Hello Everyone, Reader Here! Wow! Over 800 views, 31 favorites and 43 follows in two days?! Thanks for all the support everyone, I really appreciate it! Now, let's get into the story!

Chapter 2: Teatime

Lysithea sat with a shocked gaze across the neatly set table of her favorite sweets that were placed on porcelain plates and a steaming hot cup of tea centered in front of her. Across from the mage was the former green-haired mercenary Byleth who was intently looking over a book that was in his hands. The newly minted professor had suddenly asked if she was free and when she said yes, had lead her to this spot in the monastery.

"I wanted to apologize for scaring you that night," he said while placing the book down and then taking a sip of his own tea. Lysithea pouted for a moment while her hand gripped the teacup.

"You didn't scare me... I was.. just startled! That's all!" she said indigently. Byleth sighed while placing the cup back onto the plate.

"Anyways, I still hope you enjoy it. I also wanted to get to know you more as your teacher, to help you with your training," he said. Lysithea tilted her head in confusion at his words.

"But professor Manuela is our teacher. Why would you want to help out someone from a rival house?" she asked before taking a sip of the tea. Her eyes widened at the taste of her favorite tea, Sweet-Apple blend, though she could admit it could use more sugar.

"Although it is true that I am the main instructor for the Black Eagles, I want to help all of the students grow to their full potential. Once you leave this academy, you all will be working together to keep the future of Fodlan peaceful. As such, I believe it would be more beneficial to help everyone, rather than just a select group."

Lysithea just stared at the man after his long explanation. Her grip on her teacup increased and her free hand curled up into a fist. She ground her teeth together and her gaze lowered to the table.

'The future...' she thought sadly while her hand began to shake.

A future she was not going to be in.

A future that she would have no part in.

All because of that experiment that created her damned crest based.

"Are you okay, Lysithea? Is something wrong?" the concerned Byleth asked. She shook her head and tried to wave it off as nothing but he seemed unconvinced as his eyes narrowed at her.

"I won't press you for an answer, but know that if you need someone to talk to, about anything, I'll be here," he said with what sounded to her like genuine care. She was silent for a moment before slowly nodding her head. Although talking to someone who she barely knew about her many issues was out of the question, she felt the comfort that there was someone who would look out for her. Although she had made a few friends a the school, she couldn't say with certainty that she was at the level with them to talk about her personal problems.

The conversation became more relaxed as they began talking about themselves, with Lysithea talking about her noble family and Byleth discussing his life a wandering mercenary. After talking about her time at the academy and her classes, the two finished their tea and food before saying their goodbyes and departing in the opposite direction. Not that she noticed, the young noble held a smile across her face as she headed to the library for some studying. But the face of the mysterious teacher and his words never left her mind as she read over the tomes of magic and history.

"Maybe... maybe I should take him up on his offer..."

Thanks for reading!