Chapter 76

Pre-War Affairs


British Empire was in deep trouble even now years after the war is over the British economy has still not recovered well at least two and level that the government was happy with after weeks of debate we finally had no choice they had to ask the King to Contact the SRU they were the economic Superpower with a monopoly on all trade going from east to west.

There only other choice would have been the Americans however they were currently gearing up for another war with Mexican Empire oh yess the Mexican Empire founded in the year 1863 by Napoleon III the Empire was one of the few things that had outlived the Bonaparte Dynasty.

Sparta and her allies believed it a useful torn the side of the United States and officially declared their support in 1865 crushing any dream of rebellion with in the country it turned out to work for the betterment of the country.

From the capital of Mexico City, the current Emperor Maximilian III ruled and Empire that spread from the borders of the United States down to the borders of Columbia a province of its ally the Venezuelan Empire.

Rebuild Palace of Minos

Spartan Empire

King George 5th sat with his prime minister Lloyd George and other various members of the British Government and aristocracy as they gazed at the sheer wealth of this Great palace that put any royal resident in Europe to shame on the other side of the table sat various people from the nations that made up the SRU including its new member Tsarina Anastasia of the Imperial Remnant.

They sat quietly awaiting the Spartan Queen Gorgo II of the House Agiad as that was still Kassandra's current mantle after all she could not let slip that she was the same Queen that had ruled Sparta Since 480BCE however funny it would be to see Their absolute breakdown at the news.

"Well where is the Queen leave it 5o a woman to be late." sneered Sir Austen Chamberlain the Chancellor of the exchequer only to near piss himself as the guards in the room moved into battle position spears aimed and ready to strike.

This included the SRU leaders own guards to insult the Spartan Queen in her own palace was a big mistake and the King knew it would bite them in the ass wether it be sooner or later he had no idea, however before he could condone his chancellor the doors opened to the meeting room allowing the Spartan Queen entry all the guards returned to there normal positions there heads bowed .

Turned out, had decided to bite them in the ass early, while the SRU agreed to give the British government a sum of 80 billion pounds to be paid back over the next 80 Years however that was not the Karma the Karma was what Britain had to put up as collateral.

Now normally when Britain had asked for money from Sparta before they never had to put collateral up but the Queen had heard the Chancellors insult and was not in a forgiving mood as such their provinces of Australia and New Zealand were demanded as collateral if Britain missed one payment those provinces were lost to them.

The British/SRU deal officially stated that unless the monarch or his heir were to pass away or Britain was attacked (unprovoked) then no excuse would be accepted for failure of payment and they would lose their provinces.

It was clear that these were not good terms for Britain and the British government tried to use that to keep face with the people however it spectacularly backfired when it was leaked at why the deal was so bad.

Britain would pay off the dept every month with no trouble until 1923 when a new party took power and forgot to approve the transfer of funds to the anger of the King the provinces of Australia and New Zealand were property of the SRU they would allow any citizens who wanted to leave to leave before they officially became provinces of the Empire of Japan who won them in a game of chess against China and India.

At the same time France was suffering as well they however did not want to ask for loans, they would squeeze wealth out of the Ruhr-valley however even that was not enough they were forced to give up territory, to the Venezuelan Empire they gave up French Guiana which included its profitable trade links.

They had also granted full independence to the Kingdom of Madagascar ordering ball French forces and citizens to leave it was a great day for the Kingdom they officially could now seek protectorate status from the SRU.

In 1924 however the United States declared war on the Mexican Empire after Mexico refused to give up the territory's of Baja and Sonora the two armies met at the battle of Ciudad-Juarez were the United States Army launched is full might against the 90,000 Mexican army only to receive word 2 days later that a second Mexican Army attacked the city of San Diego with tanks purchased from the Imperial Remnant.

This war would last until September 1927 when the US agreed to sign a peace Deal after the defeat of the us Army at the battle of San Antonio both sides agreed to return there borders to there Pre-War boundary's, however as punishment the United States was not allowed to keep any more than 80,000 men garrisoned within 50 miles of the Imperial Borders also the oil exports the us bought from them would face extra tariffs for the next 2 years.

It was easily accepted by the citizens of America who just wanted peace however small portions of the populations would hate it and protest as was normal no one would take them seriously.

The United States would not fight another war until the outbreak of WWII in 1934 however they would only join the war in 35 and aid the allies in the fight against the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Berlin 1932

Office of the fury

Adolf Hitler sat at his new desk he had done it he was now ruler of Germany he however still had a few problems for example the SA and his political opponents they would have to be dealt with as would the SA leadership he would deal with them and bring the SA into the fold as part of the official German Army after all they were 20 times the size of the current army.

Well they were you see with the threat of the reds in the east the treaty of Versailles had been slightly relaxed Germany was now allowed a standing army of 300,000 men it was a mistake the allies had made which helped him greatly there was one good thing however that made hitler smile.

A right-wing group had taken power in Poland and were now asking to join with Germany for protection against Russia he was all for it but what he really wanted was to bring Austria into the fold the Austrian Empire however stood strong against him as they said in a letter published in the German newspapers.

They would not bow to a man who so openly preached hatred to people of other faiths or openly supported crimes against them by not punishing those who carried out the vile deeds, this angered him greatly so much so that he would agree to support Russia's plans to bring the Imperial remnant back into the Soviet fold.

1933 Hitler ordered the creation of many new camps across Germany and in the newly controlled Poland one of the 1sts to be built would be Auschwitz its first guests as would be reported in the press but in truth they were nothing more than victims would be his political opponents,

They would soon be joined by Warsaw's local Jewish population as well as those within German cities these crimes would not be known until the end of the war and the full scale of Hitlers depravity would be known.

(Authors note: okay quick new history lesson in this world Hitler became Chancellor in 29 before becoming the fuhrer in 1930 the war begins in 1934 with hitlers invasion of the Austrian Empire who are friends allies with France and Britain and the Norwegian Empire (which rules Norway Denmark Iceland and Greenland).

It will all happen in the next chapter.

Until then

Revan Shan 2077.