~Here it is. . . The last chapter of Kauhale Ho'okahua! :3 Yay! Oh, and I apologize if it seems a tad. . . rushed. I'll edit it a bit later. . . I just wanted to finish it before I go to the mountains for a week. :D I love reading 'ill-main-charicter' scenes, but I'm not so good at writing them. . . I hope this meets your requirements. Just a few comments on some of the reviews before I start. . . ~

Dragonia: Are you nuts?! How could I kill off Stitch! . . . I love him too much. :3 This chapter will have a whole lotta angst, though.

Krystal Diamond: I used to play that game. . . I even wrote a crossover with it. . .I assume I've played it. . .*shifty eyes* Oh, and I found out the proper name for a hand-held harp: The Lyre.

Sira Morgan: I thought I explained that in the first chapter? O_o He's had several decades of practise, you know. . .

Faith: Leave Shuu to 6-2-5?! You're more nuts than Dragonia! *rolls eyes* It was my intent from the beginning to get somebody for Stitch. . . Not 6-2-5. He's just there to help reveal Lilo (or her memory, anyway) to Shuu.

Most Extreme Princess: . . . 6-2-7? What are you talking about? O_o

~On with the story! (the first part is in Stitch's POV) ~

I felt worse than I ever had before.

My chest is burning. . .

. . . How can I be burning? I'm fire-proof. . . Aren't I?

Where's Lilo?

Isn't she here?

. . . Doesn't she love me anymore?

No. . . no. . . O'hana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind. . .or forgotten. She hasn't forgotten about me. . .

. . . She couldn't have forgotten me. . . We're O'hana. . .

*** *** ***

For Shuu, the situation had gone from bad, to worse in the course of a few minutes.

While she was still staring in shock at the punctures on Stitch's chest. . . There was a blackout.

Since the doors to their apartment where electrically operated, she couldn't get out, and nobody could get in.

It was just a good thing that she could see in the dark.

Shuu didn't know anything about medicine, or about keeping anybody alive.

She never had had to before.

All she could do was try to make her friend comfortable, sit in the dark, and listen to his feverish mumblings in both English, Hawaiian, and Turian.

"I'm lost. . ."

"Mmmm. . . Waiting. . . ."

"Family. . . Maybe I could. . ."

"I was built to destroy. . . I can never belong. . ."

Shuu flattened her ears at this. . . Evidently Stitch had had a lot of time to think about his place in the world.


"Can Stitch say goodbye. . .?"

That alarmed Shuu. She peered into his face, but evidently he was reliving a past experience.

"I like fluffy. . ."

"Stupidhead. . ."

She had to wonder. . . Was that an insult, or self-rebuke?

Many, many times, Stitch called a name. . .


She had to wonder who this person was. Was she another experiment? A pet? A human? Another alien?

Aside from that, there was one phrase that surfaced many times, in Hawaiian, but occasionally in both English and Turian. It sounded as if he was quoting something.

"O'hana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten."

There was a variation of this. . . Even though the voice was feverish, it still held a tone of pride. . .

"This is my family. I found it. . . all on my own. It's little, and broken, but still good. Yeah. . . Still good. . .

*** *** ***

I remembered. . .

Lilo. . .

. . .Dead.

I howled my grief as I remembered the Worst Time. . .

*** Flashback ***

It was an average day.

Lilo and Stitch had been on their way back from their hula lesson. . . Crossing the street.

The same street that they'd crossed together every Sunday for two years.

But this Sunday, it was different.

This Sunday had a drunk driver.

They'd had no warning. . . not a horn-honking, or even a screeching of tires.

Just a sudden impact as a car rounded the corner at speeds a car of that type and age was never meant to go on a highway, let alone on the streets of a rural Hawaiian village.

Even Stitch had been knocked unconscious, albeit briefly, something that hadn't happened since the First Days.

When he woke up; he hadn't been senseless for more than a few minutes, he and Lilo were in the middle of a large bunch of shrapnel that had once been a car.

The driver was God knows where.

Lilo was next to him. . . bleeding from the huge gash in her side, from which protruded what had once been a part of the engine.

Her last words would haunt his nightmares for decades.

"Nobody gets left behind, Stitch."

Firemen and paramedics, outside, working on opening the shell of the car, would never hear a cry. . .no, howl, containing so much anguish ever again.

Nor would they ever want to.

*** *** ***

Shuu nearly jumped out of her skin when Stitch suddenly began to howl.

. . . All experiments are taught, not to hide their emotions, but not to let the whole universe know. They always had to be quiet.


She didn't want to know what had caused him so much pain that he had to give a cry like that.

"Shhhh. . ." Shuu ran one of her paws soothingly along Stitch's brow.

Surprisingly, the blue experiment quieted*.

He was breathing harshly; a rattling breath. . .

"Don't die, Stitch. . . Just. . . Don't die. . ."

*** The Next Day ***

I woke up from a horrible nightmare. . . I dreamt that somebody was crying. . .

My whole body's sore. . .How did that happen?

I blinked. I was in a bed. . .

. . . Oh, crap! I didn't get drunk again, did I? I thought I swore off alcohol decades ago!

. . . Wait a minute. . . This isn't a hangover. . .**

There was something on my chest. . . I blinked and looked down.

Shuu was asleep. . . Her head is on my body. I gently moved her off.

There was the source of my hurt. . . Some inflamed puncture wounds. . .

. . . Oh, yeah. . . 6-2-5. . .

I frowned, thinking.

His venom was strong. . . I was made to be immune to all toxins, though. . .

Shuu murmured and woke up beside me.


She blinked and her face broke into a huge smile. "You're alright!" She squealed.

Suddenly, I was wrapped up in an exuberant hug.

Let me say . . . There is nothing in the universe to compare to a four-armed hug by someone you love. . . 

I frowned again. "Why shouldn't I be alright? I'm immune to all the experiments' poisons. . ." Shuu grumbled something incoherent in my shoulder. I added, "What? Did you think that 6-2-5 had poisoned me fatally?

"Umm. . . Yes?"

I shook my head and kissed her on the nose.

 "Silly Trog.***"

"A Trog, am I?

"Hmm. . ." I pretended to ponder a bit. "Yes."

She growled a little at me, good-naturedly.

Then, to me surprise, she kissed me, and said, with a sudden tenderness, "I was so worried 'bout you. . ."

I smiled.

Now I know where I belong.

The End!

*You could see that coming, right? :3

** Oh, if you like me writing in Stitch's point of view, read my fic, 'Lubricant Number 34'. . .It's his POV for the first part of 'Lilo & Stitch'. Now I'll get back to the story after that shameless bit of advertising.

*** Remember the references in the movie? When Stitch escapes, "That crazy Trog is about to make a jump!" and near the end, the Grand Councilwoman says, "You'll be lucky if you end up on a fluff-Trog farm when we sort this thing out." I assume it's some kind of insult.

~Yay! It's done! :3 It took me forever. . .Okay, fifteen minutes. . . To create a nice ending. ^^ R 'n' R.~