One more before bed wouldn't hurt.
The Home room class for Vlad had exceptional good qualified heroes in training. The class has not only great strategic abilities, but were also able to unify excessive amounts of team work with their extraordinary quirks.
Of these students a certain girl stared out the window watching as class 1-A was outside practicing their skills and physical application. With a trained eye she spotted a mop of green hair working out excessively. She couldn't help ,but on a gentle smile staring at adorably determined look on the boy's face.
"You know if you don't focus in class more your grades will start to sleep." A cool voice said. A lone blue eye turned to gaze at the emotionless face of Yui Kodai.
"Yeah I know it's just...he's kinda distracting." Her eyes focusing back the musclar teen outside as Yui nodded her head.
"How long have you had this crush now Reiko-chan?" The kuudere questioned. Her face just as impassive. Focusing bacl to her friend she couldn't help,but fiddle with her fingers.
"Since the sport's festival..." She said a small pink hue tinting her cheeks.
"And why haven't you tried talking to him yet?" She questioned again giving Reiko a rare arch of her brow.
"What exactly do I say? And can't Just outright say I like him." She deadpanned staring down at her desk as it were the most interesting thing ever.
"Why not? Just be honest with him. If you don't confess." She pointed to a girl with brown hair outside the window talking to a now blushing green haired teen.
"You'll miss your opportunity of ever telling him." She finished with a worrisome tone. Reiko stared at the mop of green hair leaving the field before sighing to her self. Lunch was next and than she would continue with her routine of gazing at the boy from afar.
"NOPE! No sulking ghosty we're gonna get wonder boy to notice you!" The smug voice of Setsuna spoke making the ghost girl stare at wearily.
"Why would you wanna help me?" She questioned as the smirk on the girl's face revealed her sharp teeth.
"Two reason actually..." She pointed towards a rather shy girl with brown hair smiling down at her phone."...If mushroom princess can get her a boyfriend. So can you! "
Yui tilted her head to the side curiously.
"And the 2nd reason?" At this the smirkimg girl frowned while groaning over dramatically.
"We're teenagers! Sure we're heroes in training,but still! There is no romance here! The only ones getting with the program are mushroom princess and pony! Hell pony won't even tell me who the guy is!" She ranted gaining a sweat drop from the class over hearing her.
"So if it helps you and gets me just a a smidge of entertainment in my youth I'll help you get your man!" She finished flashing Reiko a toothy grin.
The ghost girl sank lower into her chair slightly at this, but could help the small smile reaching her full lips.
"Okay. I'll try." She spoke gaining a grin from Setsuna and nod of approval from Yui.
"Great! Operation : Get the broccoli is underway!" Setsuna spoke making the class sweat drop again.
"Please come up with a better name..." The ghost mumbled laying her head across the table.
"Fine I'll work on it." She spoke reluctantly,but still held her smirk.
"Finally things are gonna get good! I can't wait to put wonder boy under pressure." The greenette thought schemingly.
The bell rang for lunch as she concocted multiple plans in her head.
"Dude tell me you noticed this?" Kaminari questioned eyeing a focused mineta.
Jirou gave him a pointed stare her earphone jacks swaying slightly. "Noticed what?" She questioned.
"Mineta! He's not being well Mineta!" He exclaimed staring at said boy enraptured by his phone.
True to his word she had noticed. For the last 2 weeks he had been less hectic in his antics. He was even being kinder to the girls, even way less leaching towards Momo.
"Yeah I noticed...a bit troublesome honestly." She eyed the purple goblin with caution as they headed towards the cafeteria.
"So I have an idea!" Setsuna said slamming her tray down on the table excitedly gaining the attention of all the girls.
"I'm not sure that's a good thing." Itsuka deadpanned.
"It's to help ghosty here get wonder boy!" At the she jabbed her thumb at Reiko's direction. Said girl had a mouth full of food as the whold table stared at her.
"You like Midoriya-san?" Shiozaki questioned innocently.
"I think we all kinda noticed that. I mean with how intently you stare at him." Itsuka said making the girl blush lightly.
"H-he is a good person too. He trains with Fumi-kun alot." Kinoko stuttered.
"Plus he's a hunk!" Pony exclaimed getting laughter from the other girls.
"Everyone is missing one keep factor though." Yui spoke gaining everyone's attention. Chopsticks in hand she pointed towards the same brown haired girl talking to the designated target.
"She's got competition. If I'm not mistaken either I heard she likes Midoriya-san as well." Yui spoke picking up a small chunk of rice.
"Which is why I have a full proof plan!" Setsuna said with grin. A small pit of despair opened up in her stomach at the grin of her sharp tooth friend.
"What exactly is your plan?" Itsuka questioned with a slightly doubtful expression.
"Easy! Today is Friday I'm good friends with that Mina girl and she said Midoriya mostly only studies and works out on the weekends. We all know a direct approach will fail considering both are socially awkward." She snickered as the ghost girl shrank slightly.
"So what if we invited wonder boy through someone he knows?" At this Reiko had a confused look as Setsuna pointed towards a confused Kinoko.
"If we were to say get Fumi-kun to convince wonderboy to a group dinner he would come along, but instead of a group dinner he meets up with our little ghost here instead." She finished proudly at the plan.
"Ochako is still an obstacle you know? And knowing him he'd probably invite others to go with him." Yui accused making the greenette smile wider.
"That's the beauty of it! Apparently she's meeting up with her family today plus captain rule enforcer is suppose to go to his brother's agency as well. So by count we have 3 days for ghosty to talk to wonder boy." She explained gaining nods from Itsuka and Yui.
"I'm in if it helps Reiko-chan out." Itsuka said smiling at the girl. Yui just nodded indicating she was in as well.
"As long as it doesn't bother Fumi-kun I'm in!" Kinoko spoke a smile on her face.
The only two left were shiozaki and a distracted pony who was giggling down at her phone.
"To be in love is one of the holiest and purest forms of acceptance and compassion. I will help you in endeavour towards true love." Shiozaki said a halo of purity forming above her head.
"Great! What about you pony?" Setsuna questioned looking at the giggly foriegner.
"Sorry can't I have plans! Though I wish you the best of luck!" The girl smiled broadly.
"Oh plans with your boy?~" Setsuna questioned with her brows wiggling.
"Maybe!~" She sang as the table erupted in a fit of laughter.
"All right if it's settled than! Operation: Ghostly love is a go!" She exclaimed. The girls groaned at the name.
"Hey I'm working on it!"
Through the antics Reiko couldn't help,but stare at the smiling face of Izuku laughing with his friends.
Her heart fluttered as they made eye contact briefly a smile on his face as he waved shyly to her. Waving back she couldn't help the smile reaching her ears.
"Maybe this is will workout."
Just decide to write this pairing away from my other story, but set within the same universe.
Not quite a spinoff,but meh
Let me know what you think of this in reviews and comment your ideas.
Also there are slight hints of a certain other couple in this story heheh
But goodnight or morning and until next time!