A/N: Heyyy guys! I'm so excited to share my very first fan fiction of the Resident Evil series. I support Aeon but after playing RE remake, I just fell in love with Claire's character. So, I think now, I support both pairings. LOL. And I can't decide if this is Aeon or Cleon fan fiction. :D
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy reading!
Chapter 1:
Claire was drinking her 8th glass of tequila. It was past 11 in the evening and she was still in the nearby local bar contemplating about life. She was starting to question what would her future be like. Will she continue serving and helping people? Will she ever have a child or husband to take care of? Will she be with someone whom she loved?
These thoughts started after she had attended a friend's wedding three days ago. She began to imagine the happiness of being with the one she loved and the beauty of having her own family.
She was hoping to talk with someone right now. Someone she could share these thoughts with. She reached her phone and searched through her contacts. She needed someone to call right now. And before she realized, her thumb accidentally hit a name from her contacts. The number dialed was ringing.
Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the name on her phone. It was Leon. And when she was about to hit cancel, Leon picked up.
"Hello? Claire?"
Claire cleared her throat, "Hey Leon!"
"What's up?"
Deep down Claire was happy that Leon did pick the phone up even at this late hour.
"Nothing much. Just drinking by myself."
"Are you okay? Do you want some company?" Leon asked sounding concern.
"I would really use some company right now."
"Where are you?"
"I will text you the address." Claire felt genuinely happy that Leon was willing to be with her even at this hour. In fact, she would have always wanted to spend time with him. But for some reasons, it just didn't happen.
Thirty minutes after she had sent the message, Leon came. Claire was so surprised to see him so soon.
"Don't tell me you flew to get here?" Claire chuckled.
"I would have done that if my apartment was not nearby." Leon smirked. He sat beside Claire and ordered a glass of whiskey. "I was honestly surprised that you called. How's it going?"
"I just feel lonely honestly." Claire looked at her glass of tequila. "But I really want to spend time with you. Finally, it's happening now without all those fvcked up creatures."
They both laughed. Claire stared at Leon's eyes, taking a good look at it. Claire knew she had always felt attracted to him. From that time he saved her from a zombie that would have eaten her from behind up to now. There was this bond between them that drew her to him wherever she goes.
"But why would you feel lonely?" Leon asked after he finished his first glass of whiskey.
"I..don't know exactly why. Maybe because I'm imagining my future but it's far from happening now."
"Yeah…something like getting married to the man I love. That someday, I'll have children I'll take care of."
Claire blushed after confessing her thoughts to Leon. Leon smiled. "I think you'd make a good wife and mother, Claire."
"Thank you Leon." Claire was feeling real dizzy at this point. Leon noticed this.
"Are you okay? Would you like me to take you home?"
"I-I'm fine." Claire got off from her seat to go to the bathroom. As she walked, she lost her balance. Leon immediately caught her avoiding the fall.
Claire held her breath as she looked to her side. And before she realized she was staring directly at Leon's attractive lips which were just a few inches from hers.
"Let me take you home." Leon offered again. Claire nodded in response.
They arrived at Claire's apartment. It was a one bedroom type apartment. It was fully furnished and neat. Everything was organized.
Claire was walking unsteadily to her bedroom. Leon was assisting her walk and wanted to make sure that she was well tucked in before he leaves.
As Leon lay her down the bed, Claire pulled him toward her. This caused Leon to lose his balance and lie down on top of Claire. Their lips were almost touching. When Leon tried to pull himself away, Claire pulled him back and held him tighter...
"Can you…just stay here...with me?"
Claire felt the racing heartbeats from Leon's chest. Leon's face was beet red. He didn't expect any of this to happen. Claire kissed him and caught Leon off guard. It was a different kind of kiss. It was pure and filled with love. Pulling away was no use. Hesitations slowly faded away. That night belonged to them.
Slowly, they undressed each other. For the first time, Leon saw the figure of an angel. And Claire saw the most handsome man she ever knew. They kissed passionately. Their moans and groans were unstoppable. Claire opened her legs inviting Leon in.
"I shouldn't.." Leon was feeling a bit hesitant about it.
Claire pulled him closer. "I'm yours Leon. Only yours."
Trying to resist was no use now. Leon entered Claire for the first time and he knew that it was one of the best night of his life.
A/N: I'm still writing chapter 2 which will be Leon and Ada of course. Conflicts are about to happen in the next chapters. LOL.
Reviews and favorites are greatly appreciated! :)