In the harsh world of Remnant, there existed a power all creatures with a soul possessed. They were called Aura and Semblances. Some were powerful, some were not. However the most intriguing Semblances were ones that people inherited. The most famous of these inherited Semblances would be the Glyph's of the Schnee family. However, another, lesser known inheritable Semblance existed in the form of the Arc family, having acquired it after the joining of their blood with another family long ago.

This Semblance was about to change Jaune D. Arc's world. For better and for worse.

Beacon Academy was an experience for Jaune. One that had its up's and its downs (many, many downs) but an experience all the same. It was the a week since the end of the Beacon Dance and another day of classes. Sitting Combat Class, Team JNPR and their sister team, RWBY, were watching the current match-up between Ren and Weiss. The 'R' in JNPR was enthusiastically cheered on by his partner Nora, as well as his other two team members. The 'RBY' of RWBY tossed in their cheers for their team member too, with Ruby shouting so loud that Professor Goodwitch had to remind her to stay quiet.

Ren opened his attack with a hail of bullets that almost hit Weiss if not for her glyphs. The ice glyphs beneath her flared to life as she used them to weave out of the storm of fire coming from Ren. As Jaune watched their fight, he couldn't help but sigh slightly. While everyone knew how much he used to pine for Weiss's affections, he wasn't looking at her. No, today he was looking at those shining glyphs. Blue and black went out from her, her Semblance flaring as she fought with Ren.

While Jaune had been getting training from Pyrrha, for which he was extremely grateful, she couldn't do much with the fact that his Semblance was still unknown. It was another little failure that piled on the others for him, despite his partner assuring him it was ok ("You never trained in a Combat School Jaune, it's ok for you to not know what your Semblance is" she would say). Jaune didn't quite agree. Despite the gains he had made in fighting, he was kept leagues below his cohorts even beyond his lack of training. They all had their Semblances while he had an admittedly large Aura pool.

Jaune audibly sighed, though only Pyrrha heard it. "Jaune?" she asked in a tone that oozed concern. Her emerald eyes looked worriedly at him. "It's nothing" he said with the wave of his hand. "I was just thinking." Pyrrha looked as if she was about to contest him, seeing right through his lie, but the sound of Ren being eliminated turned her attention away.

The fight was close, but Weiss's glyphs had given her the edge over Ren that brought her to victory. Both teams cheered for their member as the class came to a close. As he stepped out of the class while standing next to Pyrrha. While she was concerned earlier, a quick reassuring smile from Jaune eased her worries as they walked together with Team RWBY as well as Ren and Nora. Jaune almost sighed again, but held it back to keep Pyrrha from worrying again. He didn't want to ruin the comfort of being so close to her. Not a chance he thought glumly. His infatuation with Weiss had long ended after he began to open his eyes to his own partner during the Dance. She was everything he wanted to be. Strong. Smart. On top of the world. He didn't deserve her and he was sure that he had no chance with her in regards to his feelings.

Heck, he wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to date him. He was loser HQ. The Head Honcho of the losers, even.

All the same, he walked back to their dorm room to prepare for Professor Port's class. As Ren and Nora entered, Pyrrha held his arm to keep him from entering. "Hmm?" he said, a confused look on his face. One look from her emerald hues broke his facade.

"It was just... Weiss and her Semblance. All of you guys really. I'm just... I wish I knew what mine was..." he said with a sigh as he came out and explained what was keeping him down in class earlier. Pyrrha gave him an understanding smile before putting a firm hand on his shoulder. The touch made his throat hitch.

"It's ok, Jaune. Like I said before. None of us think of you any lesser for not having your Semblance unlocked. You'll discover it in time." Her words were always reassuring, but he felt another wave of self-doubt. "I don't know if I'm able..."

Pyrrha didn't let him get away with that either. "You're much stronger than you give yourself credit for Jaune. Trust me. I. Don't put yourself down so much, I..."

She searched for the words to say but couldn't. She had so much she wanted to say, beyond just his lack of a Semblance and his self-doubts. Pyrrha wished she had the courage to confess her feelings but once again she failed.

Before Jaune could reply, the closeness between the partners making him nervous, his heart pounding, the voice of another girl broke them apart. The voice belonged to none other than Yang Xiao-Long, the blonde bombshell of an older sister to Ruby. "JAUNE!" she called out as Pyrrha and him broke away quickly. "Yea, Yang?"

"Why didn't you tell me your sister was going to be in Vale, THIS WEEKEND?" Jaune gulped as Yang questioned him with a hand on her hip.

There was another downside to being Jaune Arc. Besides the immense pressure of his warrior forefathers, one his younger sisters was a world famous popstar. "Oh!" he said meekly, realizing how he should have known Yang would want tickets from him. "Remember our deal, Vomit-Boy!" she teased. Jaune nodded as he gulped. One of his first memories of Yang was her almost throwing him across the room in excitement he revealed his younger sister was the Trish Arc-Una, lead singer for the hit new band Team Buccellati. It turned out that he entirety of Team RWBY were massive fans.

So they had come to an agreement that Jaune would get them tickets for concerts, early access to her newest songs AND autographed posters. Jaune was lucky that Trish was more than happy to oblige her big brother and his friends. "I'll call her tonight! I swear!"

Yang looked at him with her lilac eyes before nodding with a smirk. "Well you best be quick! Ruby has never gone to one live before and she's DYING to go. She even said she'd go a week without cookies! A week!" Yang sounded exasperated but both the Knight and Spartan understood. It must have been deadly serious if Ruby Rose was willing to give up her prized snack food.

Pyrrha tried to conceal a smile with her hand as Jaune rubbed the back of his neck. The nervousness of before had evaporated at least as they entered their dorm. "At least there are some girls who aren't totally head over heels for her music!" he joked to Pyrrha and Nora, the latter quickly agreeing with her leader. Pyrrha only chuckled as she discreetly hid her scrolls playlist of Team Buccellati songs.

Jaune Arc dreamed often of having a Semblance. In his dreams, he would be fighting alongside his team and with RWBY. As usual they would be doing acts of incredible power with their Semblances. Ruby was flying across the forest, cutting Grimm apart while Nora bounced from Beowulf to Beowulf with her hammer, her muscles emitting light electricity each time she crushed one. Each and everyone of them were incredible.

But unlike reality, in his dreams, Jaune wasn't useless. He could truly fight! And even better, he had his Semblance. In his dreams it was always vague. Some undefined power that made him crush his foes. At the end of his dreams, he would admit his feelings for his partner and she would reciprocate. They always ended with a kiss. It was bittersweet in a way. He knew she'd never return feelings for a loser like himself.

But tonight was different. While before his Semblance was vague and undefined, tonight it was very, very defined. Much like Ruby's, his dream Semblance changed his appearance lightly. On his forehead was something that felt heavy, something he couldn't quite tell. Unlike before, this wasn't some power-up, but something he didn't know to use, yet felt so natural.

As the same fight against the Grimm went on, Jaune looked to use his Semblance as before, but instead, he felt something move around him. His blond hair was no longer short, but long. It waved in front of his eyes and in it, he saw three Ursa come from the left clearing of the forest to attack Blake.

Shouting out to her in warning, Blake turned to see, as predicted, three Ursa coming from behind her. The same thing occurred again and again in the dream. His hair would show him future events without fail. They would always occur.

Even at the end, his hair showed him kissing Pyrrha, ten seconds before it occurred.

Then, Jaune woke up to the sound of an alarm. Groaning, the Knight rubbed his eyes slowly as he adjusted to his waking state. His hands found his sheets and tore them off his body as he rose to partake in his morning rituals.

Wake up. Shower. Brush teeth. Shave. Restroom. Clothes. Armor.

It was simple enough and it was something he had gotten into the groove of. It was monotony like this that made him feel like he belonged here for a short while. Jaune looked around to see his sleeping teammates. All three of them remained asleep, something Jaune wished he could be doing. His gaze lingered on Pyrrha for a moment longer, her sleeping face buried slightly into her pillow. It was incredibly cute, but made Jaune sigh again. Not a chance, Arc. Didn't you learn anything with Weiss? He scolded himself for thinking himself worth her affections.

As Jaune rose from his bed, he felt wobbly, like there was an extra weight on his shoulders. Yawning, Jaune tried to ignore it as he made his way to the shower of Team JNPR. Despite his best efforts, the extra weight remained. His forehead started to feel heavier, and there was even a slight itch. He wrote it off as nothing and grit his teeth.

When he stepped out of the shower, the feeling still did not go away. Even during it, the water that fell down his face felt odd. As if it was moving over something extra on his head. Jaune looked down and saw the very edge of a strand of his blonde hair.

Ren is going to enter the room in three seconds

Jaune didn't know why he knew that, but in that sliver of hair he saw Ren enter the room.

Then Ren entered the room. Jaune turned to look at him. On the face of Lie Ren was an open jaw, something the stoic ninja rarely showed. Jaune knew that and moved to ask what was wrong. "Ren? What's wrong?"

Ren lifted a finger that pointed to his forehead. The heaviness was still there but Jaune was focused on his teammate instead. "My forehe?-"

He saw it when he turned around and looked into the mirror. Embedded in his forehead was a face. It was pink, it's teeth bared and its eyes angry and green. Jaune exploded in a scream of horror and fell over backwards. Looking up at Ren, he saw in his hair once again, images. Rushing after Ren was Nora and Pyrrha. Each of them gasped as they too saw the face in front of them.

Then, just as he saw it in the hair, they came in and did exactly as he saw. "What's happening?" he screamed as he saw Pyrrha. She was looking shocked until she put a finger to her chin and slowly began to smile.

That was the last he saw before he passed out.

Jaune ended up waking up two days later. Initially he thought everything that had occurred was a dream, until Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch were there to speak to him, alongside his team.

He nearly passed out again when he explained that he appeared to have manifested a Semblance. Jaune couldn't believe it at first, until Pyrrha took a picture of his forehead with the pink face and showed it to him. "We believe, Mr. Arc, that your Semblance is the power of precognition" the Headmaster began to explain.

"Precog-whatsa?" Jaune asked confusingly. "It means you can see what will occur in the future before it actually occurs, Mr Arc." Jaune looked flabbergasted. A few days ago he was desperately wishing he had a Semblance, and now, he had one that sounded incredibly powerful! "Well... uh... what can I do with it, Professor?"

Professor Ozpin took a sip from his mug. "Well I have been told you have a knack for strategy, Mr Arc. It's no wonder your Semblance is one that lets you see the battle before it occurs." Jaune still looked apprehensive about this entire thing. "How long will I be staying here, then?" he said with a cough as Ozpin made to leave the nurses room. "Well, the nurse saw no reason to keep you here anymore, so I'd say you're free to leave."

Jaune felt relieved that he could leave already, jumping up from his bed to leave with his teammates. Nora was nearly exploding with questions for Jaune.

"Does it have a name? What else can it do?! CAN YOU SEE MY FUTURE?" she asked with utmost excitement, looking halfway towards Ren. "Nora" he said with a calming voice. "Jaune's just discovered his Semblance. It'll be a while before any of us know it's full capability."

Pyrrha nodded in agreement. "I suppose we'll have to add Semblance training to our routine, Jaune." Her smile was bright, excited even. Jaune felt his heart flutter slightly. "Yea. But uh, Pyrrha... I think I know one thing about how this thing works already." Jaune sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he took a breath. "It um, only shows me the future for ten seconds and uh-"

Pyrrha looked confused, as did Nora and Ren. "What is it Jaune?"

"I need to be looking into hair to see the future!" he whimpered out, resulting in Nora plastering the biggest grin he'd ever seen across her face. Ren hummed for a moment as Pyrrha held back a giggle. "It seems you need to grow out your hair then. I'd say for now, use Yang's."

Jaune groaned as Nora broke into even greater laughter and Pyrrha managed to get a "I'm sorry!" out through her giggling fit.

While discovering his Semblance was exciting, two things were nerve wracking for him. One, the fact he had to look into a girls hair to use his Semblance and two:

The angry pink face on his forehead showed no signs of going away yet.

It was going to be a rough few training sessions for Jaune Diavolo Arc.