This scene is from A Room At The Top, Episode 23, season 4. This is the scene where Marcia starts crying over the room. However, in this story, there is a different reason for her tears.

Greg: That's great, I got some new pajamas I could wear!

Marcia (tearfully): Go ahead and make jokes, see if I care.

*Marcia turns her face away from Greg so he can't see her cry. She starts crying. However, Greg knows she is crying because her shoulders start to shake, and she starts sniffling. Greg immediately starts hugging her.*

Greg: (softly) Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. If it means that much to you, you can have the room.

Marcia: No, it's ok, you can have the room. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start crying. It's not even about the attic. You didn't make me cry.

Greg: Well then what's the matter?

Marcia: (sobbing) It's-it's nothing.

Greg: Marcia, it's not nothing if you're that upset. Now c'mon, tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help you. You never know unless you tell me. Plus, you know the Brady rule: Lay it on the table.

Marcia: (tearfully) Well, it's just...It's been almost 9 years since my first father died. And every time this thing comes around, I get really upset. I'm still grieving to this very day. Don't

get me wrong, I love Dad (Mike), but I still miss my biological dad. It's so hard being the older sister who is supposed to be strong for Jan and Cindy when all I want to do is break down and cry.

Greg: (tearfully): I know exactly how you feel. I always am trying to be the strong older brother for Peter and Bobby, and it's so hard not to fall to pieces. I love Mom (Carol), but I can't help but miss my first mom, especially when her death date comes around.

Marcia: Yeah...but I think I am starting to realize that you can still be strong and show emotions, and that's it's normal to feel like this. This grief is normal. I still don't want to get upset in front of the younger siblings though.

Greg: Yeah, I get what you mean. Well...hey, as long as we're here together, without the other siblings around, maybe we can break on each other, and fall apart together, get some of these emotions out.

Marcia: (crying) Yeah.

Greg: Hey, come here. It's okay.

*Greg holds Marcia in his arms and comforts her, while he tries to hold his own tears back. Marcia looks up and notices.*

Marcia: Aw Greg, it's ok, you can cry in front of me.

Greg: Ok.

*Greg and Marcia both begin to cry while they hold each other close and comfort each other.*

After they stop crying, they begin to talk again.

Marcia: I'm sorry about being so dramatic about the attic.

Greg: You weren't dramatic about the attic. It's ok. (chuckles) Hey that rhymes.

Marcia: Hey, it does, haha that's funny. But anyways, thank you for being there for me and letting me talk to you. I'm so glad I have someone who understands.

Greg: Hey, anytime. Thank you for being there for me. Also, I know we may fight a lot, but I want you to know that I am here for you. If you need to talk, cry, or do both, let me know. I am here. You are always welcome to come up to my new room and talk to me about anything.

Marcia: Thank you Greg, same goes for you.

*Greg and Marcia hug, wash their faces so they don't look like they've been crying, and hug some more afterwards.

Alice: Dinner!

Marcia (chuckles): Guess it's time for dinner.

Greg: (chuckling) Alright, sounds good, I'm hungry.