In the city of New York, there was a group of winged warriors that protected the city by night, and were stone by day. They were called Gargoyles. Of the main clan that lived atop David Xanatos' castle skyscraper, there were currently just seven. Six were actual gargoyles. One was gar-beast; their watchdog and pet. There were five males and one female gargoyle. The beast was a male too.

The leader, a giant, lavender colored male and the female, his daughter, were named Goliath and Angela. Goliath had been named by the humans of the 900s he had lived with so long ago before a spell was cast on him and his clan to sleep for a thousand years to wake up here in Manhattan. He had at one time been mated to a female named Demona.

His daughter, Angela, had been raised and named by the humans from long ago when the original clan had been all but destroyed, leaving very few survivors. She also had 35 other rookery siblings on a magical island called Avalon.

The old brown male with the sword and wearing the most clothes was named Hudson, after the Hudson River. He had been the original leader before passing it on to Goliath.

Next were three younger males known as the Trio that had also survived the murders of their clan. The red one was called Brooklyn. He was the leader and the fastest one. He was also the only one that had a beak for a mouth. Goliath had also chosen him to be his second in command. Brooklyn was like a brick red color, with a mane of white hair behind the horns on his head, and had black on the backs of his wings. He did like things like motorcycles.

The small green male was called Lexington. He was the one that was the most techno savvy. He was also great close friends with Xanatos' young son, Alex. His wings were also different from the others because they were attached between his arms and legs while all the others' were attached to their backs. It was similar to a flying squirrel's gliding.

The big turquoise male was a bit obese and named Broadway. He was their main cook and could make a meal out of anything just about. He was the biggest and tallest of the Trio. Broadway also had caught Angela's attention. Unknowingly, he was also Hudson's son too. He looked a lot like Hudson's long dead mate.

The Trio had grown up as brothers. Not biological brothers, just friends. Close friends. But now that they were young adults, they were growing apart, but still staying as friends. Their lives just had more responsibilities than when they were younger and because they had such a small number in the clan.

And their pet was a big blue creature that lacked wings at all and couldn't talk. He almost resembled Broadway a little bit in the face and ears. He barked like a dog too. He was also able to track like a dog could as well. He was very protective of his clan. His name was Bronx. Brooklyn had named him the night they had all chosen their own names.

The gargoyles were close with a woman cop. Her name was Elisa Maza. She dressed more as an ordinary person than an officer of the law though. She was also real close with Goliath, like boyfriend and girlfriend. They didn't care that they were different. That was just what made their relationship all the more special.

Goliath's ex-mate, Demona was Angela's mother and immortal. Thanks to a magical spell, she could turn human during the day. She also shared a magical link with a human named Macbeth. They were both immortal. No one could kill them except each other. Macbeth had named Demona back when they were allies and friends back when they were newer to know each other personally.

Demona hated all humans and rarely ever formed alliances with any. Sooner or later, she was always betrayed, or she betrayed them. She had lived so long on her own it was hard to trust anyone. Even her old clan hated her because she had betrayed and used them too many times. She had deep fire-red hair, blue skin, and purple wings.

Demona had also brought to life, along with Xanatos, a cyborg gargoyle that had three souls from the original clan. Two males and a female. A blue male and the pinkish female were mates while the brown male was evil and just lived to break them up. He wanted the female for himself.

The cyborg gargoyle had been named Coldstone, and his rookery siblings later came to be called Coldfire and Coldsteel. Coldfire was the female. At least they all had their own bodies, if having to be robotic beings.

David Xanatos was married to a redheaded woman named Fox, but her real name was Janine. Her maiden name was Reynard. She was the mother of Alexander, their son. He had been an enemy upon first bringing the gargoyles to New York, and had been for a long time, until the night his son was born. Then he became an ally. And when the clan needed him most, after they lost their home at the clock tower, he had rescued them and brought them to his skyscraper and they reclaimed their original castle home.

And there was a man servant who was a magical being underneath the butler disguise. His name was Owen Burnett. His magical person's name was Puck. Owen could only become Puck to teach Alex about his magical abilities, and to protect him. He had been permanently banished from Avalon by his old master, Oberon.

Oberon had a queen too. Queen Titania happened to be Fox's mother and Alex's grandmother. She dropped in from time to time. But the magical beings were forbidden from directly interfering in human affairs, decreed by Oberon.


All of the gargoyles possessed great strength; the ability to climb walls of stone or metal; had sharp teeth; had long tails to use like a weapon and third hand; and their eyes glowed when they got angry or injured because it was caused by adrenaline rushes. Males' eyes glowed white, and females' eyes glowed red.

Gargoyles' ears could come in a range of shapes, from just pointed, more pointed than a human's, to a more sea creature shape. They had real good hearing and could even move them too, and it helped express emotions a bit more as well.

Their vision was usually really good. Hence, they could see in the dark. They just couldn't see that well in pitch blackness.

They used their wings for gliding instead of flying. They could also be used as weapons sometimes, to knock an opponent away, or to block debris from getting to their face or body.

Their skin was a bit thicker than a human's too. They looked more reptilian, but had traits in common with humans. They had some mammal traits too, like the hair and female gargoyles had breasts. The thicker skin of a gargoyle also kept them warmer in the wintertime too. But it could still be pierced and bled. Their blood was red like most other creature's blood.

When it came to their breeding habits, if a clan was wiped out, they didn't reproduce real fast either. It seemed like there was always a smaller number of females compared to males.

Gargoyles could only get pregnant every twenty years naturally. It occurred only in the 8th year of every even decade. Females laid only one egg at a time, and only three times in her life. They carried their eggs for six months.

The mated pairs began mating in the fall and the females carried their eggs through the winter months, laying them on the spring equinox. The eggs were incubated underground in a rookery, and it took the eggs ten years to hatch. And the hatching date was also on the spring equinox too of the 8th year of a decade, but the uneven years. The eggs were a purple color with some purple spots on them.

The mother gargoyles usually breastfed the little ones after hatching for awhile. In the old days, the whole clan took responsibility for the young ones. The babies weren't singled out to just one pair of parents like with most other creatures. But each baby had only a pair of biological parents, of course. Angela had proved that with Goliath and Demona as her birth parents.

Gargoyles aged at half the rate of humans, so it took a gargoyle 36 years to become the equivalent of an 18 year old human.

The one big weakness that they had was the ability to turn to stone during the day. It could be a good thing when they were given drugs or injured during the night, as it usually healed the injuries and made drug effects go away the next night, leaving the gargoyle feeling a bit tired. But it was also the disadvantage that when they turned to stone, once turned, until sunset, they couldn't get away from enemies, and it had led to a lot of gargoyles being slain in their stone sleep over the centuries, practically wiping most of them out.

There were very few surviving clans anymore. They were all small ones.

The gargoyles had so many enemies. The Manhattan clan had been known about on TV and the humans had wanted to destroy them for so long, up until they all saved a runaway train from a crazed maniac. The leader, Jon Castaway and his Quarrymen.

Now, the clan was being recognized as heroes than as evil beings. They were to have more rights than they ever had before. But they would always have enemies to deal with. They would stop at nothing to protect their city of New York. And sometimes even outside the city too, when it called for it.

And there were plenty of humans too that admired the gargoyles as such unique creatures. They wanted to be their friends.

Here was a human who was one of those who did want to be an ally to the gargoyles. He had been fascinated with them for a long time. He was a man of science and genetics, but more in the good sense. He was also an animal breeder and veterinarian. He had studied many animals.

But the gargoyles were not like normal animals. They were more like humans. Just kind of like a more reptilian human.

This man's name was Winston McGuffin. He stood about 5'9. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. When he wasn't working as a scientist or vet, he wore typical street clothes.

Winston had heard about the train incident and he saw the clan's picture in the paper. They were all pretty amazing up close. But there was one gargoyle that got his attention the most, that seemed to stand out. The red gargoyle had his attention. All the others had cooler colors on them that he saw. Even their pet. He looked at the name listed for the red one: Brooklyn.

Brooklyn, huh? Named for the section of New York of Brooklyn obviously.

Winston wanted to find out more about the red gargoyle. Even the clan if he could.