "Fuck, Peter, don't stop please baby don't stop." her breath catches as she feels him put one finger, then a second finger as he moves to start gently nibbling on her clit.
She looks down to see him watching her as he continues to nibble then she feels him stimulate her G-spot and she feels her body seize up as she ride her next orgasm her body starts to quiver as he continues his assault on her pussy.
She looks down and can see he's smiling proud of what he did to her. "Stop, baby, stop, to much... come here. Fuck Peter" she is still feeling the aftershocks of the three orgasms he just gave her in less than five minutes.
He's proud he's made her speechless. He loves her taste. He slowly works his way back up to her, kissing and nibbling his way lavishing more attention on her beautiful breasts.
When he gets back up to her, he kisses her neck again nibbling on her sensitive spot and whispers "I love how you taste, as much as I love you." then he kisses her jaw.
He nuzzles her neck then whispers "I wanna be in you." she grabs his head and pulls him to her to kiss him. Their tongues dueling as she reaches down pull off his shorts.
He helps her, get his shorts down, then he kicks them off.
Her hand wraps around his dick.
He smiles when she moans at his size.
They break the kiss as she looks down, she had an idea of his size just on the number of times he's been hard, pressed against her. But it doesn't do it justice.
"I guess it's a good thing I don't call you little spider any more." She smirks at his inability to speak she has him in her hand. As she gently strokes him.
His head drops on her shoulder. "Natasha, please... I need..."
She can tell by his panting he's so very close. "Okay baby, let's get you taken care of." She is so damn close too, that they might just cum together.
She shudders with him when she rubs his head on her folds.
She looks up and whispers "Welcome home Peter baby." as she lines him up with her pussy, he takes deep breath and slowly pushes into her.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" He chants she can feel his whole body start to seize up. As he bottoms out in her.
His hands balling up the sheets. His arms are shaking like he is lifting that building off of him again.
Peter has never felt anything like being in Natasha, he has to concentrate to not cum right way.
He is so close.
Every nerve in the head of his dick is alight, she's sucking him in as he pushed into her.
"Peter, baby, you can move now." He can hear how tight her voice is, she is as close as he is.
He pulls out slowly until only the tip is in, then he pushes a little faster.
A few more strokes before he hears Natasha whisper his name he looks in her eyes and seeing the love she has for him, he falls over the edge.
Her name spills from his mouth as his seed shoot deep inside of her.
He feels her clamp down on him and his name spills from her lips.
They both fell together.
His head gently drops on her shoulder as he shudders the aftershocks of his orgasm. She can hear him whispering repeatedly "I love you... I love you."
"I love you to." Natasha whispers back she kisses him as he lifts his head.
She gasps as he starts to move in her again, he is still hard. He slowly pulls out and pushes back in.
He is panting again, he starts to kiss her jaw and goes for her neck, he moves to the other side of her face. He moved down to her shoulder just above her collarbone next to her neck. He starts to nibble and bite, then suck.
She knows that he's giving her a hickey but this time she doesn't care. She does moan when after, he lifts his head and looks at her and almost growls "mine" the possessive way he said it, shot straight to her sex.
She does moan when she feels something new, when he pulls out and pushes in she can feel him use his ability to stimulate her nerves around where her G-spot is. "Oh fuck, how are you doing that?"
Peter has his eyes closed he's concentrating on his ability, and to keep from cumming to soon, he wants to make her feel as good as she makes him feel.
He's never felt anything like this.
This is better than web slinging.
Very soon his thrusts start to get shorter and faster, he's almost there.
"Peter baby, look at me, let's fall together, I'm so close to." She can tell by his short thrusts and his breathing that he's almost there.
So is she.
He whispers her name as he explodes into her again, making her climax again. His name on her lips as well.
They both shudder as he pulls out of her. He then drops next to her. They hand entwine as she kisses the sweat on his brow.
He has one more surprise, when he looks at her with naked love whispering "моя любимая Natalia" (My Beloved Natalia)
She softly gasps, as she feels tears spring to her eyes, the way he says it. The reverence as he whispers her real name.
Peter takes his free hand and wipes the tears from her cheeks "I wanted you to feel what I feel every time I'm with you."
"Oh Peter, nobody has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. I never stood a chance, just when I think you can't surprise me, you do something that makes me love you even more." She leans over to him and kisses him softly. Trying to convey her feelings for him.
"I have to make sure you always know where home is." He takes her hand and places it against his heart.
"I know, trust me, I know." She leans over him as he lays on his back, he's still catching his breath.
"What do you want to do next?" Natasha asks curious as to what he has in mind.
"I want to watch you ride me. I want my queen, to do what she wants, to me."
"As you wish, мой любимый" (my beloved)
She strokes his member a few times getting it back to full hardness.
She softly giggles when she hears him say "Thank you spidery stamina."
Smiling she gets up and feels the pleasant ache from everything he did to her.
"Slide over a little, baby." she tells him, so she has room.
He complies and gasps as she gently grabs him and lines his sex up, with her entrance.
She slowly slides down his length. She loves the way he fills her.
She smiles as he balls his hands in her sheets and arches his back chanting "fuck, fuck, fuck"
It's her turn to show him just how good he made her feel.
She waits with him fully in her, just watching as he feels everything. She clamps around him, and smirks when he gasps and arches his back again.
His hands come up to her hips he grips them, and she smirks as she clamps around him again feeling the pleasant pain when he grabs her hard enough to leave hand prints. He takes his right hand and goes for her clit.
"No no, it's my turn." She grabs his hands and entwines them both with hers, she then starts to softly rock her hips back and forth.
She leans down and starts to nibble and bite than suck to give him a hickey on the other side, but same spot he did to her.
After she's done that, she looks him in the eyes and calls his name to make him look at her. With the same almost growl she says "mine" as well.
He just smiles and whispers "Always and forever."
Damn him for surprising her again.
She slowly rocks her hips, sometimes lifting up most the way then slowly sliding back down. His hands tighten in hers, she can tell he's close. She stops and just holds him in her.
"Your queen isn't done yet." She whispers into his ear when she leans over him.
"Yes, my queen." He says taking a breath to calm down.
She leans over to let him play with her breasts. She loves it as much as he does. His mouth and tongue attacks her breast as soon as they are close, putting all the passion of his for her in lavishing attention on them.
She slowly starts to move on him, back and forth and up and down. She waits until he starts to pant on her breasts then she stops.
She almost feels bad when he whines. She calls his name and when looks at her she leans down to kiss him, slowly moving again she swallows his moan.
She still has his hands in hers as she lays down on him moving their arms above his head he moans when she rests her breast on his chest.
They kiss as she slowly slides him in and out of her, careful to make sure he doesn't pop out.
She starts and stops a few more times. Each time she comes as close as he does.
Finally he can't take it anymore. "Please, my queen... I need..."
She can see he is so close, it won't take long, no matter what she does. "What baby what do you need?"
"You, Natalia... I need you, please."
"Of course, baby." She can't tease him any more. She wanted to extend the pleasure for them both. Now they are more than ready.
She lets go of his hands and fast as lightning he has his right hand on her clit and his left goes to her breast kneading.
His eyes are half lidded as he mouth goes back to her other breast, trying to touch as much of her as he can, trying to drive her pleasure.
She starts to move up and down faster, rotating her hips as she comes down on him.
It only takes a few thrusts when she feels him tighten up in and around her, as he releases into her, with a strained "Natalia."
She is falling just as hard, all that teasing she did to him, made it so much hotter for her she gasped out "Peter."
They both ride out the aftershocks, for several minutes as he feverishly kisses every place on her he can reach. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her tight against him.
He lays back down pulling her down with him. He shows no sign of letting her go. He has stopped feverishly kissing her. They come down slowly kissing basking in the afterglow.
Until he flexes his hips and feels another aftershock as he's still in her. He slowly pulls out, they are so sensitive they both gasp.
She gently drops her head on to his shoulders. "That was the absolute best sex I've ever had."
Peter looks at her, a slight frown and a hint of hurt in his eyes "That's because it was making love."
Natasha looks surprised, then smiles "Yes you're right, that was making love."
She can see he's slightly hurt. "Peter baby, I've never made love, I didn't think of it that way. However you are right that was making love. Thank you for showing me just how much better it is." She caresses his cheek and kisses his gently and deeply. Smiles as his hurt looks disappears. "I love you, Peter."
That made him happy. He knows it's silly, even stupid, it's just words.
But to him it has a much deeper meaning.
Sex is just something you do with anyone you choose, but making love is something you do with the one you love.
"I love you too моя любимая Natalia."
Both of them are too sensitive right now to go more. "Peter let's go take a shower."
They get up, and pull off the sheets. Nobody would want to sleep on any kind of wet spots.
They step into the show Peter asks "May I wash your hair?"
Natasha just nods, given his fascination of her hair she's not surprised.
He takes her shampoo and starts to rub it into her hair, he's so gentle and loving she sighs happily, something about having someone take care of her feels good.
The fact that is someone she loves and that loves her back, makes it that much deeper.
Peter takes his time, making sure to show his love with every motion of his hands. After he rinse it out he brushes her hair to the side, and kisses her shoulder and neck. Wrapping his arms around her from behind as the water cascades over them, the steam making the room almost as hot as they feel.
She turns so they are face to face, then she kisses him. She smiles when she feels his erection she gently wraps her hand around to stroke it.
He dropped his head on her shoulder shuddering. She starts to stroke him faster and his legs almost gave out on him.
"That's it baby, cum for me." Natasha whispers in his ear. He gave her several every powerful orgasm she wants to return the favor.
He shudders as she feels his dick twitch and cum spurts out to cover her waist.
They gently kiss some more as he comes down. She then takes some shampoo and washes his hair. She feels more then hears his purring since he's holding her against him. She turns him so she can rinse his hair out.
After he starts to kiss her and kneading her breasts. He doesn't stop there, he turns her to have her back to the water and lifts one of her legs to put on the ledge.
Knowing what he's going to do, she feels herself grew wet.
He has more than proven how good he is at bringing her pleasure.
He works his way down and starts to suck on her clit as he puts two fingers in her. Slowly sliding in and out.
She has to reach up to grab the bar to keep from falling. She is already almost there, he takes his mouth off of her clit long enough to say "Cum for me my queen." then as he goes back to using his tongue and teeth to gently scrape her clit he suddenly puts in a third finger.
That pushes her over the edge, he holds her up with one hand as her legs collapse and her hand goes to his head pulling farther into her. He still moves his fingers as he laps up her juices trying to make her orgasm again.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, oh god baby." He kisses and caresses his way back up to her.
With a smirk he says "You can call me your favorite subject, or Peter if you want."
She laughs, "smart ass." seeing he's about to speak she kisses him then moved her mouth back "Yes, you're my smart ass."
"You know me so well." he was about to say that. Knowing that he's ready he asks "Are you ready for another round?"
She can feel him in between her legs thick and ready. "I am, if you are."
He puts her arms around him and easily lifts her up she wraps her legs around his waist. He spread his legs apart to give a little more stability.
She leans back slightly to reach in between them, she lines him up with her sex. They both shudder as she sinks down on him once again.
He has one arm wrapped around her and the other is on the wall. She lifts and sinks on him moaning at how much he fills her.
He lavishing attention on her nipples with his mouth and tongue. One then the other. She pulls his head down, she starts to move faster her moaning and panting getting faster as well as his, he starts to rotate his hips as she sinks down on him.
They move faster as she grabs his head and kisses him hard as they cum together.
Their moans swallowed by the other. He's orgasm hit him hard he leans heavily on the wall. His legs shaking. Natasha isn't much better her core muscles are quivering.
As she slides up off of him they both shudder she stands.
Peter just holds her as his legs continue to shake. "Oh god."
Natasha smirking kisses him and say cheekily "No, I'm your queen."
Smiling at her teasing him. "Yes, my queen goddess."
"Hmm, queen goddess, I like that."
He takes the body wash and washes her taking time to caress every part of her.
She has never had her body, worshiped, it's the only way she can describe it. He touches and caresses every part of her.
Once he's done she rinses off and she returns the favor. She touches and caresses his body as well.
He rinses off and after the most erotic and enjoyable shower they've ever had. They step out and dry off.
"My queen goddess my I offer my humble bed for sleep?"
"I accept." they put on the same clothes they wore before. And walk to his room.
Once the door is closed she looks up "FRIDAY the same instruction applies here to."
"I understand. I will make sure anyone attempting to disturb you before you're ready will know your plan to end them in their sleep. Engaging privacy mode, good night again you two." FRIDAY said her amused tone plainly evident.
They both get into the bed and each very worn out, yet very satisfied fall asleep holding each other.
The next morning she wakes up with Peter spooning her, his hand under her shirt not playing with her breasts like she would expect him to.
His hand on her waist softly stroking her skin, with his thumb. He's kissing the back of her shoulder and neck.
She can feel his hardness pressed against her ass. She can't help the moan that comes out.
"Good morning my queen goddess." Peter's voice sounds very husky in the early morning.
"Peter baby, you're awake early."
"Yeah, I slept for a while but I kept thinking I would wake up and find this was all just a wonderful dream."
"It wasn't a dream, but it was wonderful." She covered his hand on her waist with hers entwining them. She shifted her ass and smiled when she heard him moan.
She turned around to face him, and starts kissing him not at all concerned about morning breath.
"Make love to me, Peter." she whispers to him.
With a bright radiant smile he says "As you wish my queen goddess."
He helps her to take off her shirt and shorts he leans back on his knees and just looks at her. "So, beautiful."
"Show me baby."
Peter takes off his shorts and crawls back up to her. She gently grabs and lines him up to her folds. He pushes in slowly. They kiss as he pushes all the way into her.
He pauses just looks her in the eyes.
She can see his love for her. "You can move now baby."
He pulls out almost all the way then pushes in slowly then repeats each time getting slightly faster. He bends down enough to lavish attention on her breast with his mouth and hand.
All the while thrusting in and out of her. She once again marvels at his flexibility.
She runs her fingers through his hair.
She arches her back moaning, when she feels him use his abilities on her breast and G-spot.
She pulls his head back up to her and they kisses as his thrusts start to get faster and shorter, she can feel he's close.
"Cum with me baby, I'm right there with you." She whispers in his ear
She feels his dick swell as she clamps down on him.
They both once again fall off the cliff together.
He gasps out "Natalia" as she moans "Peter."
He collapses onto her, she holds him, he's not heavy. She loves the comfortable weight of him on her. He pants for a minute kissing her neck.
She lifts her legs and locks them on his hips then she flips him so that he's under her. Somehow he still stays in her. She entwines her hands in his and starts to ride him.
It won't take long they are both still super charged from a few minutes before.
Rocking her hips back and forth she leans down so she can kiss him and nuzzle his neck.
She has no plan to extend it out like last night, there will be more opportunity this weekend to explore just how far they can go.
For now she just wants to give him the pleasure, he's been giving her.
She clamps down on him as she works her way up and down his shaft. He arches his back and tightens his hands in hers, as she does that.
She can tell his close she lets one hand go while she puts it on his chest for more leverage. His hand goes to her clit and he starts to use his abilities to get her there.
He is determined to not orgasm without her right there with him.
His playing with her clit is what pushes her over the edge first, followed closely by him, as she clamps down on him.
She lays down on him. Loving his moan when her breast press against his chest. "Definitely a breast man." she whispered.
He just smiles and shrugs. Which turns into his breath catching as she slide him out of her.
He pulls her close to him as they bask in the afterglow. "We need to get moving soon, baby."
"I don't want to leave this bed." Peter says his eyes closed
"I want to stay here to, but I think a few people might be disappointed to not celebrate your birthday. Besides we all weekend to stay in bed and play."
"Oh, yeah I forgot about that."
"You forgot?"
"Right now I'm having trouble remembering my name." Peter says with a smile
Smiling at him, "What do you remember?" she plays along with him.
"I remember you are my queen goddess and I have never ever felt this good."
"Well the first part is important, and the second is how I feel as well."
He leans up to kiss her as he says "Oh yeah I also remember the most important part... I love you. моя любимая."
"Good answer. Considering I love you to." Softly returning his kiss.
He looks at the time and sees they have a couple more hours to sleep. He reaches for his nightstand to press the button to talk to FRIDAY when in privacy mode. "FRIDAY please keep privacy mode on, but wake us up in a few hours."
"Oh course Peter."
They don't bother to put clothes back on, he pulls the sheet over their naked bodies and pulls her close to him, they fall asleep for a few more hours.
Not long before FRIDAY is set to wake up Natasha and Peter. Pepper and Tony walk into the kitchen.
"I'm surprised that they are not up already. FRIDAY will you wake the love spiders?" Tony said looking around
"Tony let them sleep." Pepper said.
"I'm sorry boss, but agent Romanoff left strict instructions that if they were disturbed before they are ready, she would murder the person in their sleep." FRIDAY said
"FRIDAY did she have you engage privacy mode after midnight?"
"Yes Ms. Potts."
"Are they still in her room?"
"No, they moved to Peter's room early this morning with the same instructions. They woke up for a little bit earlier then have fallen back to sleep. I am set to wake them in a little while."
"Okay, continue on as normal then." Pepper said smiling.
"I don't get it." Tony isn't as fast on his feet in the morning.
"She didn't want to wait until tonight to take the next step. So she waited until midnight and they did that. I'm guessing they moved to Peter's room instead of changing her sheets."
"Oh... that's my boy." Tony said with a smile.
Pepper just shakes her head. "Come on help me get breakfast ready. I suspect they will be hungry."
"I should hope so." Tony said with a smirk.
They slowly get breakfast ready. Soon Steve comes back from his morning run. Bucky joins second and Clint walks out of his room. Every inquired were the birthday boy is.
Pepper just said he's not up yet, and nobody will wake him.
Tony just smiled, after the first time he almost added something. Pepper turned to shut him up with a look.
He wisely holds his tongue, for now.
Not to much later. FRIDAY woke them both up. Natasha knowing that if they showered again together they wouldn't get done fast.
She tells him she will shower in her room and he can go see everyone first since it's his birthday. She promised she would be there soon.
They kiss for a while and FRIDAY tells her that nobody is looking down the hall after putting her clothes back on, she quickly heads to her room.
Peter showers again pulls the sheets off his bed. Putting on some clothes he heads to the kitchen. He moves a little stiffly. Having used muscles he doesn't normally use. He smiles at why he's sore.
"Petey, hey birthday boy, finally up? Did you have fun last night?" Tony knows he's going to get in trouble with both Pepper and Natasha for that, but it's worth it.
Not seeing a reason to deny it. He smiles and says "Yes, I did."
Bucky looks at the left side of his neck and shoulder and smiles. "I'll bet."
Peter blushes he forgot about the hickey she gave him, and the one he gave her. He felt a primal sense of pride that he had marked her. And that she had marked him.
After everyone wished him a happy birthday. He endured the teasing once Clint and Tony saw the hickey as well.
Steve just sat at the table and has a small happy smile.
Peter felt Natasha behind him a few seconds before she wrapped her arm around him put her chin on his shoulder.
Pepper just tells them both that their breakfast is ready. They both go sit at the island where Pepper sets down two big plates of food.
"Thank you mama boss." Peter says smiling at her.
"You're both welcome."
As she turns around to put stuff way. She says quietly only so the two enhanced spiders could hear her. "I assumed that after last night's activities, you would both need the energy."
She glanced over to see Peter blushing and Natasha trying not to smile too much.
Not long after that Carol and May came out of the elevator.
Carol had offered to fly May there, but May declined she's not as much of an adventurer as her nephew.
Peter gets off the stool to give them both a hug. They each saw the hickey but neither said anything.
Carol did look at Natasha as Peter was hugging May, and smirk at her.
Both women wished him happy birthday as well.
May asked Peter what his plan for today was.
"Only thing I plan to do, is go to the DMV and get my license updated and have the motorcycle portion added. I assume you all have the rest of my day planned."
He is correct. Natasha, May, and Pepper had planned out the day. They knew he was going to the DMV to get his license updated.
The party would be this evening. Everyone is coming. Including MJ and Ned.
They each head to different areas. May has to go to work for few hours. Carol drags Peter to the gym he had promised to train with her. She looks at Natasha and promises not to break him to badly.
Natasha went to her office to finish up some paperwork since she would be gone until at least Tuesday. She then went to the gym to watch the training.
Tony went his lab to finish 'wrapping' Peter's gift.
Steve and Bucky went to the gym to watch the training and help out.
Carol showed all four some of the stuff she'd picked up from other civilizations. Her favorite guinea pig is Peter, since he's fast and strong and likes a more hands on approach. She does each move on all four to get a feel for how it goes.
For fun she went two on one Natasha and Peter vs Carol. Not surprising to anyone Peter held back somewhat, but Natasha had no compunctions while Carol also only held back enough to not cause permanent damage.
In the end the two spiders got a lot of practice against an opponent that they don't have to hold back on.
And Carol got a very good workout.
They all went to clean up and eat lunch then Peter and Bucky went to the DMV on Bucky's motorcycle to get his license updated.
Peter aced the test. And with the certification, his motorcycle license was added to his updated driver's license.
To celebrate when they walked out of the DMV Bucky tossed the keys to Peter. "You drive."
Peter grinned and got on, Bucky got on behind him. They rode back.
When they got back to the tower. Natasha is waiting for them with the cruiser bike out.
When Peter and Bucky got off the bike. They both looked at her, wonder what she's doing.
"Come on Peter, we are going to take the bike for a test ride before we leave tomorrow."
Peter waited until Natasha was on and he got on behind her.
Unlike with Bucky he got close behind her.
She handed him a helmet, when he put it on he saw a boom mic inside he then heard her say these helmets are special with Bluetooth communication and GPS HUD's in the visor.
Connected to FRIDAY, and Karen in Peter's case.
He flipped the switch watching the system boot up until he saw a message from both FRIDAY and Karen that they were online.
Natasha started the motorcycle with a quiet rumble she headed out of the garage. Peter just enjoyed having his arms around Natasha.
She too is happy that it's just them and he's holding her close, but not distracting her.
Peter remembering the beach that Bucky had taken him to a few weeks before right after the boardwalk incident.
He directed her to the beach.
Enjoying how they can talk to each other normally on the road without having to shout, even with enhanced senses they still have to speak loudly and listen close, otherwise.
When they got here, she ask the significance.
He had just mentioned that he had been to this beach and wanted to see it again.
It was a long enough drive that they can get a feel for how it rides but still get back in time for the festivities.
"This is where Bucky took me after he taught me how to ride a bike." He told her, she sat with his legs around her and his arms around her middle with her arms on his. While she leans back against him.
They watch the waves crash against the shore.
She closed her eyes in anguish, remembering how much they were hurting at that time. How much she was hurting him.
Peter knowing what she's feeling, "Hey, I didn't ask you to bring me here to hurt you. I wanted you to see how far we've come since then..."
He moves her hair off her right shoulder and kisses just above where her hickey is fading, due to their enhanced healing. "Hey, it's all in the past. I just spent the most incredible night of my life, in the arms of the most beautiful woman in the universe. We are here now, that is all that matters to me. I love you моя любимая Natalia."
He smiled pull her closer to him, "Besides it's always Sarah that joins Chuck on the beach, and it seemed wrong if Casey was the only to be here with him."
She smiles at his attempts to cheer her up.
She has enjoyed watched the TV show Chuck with him and now she can see how, why he sees her as Sarah.
He is her Chuck.
Peter kisses his favorite sensitive spot on her neck as he continues "I also wanted to tell you that Bucky was right. We talked and he told me all you needed was time. That he had seen us both without our masks on, and knew you were falling in love with me. He told me, that I was helping the real you come out, and that she had been hidden for so long."
He nuzzled her neck, "I love both sides of you. Your black widow side that helped me kick Carol's ass today, and has taught me so much about how to protect myself and those around me, and your моя любимая Natalia side that tells me she loves me, and gave me a most incredible night, full of making love. Both of them are what and who, makes you, you and I wouldn't want you any other way."
Natasha just sat in Peter's arms thinking about what he said.
Eventually, "You bring out both sides of me, my black widow side at first saw you as my little spider to protect and train, now she sees you as her partner. Someone I can count on to have my back. The other side your beloved Natalia, she has someone who brings her out, who shows her through your love and caring, that the hard lessons she learned as a girl are no longer needed. That I can be her without fear of losing you."
She turned in his arms and gently pushed him down and laid on top of him as they kissed. They made out for little bit when both their phones went off.
FRIDAY sent a message that they would need to head back soon so Peter isn't late to his own party.
They laugh and make out for little bit longer. She then pulls him up and they dust each other off, each taking a little longer on certain body parts to dust off then others. Causing the other to smile, and maybe stifle a moan or two.
Eventually the make it back to the motorcycle, and start to head back to the tower.
Peter asks her what she has planned for this weekend.
Smiling, not that he can see it, she just says "I have a list of things for us planned, the rest we'll just have to play by ear."
They finalize a few details like when they will leave in the morning. How far they go before they stop, how long the trip will be.
FRIDAY provided a map on Peter's visor along with a couple pictures of the house and surrounding area. The same as she showed Natasha the other day.
"Nice a private beach. Within walking distance of a store and nice restaurant." Peter said looking at the pictures.
Natasha smiles, a few weeks back she had gotten a very skimpy two piece bikini, she had been looking for a place that had either a private beach or a pool. She can't wait to see his reaction to her in it. "yes make sure you pack some swimming trunks."
They reach the tower. Natasha parks towards the front since they are leaving in the morning.
They head upstairs and can hear the others to be quiet so they can surprise him.
He smiles and says he should climb around and surprise them. She laughs but says no.
He playfully pouts but allows her to pull him out of the elevator.
He does act surprised when the lights come on and every one shouts surprise. Clint had even gone to pick up his family.
He blushed as everyone sang happy birthday to him and watched as he blew out the candles.
Lila asked him what he wished for. Cooper was quick to point out that you can't say or it won't happen.
Peter smiled and whispered something in her ear that caused her to giggle. She then slider her fingers across her mouth like she was zipping them up.
Laura walks over to Natasha who is watching it with a soft smile. "What did he say to her?"
Not surprised that Clint would tell her, she has long ago proven as trustworthy as any other avenger. "He told her not to say anything, but since his favorite Lila was here, he didn't need anything else."
"He will make a great father and husband, one day." Laura added knowing about the changes in the relationship between Natasha and Peter.
Natasha doesn't have to say anything she already knows it.
Nathaniel who is currently playing with aunt May. Sees auntie Nat and runs to her. She bends down to scope him up. Playing with him, tickling and making him laugh.
She looks up and sees Peter watching her with a soft smile.
He then turns back and opens presents.
Cooper who loves space as much as Peter does, is fascinated by the pictures that Peter took with Carol when they went to the moon.
They don't know he's spider man yet, so FRIDAY doesn't show them all.
He stops watching when he hears Tony tell Peter what his present is.
He holds up a display box that has his moon rock in it. Both Ned and Cooper hurry over to see it.
Peter gets up and hugs Tony telling him thanks. He then hugs Carol who actually helped him to get it and thanks her as well.
When Cooper asks if he can have one for his birthday. Clint has to tell him no. Tony says that Peter has to keep the rock here because it's to valuable.
Peter tells Cooper he can come and see it anytime he wants to.
Several other presents were passed to Peter he opened them and thanked each person.
Soon they split into little groups talking.
The kids going around spending time with all their favorite aunts and uncles.
Some how Peter ended up with little Nathaniel in his arms as the child grew sleepy. He sits on the couch as Nathaniel has his head on Peter's shoulder.
He has FRIDAY play a movie when Lila come over to sit next to him.
"What's up cuz?"
"Nothing, much uncle Pete."
"Uncle, I thought I was your cousin?"
"You were but you're with auntie Nat now and that makes you our uncle."
Clint come over and stands by them. "Out of the mouth of babes... Let me take this one."
He picks up Nathaniel. He looks at Peter and says, "You are going to make a great dad one day."
Peter looks up and purposefully doesn't look over to where he knows Natasha is talking to May.
However, he knows that Clint can see he wants to look at her, based on his smirk. "I hope so, one day."
Clint just nods and carries his youngest off to the spare room next to his room were the kids crash when they visit.
"Come on lil I but you can't beat me in Mario kart." Peter said turning to Lila.
"You're going to regret that. I almost had you last time. And I've been practicing." she said grinning he has to play Lila and Cooper and Cassie every time they are here. "Ned, MJ Mario kart?"
Ned nods and steps away from Carol who is indulging Ned's questions.
MJ shakes her head no. She's talking to Pepper who is telling her about her thoughts on the state of women in business today.
FRIDAY has the game up and running before they get to the side room that had games and is setup for movie night. Carol walks in behind Ned as Peter and Lila argue about player one.
"It's Peter's birthday maybe he should be player one." Carol said
"Okay fine."
They each get a controller Carol even joins in since it's a four player game. They all tell her how to play. Which just causes chaos and laughter. She eventually 'gets' it and they start a random race.
It's close but Peter barely gets first place.
They play again and this time Lila gets first.
They play a third time and Ned who is as good as them used his turtle shells to get into first at the right time.
They play one more game this time just having fun and laughing and they randomly get picked for rainbow road.
Peter, Lila, and Ned spend so much time trying to beat the others they don't see that Carol got first.
At their shocked looks. She informs them that she's played the game with Monica they just assumed she didn't know how to play.
This time they tell Carol 'the sleeper' Danvers it's on. They play another round and it's all out war, with everyone trying to distract everyone causing chaos laughing. Nobody came in first.
Eventually everyone else come in and most stayed cheering at one point, they start to give others turns whoever is last, has to give someone else a chance.
Which cause them to do even more distracting.
Ned who gets last due to Peter's distracting him, gives him an evil smirk when he hands the controller to Natasha. She had been sitting next to Peter, laughing and having fun.
Peter looks over to see Natasha smirking as him, he knows he's screwed. "Oh shit" which causes the room to laugh.
They start the next game and Peter concentrates on not letting Natasha distract him, he comes in last without her doing anything to him.
He hands the controller to Carol who had been out for a few games. He smiled at Natasha. And sits back down, extra close to Natasha. Whispering "two can play at that game."
This time when the next race starts Peter just waits, he has his arm around the chair Natasha is sitting in. He can see she's eyeing him, but she is better at not being as distracted.
She came in third. So when the next race starts she's waiting for him to do something. Again he just sits back and enjoys the race, not making any moves or doing anything to her. She gets second.
Cooper gets the controller this time. From MJ who secretly loves to play but isn't as good, she spends more time reading unlike her two best friends.
The next race, Peter would shift ever so slightly when Natasha concentrating, she barely got third. She gives him an evil smile.
Peter just raises his head slightly in challenge. Not showing he's not sure what he will do next.
This time Clint got the controller from Cooper.
This race he slowly drops his arm down the chair, Natasha is leaning forward in concentrate. He feather lightly brushes his finger across her lower back. He does it at first towards the beginning to tease her. She shivers. Not taking her eyes of the screen she whispers "Revenge is a dish best served cold, honey."
He smirks even bigger, whispering back, "Then I guess I better make it worthwhile." as he caresses her back again with a feather light touch. Causing her to shiver again. He waits a while then brushes lower just below her back. She gets smart and leans back trapping his hand between her and the seat.
Peter is smart enough not to push it to much. Besides he's proved his point, he's not afraid to tease her even with everyone around. He gently pulls his arm out and puts it on the back of her chair.
For the rest of the race he doesn't do anything.
She still gets last. A last minute shell knocked her back. Clint had waited until just the right time to launch it.
With a sweet smile he doesn't buy for a second she hands Peter the controller. He has her get up and he moves to her chair then pulls her down to sit sideways, on his lap. He then wraps his arms around her to use the controller. Everyone else in the room just looks on in amusement.
"That wasn't very smart, baby." She whispered to him.
"I miss my favorite spot." He teased back to her.
"Yes, you in my arms."
She smiles, then leans over to whisper in his ears. "Flattery won't stop my revenge."
"I know."
he concentrates on the race. Natasha puts her arm around Peter and softly plays with the hairs on the back of his neck. At first he loses concentration and ends up last. But he really tries and just beats Carol for third place.
She hands the controller to Natasha and sits back down to watch the fun. She enjoys toying with them messing with Natasha and teasing Peter at the same time.
By now Lila and Cooper are sent to bed. They say goodnight to everyone.
Peter knowing the smart move is to quit before he's dead. He looks to Bucky, "Here, I'm know when I'm in trouble." he tosses the controller to him.
Everyone in the room laughs.
Clint says "Smart move Peter, what is the saying 'happy..."
Tony finished, "...super powered assassin, happy I get to live longer."
Clint nods laughing. "something like that."
Peter just wraps his arms around Natasha and whispers, "I yield to my queen goddess."
Natasha smiles and looking at him with his bright smile. "I guess I can let you live for now."
"My most humblest of thanks for sparing my lowly life my queen." Peter teases her.
She plays one more race, but even when he does nothing, just being in his lap and his arms around her distracts her. She doesn't care this is her last race tonight anyway.
She is looking forward to taking Peter to bed.
She is not disappointed that she comes in last. She gladly gives up the controller.
Pepper lets everyone know it's getting late and time to wrap it up.
Natasha gets up and pulls him up.
May says goodnight and goodbye to Peter and Natasha she's heading home.
Carol decides to ride back with May also says goodnight and goodbye.
Kissing Peter on the cheek, and giving him a hug.
Ned and MJ say goodbye as well. They are riding with May and Carol.
The rest say goodnight, and head to their rooms.
"My room or yours?"
"Mine, I assume you still need to pack? You do that then we can get some sleep." Natasha says, she changed her sheets and packed her bag while Peter and Bucky were at the DMV.
They head to his room. He still needs to put new sheets on his bed. He packs a few days clothes and not knowing what she has in mind, he checks with her. After having packed what she wants him to. They head to her room.
They strip and make love slowly for a while, unhurried and tender. Until they cry out each others names. They fall asleep wrapped in each others arms. Both have soft smiles on their faces.