"We better be quick." Kuro Neko said as she untied Marinette. "Foxic is distracting Adrien as we speak, and I don't know how long he'll last." She turned towards a cupboard, opening it to reveal a small portion of camembert and giving it to Tikki.

"How did you know that was in there?" Asked Marinette. She rubbed her wrists where she was tied and winced at the pain.

"When I was at Master Fu's Plagg mentioned needing to give Tikki some food and told me where to find some." She glanced at Marinette's wrists. "Those look really sore. I swear when I get my claws on him-"

"We can't do anything without revealing my identity to the world. He knows who I am. He can use that against me. I-I'll have to deal with him at school. Oh gosh what am I going to do?" She was pacing back and forth as she ranted. Kagami watching intently.

"We can sort that out later. For now, let's focus on catching him."

Nodding at that statement, Marinette transformed back into Ladybug. They swung out of the open window and into the Paris skyline, ready to take on their old crush.

Foxic crashed into a dark alleyway while Trixx was flung out of his pendant. The illusions dissipated and a scream could be heard from the rooftops. He looked up to see a yellow figure jumping between the buildings. If he stayed there any longer, he'd surely be found. So, he crept out of the alleyway and straight into Alya Césaire.

"Oh, Luka! What were you doing in there?" She peered into the alleyway just as Yellow Jacket landed next to her.

"Alya you're just the person I wanted to see! Have you seen that mangy cat anywhere? I'd love to give her a piece of my mind and my spinning top. The new fox must've created an illusion to lure me away fro- Marinette!"

"Wait what does this have to do with her?" Luka's face dropped when he realised. He was trying to lead Yellow Jacket away from Ladybug. And if he was worried about Marinette then that means they are one in the same. "I-I just realised I have to be at guitar practice. Thank you for saving Paris from that akuma earlier and I'll see you around I guess, Alya." He rushed off towards the Seine just to be pulled into another alleyway by a red gloved hand.

"Marine- I mean Ladybug! He's realised that it was a ruse. I'm sorry I couldn't keep going for longer."

"Sounds like you realised something too." Luka blushed at that and went to speak before being cut off. "There's no need to apologise. I should've known that you would figure it out eventually, something about us having the same songs?" They both giggled. "Anyway, I have a plan to stop Yellow Jacket but you need to recharge first. Good thing I have a macaron for Trixx!" The small fox-like creature beamed from ear to ear at the news and swallowed the sweet treat whole, recharging him instantly.

"Trixx, let's pounce!" Foxic was once again suited up with the flute in his hands, ready for the plan.

"I need you to create an illusion of me and Kagami Tsurugi kissing – civilian me that is." Blushing at the thought, Ladybug tried to compose herself before saying the next part, "And when Yellow Jacket attacks the illusion in a blind rage, that's when we will take his miraculous."

Foxic seemed confused at Ladybug's weird plan but knew better than to question it. After all, she was the saviour of Paris. All her plans have succeeded in the past. "Sounds good. But I do have one question. How are you going to get the miraculous off him?"

Embarrassment filled Ladybug's face. "I do have one plan. I just hope Kuro Neko will be okay with it."

Scouting the rooftops, Yellow Jacket huffed. There had been no sign of his lady, not since the stupid fox and the imposter played that cruel trick on him. He was contemplating crashing the news broadcast to send a message when he saw her – Marinette Dupain-Cheng – in the park, running towards someone. His heart soared but soon came crashing down when he saw her embracing one of his friends – Kagami Tsurugi. And then they kissed.

Yellow Jacket saw red. That was his beloved kissing another girl. So, he flew at them, spinning top at the ready and aimed at Kagami. No-one could kiss her but him. Imagine his confusion as they dissipated right in front of him. He was so confused in fact that he didn't see the red-clad heroine walking straight towards him, until she tilted his head up with her hand.

"I knew you cared about me, but I didn't know it was this much. Consider me surprised, Adrien."

"Y-you tricked me again! How could you?" His anger was soon quelled by a finger on his lips.

"You had to prove to me how much you loved me, and I must say I'm impressed. You're completely devoted. I like that in a person." She inched closer to him, so their faces were almost touching. "So how about we kiss and make up and forget about these recent days?"

He was ecstatic. His lady was finally seeing sense and was going to kiss him. He leant in slowly. Closer and closer until… Ladybug moved out of the way and a strong force on his back sent him crashing into the floor.

"Ladybug! Get the comb!" The cat-themed superhero that was pinning him down screamed. He tried to free himself but was no match for Kuro Neko. Soon he was back to being just Adrien with two very angry heroines glaring at him. As he tried to speak, he was quickly cut of by a seriously enraged Ladybug.

"I don't know what the hell you were playing at, but you better stay the hell away from me, Agreste."

"We're partners! You can't just cut me out like this! I won't let you!"

"Come anywhere near me and I'll say you used me as a hostage to get closer to Ladybug. Alya has already posted a video on her blog of you chasing after the others and then getting really worried about me."

"No one else knows my identity. How are you going to prove it was me without outing yourself?"

"My kwami took my phone and got a video of you transforming in your room. You were too busy confessing your love to me to notice. Keep away from me and none of this will go to the police."

Adrien huffed in defeat. There was no way of getting out of this now. Ladybug and Kuro Neko took this as a cue to leave. As they vaulted over the rooftops of Paris, he took his phone out, sending one message.

"I want to be home-schooled again."