Do not read if you want to be spoiled what pretty much happens jdjdbdnd



Everything is my fault.

T K.O is my fault, since I actually listened to Shadowy Figure about letting my anger take over.

Being with my dad for the weekend was the result of a lot of bad things happening.

We had found… My dad's old lair…

And then I got out of his car on the highway, though I'm a little glad it was close enough to both Boxmore and the Bodega that I didn't need to walk forever.

I had tears in my eyes, and I didn't wanna rub them away. They'd only be back. Like T K.O and Shadowy.

I stopped after a moment, a shuddering breath escaping me. Again, it was all my fault. If only I hadn't asked to stay the weekend at Boxmore with Venemous… I fell to my knees, starting to cry harder. I didn't want to be here anymore. I could take a break in my mindscape, where I used to be able to see T K.O, before I banished him to my subconscious. Yeah, like being anywhere helped me right now. All the places I could go, reminding me of my mistakes, would just suck.

So I can't call Rad or Enid. I wouldn't be able to face them. I can't call Mommy, or Mr. Gar, they'll be too overprotective, and keep me away from my dad… It looks like I can't call anyone… I cried harder, doing my best to stay quiet, before I reappeared in my mindscape, rubbing my eyes of their tears. Thankfully, I was all alo-

"This really is all your fault, isn't it, you idiot." A familiar voice snarled, and I nodded, though I don't know why.

"And you came running back here, to your little mind, to escape it all?" Another nod.

"W-who are you?" I asked after a moment, mad at myself for having such a shaky voice. There was a laugh, and it echoed around my skull, and I put my hands over my ears as it got louder and louder. "S-STOP IT! Why are you doing this!?" I shouted, the laughter dying down.

"Oh, wittle ol' me~?" The voice became bitersweet, edging on condescending and carelessness. "I'm just a fwiend you didn't wanna see anymore~ And you got rid of me…" The voice became gravelly, almost like-

"T K.O!! How are you back?!" I yelled, looking around in horror. I backed up, my breathing quick and heavy. He couldn't be back, he just couldn't be-

I bumped into his chest, and I looked up, barely containing a scream.

"Boo~" he purred, before grabbing the edge of my shirt and throwing me down. I cried out, my back feeling broken, but I knew it wasn't. "You know, you shouldn't have tried to throw me away, like some stupid broken ass toy. I'll only come back stronger!!" he snarled.

"Look, I'm sorry!! I didn't know what to do! I thought-"

"WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG! You'll never do anything right, seeing as I'm back." He hissed, pushing my chest down with his foot, causing my breathing to worsen. "Especially since Shadowy Figure was our dad, and you were too dumb to realize it. The clues were all there!" He gripped the edges of my shirt once more, holding me up closer to his face.

"And guess what?"


"I'm going to get rid of him all by myself."

Without a moment to waste, he kicked me in the stomach, sending me into the open elevator just off to the side, as it closed me in.

"W-wait- No! Can't we form P K.O!? Defeat him together?! That's what we promised-!"

"You broke our promise when you threw me down in your damn subconscious! I don't care about it now." He growled on the other side. Just another second later, and I felt gravity lurch, my small body hitting the ceiling as he punched the elevator back down into the subconscious. I couldn't call it mine now, anymore, could I? I cried out once more, feeling it hit the bottom, my body falling with it.

I crawled to the back of the small elevator, trembling. I didn't want to go out, I could already hear distorted voices, and sounds that I thought I had gotten rid of. Apparently not. I screamed, sobbing harder. This was unfair.

"I'm sorry, T K.O! I'm sorry!" I cried, hiccuping, and choking on my tears. I knew he couldn't hear me. But I still cried. I couldn't control the elevator anymore, and I didn't think I had enough power to punch this elevator back up into the mindscape. I was trapped. Utterly, and hopelessly trapped. I remember how I told him, how this would be his new home. Guess it was now mine.

I couldn't find it in me to laugh about the irony. Before long, though, my tears ran dry. I was quiet, and shaking a bit from the chilly air down here. My eyes were blank, and I sat with an emotionless look on my face. I curled up, face in my hands, finally feeling alone for once.

It's what I deserved, anyway.


I smiled brokenly.

"This is where I belong…" I choked out, before my smile vanished. "... Because I deserve nothing."


(agsjhs because I love torturing my children for no reason)