Hot for Teacher, Romitri Style


Alternate Universe - All Human. Characters are slightly out of character (very horny). High school senior and all-around bad girl Rose Hathaway's world collides with the new hot teacher from Russia, Mr. Belikov, when she is forced to serve detention with him for an entire semester. Mr. Belikov can't help but look for outlets for his desire for the curvy young student. CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT


Author's Notes:

I don't own Vampire Academy. Never have, never will, unless I somehow manage to win the lottery and decide that's how I'm going to spend my money (probably would rather spend it on other stuff, though).

I gave my beta another pass on this one when I originally wrote it, but TheBasicBitch was kind enough to take a quick cursory glance at it before publishing it out to FanFiction. I just had this rolling around in my brain for too many days when I first put it out there and wanted to give Rose and Dimitri another chance to get down and dirty together before my better judgment kicked in and told me not to put that stuff from my dirty mind out on the internet where people can read it.

For those of you that are hard-core Romitri lovers, hang in there. Those two are my go-to ship and this story is definitely a Romitri love story in the end, but there is a bit of Rodrian and Tashitri in the first little bit.

WARNING: Contains explicit sexual content. Not suited for younger readers.


Rose's POV:

It all began on the first week of my senior year at St. Vladimir's Catholic school. First, my boyfriend Adrian drops me off at school and tells me that we should see other people.

What the fuck? After two fucking years, and I gave him my virginity, for Christ's sake! Adrian and I had met at St. Vladimir's while I was a freshman and he was a senior, and started dating at the end of the summer before my sophomore year, just before he left for college. I'm not sure why he decided now is the time to break up. He is a junior art major at Carlton College and his new semester started two weeks ago. He is starting to take architecture classes this term to pick up a minor, so his schedule is different than it had been. He doesn't have any classes until 10, so he agreed to drive me to school in his Mustang so that I didn't have to take the bus. Now, I wish I took the damn bus.

"Little vixen," he said, flicking at the hem of my too-short skirt of my school uniform (I'd shortened it by three inches), "I'm not breaking up with you. It doesn't mean we have to stop seeing each other. I'd still like you to go with me to the family reunion this weekend, if you still want to go. I mean, we're still okay, right?" Too bad I already agreed to go with him. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of letting him see how broken I could be.

"And it's a pool party at my uncle Randall's house, so bring that sexy red bikini," he said, "I can still enjoy the view, right? He's got a full bar planned. His ex-wife and a bunch of his kids live in Russia, so he has the good vodka" God! Men are pigs!


Then, stupid Stan Alto was being his stupid self again. God, I hated Stan, and his stupid, boring history class. I take one little minute while his back is turned to get up in front of the class and make fun of him, and all of a sudden, I've been given detention for the rest of the semester.

"Could he even really do that?" I asked Lissa, my best friend and adopted sister, as I got to my locker after class.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he can," said Lissa.

"So it looks like Crazy Ms. Karp finally cracked and isn't teaching tenth grade Biology anymore. I wonder who got suckered into picking up detention now."
"Could be the new Bio teacher. They brought Ms. Davis up from the middle school. You remember her? I also have a new American Lit teacher," said Lissa, "Mr. Bellkoff or something like that? I'll check my schedule and let you know his name. I have him right before lunch, so I'll tell you then. I think it's his first year out of college. Rumor has it he's not from the U.S. Maybe they got him to do it?"

"Figures that they'd bring in cheap foreign labor."


"New Lit teacher is majorly hot," said Lissa, as she sat beside me at the lunch table, "You better hope it's him doing detention."

"Hot how?" I asked, "I've seen your taste in guys - a little too well," I pointed to Christian as he approached our table, "thanks to sharing a bedroom. And it worries me a little. I don't want to see his pasty naked ass ever again."

"Hey!" Lissa gave me a good-natured shove. She scratched her head in thought. "Muscles - like when he took off his suit coat, I could tell he had a six pack. And he's really tall; maybe a good four inches taller than Christian. He's got a deep voice and a pretty thick Russian accent. He has nice hair, too. Dark. He keeps it tied back in a ponytail at the base of his neck."

"Maybe I'll just judge for myself if I see him."


When I walked into the classroom for detention five minutes late, I was seriously glad Lissa gave me a little warning.

"And you are?" the handsome man asked me with maybe the sexiest accent I'd ever heard. He was maybe the hottest man I'd ever seen. I was drooling from both sets of lips. I could totally picture myself wrapping my fingers in his silky-looking shoulder-length hair while doing all sorts of things to him. This is going to be a long semester.

"Rose Hathaway," I said, extending my hand to shake his, just after I had tossed my jacket from my school uniform into my backpack. The touch of his hand sent an unexpected jolt of electricity when he shook it. I was suddenly glad I had unbuttoned the white blouse on my uniform a little lower than dress code permitted just before I walked in here - and that I was wearing a black bra under that blouse. "You'll need to remember that name when you're thinking of me later." I flashed him my man-eating grin, winked, and took my seat.

There weren't many people who managed to get detention on the first day, but I was thankful that Christian was also in here with me.

"It looks like I will need to remember your name," Mr. Belikov said, "since I can see from Mr. Alto's notes that you'll be with me all semester. Have a seat, Ms. Hathaway." Goddamn. Buzzkill much? I took a seat near the back of the classroom and opened up my backpack. Mr. Belikov took his place at the front of the classroom and faced the group.

"As I said a minute ago, my name is Mr. Belikov," he wrote his name on the board as he said this, continuing, "There will be no talking in detention unless it is to me. Keep your mouths closed and your eyes open. If any of you need help with any homework, I will be at the desk at the front of the class. Raise your hand, call for me, and I will come to you. Otherwise, I expect you all to remain in your seats, and to be seen and not heard." Mr. Belikov sat down at his desk, opened up a paperback, and began reading.

After a minute or so, I raised my hand. "Comrade?" I called out.

"That's not my name," Mr. Belikov growled out, looking up at me, "What, Ms. Hathaway?"

"I need to sharpen my pencil."

"Very well, Ms. Hathaway," he replied.

Mr. Belikov's eyes were on me the whole time. I could tell he didn't trust me, but I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, there was a little something else in his glance, too. I made a show of bending over to reach into my bag for my pencil, making sure that my low neckline was in his line of sight. As soon as I had my pencil sharpened, I dropped it on the floor and bent over again, giving him a view of the backs of my thighs.

On my way back to my seat, I walked around behind his desk and whispered seductively in his ear, so close that I was sure he could feel my lips, "It may not be your name, but until you tell me your first name, I need something to call you. Especially when I'm thinking of you later. Alone. In my bed."

I could tell from his gasp that I had surprised him. Whether it was a good surprise or not was hard to say. I went back to my seat and Mr. Belikov didn't say another word to me.


Dimitri's POV:

"Ivan, this girl in detention ..." I said, loving that I could be honest with my best friend but hating what I had to say, "She's like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen - just incredible. I swear, if she were just a couple years older and I met her somewhere else - anywhere else -, I would take her on a few dates, take her home with me, and fuck her on a daily basis until neither one of us could walk anymore. And, I swear, she acts like she wants me, too. She's taunting me. And she's haunting me - she's practically all I can think about."

"Well, obviously, you can't exactly have your way with her. You've got to get her out of your system. How about we help you meet someone else?" Ivan replied.

"I don't really want a girlfriend right now, Ivan. Until I finish my first few months of teaching, I'm not even financially capable of dating or a relationship. Plus, I don't really have that kind of time," I said.

Ivan winked and added, "You don't have to have a girlfriend just to have sex, you know, Dimka?"

I arched an eyebrow at my friend. "What exactly do you have in mind?"

Ivan asked me, "Ever hear of Adult Friend Finder?"

"It doesn't sound like this is about finding friends," I replied, skeptically.

"It's not. It's a website you go on where you can meet someone just to get laid. C'mon," he said, as he sat down with his laptop, "I'll help you create an account. Just make sure you use a condom. You never know with the women on this site."

I wasn't so sure about this, but sat down beside him. Ivan started filling out my information - name, email, birth date, etc. -, all of which he already knew. "We'll take a picture of you by the pool at your dad's when you go for the family reunion on Saturday to put on your profile," he said, "I'm still invited to go along, right?"

"Of course you're still invited, Ivan. You're practically a brother to me - and my sisters. But I don't want my face on a website like this, Ivan," I said.

"No, dude, we'll crop out your face. Who even said anything about your face?" he smirked, "Girls on a site like this aren't as interested in that as they are in ... other things."


Rose's POV:

I moaned with pleasure against his lips as Adrian began rubbing at my nipples through my shirt. I was straddled on top of him in his bed, near the headboard. Despite agreeing to see other people, Adrian had somehow convinced me to come over to his frat to spend time with him on a school night. Adrian was always so persuasive and it was always hard for everyone to say 'no' to him. He just had a way of making people come around to his way of thinking.

Adrian's AYE fraternity house was quiet tonight. I had never even heard of Alpha Yam Ergo until he had rushed for them.

I still had my school uniform on and I could feel his hardening erection through his thin khaki pants and the lacy fabric of my panties.

"Adrian, my dad's going to kill us both if I stay long enough for us to have sex tonight," I said, as his lips moved to my earlobe.

"Little vixen," Adrian began, "I know your dad is actually one of the few people where that's pretty literal, but, really? C'mon, I could still have you home by ten. Plus, your dad loves me."

I laughed. "'Love' is a pretty strong word, Adrian. I think he tolerates you. But that's going to change if he finds out we're seeing other people now, you know?"

"No matter," he whispered against my ear as he began to push my skirt up, "For now, he won't mind if you're with me, as long as I get you home before curfew."

"It's already almost nine," I said, "And it takes twenty minutes just to get me back home. Can't we just wait until tomorrow when I have a later curfew?"

Adrian pulled back and looked me in the eye. "Are you worried that there won't be enough time?" he asked me.

I nodded. "Baby," he said, giving me a sinful grin as he began to unbutton my shirt, "You know me. You know my 'skills'. Do you really question that I can't make you come at least a few times in forty minutes? And you know I've got a school project tomorrow night."

"Adrian, honestly, who makes plans for a school project on a Friday night?" I asked.

"My class did. It's not up to me," he replied, "Besides, you've been eighteen for almost six months now. You're an adult. What's he going to do - ground you?"

I scoffed. "Umm, yeah! Adrian, he'd totally ground -" All of a sudden, Adrian's mouth was on my bare nipple and I lost all words coming out of my mouth and all conscious train of thought to the warmth, softness, and dampness of his mouth. I hadn't even noticed that he had pulled the cup of my bra down.

"You worry too much, baby," Adrian murmured against my skin, laying me down so that he was beside me on the bed. I couldn't help myself and found myself working on the buckle of his pants.

Adrian began to thread his fingers into the waistband of my panties, sliding them down my legs. As he reached my ankles, I kicked them off and his hand slid back up my leg, finding its way to my warm center. "Oh, God, baby," he said, sliding a finger along my opening, "You're so wet for me."

I tugged the belt open and began to work on his button and zipper, moaning at the feel of his finger teasing at me.

Thankfully, Adrian was going commando again, so once the zipper was down, Little Adrian was springing out ready for me. "It looks like I'm not the only one who's turned on," I teased, running my hand against his length and stroking gently.

"Rose," he said, "the things you do to me. You've always turned me on. I can't even count the times I've ended up stroking off thinking of you when I've been alone in my bed."

Suddenly, my mind flashed to what I had told Mr. Belikov that first night in detention: "It may not be your name, but until you tell me your first name, I need something to call you. Especially when I'm thinking of you later. Alone. In my bed." And, boy, had I. God, I couldn't stop thinking of this gorgeous Russian god.

I wondered … Could I? "Baby," I said, "how do you feel about a little role play tonight?"

"Kinky. What'd you have in mind, little vixen?" he asked with a grin.

I grinned back as I said, "What if we pretend we're other people? Like maybe we're strangers who just met randomly on the street? Maybe I could call you ..." I tried to make it sound like I was reaching for an imaginary name, but I knew exactly what I had in mind. I knew Mr. Belikov's first name started with a 'D' but I had no idea what it was. "Maybe I could call you Dominic or David? Or maybe just something like 'Comrade' - like I don't even know your name? And you could call me …"

"How about I call you Sage?" he asked, suddenly, "I think I might like that. Sage."

"I like that ... Comrade," I breathed in Adrian's ear, suddenly imagining his hands and body were Mr. Belikov's. I stroked at his hard cock with renewed fervor, imagining Mr. Belikov lying beside me, with 'Mr. Belikov's' fingers teasing my soaking wet center. This might be the hottest sex Adrian and I had ever had.

Adrian got up and grabbed a condom from the end table, then slid it on with expert quickness and rolled me onto my back and positioned himself between my spread legs, teasing up and down my slit with his hardness. I had been on birth control for a while as a precautionary measure, but we still used condoms - partially because of Adrian's past, and partially as just a second level of protection.

"You like this, Sage?" he asked as he teased me with his hard manhood.

I liked to be on top, but something just felt so good about letting Mr. Belikov be the one in charge during sex. "Yes, Comrade," I moaned, imagining Mr. Belikov positioned there, "Take me now, Comrade!"

Adrian sunk deep inside me in one quick thrust, pushing in as deep as he could go, causing me to moan harder.

"Oh, Sage, you feel so good," Adrian said, thrusting in or out on each word.

"Comrade, fuck me so good!" I whimpered as I met his thrust with my hips. Adrian sat up and propped my hips up under his thighs, giving a better angle to thrust harder into me, then began massaging both of my breasts as he stared down at me.

"Sage, you like that?" Adrian asked, thrusting even harder, "You like feeling me inside you like that?"

"Yes, Comrade, yes, you feel so good inside me," I breathed, picturing Mr. Belikov's face as he plunged into me over and over again.

Adrian reached one hand lower down between us and began rubbing my clit. I moaned harder still and felt the telltale tightening inside me that told me I was about to come.

"You're close, aren't you Sage?" he asked me.

"Oh, God, yes! I'm about to come," I yelled, "Oh, God, Comrade! Comrade, make me come so hard! Oh! Comrade! COMRADE!" I screamed it out as I rolled my head back and squeezed my eyes shut, feeling the pleasure of orgasm overwhelming me.

"Oh, Sage, yes!" shouted Adrian back, as he gave a few last thrusts and came.

Adrian sat back, pulled off the condom, and went to dispose of it, while I began getting my clothes back on.

"Well, little vixen, that was certainly different," said Adrian, with a wicked grin as he came back to kiss me.

"Yes, it was," I said, "Now, you've got to get me home before curfew and we only have ten minutes to leave."

"Okay, little vixen," he said, and we both moved to exit his room, "let's get you home now."

As soon as we opened the door, I saw his crude frat brother, freshman Jesse Zeklos playing video games in the living room facing away from us. "Ivashkov!" Jesse called, not even looking up from the screen, "Dude! Can you give me Rose's digits? She's free now, right? 'Cause I'd love to hit that, man. That whole Catholic schoolgirl thing she's got going on is so hot. I totally thought you weren't going out on your date with that Sage girl until tomorrow, but clearly, I was mistaken."

I shot Adrian a glare. I couldn't really be mad, considering we'd both done the same thing, but Adrian had no way of knowing that - and it had still really caught me off guard. No wonder why he wanted to see other people...


Third Person Perspective:

As Adrian pulled his bright yellow Mustang up to his uncle's house for the reunion, Rose began to regret going along.

"Rose," Adrian said, with a rare use of her actual first name, "Are you okay, baby?"

"Sure," she replied with a noncommittal shrug.

"You're wearing the red bikini, right?" he asked. Rose nodded. "In that case, can you take that t-shirt off? You look so good in it."

"Fuck, why not?" Rose said, as she pulled the t-shirt over head and left it sitting in Adrian's car. He led her inside, got them both drinks, and began introducing her to people.

Dimitri sat in the hot tub in the far back corner of the yard with Ivan, his back to the rest of the party-goers.

"Holy shit!" said Ivan, elbowing Dimitri in the ribs, "Look at the girl your cousin Adrian brought to the party! Fuck, just her tits alone are enough to make her a ten! With her body, and that face and hair, she's like a thirteen. Now, there's someone who could make you forget about this student of yours."

As Dimitri turned and looked, he began to wonder if maybe he was seeing things. It can't be her, he thought to himself.

"Let's go introduce ourselves," said Ivan, standing to get up out of the hot tub, "If I know Adrian to be the player that he is, she might be on the market soon, anyways." Dimitri followed along.

Ivan and Dimitri grabbed some drinks and walked up to Adrian and his date, bringing Dimitri to stand just in front of Rose. "Adrian!" he said, pulling him in for a bro-hug while trying not to spill their drinks, "Who's this you've brought with you?"

"Ivan, Hey!" said Adrian, "And Dimitri! Rose, I'd like you to meet my cousin Dimitri Belikov. And this is Ivan Zeklos." As Adrian said each of their names, he waved a hand to point to who he was referring to. "Guys, this is Rose Hathaway."

Rose almost couldn't take her eyes off of Dimitri's chiseled bare chest, but she managed to hear the introduction. Rose blushed just a little, hoping no one noticed. "We've actually already met," said Rose, looking at Dimitri, "Dimitri is the guy I've been spending detention with every day this week." Ivan let out a small rush of air as he realized just who Rose was. "But," continued Rose, extending her hand, "I didn't know his first name until now."

Dimitri replied back, taking Rose's hand and shaking it, probably a bit longer than necessary, taking in her body in the bikini top and shorts, and Rose's plump, kiss-bruised lips, "Well, Roza, I guess you can stop calling me 'Comrade' now." Adrian arched an eyebrow at Rose upon hearing this. Rose ignored Adrian as she licked her lips looking at Dimitri, partially fascinated by him and partially wondering why he had called 'Roza'.

"Who says I can't call you both now?" Rose replied with a wink.

Ivan whispered in Dimitri's ear, "Dude, you're so fucked! We're going to get you that account tonight and get someone to help you with this before the end of the month."

Adrian whispered to Rose, "So, 'Comrade', huh? You're gonna pay for that later, little vixen." Adrian gave Rose a light pat on her rear.

"I think I already did," whispered Rose, "Or would you care to give me some 'Sage' advice on how this is any different?"

"Touché, little vixen, touché," Adrian replied.

Adrian said, to Ivan and Dimitri, "Why don't you boys join us? We were just going to sit down." They all agreed and grabbed a table near the pool.

"So, Ivan, are you Dimitri's boyfriend?" Rose asked, trying to sound like she was making small talk. Adrian, Dimitri, and Ivan all nearly spit their drinks out at her question.

"No, doll-face," laughed Ivan, "You're much more my type than he is. We both like the ladies far too much to be into each other. Dimitri's like a brother to me. What about you and Adrian?"

Rose was thinking of mentioning that they were seeing other people, hoping to spark Dimitri's interest. Before Rose could speak, Adrian spoke for her. "We actually met at St. Vlad's back when I was a student. Rose and I have been dating on and off for a couple of years now."

A few minutes later, Rose had finished her third drink. The Russian vodka was pretty harsh, but she was starting to like it and thought she better quit while she was still sober enough to be safe to swim.

"You boys mind if I go for a swim?" she asked, standing up from her chair.

"No, not at all," said Adrian, "I might even join you."

Rose leaned down and kissed Adrian a bit more deeply than was appropriate for public, making a show of it, and then she began pulling off her shorts to dive into the pool. Dimitri tried not to look, but found himself gaping at her as the bikini bottom dipped down while she was pulling off the shorts. He gulped and turned the other way.

After Rose had walked away, Adrian stood, saying, "Well, gentlemen, it's been nice talking to you, but after that, I suddenly feel the need to get myself into something wet." Adrian pulled off his t-shirt and walked towards the pool, watching Rose the whole way.

Rose stood on the diving board and launched herself gracefully into the pool, quickly swimming all the way to the shallow end with her powerful legs. The water was quite a bit colder than she had expected. As she stood again in the shallows, she noticed that Adrian was no longer at the table, but that Dimitri was staring at her.

Dimitri couldn't turn away as he watched the droplets of water trailing down Rose's silky-looking skin. Her large nipples were standing out against the red fabric of her bikini. He found it hard to swallow and realized that the swallowing wasn't the only thing that was hard, staring at Rose.

"Should we put on your profile that you want the woman to wear a St. Vlad's uniform? Or maybe that she has to have long dark hair?" Ivan asked Dimitri with a laugh.

Dimitri thought about elbowing Ivan in the side, but then simply responded, "Yes. Both."

A few moments later, Adrian was beside Rose in the pool and pulling her back to the deep end.

Adrian turned Rose to face him. "Little vixen," whispered Adrian, next to Rose's ear, "This bikini, that kiss, your little 'Comrade' stunt earlier. You're driving me crazy. Rose, I have to have you. Right here." Adrian began licking at Rose's earlobe and pulled her closer with a hand between her shoulder blades.

By now, they were in the deep end of the pool. Adrian slid his other hand between Rose's thighs and began rubbing circles against her clit through her bikini bottom. Rose closed her eyes and sighed, suddenly feeling heat rush to her.

"C'mon, baby," said Adrian, "I know I could make you come right here in this pool. I don't even have to take anything off of you to do it." Adrian flicked his finger against her little pleasure button a few more times before saying, "C'mon, baby, touch me." Rose couldn't help but comply.

Dimitri was watching the pair with rapt attention. He couldn't hear what they were saying or see anything obvious, but he could tell from their proximity and facial expressions that all was not as innocent as it appeared.

Dimitri thought to himself, No, not just the uniform. She needs to be willing to call me Comrade - and let me call her Roza.


Russian1126: My name's Dimitri. What's your name?

IceBlueEyes: I'm Tasha. Pleased to meet you, Dimitri.

Russian1126: So, you're okay with this being a sex-only thing - right? No strings?

IceBlueEyes: Dimitri, that's perfectly fine. When I look at your picture, that's ALL I want from you.

Russian1126: And you're cool with this being a one-time-only thing?

IceBlueEyes: If that's all you want, I can do that. But it's up to you. Now, what's this about being very interested in Catholic school that I see in your profile, Dimitri? I used to go to St. Vladimir's. I think I even still have my school uniform.

Russian1126: How do you feel about a little role-playing? *winking smiley face*

IceBlueEyes: I like the way you think, Dimitri. What have you got in mind?

Russian1126: I actually work at St. Vlad's. How would you feel about dressing up in your old uniform and letting me bend you over my desk?

IceBlueEyes: That actually sounds very nice, Dimitri. How does Saturday sound?

Russian1126: I could make Saturday night work. I'll come up with a place and time and let you know. One more thing - could I convince you to curl your hair?


Friday night ...

Rose sat awkwardly on the art gallery bench, looking totally lost in her surprisingly formal red silk dress, staring at the painting on the wall in front of her. Adrian had invited her weeks ago, but had neglected to mention that, although the gala was for his painting, she was truly the guest of honor. True, there was nothing risqué about the picture, but it suggested a lot. The painting showed Rose's back, laying on a soft satiny sheet, another satin sheet draped around her, just barely covering a little more than half of her ass, with her bare legs, the side of her breast, and back exposed, her long hair fanned out across the pillow. Without her face visible, anyone that didn't know of their relationship might not have known that it was Rose in the painting, but she was sure that there were plenty who would know, and sitting in front of the painting did nothing to dispel the assumptions that it might be her.

The painting was beautiful, so Rose could hardly be angry about it. He had painted it months ago and it spoke volumes about his feelings towards her at that time. Rose was almost startled to see a beauty in herself in that painting that she had never known. The painting was larger than life-size and showed a lot of detail: moles she wasn't aware of, barely visible pores, the shadow along the edge of her thigh, even the soft hairs on her forearms. But, much like neglecting to tell her that the painting featured in the show was of her, he had also neglected to show her the painting - or even tell her he had painted it.

Adrian had also neglected to mention that he would be there with a date. And forgotten he had invited Rose.

"Oh," Adrian said, seeing Rose sitting on the bench, as he approached with his date.

"Adrian," Rose said, "I have been waiting here for you for almost twenty minutes. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show."

"Rose, uhm … hi," Adrian said, absent-mindedly rubbing at the back of his neck, "Rose, this is Sydney. Sydney, this is Rose."

Rose extended her hand in greeting. "Rose Hathaway," she said, with a forced smile.

Sydney held out her hand. "Sydney Sage," she said with a smile, then looking at the painting, added, "Oh, Rose, you must be the model for Adrian's painting! He's so talented - isn't he?"

"Yes, extremely," said Rose, "How do you know Adrian?"

"We met in our architecture class last year. He has been asking me to go out with him since the first day of class."

"Well," said Rose, giving Adrian a pointed look, "isn't that interesting?"

As if things couldn't get any more interesting, it was at that moment that Dimitri and Ivan walked up. Clinging to his side, Ivan had his arm around a blonde girl that looked like a porcelain doll, with ringlets of curls all over her head. Rose questioned if the girl was still in high school.

"Adrian! And Rose, isn't it?" said Ivan. Rose nodded as Ivan brought Rose in for an awkward hug. "Adrian, Rose, this is Mia, my date," said Ivan.

"This is Sydney," said Adrian, "Sydney, this is Ivan and my cousin Dimitri."

"Oh, wow," Ivan continued, noticing Rose's dress, "Rose, you look positively stunning! Doesn't she Dimitri?"

Dimitri didn't respond right away, his eyes glued to the painting on the wall. He swallowed roughly, feeling his mouth go dry as blood rushed away from his brain. He had dreamt of seeing Rose on a bed like this, but never in his wildest imagination thought he would actually get the chance.

Ivan elbowed Dimitri. "Cat got your tongue, Dimka?"

"Dimka?" Rose asked, questioningly.

"It's Dimitri's nickname in Russian," said Ivan, then Ivan finally noticed the painting Dimitri was staring at, "Rose, that is definitely a different side of you. Well, now I can see why Dimka lost his ability to speak." Ivan winked.

Rose blushed, "Is it that obvious that it's me?"

Before Ivan could respond, Dimitri walked away. Ivan made a hasty apology and goodbye as he and Mia followed Dimitri.


Tuesday afternoon …

Rose's POV:

"Mom, Dad - Rose and I are going over to Christian's for dinner tonight," Lissa said. It was nice that she had finally started calling them Mom and Dad, too, after living with us for the past ten years. "His Aunt Tasha invited us over for pizza and a movie."

"Lissa," my mom said, "it's a school night. Make sure you're back before curfew." As an afterthought, Janine added, "And - both of you - tell Natasha thank you. It's nice that a young single girl like that makes time to invite his friends over when she's responsible for taking care of her nephew at so young an age."

"We will, Mom," I said. "Liss, I need to talk to you before we go over there!" I whispered.

"What is it, Rose?" she asked, as she pulled me to our bedroom.

"You remember what I told you about Adrian and that Sydney girl he brought to the gallery?"

"Yes, Rose. Why?"

"When he dropped me off at school today, he asked me to end things. Entirely. No more 'stay together but see other people'. Just 'over'."

Lissa gasped, "Oh, Rose, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, Liss. For the past few weeks, I've felt like he was just using me to keep around as a safety net, anyways. We had sex once and fooled around a few times that first week, but it's not like we talked or anything. And since then, other than dropping me off at school in the mornings, I just haven't even seen him. It's better this way. But it means I'll probably be riding the bus again."

"If you'd like, I think Christian has room in his car for you, Rose," Lissa offered.

"Thanks, Liss. I think I'd like that," I said. Laughing a little, I added, "God, I miss sex already!"

Lissa laughed, too, at that. "Rose, it's only been a few weeks!"

"You don't realize how much you want it until you don't have it," I said, "And - shit - Belikov looked pretty fucking delectable today. Goddamn, what I wouldn't give to have a ride on that."

"Rose!" Lissa exclaimed, giving me a playful hit on the side, "He's a teacher! Do you want to get him fired?"

"Liss, it's not like he's my teacher. Besides, I'm eighteen. It would be legally consensual."

"Didn't you say he was Adrian's cousin, though?" asked Lissa.

"Does it really matter if he is? Adrian and I are broken up now. What I do is none of his business."

Just then, a car horn honked. It had to be Christian.

"We'll talk more at Christian's house, okay?" said Lissa, adding quickly, "And about Adrian! Not all this sex stuff! You need to deal with the breakup!"

"Honestly, Liss," I told her as we began walking out towards the front door, "I've had a couple of weeks to deal with the breakup. I mean, Friday night was pretty bad. I've had a chance to work through it. Now, I just want something different."


"Rose," Tasha said, "thank you so much for helping me clear the dishes. You've always been so sweet."

I blushed at her kind words. Tasha Ozera had been like a big sister to Lissa and me for the past five years. "You're welcome, Tasha. I'm just glad that you invited us."

"So, how's Adrian doing?" she asked me.

"Uhm … Actually … we broke up," I told her, wincing for her reaction.

"Oh, no!" she said, sounding terribly sad, "I really had high hopes for you two. He seemed to really care. When did it happen?"

"Sort of on the first day of school. At first, he asked me to agree to stay together but see other people, but then … it was just over."

"That's too bad, Rose. How are you holding up?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I was pretty tore up, at first, but mostly I'm just feeling ready to move on. I still miss him, though."

"What do you miss the most?" she asked.

I replied, trying to shove my blush and my embarrassment down. After all, this was Tasha. "I miss the sex most," I mumbled.

Tasha laughed and I could tell that she had heard me.

"He was amazing in bed," I said, feeling braver now that she knew, "I don't think there was ever a time we were in bed together that he didn't make me come at least once."

"So, are you ready for a new relationship?" she asked, "Or just wanting someone to fool around with?"

I laughed at Tasha. She was always so good at stating the blatant stuff. "Probably the latter."

"Have you ever tried Adult Friend Finder?" she asked.

"What's Adult Friend Finder?"

"One second," she said, then called out to the living room, "Christian, Lissa, are you two occupied for a while? I would like to show Rose something on the computer."

"We're good, Aunt Tasha," replied Christian, from what sounded like his bedroom. Yeah, they were going to be occupied for a while.

Tasha led the way to her bedroom and opened up her web browser. "Adult Friend Finder is sort of like a dating site for finding no-strings hookups," she said, logging in to the site. I was surprised to see that she had a number of messages in her account from different guys. "You put in what you're looking for, and what you're willing to do, and then it helps you find matches. With my life, I really don't have time to date, so it's been great for me. I've been on it for a year or so, now."

"Is that safe?" I asked.

"I guess so," Tasha replied, "I mean, I guess every internet thing is sort of a roll of the dice, but this way, at least you both go in knowing you're looking for something kinky instead of expecting romance and ending up chained to his bed."

"Chained to a guy's bed sounds pretty good right now, actually," I said.

"You will still get a few strange requests, now and then," Tasha laughed again, evidently reminiscing about something.

"What?" I asked.

Tasha blushed. "Oh, this guy, on Saturday. It may not be the strangest request I've heard, but it was definitely specific. It was also totally a one-time thing, for both of us. I mean, don't get me wrong, he was incredible - taut muscles everywhere, sexy foreign accent, tall, nimble fingers, big package, you name it. If he went with something a little different, I'd probably do him again in a heartbeat, but his request... He asked me to wear my St. Vladimir's uniform and had me bent over his desk - at the school. He even asked me to curl my hair and wanted me to call him 'Comrade'."

"Really?" I asked, "That's interesting ... If he wanted you to call him 'Comrade', what did he call you?"

"He kept calling me 'Roza'," she said, smiling at the memory, "It felt amazing when he was rolling his 'R' on that name, too."

"Was this guy a teacher?" I held my breath for her response.

Tasha thought for a minute. "Well, I really shouldn't tell you who he was, just in case you know him … but … I suppose if you'd be considering creating your own account anyways, there's really no harm in showing you his profile, since you could, in theory, see it there, anyways." As she finished her sentence, Tasha was smirking.

As she pulled up the profile picture and turned the computer to face me, I felt like my eyes could have popped out of my head. The profile was a man with the username Russian1126 and a picture from the neck to knees of brown shoulder-length hair, those chiseled abs and muscular arms that I'd been dreaming of since I had seen them at the pool party, and the same kelley green swim trunks I'd seen that day. There was no doubt in my mind that this man was Dimitri Belikov.

In his profile, he asked for women ages twenty-one to thirty, but other than that, his description of what he was looking for was basically me. "Tasha, did you have sex with Dimitri Belikov?!" I ask her, possibly a bit louder than necessary because of my shock.

She grins at me and giggles. "Maybe …"

Lissa, from down the hall, must have heard me, because she popped her head into the bedroom door. Thankfully, Christian stayed behind instead of joining in this increasingly-awkward conversation. "Tasha had sex with Belikov? Oh my God, when? And how was he?"

"Lissa, it's a long story," Tasha told her, "One that you're not going to hear. Maybe ever." I giggled. Tasha added, "And he was fantastic - and HUGE! If he wasn't wearing a condom, I'd be worried about sneezing jizz right now."

"Euw, Tasha, TMI," Lissa said, "Tash, did you know that Belikov is Rose's teacher crush? She even has a nickname for him. She calls him 'Comrade'."

"Really?" Tasha said, "That's interesting." Tasha winked at me, and then said, "Well, maybe you don't need this login after all."

As Tasha walked past me out of the room, she whispered in my ear, "Go get 'im, Rose!"