-Chapter 11: Kyoto-

Minutes later, Balalaika appeared outside of Naruto's office with Ravel and Leone. they walked in to see Naruto sitting on his chair and rolling a coin between his knuckles and staring out the window.

'Something is bothering him' these were Balalaika's immediate thoughts

"Is that coin ten times more interesting than me? Naruto-kun~," said Leone in a mock hurt tone.

Naruto snapped out of his stupor and placed the coin on his desk then turned to face his visitors. "is someone jealous?" said Naruto smirking at a pouting Leone.

The other two girls just shook their heads and Balalaika decided to get straight to the point in why Naruto called her to his office. "Naruto, for what are we going to Kyoto for?" asked Balalaika lighting her cigar up.

"Ah yeah, we are going to Kyoto to meet the leader of the Youkai faction," said the blonde male to the three females in his office.

"For what reason do you want to meet the leader for?" asked Ravel

"Well Ravel, last night Merlin-chan came to inform me that she had found a way to restore my chakra to its full potential, but we need the healing art of the Nekomata and there supposed to be almost extinct. That's why we need to go to Kyoto, to see if Yasaka knows where to find one," explained Naruto

"Um Okay," said Ravel nodding

"And my question is why are you two here?" said Naruto pointing to Ravel and Leone.

Leone and Ravel were about to answer his question but Balalaika had beat them to the punch. "well, I brought Ravel here because she knows more about the factions than us," said Balalaika explaining why the heir of the Phenex house was here. "as for Leone, she just heard my conversation with you and decided to tag along"

"Well that explains somethings," said naruto

"Who else is coming along with us to Kyoto?" asked his queen

"Well, I was thinking of bringing Chiquita for bodyguarding, even though we don't need it. Ravel because she knows more about the factions, and Merling for obvious reasons," stated Naruto.

"Alright and what about Leone? do you want to bring her along?" asked Balalaika

"I don't know, do you want to come along Leone?" asked Naruto to his fellow blonde

Leone beaned up and smiled, "I would love to go Naruto-kun," said Leone with stars on her eyes.

"Alright, then you girls can go and pack your stuff for at least a week because we are leaving in an hour," said naruto receiving three nods. "and tell the other two to pack their stuff too,". Ravel and leone nodded and left the office to go and pack their stuff, leaving Balalaika and Naruto alone in the office.

She could see that something was bothering him. "What's bothering you?" asked his Queen while having a sit in one of the two chairs in front of Naruto's desk.

Naruto looked at his queen and said, "Nothing is bothering me, why do you ask?"

"Naruto, I'm your queen and I know when something is bothering you and right now I can see that something is in your mind," said balalaika in a kind tone.

He let out a sigh and said, "I can't hide anything from you, can't I? Well, there is something that is bothering me. Merlin has found out that there is something else inside of me, that isn't Rayleigh nor Kuruma and the bijuu"

"Something else?"

"Yup, I asked Rayleigh about it and he said that he didn't know but I feel that there is something that he's hiding," said Naruto

"then it must be something good if he is hiding it"

"I'm not sure about that," said naruto leaning back into his chair and staring off the window.

Balalaika just let out a sigh and got up from her chair and walked towards Naruto. She sat on his lap and place her arms around his neck and said, "Don't worry soo much Naruto. It's going to be fine because I know that you can handle anything that comes your way, or why would I have chosen you as my king," then she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Naruto smiled and kissed her on the forehead and said, "I know but it still scares me a little, not knowing what's inside of me" then he leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes.


Naruto, and his few peerage members that were with him, had appeared at the bottom of a mountain. In front of them was an entrance with a pathway that goes to the top of the mountain. Seeing the entrance, the blonde and his peerage decided to walk up the pathway and find out where they were. Once at the top of the mountain, they found out that they were outside of a shrine.

"A Shrine uh, that's interesting," said Naruto crossing his arms and closing his eyes

"What's interesting Naruto-kun?" asked Ravel turning to see Naruto

"Well, a while ago I read a book about the factions and in that book stated that the Youkais liked to residing in shrines," said naruto rubbing his chin and then out of nowhere, a group of Karasu-tengu(1) with spears on hand came and surrounded them.

they pointed their weapons at Naruto and his peerage. Chiquita Immediately pulled out a knife, that she had on her back hip, and got on guard. "Identify yourself and state your business," said one of the tengu that looked to be the leader of the group because he looked different from the others, he had a red face instead of having one of a bird.

Naruto stepped forward to defuse the situation and raised both of his hands to show that he didn't mean any threat. "I'm Naruto and this is my peerage," said Naruto motioning to the group of people behind him. "I came here because I want to talk with lady Yasaka," said Naruto getting straight to the point. The group of tengu looked at each other than at their leader, he gave them a nod and they lowed their weapons.

"Alright, follow me," said the leader of the tengu turning around and walking away. Naruto and his companies nodded and followed the Tengu, that was leading them into the shrine. he opened the door of the shrine and when he opened it. behind the door of the shrine was a pathway to a Japanese styled compound house. beside the pathway, were several cherry blossom trees that were blossoming bright pink that gave the house a majestic tone. the Tengu chief walked in the shrine and turned around to see the group and gave then a look that meant to follow him and Naruto and his peerage proceeded to follow him through the pathway while looking at the cheery blossom trees around them.

Once they got in front of the door, the Tengu chief knocked on the door and the door was opened by two tengus that were standing guard on the door for any intruders. they gave their chief a nod and stepped aside, making a path for them to pass in. The chief guided them into a big room that looked to be the one for meetings because there was only one wooden Zaisu(2). he motives them to sit on the ground to wait for his leader. Naruto and his few peerage members that were accompanying him sat down where the tengu motioned them to, with Naruto being in the front to show that he was the one in charge of the group.

"If you guys with excuse me, I will go and notify lady Yasaka that she has visitors," said the Tengu giving them a bow and leaving the room

Naruto nod and turned to his group, "well that was easier then I thought" said Naruto

"Yeah, I thought that it was going to be harder to get a meeting with lady Yasaka," said Ravel looking at the room they were in.

Naruto was about to speak when they heard the door opening, and through it came a young woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair with matching eyes. She was a woman with delicate facial features and her eyebrows were cut very short and round as a symbol of nobility. Her long blonde hair was tied in a loose ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs ending in a spiral, with taunt bandages to keep it in place. She was wearing a shrine maiden like attire that consisted of a golden kimono, a golden obi, and a black pelt with golden skulls and golden lines printed on it. The kimono featured a white interior and it was open at her shoulders, giving a view to her enormously large breast. Her hair was held by a traditional hair ornament, with six golden Bira Kanzashi and several red kanzashi.

She gave them a nod and sat on the wooden Zaisu that was a couple of feet away from Naruto. "You wished to see me, Naruto Uzumaki," said Yasaka

Naruto nodded and said, "you know my name, lady Yasaka" with a hint of surprise in his tone

She nodded and said, "Yes, I do know your name. You're the famous devil that defeated the youngest son of the Phenix family"

"Wow, I didn't know that I was that famous," said Naruto in a nonchalant tone

"Yes Indeed, so why do you want to meet me Naruto-san," said Yasaka with a smile and getting straight to business

"I want to ask you for a favor," said Naruto

"and what would that favor be?" said the leader of the Youkai

"Well, I wanted to know if there were any Nekomata in here?" asked Naruto

"Ah, you are looking for a Nekomata? and why would you be looking for one?" said Yasaka with a frown on her face and with a golden aura around her.

Naruto was trying to think of something to quickly defuse and he only had one choice, to tell her the truth. "I'm looking for a Nekomata because they can help me restore my chakra," said Naruto

Yasaka looked at Naruto with an intriguing look. "a human, turned devil, that can use chakra. That's interesting," said Yasaka with naruto nodding. She had heard some stories about some humans that we're able to use chakra but not to the degree that the youkai were able to. "I'm afraid that I won't be able to help with the Nekomatas. Most of them were executed after one of them went berserk while being overdose on Senjutsu. Only a few of them manage to survive the purge but they went into hiding or were reincarnated into devils like yourself" finished Yasaka

Naruto let out a sigh and said, "I thought as much" while scratching his head. "oh well, I shall take my leave, and Thank you for letting me talk to you, lady Yasaka" said Naruto getting up and giving her a bow.

"Do you have a place to stay for the night? It's already dark outside" asked Yasaka

Naruto was thrown for a loop because when they had arrived in Kyoto, it was bright daylight. "Dark already? we arrived here when it was bright daylight" said Naruto tilting his head a bit to the side

Yasaka let a small smile out and said, "Time in here flows very different, in comparison to the outside"

"I didn't know that and no, we don't have a place to stay for the night," said The blonde

"you can stay here for the night since we don't have that much visitors," said Yasaka offering them a place to stay

"Are you sure lady Yasaka? we wouldn't like to intervene in any of the businesses that you have going around right now" said Naruto, She shook her head and insisted on the blonde to stay because she was intrigued by the blonde teen that was in front of her.

Naruto had finally accepted her offer to stay the night. And right now, Naruto and his peerage members were with Yasaka on her dining hall, chatting and getting to know her while they waited for the room that she had to send to be prepared for them.

"Tell me Naruto, how old are you?" asked Yasaka with her tails and hears out.

"I'm 19" replied the blonde back

Yasaka was about to say something when the door to the dining hall was thrust open by a mini-me of Yasaka. "Mother, I have been looking for you," said the mini-me with a clearly angry face.

"Sorry Kunou but right now I have some visitors," said Yasaka looking at Kunou with a smile

The mini-me looked down with a blush of embarrassment on her face and apologized for her burst. "I'm sorry for my inappropriate behavior Mother," said Kuonu bowing. Naruto and his peerage just smiled in amusement of the mini-me.

"Come here Kunou" motioned Yasaka for her daughter to come and sit next to her. she complied and sat next to her mother, "Kunou, this is Naruto Uzumaki and his peerage" said Yasaka introducing the blonde teen with his group of girls.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Kunou," said with a small bow then she turned to look at her mother. "Mother, I'm hungry," said Kunou to her mother.

Yasaka smiled and said, "alright then shall we have something to eat?" and looking at her guest.

Naruto was about to speak when he heard someone's stomach rumbling. he turned around to find out where the rumble had come from and it turned out to be Leone's stomach. She looked at him with a blush of embarrassment on her face.

"I guess someone is hungry," said Naruto still looking at Leone, who still had a blush on her face.

the others just giggled and Yasaka said, "Well then, let's get something to eat" and then the doors were slipped open, and through them came four maids with two trays of food on hand, with the last one just carrying one. they placed one tray of food in front of each person that was in the room and said, "enjoy the food" and left the room to let them eat their meal.

-30 minutes later-

Everyone in the room had finished eating, including Yasaka and Kunou. Right now, they were just talking with each other and getting to know more about the Youkai. Naruto had found out that all Youkai were able to use Senjutsu to some degree that could rival him or even his diseased Sensei. Also, he had found out that Yasaka and Kunou were the only Kyuubi in Kyoto.

It was really late and most of them had already fallen asleep except for Yasaka and Naruto, he was sitting with his back towards the wall and him looking at Yasaka with her daughter's head on her lap. she was softly caressing her daughter's hair while looking at her with a small smile.

"You really care for her," said Naruto looking at the interactions of Yasaka and her daughter.

Yasaka looked at him and smiled, "I do, she is my world, my family," said Yasaka then looked down at her daughter, who was sleeping with such a content smile on her face at having fun with the strange blonde man in front of her.

"If you don't mind me asking, where is her father? I have noticed that she doesn't mention her father at all" said Naruto

"She doesn't have one, Her father was a human that left me after he found out that I was pregnant," said Yasaka

"have you ever tried to find him?"

"No, I decided to raise Kunou on my own even if she was looked at as the daughter of a bastard" replied Yasaka back

"As the daughter of some bastard? is the love between a Youkai and a human forbidden?"

"Not really but the council had already found someone to marry me. but it was already too late because I had already fallen in love with the father of Kunou, which resulted in him leaving me" said Yasaka with a heavy sigh coming at the end. He didn't say anything back and just kept quiet. they heard a knock on the door with a voice saying that the room that Yasaka had sent to be prepared for Naruto was ready for them to use.

"I guess I should take the girls to the room so they could sleep well," said Naruto receiving a nod from Yasaka. he got up and picked up Ravel and merlin then he made two dark clones to help him carry the rest of his peerage. He left the dining hall, leaving Yasaka alone with a sleeping Kunou on her lap. "I guess I should take you to your room too," said Yasaka getting up and taking Kunou to her room.

-With Naruto-

Naruto had arrived in the room that Yasaka prepared for them to stay. the room that Yasaka had prepared for them was big enough to fit his entire peerage in, and even then there would be enough space to fit a couple of more people in. He saw that there were six futons laid on the ground. He placed each girl on a futon and covered them so they wouldn't be cold. Once he had placed each one of his peerage members on a futon, he decided to stay up for a bit long. on the opposite side of the entrance of the room was a sliding door that leads to the garden of the house. he opened it and sat on the edge to enjoy the nice cold breeze of the night with cherry blossom petals flying across the garden.

"Naruto-sama, are you okay? you've been quiet since you left lady Yasaka's dining hall" said Yami coming out from Naruto's shadow and sitting next to him

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about things," said Naruto still looking at the garden, she just hummed and laid her head down on her paws and closed her eyes to enjoy the night breeze. "Is everything fine in the village?" asked Naruto

Yami lifted her head and said, "Yes, Shinobu came and picked up Raphtalia and took her to the headquarters"

"Good," said Naruto getting up and going back inside

"Are you going to go to sleep?" asked Yami sitting back up

"Yeah," said Naruto taking his jacket off and getting in his futon

"Alright then good night Naruto-sama," said Yami disappearing


Everything in the mindscape was pitch black except for a particular spot, where the body of Naruto Uzumaki was laying peacefully on the ground. Some footsteps could be heard coming from the shadows of the mindscape and from the shadows came a pale-skinned woman with long white hair. She knelt in front of the blonde's body and started to caress his cheek. "Oh Naruto, how much you have suffered," said the women tracing the whisker marks on Naruto's cheek with her thumb. "how are you able to stay sane in a world that treats you horribly," said again the women shedding a tear that landed on Naruto's face.

The tear seemed to stir him up and he was starting to open his eyes. He opened his eyes a little to see what was going on but instead, he saw the face of someone he hoped to never see again, he saw the face of one crying Kaguya Otsutsuki. He blinked and opened his eyes fully but instead, he saw that he was in the room that Yasaka lent them. He noticed that he was sweating profusely and that he was alone in the room. "What the hell was that, was I dreaming?" said the blonde sitting up.

A/n: Sorry for taking this long but I'm back. I took his long because I was working on my other story, The Night Rider. Anyways enjoy the chapter and see next time. Also, I'm going to go back and fix some of the previous chapters.

Still looking for a beta, PM me if you're interested
