I've been obsessed with watching Good Omens and fallen straight into a new fandom. I had 2 crossover ideas for the show, either with KHR or Librarians, and decided to do this one because it was by far the shorter one! Inspired by the deleted scene Neil Gaiman read out regarding goons trying to threaten Aziraphale's shop, and Shadwell's comment about Crowley's being mafia. Based mostly on the TV show, but definitely using Book!Aziraphale's attitude to selling his stock.

Tsuna, Yamamoto, Gokudera and Ryohei are in Italy, having breakfast with Nono and his respective guardians when it happens.

The Tenth generation had been invited (or, translated into civilian, abducted in the dead of night the day after graduating middle school) to spend the summer break at the Vongola Mansion. However, Hibari had been...forceful, in his refusal, while Mukuro and Chrome had declined and vanished before anyone could talk them into it. Lambo, while excited at the idea at returning home, had refused to leave Nana alone, and had been given the 'very important job' of protecting the woman while the teens were away.

Tsuna rather sorely wishes he could have traded jobs with his young lightning. The 'break' part of the trip had turned out to be very apt, because tutoring on Vongola grounds was ten time worse than in Namimori, where Reborn had to at least pretend he was bound by foolish things like land ownership, Hibari's territory issues and physics. The hitman had been enjoying every minute of Tsuna torment, to the surprise of absolutely no one. As such, nobody is really surprised when Reborn walks in and slaps four airline tickets on the table.

"It's time for your Vongola Negotiation Trial," he says, as if it explains anything.

Granted, it's Reborn, so explanations have always been optional. If not for the fact that the man-turned-baby-and-now-rapidly-going-through-puberty-again-teenager always landed on his feet, Tsuna would swear blindly that he just made things up on the spot.

"What's a Vongola Negation Trial?" he asks, mostly to get things over with. If he doesn't ask what Reborn is talking about, Yamamoto will, which will set Gokudera off on a giant rant only 2 people in the room can follow, and it's just too early in the morning for that.

To his surprise, Nono is the one that answers, folding his hands and smiling at his heir.

"It's a right of passage for all young Mafioso" he explains. "Especially those in line for boss positions. It's a test to show your intelligence, charisma and skill at obtaining objectives."

Yamamoto laughs and leans over to wrap an arm around Tsuna's shoulders.

"This'll be easy Tsuna," he says. "Those are some of your best qualities."


"Don't touch the Tenth so casually!" Gokudera hisses at the rain, before his face does some spectacular muscle rearranging to smile at Tsuna.

"But he's right Tenth! This will be a cakewalk for you," he insists.

"Sawada can negotiate to the extreme!" Ryohei agrees.

"What? But I'm not good at-"

"Regardless," Reborn say, talking over him. "As the future Decimo, your role will require exceptional negotiation skills. Granted, this is something you have proven to have a knack for, so this is merely a formality to prove your prowess."

Tsuna stares at the delighted faces around him and sighs.

As much as he wants to keep arguing, he's acutely aware of the pointlessness of such an act. At least a 'negotiation trial' probably won't be as violent as Reborn's usual training. If they have to leave the country, the man can only have so long to-

Oh crap...he's sending them to a war zone isn't he?


The hitman pretends he doesn't hear Tsuna's squeak, and pulls out what appears to be a photograph from his suit pocket.

"The Ninth gave me a selection of possible outbreaks and riots that require ceasefires" he explains. "However, as your tutor, I believe in pushing you to great things, and for that reason, I have decided to give you the toughest negotiation challenge known to man."

Tsuna pales as he watches Nono's guardians pale, the man himself leaning forward in something resembling horror.

"Reborn, you can't possibly be planning to send him there..."

Tsuna watches in astonishment as every other Mafioso in the room lean back in their chairs and tense, the photo dropping from Reborn's hand to the desk.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi" his tutor says. "You must enter the shop of A. & Co in London, and leave with a legally purchased book."

"...I'm sorry, what?" Tsuna says, just before the entire room erupts in full on outrage.

"Reborn, you cannot be serious-"

"There are limits to your madness-"

"At least give him a fighting chance! A gang war in Nicaragua started a few days ago, send him there!"

Tsuna can only stare at the horrified Mafioso in pure confusion, before picking up the photograph. It boasts an old brick building, with an older gentleman on the stair just exiting the door. He's dressed a good century out of fashion, but there's a presence, even in the photo, that makes Tsuna feel he'd look more out of place in modern clothing.

"This is Mr. Fell?" he asks, once the yelling calms down. Everyone in the room sort of glance at each other, before sagging back down into their seats and leaning on the table.

"One of them" Nono replies. "The book store has been open since the 1800's, passed down his family, and has been the bane of many a collector. There are few rare texts, especially of the biblical or prophetic nature, that Fell & Co do not possess."

"But, then why is it a bane?"

The entire room offers a mirthless chuckle.

"Because the Fell family go to extreme lengths to make sure they never part with a single volume" Coyote explains. "It hasn't so much as broken even since it opened. We're not even sure why they have the bookshop rather than just a private collection. It's got to be some kind of tax thing, though we're still not sure what considering how immaculate they appear, but regardless, just because those books are in a shop, does not mean they're for sale."

"...Has anyone ever succeeded?" Tsuna asks. Everyone immediately turns to Reborn, who is wearing his trademark look of smug, and Tsuna sags.

"Let me rephrase. Has anyone human ever succeeded?" he rephrases, and Reborn chuckles.

"There are stories that suggest the sixth Manachelli boss managed to make it out with a 'wicked bible'" he tells him. "But given that all ten known copies are currently recorded elsewhere, nobody believes it."

"Tsunayoshi..." Nono begins. "While I have full trust in Reborn's decisions, I must tell you that there is no dishonour in failing this trial. Many Mafioso have failed. Even Xanxus could not pry a volume from Fell's hands."

"Xanxus tried?" Tsuna squeaks, and Yamamoto gives a low whistle while Gokudera splutters. Nono just nods. "Nearly every family has attempted it in recent history, with no victors. As such, if you reach a point where you feel you have exhausted every avenue, please retreat, and I will insist upon a different challenge."

The Don glances over at Reborn.

"That will be acceptable, yes?" he asks the hitman. Reborn merely adjusts his hat.

"I have full confidence in my student," he replies. "But I can accept those terms. What do you say Dame-Tsuna?"

Tsuna drops his eyes back down to the photo. Takes in the unassuming man and the shop.

Well, at least it's not a literal war zone.

Looks like he's going to England.

All things considered, Tsuna finds himself pleasantly surprised by London. While the architecture is western and the streets crammed with people of every colour and shape, it lacks the sheer chaotic violence that seems to encompass Italy each time he sets foot there. Instead there's this subconscious politeness that everyone acknowledges exists (although not necessarily acted upon) that his Japanese upbringing just finds pleasant. While he's certainly not about to up and move, it's less of a culture shock than his first unchaperoned visit to Rome.

His guardians seem to be enjoying the trip too. Ryohei's exuberance and yelling get him some amused looks, and Yamamoto has been taken photos since they got off the plane. Gokudera's had a giddy look on his face, and while he's not mentioned anything, Tsuna spotted him grabbing a handful of pamphlets from the hotel's tourist section regarding ghost tours. He'll have to remember to ask Yamamoto to 'guard' him one night so Gokudera doesn't feel guilty about slipping away.

In fact, Tsuna is surprisingly optimistic about the whole thing, right up until they reach the area of Soho and gets hit with the sheer oddity of the shop. His trio of guardians, equally enamoured by London's streets, quickly spot the issue itself.

"How is this place still standing?" Gokudera asks, glancing around at street just on the outskirts of Chinatown. Most of the buildings are big name retail brands, expensive bistro bars or chain coffee shops. They're also tiny, skinny buildings huddled together side by side. The dull red building on the other hand, takes up a significant chunk of the corner. "It's got to be the only independent building on the street."

"It's really well located too," Yamamoto says, pushing up on his tiptoes to look inside the windows. "My Dad would kill for this kind of location, but there's no one inside. There should at least be a few window shoppers, right?"

"This is insane," Gokudera continues muttering. "Surely the local council would have slapped a compulsory purchase order on the owner by this point."

Ryohei is frowning too, walking forward and frowning at a sign on the door.

"These opening times are crazy to the extreme."

He's not wrong. Tsuna almost finds himself gaping at the ramblings provided. This shop's opening hours are the business equivalent of a 100 sided dice roll. Judging from his expression, Gokudera can't decide if he's frustrated or impressed. Yamamoto already had his phone out and snapping a photo for posterity.

Astonishingly enough though, while the opening hours are few and far between, the shop is currently open, and with a very put upon sigh, Tsuna pushes the door open and steps inside.

His plan is simple. Walk in, find a book that looks particularly cheap or badly damaged and then hope his intuition helps him struggle through the haggling.

Unfortunately, this plan immediately hits a snag when he walks into the shop and feels his intuition goes crazy. There's no danger or alarm...it just...really, really doesn't want to be there. It sort of does the mental equivalent of whimper and curl up into a small ball underneath a metaphysical table, and Tsuna wants to about-face and walk straight out the door.

Unfortunately, that isn't an option, because his three friends are still blocking the way, and Gokudera is already hyperventilating, eyes locked on a bookshelf that's almost changed colour from the amount of dust.

"Is that a first edition Liver De Coloribus Coeli?" he squeaks. "In a bookshop?"

Tsuna has absolutely no idea what a 'liba de colour bus' is, or what is so surprising about finding it in a bookshop, but he leaves his right hand to salivate (already the bomber has about five books in his arms, clearly forgetting the odds of leaving with any one of them), and walks around the room.

It's huge, there's no other word for it. Not that it had looked small from the outside, especially compared to it's neighbours, but Tsuna hadn't realised it took up both floors. He'd assumed the second level would be living quarters or storage, but no, there's even more books, with the room designed almost like a compass.

The building itself doesn't seem dangerous, but there's definitely something off about it. There's an odd damp smell that sticks in your nose and is decidedly uncomfortable. The books themselves are in no clear order, strewn about almost haphazardly, and not a single staff member in sight...which is definitely odd considering Tsuna has it on good authority that this is a store that 'sells' the literary equivalent of diamonds. There should at least be a guard, surely? Or a locked case for the truly valuable items?

His intuition peeks out from underneath it's metaphysical table just long enough to nudge him in the direction of a back room, but the closer he gets, the more awkward the building feels. He tests his intuition by doing an 180 and walking towards the door, and is utterly baffled by the feeling of 'yes! Yes! Do that!' that follows.

"Is it just me?" Yamamoto begins as he inspects a half empty bookshelf near a window, hand rubbing the back of his neck where hair is standing on end. "Or does this place feel really unpleasant?"

"It is extremely uncomfortable" Ryohei agrees, leaning next to the door, and that has Tsuna standing up a little straighter. It's one thing for his intuition to be upset, another thing entirely for Ryohei to feel the same.

Gokudera seems to realise this as well, because he's paused in his manic search for books to glance around the building.

"It's as if the building itself is telling us to go away," he concludes, and his face lights up.

"Maybe it's a ghost? A real, live UMA here in London. This shop is old, it's entirely possible. Dammit, I should have brought some equipment!"

Yamamoto is grinning at the bomber, and Tsuna sags. Any desire to leave has quickly vanished in the wake of 'supernatural-oddities-are-afoot-Hayato.' Yamamoto even digs out his phone and starts taking photos of the building.

Their attention is only drawn away from his storm when he hears the rather dismayed gasp that comes from the other side of the room.

'Customers, oh dear.'

Tsuna swings round to take in the very well dressed man with fluffy blonde hair, who looks very disappointed to see them.

'Ah, hello,' Tsuna begins, frantically trying to remember his English lessons. 'We, um, looking for, ah-'

"I speak Japanese" Mr. Fell interrupts. "But you really should leave now. I don't have any books young gentlemen like yourselves you would be interested in."

He utters the words with the same tone a cheating spouse used to distract their partner while their lover sneaks out the window. Gokudera however, doesn't seem to notice, almost skipping towards him, gesturing to the half-dozen books now in his hands.

'I need all of these!' he says in English with a grin. 'Name your price. I can't believe they were all just sitting in the open.'

This just makes Mr. Fell go from nervous to horrified, and Tsuna winces. Gokudera's forgotten the point of this whole trip – the books must be truly incredible for his right hand to be this obsessed. Which doesn't bode well for anyone.

"These books aren't for children," Mr. Fell replies with a strained smile. "Please put them back where you found them."

Gokudera's smile vanishes.

"Are you kidding? There's a genuine 'Anatomy of a Chupacabra' and 'Fantasy of a Star's Soliloquy' in here. You know how long I've been looking for copies of those?"

"They are extremely rare," Mr. Fell agrees. "Which is all the more reason to put them back before you damage them. Please, some of those volumes are fragile."

He moves to take the books forcibly from Gokudera's hands, and the teen moves back. Before Tsuna can even consider interjecting, Yamamoto is already slipping between the two with a smile.

"Won't you reconsider?" he asks. "This is a book shop, we're book buyers. Everything can work out, don't you think?"

Yamamoto's easy going grin can and has eased the ire of more than one Mafioso over the years, but Mr. Fell however is not included in that number. He's looking even more upset at being kept from his stock.

"This is doing nothing to convince me you can have ownership of such valuable items," he says. "They're not trophies to buy on a whim. Do you even know what they cost?"

"We have money," Ryohei offers, and Mr. Fell scoffs.

"Money does not buy respect or protection," Mr. Fell replies, and glares when Gokudera snorts in laughter.

Tsuna isn't even certain how he does it. His intuition twinges, and he thinks he hears a finger snap, but quicker than the eye can follow, the man has plucked almost every book from the bomber's hands, vanishing them under the counter. Gokudera only stops gaping in shock when the man returns to grab the last few books in his hands, clutching them tightly to his chest.

"Fuck you! I'm not leaving without them!" he swears. Mr. Fell just purses his lips.

"Yes you are. Put them on that table this instant, or I will be forced to do something I'd rather not."

Tsuna's intuition spikes. The man isn't bluffing, and Tsuna doesn't have the information to know exactly what he's promising.

"Gokudera, drop them" Tsuna pleads, and while Gokudera looks at him in dismay, something in Tsuna's face makes him capitulate. Tsuna is far more relieved than he should be when the bomber submits, placing the books on a nearby table with almost tender care. A hand brushes the top volume with a move one would almost call tender had it not been from Gokudera, while Yamamoto tugs at his other arm.

"I'll be back for you," he whispers, only to turn and scowl at Mr. Fell as he's guided to the door. The book owner seems quite delighted that everything went so smoothly, but Tsuna hesitates as he reaches the door.

"I can't leave London without a book from this store," he tells Mr. Fell. The man nods in realisation, and then gives him a tight smile.

"Then I hope you enjoy London," he says. "You'll be here for some time."

The man moves forward and ushers Tsuna out the door. He stumbles as he trips on the top step - only saved from falling down the lot by Ryohei - and turns to see Mr. Fell lock the door and swing the sign from Open to Closed.

"What an asshole," Gokudera growls, kicking at the door.

"Now I get why everyone got extremely worried when we came here," Ryohei agrees. "He's an extremely challenging opponent."

"He didn't even give us chance," Yamamoto says, apparently bewildered. "He took one look at us and just insisted we leave."

Tsuna nods as he pulls away from the boxer, gingerly walking down the steps.

"Lets go to the hotel," he says. "I think we might need to call some people."

His friends grin as they head down the street, shoulders loosening when the realise Tsuna isn't all that upset about getting kicked out. To be honest, he'd have been more surprised if they hadn't been. It's not like he'd expected to succeed on the first try.

But maybe it's time to get some more data to work with.