Kauhale Ho'okahua

~Yay! This is the beginning of a fanfic I've been thinking about writing for quite a while. The chapters may not come out quickly, but, I promise you, they will be good. . . I hope. By the way, the title is in Hawaiian. . It means 'Home Found'. Now, I have a bit of explaining to do about this fic. . .~

It takes place about 120 years in the future, after the Lilo & Stitch movie

About four years after Lilo & Stitch, Lilo died in a car accident. There will be more of an explanation later in the fic.

A few weeks after Lilo died, Stitch moved to a small city on the coast of British Columbia, Canada.

Five years after Stitch left Hawaii (nine years after the movie, for you math-impaired ones), David and Nani got married, although they couldn't find Stitch, so Stitch was ignorant of this chapter of their lives.

At the time of the move, the waters of the oceans where steadily rising, due to the melting ice caps, so all of the cities where beginning to be built on a kind of deep-rooted stilts.

When Stitch moved to Canada, he founded a Mechanical Repair shop, named 'Tooth & Claw' (named for the fact that he rarely used any tools like hammers, saws etc, just used his teeth and claws).

This fic is based on the fact that Stitch doesn't age, so he's basically immortal. I give the Fanfiction.net author JamesBond credit for this idea. . . If you're bored after you read my fics, go read his! Very well written. ^^

30 years before this fic (or 90 years after Lilo & Stitch, for those of you who are too lazy to do the math), with all the global warming, Hawaii was flooded. Stitch helped with the rescue efforts, and that was the only time that he ever returned to Hawaii.

Every Saturday night, for over a century, Stitch goes to a nearby bar to perform, usually singing Hawaiian and Elvis songs, and playing his Ukulele. He's done this for so long that it's called 'Stitch Night', at the bar. He never drinks alcohol; it doesn't sit well with his biological system. Stitch does get paid for it, but he does it mostly for fun.

One of Stitch's hobbies is collecting instruments. He has a second-hand piano, several different guitars, a violin, a cello, a hand-held harp, portable keyboard, as well as three different sizes of recorders. He can play them all, but he prefers the Ukulele above all.

Another of Stitch's hobbies is the study of martial arts across the world. He knows several forms of Karate, Tai Kwon Do (is that spelt right?), and many others, but his favorite is Tai Chi, for it's relaxing qualities.

I've taken a few creative liberties. . . The language that Lilo speaks in the movie is all Hawaiian, not English. So the first Human language Stitch learnt was Hawaiian, ok?

Stitch has increased his vocabulary tremendously over the years (who wouldn't, being over a century old?). He enjoys speaking many languages, including Hawaiian, his native Turian, English (which he speaks with most humans), French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese as well as German.

Stitch has hired a man from the Gluboll (pronounced 'Glue-Ball') family for extra help around his shop ever since he founded it. The current assistant is named Just Stan, but people usually call him Stan.

Aliens are often enough visitors to 'Ee-arth', as they call it. Stitch's shop is the only shop qualified to repair any of the ships.

Stitch had his living quarters cleverly made. There is an entrance to them in his office, at the back of the shop, which leads to a living room-like entrance hall. This is where he entertains any visitors/customers he may have. There is a smaller door in this room that leads down a small tunnel that only the smallest toddler, and himself, obviously, can fit through. The tunnel he made himself, and leads spiraling down through one of the city's support pipes to his real home, underground, under the ocean itself. The actual place doesn't have wallpaper; just hundreds of pictures taken by Lilo, of him, Lilo, his family, and various Hawaiian scenes. There is a small kitchen area; he has a passion for baking pastries, including cupcakes, muffins, cookies and other desserts. There is a bed and a fluffy armchair, as well as two surfboards hanging on the wall. . . The surfboards, not the bed and armchair. O_o

Pleakley got to return to Turo after several months on 'Ee-arth'. Stitch never heard from him again afterwards.

Jumba stayed on Hawaii for several years after Stitch left. He died of old age after about 50 years (after Lilo & Stitch). Stitch still stayed in contact with his creator until Jumba's death.

For handiness, Stitch wears a type of leather belt that goes vertically across one shoulder, going between his two pairs of arms, and going up his back in a loop (I think they're called 'bandoliers', but I'm not sure. . .) It's covered in pockets containing items such as screwdrivers, keys, key cards, etc, with the odd blaster (that he rarely uses).

Stitch has kept the last name 'Pelekai' (that IS how you spell it, right? Right?!), for legal reasons. He dislikes being called 6-2-6, but his full name is 'Stitch 6-2-6 Pelekai'.

~So. . . I think that that's about all I have to explain for the moment. You can tell I put a lot of thought into it, can't you? Well, here we go. . . the first chapter. Oh, and if you didn't read the above information, you probably will not understand this fic at all, so please, please read it . . .~

Disclaimer: I don't own anything thought up by Disney (Including, but not limited to: Stitch (6-2-6), Experiment 6-2-5 (I think. . . oh, and he won't come in 'till a lot later), Lilo, David, Nani, Jumba, Pleakley, Ohana, Turo, or any mention back to the movie). I think that's about it. . .

The day started out the same way all the days of the past nearly twelve decades had for Stitch; he woke up at five-thirty in the morning, and baked a quick batch of a dozen breakfast muffins and straitened his home up.

It was then 6 o'clock. He packed up the remaining three muffins in a small container and headed for the door of his home. As always, he paused and stared longingly at the full-size picture of his savior; Lilo. It hung in an ornate wooden frame (wood being extremely hard to come by these days), that Stitch had made himself. Even after over a century of life without his Ohana, he still couldn't forget her. What she had done for him; save him from a life of killing and destruction. She had brought out the gentleness, the helpfulness in him, for which he was grateful. There wasn't a day that went by that he didn't remember that fact and thank her in his mind.

After a minute, he turned and headed up his tunnel-like stairs, into the weak morning light that penetrated his main hall from a small window.

His assistant, Just Stan, was already up in the workshop, working on a particularly stubborn S-20 * engine.

"Arg!" Stan cried out in frustration, throwing is magnetic screwdriver to the ground. Curious, Stitch placed his muffins on a small table and hurried over to Just Stan.

"What seems to be the problem?" The small experiment asked.

Stan looked up, surprised. He hadn't heard his boss come to work yet. "Oh, the regulator's ancient. It's almost as old as you are. It's rusted through in three areas, look." The human pointed out the bits.

Stitch clucked his large tongue and shook his head. "We'll have to replace it. It'll take a while, though. If I order it now, it'll arrive in about a week or two." He sighed. "They're expensive, though." He didn't like raising his said price to any customers; he always felt dishonest when he did so.

Just Stan just nodded robotically. The human still couldn't get over the fact that Stitch was older than his great-grandfather. . . and the fact that his great-grandfather had worked for him too.

The little blue experiment sighed again and ordered, "Stan, you remove the regulator, without removing anything else, if possible. I have an engine in my office that may have a suitable replacement for the S-20. I'll have to alter the intake pipes, though."

He picked up his muffins on his way to the office, then paused and called back to Stan. "Oh, here. Take a muffin." As soon as the assistant looked up, the experiment tossed a muffin lightly. Stan caught it eagerly. It wasn't that the human was hungry; Stitch's muffins where just extremely good.

About an hour after Stitch had gone into his office (which doubled as a personal workshop), a rich-looking, middle-aged man swaggered into Tooth & Claw.

This man's name was Julius Greyhaven; the owner of the largest chain of Hover Car factories in the whole of North America. ** He gazed around disdainfully at the slightly cluttered workshop. His eyes settled on Just Stan, who at the moment was underneath the large S-20 engine, his back resting on an obsolete Hover Board, trying to remove the last restraints of the regulator, as ordered.

Greyhaven walked over to Just Stan, or at least, what could be seen of the man underneath the gigantic engine.

"You there," said Greyhaven in an imperious voice. "Where's the owner of this," he paused, wrinkled his nose and continued, "place?"

Stan slowly slid out from underneath the engine and stared at the regal-looking businessman. Wordlessly, he gestured with his head towards Stitch's office.

Greyhaven, without even a thank-you, turned on his heel and headed towards the room. Now, as I mentioned before, this arrogant man was a businessman. Normally, he wouldn't have gone anywhere near a shop like Tooth & Claw, but he had heard of the tremendously good reputation that this place had. He decided that his company could due with the good press, and had come to buy the shop off its owner for the lowest price possible.

Now, he hadn't quite done his research. He knew that the place had been founded 120 years earlier, but knew little else aside from the fact that he wanted to own the establishment.

Greyhaven entered the small office and looked around arrogantly, like he already owned all that he saw. There was a counter going all the way around the room, nearly completely covered with odd small tools, parts of machines, and various bottles of liquid. Underneath the counter there was a variety of antiques, from a century-old cooler to an even older tricycle. There was a fairly large table in the centre, which was at the moment occupied by a large engine and what appeared to be an alien dog.

His confidence dropped a notch. There wasn't anyone in the room. Greyhaven called out. "Is there anyone here?"

He was surprised when a slightly gravely voice answered him. "Yes, I'm here. What do you want? I'm a bit busy."

The businessman glanced around, looking for the source of the voice. "Where are you?" He asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" came the voice. Greyhaven sighed. The owner was playing games with him.

He moved over to the table and was about to pet the dog when the voice again called out, "I wouldn't do that if I where you. My back spines contain a fast-acting venom that will kill an average man after a very . . .pain-filled day."

Greyhaven yanked his hand back quickly as the creature sat up. It smirked.

"What?" Stitch asked with a bit of contempt. "Haven't you heard of me? I'm Stitch, owner of Tooth & Claw." He offered one of his four hands to shake.

Greyhaven composed himself, tugging at his shirt-sleeve, not a little shocked, ignoring the paw. "Oh, well, erm. . . harrumph." The man blinked.

"Well?" asked Stitch impatiently, lowering the paw. There was something about this man that irked the little experiment.

The businessman was frank. "I wish to buy your shop." (A.N: What an idiot)

Now it was Stitch's turn to be surprised. "Why would I want to sell Tooth & Claw? I

founded it, it's my job and my entertainment. I have no need for any extra money. Why?"

 The experiment chuckled a bit at Greyhaven's face.

"Erm, well, I can offer a substantial amount of mon-"

The blue creature interrupted. "Not. Interested. Goodbye." He turned away and again began to tinker with the engine.

The businessman was nearly spluttering with indignation at being refused outright. "But, we-"

Stitch flicked an ear irritably. "No. Thanks."

Without another word, the man turned on his heel and left, muttering to himself. With his good hearing, Stitch could tell it was something about a 'Stupid, tiny, blue twit'.  The experiment just shrugged it off and continued to work on the engine, muttering "Stupid, big, pink twit."

*** Later That Day ***

Stitch was sitting at the reception desk, trying not to look bored. He was strumming his Ukulele, humming idly. This was the slow season, the slowest time of day. His plan to replace the regulator of the S-20 with one from an S-22 hadn't worked; the equipment was too obsolete. It made him wonder where the owner had gotten it.

The front entrance of the shop opened with a little ringing sound, as the door brushed the antique bell hanging on the doorway. The experiment immediately came to attention, putting his instrument on a shelf behind the desk.

A young woman with fiery red hair stepped into the store. "Hello?" she called.

"Yes?" Stitch answered from his seat behind the desk. The woman smiled at the alien, and came over to the desk.

"I was wondering if you could check up my Hover Car. It's pretty old, and I just want to make sure that it's not going to fall apart on me." The lady gave a lop-sided smile. "I parked it out behind your shop, if that's all right."

Stitch returned the grin and handed her a clipboard computer*** and a cyber-pen. "It is." He assured her. "Please fill this form out." The woman did so, and handed the computer back to the alien.

He studied it briefly, and did a double take. He stared at the name, 'Edmonds, Victoria'. Stitch blinked, and looked at the woman.

"Would you by chance be related to Myrtle Edmonds? She lived in Hawaii about, oh, 120 years ago?" Victoria blinked, surprised.

"Yes, I am. She was my great-great-aunt. . . But how did you-"

"One moment, please." Stitch interrupted, going into his office. He soon came back, carrying an antique child's tricycle.

"This should belong to you. I. . . took it . . .from your great-great-aunt about 122 years ago. There won't be a charge for any repairs needed for your car." The alien seemed to go a bit purple**** with embarrassment.

"All right. . .Thank-you." Victoria wasn't about to argue with this alien who claimed to have known her older relative, especially since she got free stuff and service.

"If you leave the key here, your Hover Car will be ready tomorrow morning at nine, with any repairs necessary. Have a nice day."

Victoria nodded, a bit dazed, and left dragging the tricycle behind her.

*** Several Hours Later ***

Stitch was again sitting at his desk, looking at the clock on the wall across from him. It was nearly time for Just Stan to go home. He was distracted from his staring vaguely at the clock by someone coming through the front door. This time, it was somebody he recognized.

"Bob! How're you doing? Do you have anything for me today?" The alien stood up and greeted Farmer Bob. The farmer had his land beside an inter-planetary airport, on one of the rare strips of ground left that wasn't flooded by ocean waters. Occasionally, after entering the atmosphere, parts, or even whole ships landed in his field on their way to the airport. Once they touched his ground, the airport couldn't reclaim them. (A.N: Ha-ha *points and laughs at angry airport officials*) The farmer gave anything useful he found to Stitch, and in return, the alien gave him free service at any time.

The elderly farmer nodded, his eyes crinkling. "I have a, a, a whole ship for you. It's pre-tty old, but I believe. . . you may find it, erm, useful." The farmer said in his hesitating voice. "It is, ah, outside, yes, on one of my Hover-Trolleys."

The experiment grinned and thanked the farmer profusely as the old man left. "I'll return the trolley as soon as I can, Bob." He turned back to the shop. "Stan? Could you help me with this?"

The younger human eagerly came over to help. The alien brought the trolley inside and the two gazed at the tangled, ripped bunch of shrapnel. They looked it over together, then Stitch commented. "I think that it's engine," he paused and looked over the huge heap. It was taller than Stan, with no visible connections, "If we can find it, this may have the part we need for that S-20." Stitch said, emphasizing the 'if'.

They looked it over again, searching for the engine. Stan pointed out an area. "I think that it'd be somewhere in there, sir." The alien nodded, jumped onto the pile, and began to worm his body in between the pipes, trying to find the engine.

The alien had been inside the, erm, pile of parts for several minutes when he suddenly gave a yell.

"What is it, sir?" Asked Just Stan excitedly. "Is it the S-20 regulator part?"

There was a pause, and a sound of rustling metal on metal for a few seconds. "Well," Stitch said in a calm, flat, voice, "Yes. But," the experiment continued, his voice taking on a fervent edge. "There's something else!"

Soon after, the experiment immerged, dragging something behind him. "Look!"

It was. . . another experiment. It was unconscious, and covered in what seemed to be soot. But underneath the grit, one could see it had similar body stature to Stitch, although it's colour was a very, very pale purple, with a deeper purple underside. It had a huge, fluffy tail, and. . .

"It's a she!" Stitch said, awed.

Stan blinked. "Wow. . ." the human whispered.

Stitch nodded. "I'll take her downstairs. . . and it's time for you to leave, Stan."

The human nodded and yawned slightly. Stitch picked the other experiment up gently in his four paws and took her down to his quarters. On his way down, he noticed that she had only two arms. He frowned, he knew, from experience, that it was uncomfortable at best to keep the second pair of arms retracted for long periods of time. Knowing a bit about the others of his 'species', he tapped her head in the spot between her antennae, and, as a reflex, the arms popped out.

He wondered what she would think when she woke up, and pondered the thought all the way down to his house.

*Please don't ask me what the different numbers and letters stand for in these kind of things. . . I just need some variation. All I can tell you is that the engine is for a Hover Car, the machine most used for transportation in 'modern-day' Earth. Oh, and any mention of anything that has to do with mechanics is just nonsense made to sound like I know what I'm writing about, all right?

**Now, I don't mean to be obvious, but I wanted to make sure everybody knew who the antagonist (of this chapter at least) was. Don't worry, he won't be appearing too much in this story. . . Thank goodness. . .

***It's just what it sounds like. . . A computer on a clip-board. Paper can't be used idly anymore, remember?

**** Remember, basic art class. Red + Blue = Purple. . . right? He's blushing.

~So. . . What do you guys think? I guess you can now tell this is going to be a romance, eh? Next chapter, you'll find out who the experiment is, and how she came to be on 'Ee-arth'. ^^ Please review, tell me what you think. Oh, and if you spot any typos, or anything that doesn't make sense, please review and tell me so! ~