Author's note: On finishing Fly Away (epilogue is coming, I promise), I decided to do a much shorter, fluffier fic just for fun. I found this easier to write and it's not for any reason other than the song gave me an idea and I ran with it. It's all good practice!

Important query: On a slightly different note, I just wanted to float an idea with folks - if I were to start up a 'song lyric inspired' one shot request fic, would people be interested? I.e. I will write a chapter length story based around a song of your choice (submitted in reviews or via PM) that reminds you of our favourite BBRae couple? More good practice and a challenge for me! Leave a review and let me know what you think.

Please note: This is not a lemon – I'm aware the lyrics to this song are raunchy and there will be very adult themes, hence the M rating. But it is not and never will never be smut, so please don't ask for it. No shade though, if you seek smut there are some excellent writers of it out there and I recommend you go check their stories out. I cannot write erotic literature to save my life, so I'm afraid this is the closest you will get from me...either way enjoy! Thank you as always for your ongoing support.

Fun fact: I entitled this word document 'Fluff Bucket'. You get the gist.

This concludes the Author notes until the end. I've written this fic from start to finish, so will schedule regular updates until it's finished (it's only short). It jumps through several years for the time span of the piece, so hopefully you will all follow it and it will make sense. I will put any review responses at the bottom of chapters, if you have any questions or suggestions as always let me know or drop me a PM.


Tl;dr: It's not a lemon but a fluff bucket, I've got a suggestion for another fic idea and would appreciate input, thank you for your support! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, or the song which inspired this fic 'Into You' by Ariana Grande. Please don't sue!

Into You

Chapter One – I Can Barely Breathe

"Beast Boy, look out!"

Robin's voice echoed across the air and vanished as the changeling was clipped by a shot from Dr Light. Garfield cursed under his breath, before shifting into an enraged T-Rex and running towards the startled scoundrel. Robin recognised his cue and threw a birdarang towards the man, a bright light flashing in the night sky. Dr Light squealed as he stumbled about, trying to get his bearings. Starfire's green bolts hit the ground, spilling dust up into the air. Blinded and heaving for air, Dr Light lurched forwards in desperation, his arms aiming out towards anything target that might be coming to get him. He knew it was a hundred to one chance that he would hit anything, but nonetheless his brain had gone into survival mode as the five teen superheroes bared down on him. His arms made the familiar whirring noise as they powered up the blast, but before he could send out a bolt of light, a green tail whipped around and knocked the villain from his feet. Spinning in the air, he saw the ground approaching him fast and braced for impact. His mind raced: 'I didn't even get chance for a witty one liner, and I'd been working on those for months.'

The pavement cracked beneath him as he slammed into the ground, his machinery sizzling in failure. The dust began to settle, and the silhouettes of five familiar teens walked towards his broken figure. With a final grunt, he submitted to his fate and blacked out cold. Robin approached first, his bostaff readied in case this was another of Dr Light's tricks. But he noticed the contortion of his face, the sweat peeling down his brow and the vacant expression. Robin knew that the villain was done for today. He sighed in relief, retracting his staff and placing it into his belt deftly.

"Good job team," stated the boy wonder, turning around to face the other four. "Now we just have to put him back where he belongs."

There was a pained mumble at the back of the group, as Beast Boy collapsed onto the floor. Starfire squeaked in shock, as he crumpled down clutching his side. Robin bent down to him, placing his hand on his shoulder like a concerned parent.

"Beast Boy, are you okay?"

"F-fine," grumbled Garfield, looking remarkably pale despite his complexion. "Just peachy."

"That shot from Light's canon hit you hard," contested Robin, firmly. "You need to be looked at in the medbay stat."

"I'll take him back," volunteered the deep tones of the empath from the back of the group. Everyone turned to look at Raven in surprise. She held her hands up into the air, as if to explain. "I can heal him; I don't feel too drained after the fight. I could transport us back to the medbay and provide some basic care until the rest of you can make it home."

Robin nodded; it was a sensible notion. Cyborg had the T-Car and would be able to transport them all plus Dr Light to the Tower via the penitentiary. Starfire was already hoisting the villain onto her shoulders as if he weighed nothing, her face lined with concentration.

"Come, friends! Let us depart now. Friend Beast Boy is looking like he is in need of the healing and Dr Light may awaken at any moment."

"Girl's got a point," nodded Cy, tapping some commands into his arm as the T-Car whizzed around the corner to their position. "Let's make tracks."

"Got it. See you back at the Tower guys. Be careful," added Robin, running towards the vehicle. The three Titans and the unconscious villain whipped into the car and were gone in a squeal of tyres and dirt. Beast Boy coughed in their wake, as Raven crouched beside him.

"Can you stand?"

Beast Boy's mind raced, trying to think of a witty wisecrack. But the pain was all his brain could focus on right now. He shook his head slowly and the Azarathian gave a tiny smile in understanding. She knew that if her usually garrulous comrade was this quiet, he must be really hurting. Raven placed her hand on his shoulder as her eyes glowed white.

"I know you hate this, but it's the quickest way back. Take a breath."

Garfield squeezed his eyes shut as the world seemed to lurch and whizz past him at a strange pace. Darkness enveloped them both, and the queasy feeling in his stomach became stronger. He placed his hands over his mouth, desperately. He felt Raven's grip on his shoulder tighten reassuringly. They landed gently on the medbay floor, in the familiar T-shaped Tower they called home.

Swallowing, Beast Boy turned to look at her. He gave a small, queasy smile. "The breath didn't help."

Raven rolled her eyes and gently lifted the changeling up with her powers, manoeuvring him towards the bed. She pulled her hood down, so she could see better in the dimly lit room. "Don't be a baby. It wasn't that bad."

"It was pretty bad," countered Beast Boy, still feeling remarkably nauseous. He held back his desire to gag. "Not gonna lie, Rae. I don't like interdimensional travel. Definitely not as fun in practice as those Sci-Fi films make out."

Raven rolled her eyes a second time. She didn't have the heart to correct him for calling her by a pet name when she could sense his true pain beneath the smile. She lightly touched his side, opting instead to ignore his attempts at humour. "Is this where it hurts, Beast Boy?"

Garfield winced, doubling with the pain. "Bullseye."

"Sorry about that," replied Raven, tugging his top upwards slightly. Beast Boy chuckled audibly, causing her to pause and look at him quizzically.

"If you wanted to undress me, you could have just asked nicely," joked the changeling, his green eyes lighting with mirth. Raven snarled at him, narrowing her eyes.

"We need to lift your uniform so that I can see the damage. Otherwise I'm healing blind, and I don't want to waste unnecessary power."

"Touchy," responded the shapeshifter, giving her a goofy grin. "Calm down, I was only joking. Here."

He reached down and lifted his top up at the side, their fingertips brushing as he did so. Raven felt a strange jolt running through her, her heart beat raising slightly and her face flushing. There was something strange, she recognised, about the idea of her teammate taking his top off in front of her. When it was just the two of them. Alone in the Tower. She swallowed, trying to calm herself as he struggled his way out of the clothing, trying to avoid his injuries. Her eyes ran down the length of his torso. At seventeen years old, the changeling had started to mature into a man. His abdominal muscles were apparent despite his lean frame and his chest had become broader with age. Raven swallowed again. What was she even thinking right now? This was Beast Boy. Her teammate. Her friend. Since Trigon's departure, it was true that she had become closer to all of the team in different ways. In more recent times, she and the changeling had got on better despite their bickering. But to suddenly see him in this light was strange. For a fleeting moment, the empath was dumbstruck. So, she did what she did best when faced with such situations.

Buried it.

"Are you alright there or do you need a hand?" she mumbled, dryly. Finally, Beast Boy's head popped out of the top, and he gave her another fanged grin.

"Nope, got it. So, what's the damage, Doc?"

Raven realised suddenly that she hadn't even assessed the damage, she had been too busy ogling her teammate. Ogling. The word made her stomach churn. Half demons do not ogle. Nor do they blush or become flustered, she reminded herself. Forcing her eyes down, she ran her fingers gingerly over the burn that was all up the changeling's side, trying to overlook the strange feeling in her chest as her skin brushed his.

"You took a good hit; I'll give you that. I think I can soothe this for you so that it won't be too painful, then Cyborg will have to prescribe you some cream to help heal your skin from the burn."

"Sure, whatever. Just make it stop hurting, please?"

Raven took a very deep breath, ignoring the way butterflies invaded her stomach when he looked at her with pleading eyes, and placed her hands across him gently. The blue light glowed from her finger tips, and Beast Boy let out a relieved sigh. "Oh, that's good."

Raven felt the colour rising to her cheeks again. 'I will not blush. I will keep calm and heal my teammate. My teammate. My friend. Nothing more. There is nothing strange about being here with my teammate. My topless teammate and his chiselled chest. Oh, Azar. Be quiet!'

There was a strange silence in the room as Raven worked. She glanced at the shapeshifter. His eyes were transfixed on the ceiling, as though he was deep in thought. Deciding that it was best not to distract him, she looked down and saw that the damage was mostly healed. It was time to stop; she could feel herself becoming light headed.

"There, all done," stated the empath, retracting her hands from him. Beast Boy turned his eyes towards her. They were filled with warmth and happiness.

"Thanks, Rae. That feels much better. I think I can move normally again."

Raven gave a tiny smile, before stepping back away from him. "You're welcome."

Garfield tilted his head and gave her a different look, like he was trying to work her out. "Are you okay? You seem a bit...weird?"

"I'm always weird," countered Raven, pulling her hood back up firmly. Beast Boy snorted at her, before swinging his legs around and standing from the bed.

"Weirder than usual then."

"No, I'm fine. Just tired. The battle and healing have just drained me a little," lied Raven, straightening herself beneath her cloak. Beast Boy looked at her, concern lining his face.

"Sorry Raven, I didn't mean to put you to trouble. I really appreciate you taking a look at it," said the green teenager, smiling sheepishly. Raven gave a little nod, grateful that she had evaded his probing questions. She wasn't entirely sure what had come over her, but the empath knew that she needed to go away and meditate about it before speaking to him any further.

As the thoughts raced through her mind, the changeling walked towards her. She suddenly registered his close proximity as he wrapped his arms around her. When had he started to get so tall? His head was slightly above hers now, she noticed. His scent filled her nose, and she could barely breathe. His warmth overtook her. Her pipes constricted in her throat, her eyes filling with water. He was still topless, his bare skin resting against her cheek. Her heart was pounding in her ears; it was all too much.

"Thanks Rae," he mumbled obliviously, giving her a slightly tighter squeeze before releasing her. "You're a good friend."

Raven felt overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by his earnest care and kindness, overwhelmed by her strange thoughts and feelings, overwhelmed by the closeness of the hug. But mostly, overwhelmed by an urge to press her lips to his and sink deeply into whatever the hell this was that was happening to her. Realising she was considering kissing Beast Boy she mentally gave herself a firm slap.

'Azar, get a hold of yourself,' she thought sternly, noticing his hands were still gripping her arms either side. She allowed a small smile to break past her face, for the third time today. That was unusual. Reaching one arm out of her cloak, Raven touched his forearm in a friendly way. The voice rose up in her mind again. 'Don't let on how your feeling. Keep it to yourself, stupid girl.'

"You're welcome," repeated Raven, her monotone ever present. "And it's Raven as well you know."

Beast Boy laughed, releasing her from his grasp. She finally felt her breath returning to her, her heart slowing pace and the colour subsiding from her cheeks. He rubbed the back of his head, giving his signature goofy smile.

"Guess I couldn't get away with it that many times in one day, huh?"

"I gave you a couple of free passes because you were in pain. Don't get used to it," smirked Raven, tilting her head to the side. "The others will be back soon. I need to go and meditate."

"Got it," nodded Beast Boy, grabbing his top and putting it back on. His hair was ruffled from the fight, and he still looked slightly dishevelled. Something about the look was making heat pool in Raven's stomach. She felt relief and a strange twinge of disappointment as he pulled the top down around his midriff. "I could do with getting cleaned up anyway."

Raven nodded and turned to walk out of the room without another word. She couldn't stop to say goodbye. The truth was she didn't really want to leave, yet she was scared what would happen if she stayed any longer in his presence.

Garfield watched her depart, a frown on his face. He shrugged before heading towards his room to grab a shower. He knew better than to question the actions of the half-demon, and he was sure whatever was bothering her would become apparent in time.

Raven could hear the return of her teammates and sense the excitement that was drifting through the Tower. It was always the same after a fight, particularly one where they were victorious. The emotions ran rampant throughout the building, and she had to keep herself away to prevent it from overwhelming her. Since Trigon, she had managed to become a little more controlled and comfortable with her emotions seeing the light of day.

But not this.

Since her interaction with the changeling, she had been lying on her bed, looking up at the ceiling like a normal teenage girl would. She felt as though her mind and body were out of sync. The physiological reactions she experienced in that room were contrasting with her thoughts about the green teen.

"He's just my friend," whispered Raven, to no one in particular. "He's not even my type. What's wrong with me? Why would I be thinking these things about Beast Boy?"

'Because you're attracted to him.'

The small voice in her mind was easy enough to squash, given enough concentration.

"I am not," she whispered, more harshly. "There is no way that I could possibly..."

'You could and you do. You might as well accept it. It's pointless to fight it.'

Somehow the voice had struggled its way back to the surface. Raven glared angrily at the vent on her ceiling. "You're insane."

'I'm part of you so that doesn't really say much.'

Raven narrowed her eyes and mumbled an indiscernible Azarathian curse under her breath. She let out a slow exhalation of air and stared back at the vent defiantly, as though the voice was hiding there. "Okay, so what if I do? It's not like it means anything. It's just teenage hormones."

'Perhaps. I do not know what it is, merely that it is.'

"Then it's settled," grumbled the empath, folding her arms. "I can accept that I have a strange attraction to him, but nothing more. Therefore, I will not act on it, I will not change my behaviour and you will be quiet."

There was no response. Raven smiled triumphantly. There, that wasn't so difficult. A crush meant nothing. She had experienced one some years ago for Aqualad and had managed to quell it without incident. Why should this be any different? So, her teammate was growing up into a handsome man - shouldn't she be allowed to admire that? It didn't change anything. He was still Beast Boy at the end of the day.

Satisfied in her decision, Raven pushed herself to her feet. Time to test the theory then. Walking to her door before she could change her mind, she grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. It was a short walk to ops where all the other Titans were gathered. Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing on the Gamestation, Robin was getting heavily invested in their game and Starfire was standing behind the couch cheering them on. They were being raucous, to say the least. Raven momentarily regretted her decision before deciding that at the very least she could make herself a cup of tea and grab a snack now she was here. The battle had taken a toll on her as it always did, and she owed it to her human side to at least try and replenish herself.

Starfire turned slightly and noticed the empath's entrance into the room. She clasped her hands and squeaked in joy. "Friend Raven! How wondrous you have decided to join us. You are well?"

"Fine, Star," mumbled Raven, reaching for her mug. "Just need some tea."

"Marvellous, then perhaps I shall also partake myself."

The Tameranean arched into the air and flew past the Azarathian at speed, causing her hair and cloak to blow up in the air. Raven sighed, tucking a stray strand behind her ears. She spoke without looking up. "Top left cupboard."

Starfire adjusted her trajectory, reaching into the cupboard and pulling out her prized bottle of extra strong Mustard and a straw. She landed heavily next to Raven, causing the empath to lift off the ground slightly. Any normal person would have been concerned by the landing, but Raven barely acknowledged it; simply readjusting her spoon in the mug and calmly pouring the boiling water over the bag. "Dr Light safely behind bars?"

"Indeed, he is! Perhaps this time he may stay there," sighed Star, slurping noisily through her straw. The boys let out a loud guffaw and shout from the couch, causing both of the women's eyes to avert towards them. "They are having the fun!"

"They are being loud," corrected Raven, hunting through the cupboards until she found her favourite stash of cereal bars. "Don't they ever get tired of the noise?"

"I am uncertain I follow," shrugged Starfire, her inquisitive jade eyes landing on Raven's. "Do you not think that being the loud and having the fun can be the same thing? It is merely an expression of their joy!"

"It's an expression of their idiocy," shot back Raven, quickly. A guilty pang hit her stomach as she realised that she had been unnecessarily mean. She took a deep breath and stirred her tea before taking a sip and sitting next to the princess. "But whatever floats your boat."

"Oh no, it is a spaceship racing game not boats," grinned Starfire, innocently. Raven didn't have the heart to correct her. They sat in amicable silence, watching across the room as the boys played. Starfire's eyes shifted back over to the Azarathian. "Beast Boy seems to be well after our battle. You really are a most gifted healer."

Raven's cheeks burned both at the compliment and the recollection of the earlier events of the day. "It was no problem."

"We are most lucky to have a caring friend like you," smiled Starfire, touching her hand lightly. "Beast Boy was in the pain, but you made it go away. You do truly care about us all; I know it in my heart."

"Of course I do," grumbled Raven, managing another tiny smile. "Just because I'm not like them—"

She paused, gesturing to the male Titans clapping each other on the back, laughing and joking.

"—doesn't mean I don't care about you all."

"I am aware that you always do things in your own way," laughed Starfire, swirling her straw in the mustard. Her eyes lingered on Robin. "You are not alone in that."

Raven followed the alien's eyeline and sighed. "Still doesn't have a clue, huh?"

"No," whispered Star, her head hanging a little lower. "He does not."

"Men are idiots," decided Raven, firmly. "Particularly these three."

"They are not all bad," replied Star, her eyes falling back onto the boy wonder. "They are just different. We are all different."

"Maybe," shrugged Raven, sipping on her tea and taking a bite of her cereal bar. "I'll take your word for it."

Silence befell them again, and Starfire let out a dreamy sigh. Raven couldn't help but shake her head. Their leader seemed to be oblivious to the Tameranean's obvious feelings. Romantic feelings, in any case. Raven's eyes fell across to the other two Titans, as she contemplated the idea of romantic attachments.

'They aren't really idiots; you know they aren't.'

The voice was back. Raven frowned and tried to ignore it. Her experience with Malchior had made her view of men particularly jaded. But she knew really that her male friends were good people. That they would die for her, at any given moment. Their fight against Trigon had cemented that thought forever. Raven's eyes were drawn to the changeling. Sitting in the room with him felt okay, not as scary as she first thought. The crush would amount to nothing after all, it was just an extension of her growing hormones and her care for him. It would pass in time, and normality would resume. As if on cue, Garfield looked over towards where they were sitting and gave one of his signature grins. Her stomach dropped immediately, colour raising to her cheeks once more. She felt her heart picking up pace, her excitement bubbling through.

Then again...this may be harder than she first thought. Staring resolutely at her tea, Raven didn't make eye contact with anyone around her for some minutes, as she struggled to regain control over her emotions. Her mantra was repeated in her head over and over. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos.

"—what do you think, friend?"

Raven's head jerked upwards as though she'd been struck. Her thoughts vanished as she tried to focus on what the redheaded teen was saying beside her. "Hmm?"

"I said, perhaps tomorrow we may go to the mall of shopping? I would like to look at some new clothing and I am aware that your favourite author has released a new book. What do you think, friend?"

"Sure, sounds good," muttered Raven, clutching her tea. This was quickly becoming a difficult situation, and she needed to extricate herself from it. Standing from the stool she grabbed her effects and made to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow, Star. I'm tired from today and I need to go to my room to recover."

"Of course!" smiled Starfire, widely. "Sleep well friend! Don't let the Zornian muck-beetles bite!"

Raven gave the Tameranean a wide-eyed look at the idea of a Zornian muck-beetle sharing her bed. "Uh, okay. Night."

Apparating herself to her room, tea in hand, she paced to the bedside table and placed her drink down. Nothing had broken, nothing was damaged. It wasn't a complete disaster, despite her momentary stumble. Raven nodded, feeling confident in her assertions.

"See, that wasn't so bad. It'll pass. I just need time. He's just my friend. That's all there is to it. We're all just growing up, this is to be expected. I can simply chalk today up to a strange day and move on."

As she gazed around the empty room, Raven wasn't sure who she was trying to convince. The quietness of her space was all that greeted her as she slipped into her bed. She hoped that things would be clearer tomorrow.