Chapter 1

* I do not own BNHA the rights goes to Kohei Horikoshi, what I do own is my OC who well be appearing in this fanfic. I am going to warn you though that Izuku personality is going to change just a bit and that his going to be gay also this fanfic well have mention of bullying and suicide*

Izuku Midoriya was a young boy of 4 he was abandoned by his parents after they thought he was quirkless, Izuku knew that this would happen he wasn't surprised at all but he had prayed and hoped that his parents would at least have faith in him and stay to look after him but he soon realised that was not the case and it somehow hurt him a lot. Izuku decided to stop thinking about his parents and walks around the park and hopes to find a warm place to sleep for the night, as he walks he sees a park bench and he made his way to it as he crawls under it and slowly falls asleep.

The sounds of the birds cheaping woke him and up and he looked around but somehow he felt different he felt warmer somehow and so he quickly run to public bathroom and let out a massive shout as he looked in the mirror shocked at what he saw before him, in the mirror he saw that he now has horns and wings. He started muttering and trying to figure out how this happened and how he transforms during the night, as he was thinking he heard his stomach rumble and he blinks and sighs softly as he realized now that he needed to get some food and fast. He wondered if he can do other things and so he decided to think of a snake and felt himself transform into a beautiful green snake and he smiled softly to himself as he slides out of the public bathroom and goes to find something to eat as he was sliding around he finds a mouse bear looking thing and decides this would be perfect as stealing from him must be very easy. He quickly slides over and was ready to streak when he felt himself stop moving and he was struggling and he soon felt people eyes on him and he shouted " let me go!" Nezu at that moment turn around to see Shota using his quirk on a kid, Nezu looked at Shota questionly and Shota said " sorry Nezu but this snake was going to attack you I didn't realize it was a young boy though" Nezu was surprised and turn to look at the 4 year old and then said " let him go Aizawa we can take him to UA and talk to him there".

Izuku was unsure about what they were talking about but he felt himself become free and he turn back into a snake he then saw the mouse bear like thing walk towards him and he smiled and said " do you want to come with me, I can give you food" Izuku looked at him and nods his head as follows Nezu and Aizawa to UA. He stopped and looked at the school and was surprised he stayed there and kept looking and didn't realise that Aizawa was calling him and telling him to hurry up by the time that he noticed a very pissed off Aizawa was walking towards him he felt scared and was moving backwards when he saw Aizawa stop before running at him. Izuku becoming scared thought that he was going to get hurt but instead he felt Aizawa pick him up and nuzzled against him before he heard Aizawa mutter " problem kid is just like a cat". Izuku was confused but he felt himself being carried by Aizawa and Nezu was waiting for them in his office.

Nezu saw the way that Aizawa was carrying Izuku and he couldn't help but smile, Izuku was struggling to escape the older man grip. He stopped when Nezu said " we're here", Izuku looked as they walked into an office . He wasn't sure what to think about this but for some reason he had the urge to run around explore and try and annalise everything he can, of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Nezu who smiled and said " little one sit down and let's have a nice talk" Izuku looked at the bear mouse thing and wondered if that was a good idea but he felt the loneliness grow inside him and he does want someone to keep him warm again.

As Izuku sits down Nezu smiles softly smiles and says " Izuku how would you like it if you become my son" Aizawa's eyes widen and he was about to yell at Nezu but before he can he saw the look on Izuku face, the emotion on the boy face said it all. The boy looked so happy but also scared like he was worried that something bad was going to happen to him, Nezu looked at the boy and he couldn't help but wrap his arms around the boy and hummed softly as if trying to calm him down and tell him everything was going to be okay and that he would never leave the boy alone. Aizawa never knew that Nezu could be caring but then again he and the other teachers at UA might not know at all since he doesn't talk about himself that much and most times when he calls them it's only for meetings. Izuku relaxed and before he realised he had transform into a fox his nine tails swaying Nezu couldn't help but laugh at the young boy, Izuku quickly blushed and cursed himself for being an idiot and allowing himself to relax in the hands of a stranger.

Izuku then breathed in and out slowly before saying " Sir are you really okay with adopting me?" Nezu and Aizawa looked sadly at the boy before Nezu happily said " of course am sure" Izuku eyes lit up and he runs around the room cheering as both men laughed, Aizawa then turned to Nezu and asked him, " Nezu would it be okay if we both adopt him together i would love to look after him as well" Nezu thinks for a second before turning to Aizawa and answering back " I think that would be a wonderful idea" Izuku couldn't help but smile when he overheard them talking and he was super happy that he finally has a home and would be able to feel safe instead of having to leave on the streets and steal from other people just to make it through the week.