Title: Nightless Charisma

Servant: [Saber] Gawain

"Dear Brother."

To think she'd be summoned.

"Dear Brother, I'm so happy to be able to meet you again."

After having been summoned for humanity's sake by his Master for the longest time, he should have been used to encountering both familiar and new faces from across human history.

"Dear Brother?"

He had encountered a dozen variations of his King, his fellow comrades in arms, and even opponents he had faint memories of facing in previous summons. There was no doubt that meeting her would one day had been a possibility, especially due to her own achievements making it possible to summon her.

"Master… Is Lord Gawain alright?" the newly summoned Lancer with her hand in front of her mouth to prevent him from hearing. Being a Servant, his senses had heard them nonetheless.

The red-headed girl who was his Master looked up at him with eyes of concern. "Is something wrong, Gawain? I just summoned someone you knew, right? Don't tell me it's someone you have trouble with."

"T-Trouble? Dear Brother, that can't be right?!"

The panic of the armored knight with the lance was a sight to behold in the summoning room. To think a Knight of the Round Table would behave in such a way… then again, he had seen how Mordred behaved come summertime.

Gareth, his younger sibling and comrade under the King of Knights, had been summoned to join them in their cause. Memories of those days past before he became a servant flashed through his mind as his hand unconsciously reached out.

"E-Eh? Dear Brother?" Gareth's frantic movements stopped the moment he placed his hand on the mop of blonde hair that was nostalgic to him.

"There's no trouble at all, Master," he informed them. "I was merely taken aback by the sudden reunion. Welcome, Gareth. I'm thrilled to be able to fight beside you again."

"Taken aback? You were less surprised when Maid Alter came to greet you," his Master replied. "Actually, you're smile's kind of creeping me out."

That couldn't have been the case, could it? Still, to have his younger sibling and fellow knight fighting alongside him again… though he had gotten used to joining Sir Lancelot, Sir Tristan, and Sir Bedivere in battle, the thought of fighting with Gareth again was strangely exciting to the Knight of the Sun.

"Dear Brother… No, Lord Gawain… Could you please stop ruffling my hair? I'll get angry," Gareth pouted. While she tried to hide her embarrassment, she did not try to force his hand off her. Actually, she was using her hands to shade her eyes. "Er… Dear Brother?"

So she had been summoned as Lancer. That would allow for plenty more flexible options in battle much like Tristan's summoning as an Archer had done for their team. He couldn't wait to introduce her to their King and to the other knights. They would be just as surprised as he had been.

"Gawain… You might want to lay off on the headpats..."

He was beaming, thinking of Bedivere and Tristan's reactions when he would bring Gareth to see them. There was also showing Gareth to each and every version of their King. It was almost a hazing ritual at that point, but the image of Gareth's surprise, bewilderment, and shock would be well worth seeing.

"Hahaha~!" Gawain couldn't resist laughing.

"Lord Gawain… I'm going to go bald…," he heard Gareth speak, but he was too distracted by his own thoughts to stop. He was smiling brightly. In fact, he was smiling far too brightly for a normal person.

"His smile's like the sun…," their Master closed her eyes. "This is ridiculous."

Fighting back against that smile was certainly impossible for the Master and for Gareth. Gawain himself could not stop himself from generating such a radiant aura from his body. He was elated, positively glowing with happiness. This was literal.

Unable to escape Gawain's headpat or find their way out of the room while blinded by a light as bright as the sun, Gareth and their Master could only endure until it was over.

It is said that since that day of Gareth's summoning, the Knight of the Sun's power grew. Whenever he went into the battlefield, the world became Nightless, amplifying the power of his Numeral of the Saint.

[Skill Rank Up]: [Charisma E] to [Nightless Charisma B]

I'm back as a writer here? I may have wanted to write this since Gawain's strengthening was shortly after Gareth's reveal on JP.


Though his fellow Servants appreciated his strengthening as a welcome addition to helping their Master accomplish her goals, they were none-the-wiser about how he had gotten stronger. However, Gareth and their Master had been reported to have occasionally mumbled something to one another every time he returned from the battlefield.

"So he was a siscon..." "Dear Brother, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about this..."