A/N: I got bored with this chapter, so zip editing and convenient time lapse.

Response to Random Fan: The wonders of digital soup! XD Kaiko totally knows and approves of Fontaine liking Finn, but Will is too oblivious and probably won't be in the know until their wedding day. XD -ignores cough- She vanished?! -shoves out new chapter as bait-

"Are you sure you can't stay longer?" Kaiko asked.

"We've been on this infernal tub long enough," Hammerhead grumbled. "We're headin' back to the Dark Orca, and ya can't keep us captive any longer!"

Fontaine and Finn grinned at each other. It had been an interesting three days while Kaiko insisted that Finn stay on the Aronnax. The Nektons had come to a tentative truce, even though the "truce" involved Ant watching Madaline at all times and neither Will or Hammerhead trusting the other to be out of sight. Kaiko was the only calm one, often having to put both families to various tasks to keep them out of trouble.

"I think Dad will do something crazy if he has to stay on 'enemy territory' any longer," Finn added.

"Yeah, I don't think we can count on this being a regular thing," Fontaine agreed. She glanced at Finn. "You really sure you want to go?"

"Someone's got to keep you all away from curses," Finn said with his usual grin.

Fontaine rolled her eyes. A day after Finn had miraculously started to recover, the families had realized that Finn's memories were back. And with his memories, Finn had returned to his annoying old self. When he was awake, Finn was either teasing the Nektons about his "successful infiltration" of the Aronnax or encouraging Madeline's antics that had Ant running frantic whenever she vanished.

Fontaine was just glad Finn hadn't heard her begging him to not leave her. If Finn caught wind of that, he'd never let her hear the end of it. Hammerhead seemed to feel the same way about his admission of knowing about her and Finn liking each other. Fontaine and Hammerhead had come to an unspoken agreement that they wouldn't mention what they'd heard around Finn's bed that day.

Now that Fontaine thought about it… there was a lot that had happened during the last few days that would probably be ignored. Fontaine not leaving Finn's side until she fell asleep and was carried to bed. Ant and Madeline working together on their "cure" and finding the real cure. The two of them had even fallen asleep on each other's shoulders when neither would leave their sibling. Kaiko using the "mom stare" on Hammerhead and Will when they bickered.

"Com'on, Finn," Hammerhead said, jolting Fontaine to the present. "We're goin' back to the Dark Orca."

"Hey, wait a minute," Ant said.

"I'm not emptyin' me pockets again," Madeline promptly said.

"Suspicious, but I'm going to ignore that just now." Ant looked at Finn. "You never did tell us how you lost your memory."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot," Finn said.

Fontaine groaned. "Sure you did."

Finn smirked harder and turned to Madeline. "You know that people can get amnesia from getting hit on the head, right?"

"Duh! What's that have to do with-" Madeline paused. "Ya mean…?"

"Yep." Finn let a moment pass. "This is all Ant's fault."

Fontaine blinked and looked at Ant, who raised his hands defensively.

"How could it be my fault? I hadn't seen you for days before you sabotaged the Aronnax!" Ant protested.

"Well, remember that time you made the Aronnax ram the Dark Orca because you were crawling around the ducts?"

Ant crossed his arms. "You mean the time your family kidnapped mine and Mad Madeline sabotaged her own sub?"

"Remember what you told me?" Finn asked, ignoring the youngest two glaring daggers.

"Uh… when?"

"You told us that our Moon Pool needed a claw."


"We got a claw." Finn raised an eyebrow and waited.

"I don't get-" Ant paused. He threw his hands in the air. "It's not my fault that stuff on your sub never works!"

"Your claw just swung and hit you?" Fontaine asked, incredulous.

"It had help." Finn smirked at Madeline.

"Those controls should be higher," Madeline grumbled. She put on her helmet. "I'm gettin' out of here before they do somethin' weird like try to hug us."

Ant shuddered. "As if!"

"Let me get this clear," Fontaine said while Madeline dove into the Moon Pool. "You actually listened to Ant, got a claw, then Madeline accidentally made it hit you?"

"Is that what happened?" Hammerhead asked when Finn nodded. "Madeline said ya were outside the sub, but never mentioned how. Currents swept ya away before we could track ya." He mumbled something that sounded like "broken navigation" before turning to the water. "I'm not goin' to forget this Nektons!"

"That we kidnapped your son?" Will asked drily.

"Ya saved me boy," Hammerhead said solemnly. "Thank ya."

Hammerhead dove before anyone could react. Yet another thing that would never be mentioned again, Fontaine could bet.

"Huh, that's new," Finn commented. "Well, I guess that's my cue to go before someone tosses me off. So long, Nektons. We'll be seeing each other again soon, I'm sure."

Throwing a flippant salute, Finn stepped backward into the water. Fontaine peered down after him, holding back a smile and waving until he swam out of sight.

"So long, pirate boy," Fontaine murmured.

A/N: Thank you for bearing with this trainwreck of impulsiveness, ya'll are amazing. Until the next impulse!