Hey! I hope you're all staying safe! I'm sorry this has taken so long. Between COVID and writers block stuff has been wild. But please review and feel free to shoot me amy ideas for this story, I would love input!
"Leo. It's nice to meet you." Steve stepped forward and shook Leo's hand.
"You too Mr. Rogers, sir." Leo stammered.
Tony emerged from the kitchen where he had been setting take away containers onto the table, donning one of his armored gauntlets.
"Tony." Steve said sternly.
"Weapons away."
"Oh my God." Evie moaned as Leo shot her a panicked look, his eyes darting between her and the armored repulsor.
"Fine." Tony twisted his wrist and the gauntlet folded into his watch. He grinned as Leo's jaw dropped and extended his hand. "Tony."
"N-nice to meet you sir."
"Gonna hang up your coat and stay a bit?" Tony asked, gesturing to Leo's jacket.
"Tony." Steve scolded as he took the boy's coat.
"Can we eat." Peter interrupted. "The Chinese is getting cold."
Steve laughed and urged his husband over towards the table, Leo and Evie following in suit.
"Lo mein?" Steve asked, passing the container to Morgan."
"What's that green stuff?" She poked at a piece of bok choy with her fingers.
"Morgs. Silverware." Tony reprimanded with a scoff.
"But I don't want the green pieces." She whined, flicking a piece of cabbage off of her noodle.
"Eat around it?" Peter suggested, with a mouth full of egg roll.
"So Leo, how's school going?" Tony asked, turning and looking at the boy next to Evie.
"Good sir! I'm currently in AP calculus and physics."
Tony raised an eyebrow.
"Dad. Seriously?" Evie moaned.
"Any sports?" Tony asked ignoring his daughter.
"Not right now, but in the spring I do track and field."
Tony nodded.
"Tony." Steve said softly.
Tony continued to attack the young man with the impromptu interrogation despite the clear wishes of everyone else in the room. Soon Leo was sharing how he had stopped playing saxophone in 7th grade due to his utter disgust with the concept of a spit valve, how he had lip synced his way through the 5th grade choir concert and still had to live with the guilt, and how he hated Jane Austen's work and thought it was ridiculous that the curriculum had them reading at least one of her books each year.
"Dad!" Evie whined. She shot a pleading look towards Steve who continued to try to stop his husband's barrage of questions.
"So what are your intentions with our daughter?" Steve asked softly, interrupting Tony's ramblings.
"What?" Leo startled, blinking quickly. "I mean! Whatever she asks sir- wait! No!"
Both parents turned to look at the teens, eyebrows raised.
"He's one of my best friends Pops." Evie said simply. "He helps me however he can, let's me help him, and he makes me smile. That's all."
"I've actually been tutoring Evie in math while she helps me in history." Leo smiled. "We've managed to both make serious progress.
"Good answer."Tony grinned. "Favorite food?"
"Um? I guess I like salad?" Leo thought deeply, trying to think of a healthy or correct food.
"Get out." Tony rose to his feet with a chuckle.
"Tony!" Steve cried, blushing furiously and grabbing his husband. "He's kidding, Leo."
"He doesn't like cheese burgers." Tony defended, crossing his arms across his chest, burying a laugh.
"I do sir!"
"Tony people like different things. What the- sit down." Steve tugged Tony down into his seat. "I'm sorry Leo."
"Salad is a crap answer." Tony scoffed, rolling his eyes. "No one likes salad."