I do not own Jackie Chan Adventures or the Fate franchise.

As always thanks goes to I.S. AWESOME 2014 for all of his help in regards to editing, character suggestions, and for putting up with my horrid upload schedule

Extra thanks goes to King of Fans for suggesting León Griego as a wrestling name for Atalanta along with I.S. AWESOME 2014's suggestion of Leona.

Regular: Dialogue

Bold: thoughts

Jackie parked the van with a thud resulting in reverberations surging throughout his body. He could feel sweat beading on his brow as too many people approached the van.

"I'm surrounded." Jackie whispered.

Black leaned back into his chair, hands in front of his mouth as he looked at the personnel file his team had pulled up a while ago. "Calm down Jackie, remember intel said the person you replaced had just joined the Dark Hand, so just act the part unless you spot any familiar faces."

"Right, I remember I'll-" Jackie rubbed his sore head after leaping at the sudden banging.

"Hey, hurry up! We're starving here!" A random thug shouted.

With a final glance in the rear-view mirror, Jackie grabbed the checklist in the passenger's seat and pulled a baseball cap over his face. "What took ya so long?" The, obviously cranky, thug asked.

"Sorry, misplaced the clipboard." Jackie replied with his best impression of a customer service representative, quickly turning his back away from the crowd. Ostensibly, it was to get the food to the criminals, but it was more to hide his imminent freak out.

"And, that's why the new guys always get the delivery job." The same person whispered not so subtly into the crowd.

Jackie kept a brittle smile pasted onto his face, "Right, so strawberry cupcakes go to Andy On?"

"That's me!" A thug in the back raised his hand excitedly as he came to the front of the pack, giving Jackie enough time to find the food and pass it to him. This continued for a while as Jackie read the list and passed on the food. "Benny Lai gets the cake. Ron Smoorenburg the chicken sandwich. Brad Allen the pudding." At least the criminals were well-mannered.

"Do criminals (of this time) truly have such a diet?" Atalanta asked as from the window she saw the piles of food being handed out.

"Only tired and overworked ones." Black didn't look up from his notebook, his pen racing over the paper to note the names said by Jackie. Meanwhile, his agents scrambled to fill brand new data files.

"Well you seem very pleased with this situation." Atalanta said.

A chuckle left the captain's lips. "You'd be surprised how much information you can get with the food bill. Any specific brands you can make out?" Black asked, but his only response was the sound of a clicking tongue. "Is everything all right?"

"Yes, it's just that I can only make out the larger boxes logos." Archer Class Servants should have telescopic vision, but her eyes were no better than they were in her prime.

"That's fine, any information will be helpful." Black looked over the list of names on his personal notebook once more.

"Let's see. There is; Stacies cakes, Franks Fries, Doodles Donuts–" Atalanta recited the brands as she saw them.

"Did you say Doodles Donuts!" Black interrupted, all the vans occupants seemed to freeze in horror.

"Yes, I did. Why? What's…Wait do you and these criminals eat at the same store?" Honestly, was all crime in the modern day this odd or was this timeline just unique? And she thought Trifas was bad. At least that changing system of alliances and opponents had some logic to it. Twisted, but made a certain kind of sense.

"Classified," Black coughed into his hand, "How's Jackie?"

"Almost done with the truck." The huntress replied.

The good news was that the van was nearly empty. The bad news was the three men that were quickly approaching the van. Jackie pulled his cap down to cover as much of his face as possible while his eyes roamed around in a frenzy for an escape. The Enforcers were growing closer with each passing second. Atalanta had an arrow nocked and bow drawn, finger twitching in anxiousness. She could let the arrow fly and let her Master escape in the chaos, but that'd risk Jade. Her only option was to let Jackie find a way out.

Jackie wracked his brain for a solution. Could he get back into the truck? No.

Fight his way through? Definitely no!

Throwing the remaining foo- wait! Yes! A quick glance at the board told him the remaining meals. One of which didn't have a name attached.

"Who's this fried chicken order for?" Jackie asked quickly.

"Oh, for the kid in the room over thei-"

"Thanks! I'll deliver it! Here's the last three orders. Will you take care of them? Thank you!" Jackie didn't let the criminal finish before he ran to the indicated room, shoving the clipboard as he went.

"Oh, come on man!" The criminal yelled after Jackie.

When the Enforcers arrived, it was to the sight of a low tier employee covered in food. "Let me guess; you're the new guy?" Finn asked.

The thug just groaned and mumbled, "I'm never goanna rise up the ranks."

"That's what I call a fast delivery." Jackie said smugly as he adjusted his cap.

"Iconic words. Truly, they shall reverberate through the Tree of Pan-Human History for all time." The feline heroine remarked.

"Coming from you, that means a lot." Jackie glanced at the general location of the Servant.

"Speaking of delivery; all the men have cleared out to the main hall and Jade's alone. Now's your chance." Black said.

"I'll start shooting on your order." Atalanta said.

"You may not need to right now." Jackie said.

"What do you mean?" Black asked.

Jackie replied with a smile "There's scaffolding and pipping held from the roof of the warehouse; I can use that to sneak Jade out that way."

"Well I'm not one to turn an opportunity down, Atalanta you see any problems with the modifications?" Black asked.

"No, if anything it'll make your escape easier as they'll see me as the only opponent." She replied.

"Alright. Jackie make that delivery before it goes cold." Black ordered.

"Trust me, the last thing I'm letting Jade eat is sloppy junk food." Jackie replied as he jumped to catch the bottom of the overhead crosswalk.

Atalanta subconsciously nodded her head in agreement, honestly much of this time period's meats and chicken took away any health benefits. The fact that they would treat them in such a manner was truly indescribable. "They're thugs Jackie, they simply don't have the knowledge to take care of a child's diet. They shouldn't even be allowed near one."

Meanwhile the men in the Section 13 van just took the opportunity to sip their coffee. "Tiger mom much." One of the men whispered.

Jackie walked down the catwalk, the small thuds of his footsteps were hidden under the cacophony of noise that was the Dark Hand's cafeteria. At the end of the path was a rusted vent, which came off with a few swift kicks. The vent opened to reveal a path into the locked room Jade was in. Jackie started to crawl through the compact space, but reared back when the concentrated stench of fish assaulted his nose.

"Hey, did you hear anything?" Ratso asked, fork frozen a few inches away from his mouth.

"Probably some of the guys bumping into stuff." Finn ignored it and kept eating his own dish.

"Are you not able to fit inside the vent?" Atalanta asked.

"No, I can fit fine. It's just the smell." Jackie replied his voice squeaking, a small and frustrated part of himself wanting to taunt her into his position. She was a cat girl, so he was sure she'd love it.

Jackie continued crawling until he was almost at the downward exit, almost there, all was going exactly to pla-" "RING! RING! RING!" "Gahh!" Jackie screamed as he slammed into the vent walls again.

"What's was that?" Atalanta asked.

The Section 13 crew immediately checked all their pockets, each pale in the face at the fear they could've committed such a rookie mistake. Once it was obvious the ring didn't come from the van, they turned to the screen and the only person green enough for such a mistake. Jackie could feel the stares through his ear piece and his cheeks grew hot.

"Jackie." Black drawled.

"Sorry, sorry, just give me a moment. Uncle, this is not a good time." Jackie whispered through the phone.

"What do you mean this not good time! Of course, it's not! Uncle called because it's bad time!" He shouted through the phone with such ferocity that the little box actually shook in rage.

"I know but this is really not a good time." Jackie exclaimed.

"Uncle knows, that is why I am calling. Where are you?" The old man continued with no sign of stopping till he got what he wanted.

"Mr. Chan, I'm sure what you have to say is important, but right now Jackie is in a serious-"

"Do not interrupt Uncle!" Black and everyone else in the van took off their headsets and rubbed their ears.

"Now Jackie, where are you?" He asked.

"The port fishery in San Francisco Bay." Jackie replied.

"Good, Uncle will see you in a few minutes." The sound of something rustling came out through the speaker and echoed through the metal vent.

Atalanta spoke up, "Uncle you can't. We're in the middle of getting Jade, there are too many people here."

"That's exactly why you need Uncle." He paused for a moment, a deadly silence seeming to engulf the phone line as a few sparks of flickering static could be heard buzzing. "Atalanta, Jackie, Uncle has made a discovery from study. Beware there are ancient forces at play. Darker than Uncle first thought." His voice was serious and seemed to be carried by the very wind itself.

"What do you mean Uncle, is another organization or Servant involved?" The Archer Servant asked, her attention on the ground fading as the voice took precedence.

"Uncle is not certain on specifics. I could research it. If you and Jackie didn't destroy the book! Again, beware the shadows." The air around the Servant and Master duo chilled to near sub-zero.

"But Uncle it's the middle of the night, the shadows are everywhere." Said Jackie.

"Not my problem." The audible thud of a book being snapped shut punctuated the end of that sentence.

"But Uncle if it's as bad as you-" Atalanta started.

"Did I destroy Uncle's Book? No? Then you wait for Uncle!"

"Yes, Uncle we understand." Jackie said his voice sounding like a deflated balloon.

Raising a finger as if the people he was talking to were right next to him Uncle replied, "Oh, one more thing!"

"Yes?" Jackie and Atalanta asked, bodies tense from whatever bombshell Uncle had left.

"Don't come back to shop without supplies! Spies have done more to help Uncle clean up than his direct and adopted family. Goodbye!" The beeping of the phone was the only thing that rang out for the people on the other end which resulted in a collected "hufffff" emanating from all their lips.

"He seemed rather agitated." Black said.

"Your telling me. Can this get any worse." Jackie said with a huff.

"Oh Chan, you finished? I think my friends and I can get you your answer." Finn said, flanked by Ratso, Chow and a multitude of Dark Hand thugs. Well, the few that weren't finishing stuffing their faces with some last bites of food.

To this situation Jackie had only one thing to say, "Bad Day."