Victoria walked into Society. She looked up as the commotion broke out. She pushed forward to see her

estranged brother and Billy. They both had busted lips and bruised cheeks.


He looked at her just as Adam socked him in the face, sending him down hard. He hit his head on the bar

top before falling on the floor.

"Billy!" Victoria cried, running to him. Adam kept swinging and she pulled on his arm. "Stop! Stop


She used all her might to shove Adam away long enough to shield Billy."Get away from him!" She leaned

over him. "Billy? Hey?" She gripped his shoulders. "Wakeup. Please god wakeup for me."

She gently touched his face. "Please, Billy it's me. It's Victoria open your eyes and look at me. Billy!"

She glared back at Adam who wiped his lip with his hand. "What did you do to him!"

Adam scoffed. "He started it Victoria. He asked for this."

Victoria glared at Adam, wanting to stand up and slap him, but she didn't. Billy needed her. She stood

and grabbed her purse, dumping the contents onto the floor by him. She grabbed her phone. "Hold on

Billy. I'm getting you help. Hang in there."

She breathlessly dialed. "Hi, I need an ambulance at Society. My.." what was he to her exactly?

Boyfriend? "A man fell and hit his head. No he isn't responding. Yes, please hurry thanks." She set the

phone down, gripping his hand. "Helps on the way Billy."

Abby came running from the back. "Oh my god! What happened?"

Victoria glared at Adam, tears welling up. "Get him out of here. He did this. He did what he does best.

Damage." She was done acknowledging that snake. He didn't matter to her the way Billy did.

She ran a hand through his hair. "You're going to be fine. You have to be Billy. I need you to be fine." She

took the towel Abby handed her and placed it underneath his head. "Hang on Okay? Please stay with

me. I love you so much." She kissed is forehead. "You'll be okay. I promise. I promise."

Victoria stared in front of the curtain that had just been zipped in front of her face. She should be with

him, but she knew that wasn't protocol. She was scared and she wiped her eyes. He should be awake by

now. He should be charming her the way he does.

"Victoria? What happened?"

She turned to see Jack and ran to his arms, crying into his shirt. "Thank god you're here."

Jack held her tight. She knew he was doing it for Billy. She knew if anything Billy would be more concerned

about if she was okay than himself. He was like that and she loved and hated it so much. "How is he?"

Victoria gained her composure and pulled away. "They took him back there. He hit his head and he

hasn't woken up which he should by now right?"

He touched her arm. "Shh. I'm sure he's fine."

Victoria turned to face the curtain. "Why is he always doing this to me? Why is he always here?"

Jack shrugged. "Cause he's a screw up." He gave her a squeeze on the shoulder. "Your screw up."

She laughed and she knew he smiled when he said that. "Yeah. He is." She turned to face his kind face.

"What if he isn't okay Jack? What if..."

He grabbed her arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, don't think like that. You know my stubborn and impossible as they come."

She nodded. "Oh I know, but..." she looked at the tile. "How much more can one guy take? He isn't

Superman although he'd argue that."

Jack sighed. "Come on, let's go sit down in the waiting area."

She let him drag her away. She walked in and looked up to see Adam there. She felt her blood boil and

turn to ice so fast. "What are you doing here?" Her voice was low, like a growl.

"I wanted to see how he was doing," Adam replied.

"Because you care? You don't care," Victoria spat. "You care about one thing and one thing


Adam looked at her. "I know you're upset..."

"Upset?" Victoria asked, barely containing the rage. "Oh I am livid."

"I know, but I didn't start this fight. That was all Billy."

That was it. That was the last straw for her. "You son of a bitch!" She lunged at him, going for his throat.

"How dare you come in here and act like the victim! You are not a victim!" Her screaming caused so

many looks and Jack was reaching for her, pulling her back.

She fought against him, tears streaming down her face. "You ruin lives Adam! You hurt people! You

killed Billy's innocent daughter and somehow you get the life you want! You haven't lost any kids and

you are out here gloating about how perfect your world is while Billy is living an eternal hell!" She

clawed her way out of Jack's arms. "He is in there fighting for his life because of you!"

Adam tried to back away from her. "Victoria."

She punched him in the chest. "You have ruined our lives you evil son of a bitch! You have your kids and

you have your wife and what does Billy have? Not his Delia. Not the little girl that you took from us and

then proceeded to take her eyes!" She was so angry.

Jack pulled her back. "Victoria, this is not the place."

"No! No saint Adam needs to hear this. You are evil and you deserve to be burning in hell! You should've

stayed dead! Chloe should have finished you off because Billy wouldn't be in that bed!" Victoria

screamed, fighting Jack. She was elbowing him hard in the chest, kicking her legs. "Let go of me!"

"Victoria this isn't doing Billy any good," Jack said.

"Get away from me!" Victoria sobbed, pushing herself free. "Don't! Don't you dare pretend to give a

damn about Billy Jack."

Jack was taken aback. "Victoria you're upset okay, but causing a scene won't help anyone."

"You are just as bad," Victoria sobbed. " chose the man who killed your niece over Billy. You

are all for Billy forgiving this bastard for what he did." She stopped to take a breath. "Well let me tell you

something Jack if Kyle was killed you'd feel the same and Billy would support you, but to you Billy is just

the screwup but he's so much more to me."

She stopped yelling. She wiped her tears and felt broken and drained. "I love him. I love him so much

and now...and now he's in that stupid hospital room again."

Adam shook his head. "I should go."

Victoria lunged at him. "Stay away from him. Stay away." She shoved him out the door before dropping

in a chair.

Jack sighed and sat across from her.

She looked up, the mascara that she had on was non existent. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jack."

Jack touched her leg. "I know you didn't mean it. You're scared."

"I'm terrified," Victoria corrected. "I'm utterly terrified." She buried her face in her hands. "I'm sorry I

blamed you because it's not your fault. It's mine."

"That's not true."

She nodded. "It is. He was struggling and I wasn't there for him. I was too busy with my own problems to

think about the man I love. I should've pushed him to tell me the truth. I shouldn't have expected him to

be okay so fast. I mean I know what trauma does...I know how I was with JT, but I was so selfish and now

he might die."

"Victoria," Jack commanded. "Look at me, this is not your fault. When Billy spins out it is hard to stop

him. You did all he needed which was loving him. That's all that matters."

She broke into sobs. "What if I never get to tell him how much I love him? What if I never get to see that

stupid smirk of his? What if I lose him Jack?"

He pulled her in his arms. "It's going to be okay." He gripped onto her shaking shoulders. "I promise."

Victoria sat in the chair, counting the minutes as they went by. Why didn't she know anything? If he was

fine she would know by now and it made her sick thinking he wasn't. She looked up and saw Chloe. She

had no clue why she was there and barely anyone knew she was alive. She knew what she had been

doing. She found out through Sharon who had set up a camera. She was on her way to tell Billy when he


She stood and rushed to the small woman. "You little bitch."

Chloe stared up from her big sunglasses. "Victoria?"

"Don't. Don't you dare play innocent," Victoria spat. The anger and fear came back. "I know what you

did. What you are doing."

"I—I don't know what you're talking about," Chloe whispered.

Victoria was pissed off now. She was just going to pretend she wasn't messing with Billy's head. She

slapped her so hard that she thought she could've broken Chloe's jaw. "That regaining your memory?"

Jack and Sharon joined that way.

Chloe gasped, holding her jaw. "What is wrong with you!"

"What is wrong with me!" Victoria demanded."Do you really have the audacity!" She gripped her by the

shoulders. "You are a spineless bitch and because of you and your psychotic behavior Billy is in that


Jack was grabbing her again. "Victoria, what are you talking about?"

She shrugged him off. "What am I talking about? Maybe the fact Chloe has been messing with Billy's

head so he'd kill Adam!"

Chloe stared up like a deer in headlights.

"Oh now you aren't going to own up to it!" Victoria demanded, lunging again. "You are a coward Chloe!

A coward and a manipulative bitch to do that to Billy. You are selfish to do that to a man you claimed to

once love!"

"Victoria are you sure?"

Sharon nodded and looked at Jack. "It's all true. I have proof."

Victoria grabbed Chloe by the hair. "How could you do that to him! How could you mess with him like


Chloe shoved her off and tears ran down her face. "Adam killed my little girl Victoria! He deserved to


"I hate Adam too, but to use Billy? You didn't want to lose Bella or Kevin so you made Billy think his dead

daughter needed him to kill Adam! You put him through hell! Made him think he was losing his mind

and he didn't sleep for weeks! You were fine with ruining his life and putting him in danger!" Victoria

screamed once again going for the throat.

Jack pulled her back, but Victoria fought back. "You used him as a pawn and you didn't care if my kids

and I lost him you selfish bitch! Delia would be so disappointed in you! You hide behind your daughters

death to excuse the horrible things you do! That's're pathetic and now Billy is here!" She

struggled to claw out of Jack's hold. "You never deserved Delia! You never deserved such a sweet girl

and to do this to her father! Her hero! To completely disrespect her make me sick!" She

kicked at Jack as he pulled her away. "Let me go!"

"Shh. It's okay," Jack soothed.

"It isn't okay!" Victoria sobbed. "It's not okay!"

"You don't understand my grief!" Chloe sobbed. "I never wanted Billy here."

"Well he is!" Victoria yelled. "You ruined his life. If he killed Adam he would have gone to jail so you and

I both know you were willing to risk his life if it got you what you want!"

"Guys, there are other patients here," Sharon whispered.

Victoria finally broke free and got close to Chloe's face. "If Billy dies...if the kids and I lose him...I'm going

to make you wish you stayed dead Chloe. You don't want to underestimate me!"

Jack grabbed her arm. "Victoria enough. Everyone is staring. There are other patients here."

Victoria glared. "Get her out of here." She wiped her eyes and nose. "I need some time." She ran down

the hall.

She collapsed against a wall, sobbing. She couldn't do this. She needed Billy to be okay. She was so angry

and she really thought if god forbid she lost the man she loved she could kill them. She was scared at

how easy it seemed in her brain. She really fantasized by stabbing them to death and she was a mom.

She couldn't think like that. She planted her head in her knees.

She heard footsteps and rolled her eyes. "Go away Jack."

"Not Jack," Sharon softly said.

She looked up. "Oh."

Sharon offered that soft smile of hers. "May I sit?"

Victoria shrugged and made room for her on the floor. "Listen, I really don't want to be lectured."

"I'm not here to lecture. I thought what you did was really justfied and Billy would be so proud/turned


Victoria laughed. "Sometimes I can't fake a smile anymore." She looked at her hands. "Thanks for not

judging me."

"Of course," Sharon replied. "I understand what fear does."

Victoria wiped her eyes. "He has to be okay Sharon. I don't know what I'll do if he isn't."

"He will," Sharon replied. "He loves you too much to just die. Plus he isn't going to give Adam of all

people the satisfaction of killing him."

Victoria didn't recognize the humor. She had no more strength. "I don't know about that." She turned to

her old friend. "Billy misses Dee so much and what if he decides that he wants to be with her again?"

"Victoria," Sharon said, touching her knee. "That won't happen. Billy adores you and your kids so much.

He just hit his head...probably has a concussion and he'll back to you soon."

Victoria sighed. "I need him more than I ever realized. I can't live my life without him. It makes me sick

thinking I might never get to see his smile again that still after so many me butterflies." She

wiped her eyes with her hand. "I'm so mad at him Sharon."

"Mad?" Sharon asked.

"I hate how he always does this to me. He puts me in this position all the time. He makes me worry that

I'm going to lose him and it is exhausting and aggravating. I can't do this anymore. I physically can't take

it," Victoria explained. "He's going to be the death of me Sharon."

"Aren't the guys we love always the death of us?" Sharon asked.

Victoria nodded and smirked. "True." She smiled. "Thank you for checking on me. I'm glad I can consider

you a friend." She was close to Sharon so she rested her head against her shoulder. She needed support.

"I'm always here...unless you try and strangle me the way you did to them," Sharon teased.

"Don't mess with my children or Billy and we'll be fine."

Sharon laughed. "I promise you that."

Victoria sat down in the little stool. "Hi baby. I'm back and I'm really sorry it took me so long. They

wouldn't let me see you for awhile there, but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere." She gripped

his hand, running her finger along it.

"You know the doctor said you should be just have to wakeup. We both know that I'm not

very patient so it would really help me out if you woke up now." She studied his still face. "Billy, I know

you're so exhausted and this might be the sleep you need so bad and I won't deny you that, but maybe

if you could just open your eyes for just a second and give me a smile?"

She waited patiently. "Okay, what about just a squeeze of my hand? You did it before last time we were

here...under completely different circumstances thank god, but I'm still scared Billy." She rested her

head on his hand. "Why are we always here? Why is this constantly a thing? You in this bed and me

sitting here. I hate it so much. I hate you for making me vulnerable and soft. I'm supposed to be the ice

princess Billy and you just make make me melt."

Tears sprang to her eyes again. "I need you. I know I've been very adamant on not for years, but I do. I

always have. I've always loved you even if we were in very different parts of our lives." She rubbed her

face. "You told me just months ago that we are endgame and you are right. We are, but baby this isn't

the end. I think I've known my whole life that I was meant for you. That's probably why I've never really

been able to commit to anyone else. Travis, JT, with Phyllis and Chelsea? Even when you drive

me crazy and I want to kill you...I still loved you."

She pressed her lips to his hand. "I really need you to wakeup because you are my everything.

Everything I love and hate. Everything I need and want. Just everything so come back to me one last


She let the tears fall again. She just wanted everything to be okay again. She wanted him awake and

talking. She wanted him home and the thought of sleeping in that big bed without him made her heart

hurt. She rested her head against him.

She felt a soft touch and looked up at him. Her eyes lit up when she saw him looking back at her. "Billy."

"Hey, no tears," Billy replied, forcing a smile.

She cried in happiness and hugged him, forgetting he was hurt. "Oh god I've missed you." She pulled

away. "Oh my god. Did I hurt you?"

"You? Hurt me?" Billy questioned. "Never."

She sighed in relief. "You have no idea how great it is to hear your voice." The happiness slowly faded

and she remembered the underlying anger. "I...I gotta get the doctor."

Billy gripped her small hand. "No. No. Let me look at your beautiful face a little longer."

She didn't hide the smile. How could he make her smile even when she was mad? "Sweet talking me

isn't going to make me any less mad at you."

He sighed. "Please stay. Please?"

She sat back down. "Okay."

"I'm sorry," Billy apologized. "I just haven't slept and I'm at my wits end and Adam pissed me off—"

"Billy, I don't want you to make excuses," Victoria said.

"Okay. I shouldn't have started that fight with Adam. That's on me," Billy admitted. "Now let's talk about

how you are such a pretty crier."

"Billy," Victoria sighed. "I'm sick of this. I'm so sick of this."

"What?" Billy asked. "My charm?"

"No. Would you take this serious for ten seconds? You could've died," Victoria replied. Her tone was soft

and detached. She was battling between sadness and anger.

"I'm sorry. I'll take it serious."

"Good. You scared me Billy. I once again had to fear for your life and I just can't do it anymore." The

tears that she forced back, flowed down her face. "I can't Billy. It's destroying me. I can't keep doing

this. You need to stop putting me through this. I can't take it. I can't!"

"Hey," Billy soothed, gripping her hand. "Victoria."

"No. No. Please don't calm me down. I feel like we are going in circles and one day I'm not going to be as

lucky and you're going to die. I can't lose you Billy. I won't survive that so this needs to end!"

He grabbed her arm and pulled her in his arms. "Vick, I'm sorry. Okay? I'm so sorry." He held her head to

his chest. "I promise I'm going to stop this. I'm okay though. I'm fine. I have a headache, but other than

that I'm great okay?"

She sunk in his arms, not having any fight left in her. "Okay."

"I'm okay," Billy assured. "We're going to be fine. I'll figure out what is going on with my head and we'll

be fine."

She pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed. He gingerly wiped her tears. She gripped his hand. "It's

Chloe Billy."


"She's the one who's messing with you. She wrote all the stuff on the walls and moved the doll. It was

her. She wanted you to kill Adam so she didn't have to do it. She's a coward and she deserves to rot in

prison," Victoria replied.

"I know that look," Billy smirked. "You didn't handle it well did you?"

Victoria tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh I was the ice princess times ten. Adam and Chloe

sure took a beating both physically and verbally."

"That's my girl," Billy smiled. "I love you. You know that right?"

She smiled back. "I do. I love you too."

The End. :)