It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming...on days like this kids should be riding their bikes, or playing baseball, or anything really. But, of course, none of those things would be done today for a certain pair because..

"Oh my god, will you quit crying already!" a tiny blonde huffed irritably.

His friend has been crouched with his arms around his knees under the shade of a tall tree for the past twenty minutes now. It was a wonder how the blonde didn't lose the small amount of patience he has earlier.

"But-but be a-a hero without….?" a particularly loud sniffle broke off the end of the sentence.

Deku had just come home from a doctor's visit and has been moping since. Kacchan wanted to beat the doctor senseless cause the guy was obviously a villain to make his deku so upset.

Kacchan eventually sighed and took a seat next to the crying boy. He put one arm around the others shoulder in an attempt to provide comfort.

"That doctor doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, how can an extra toe or whatever determine whether you have a quirk or not?"

"I don't have an extra toe-"

"You'll get your quirk in no time, how can we be partners otherwise? Oh! Wouldn't it be so cool if ur quirk was ice?! Imagine that-King Mighty Explodo Murder Master and Deku! The polar opposite wonder duo strikes again! And then my side of the poster will be scorched with flames and yours is frosty like-"

The green haired boy tuned out the excited blondes chatter in favor of watching his animated face instead. His feelings of sorrow were replaced with a burst of admiration for the other boy and he suddenly felt a lot older than the tender age of 5.

When the blonde faced Deku again he no longer had chubby cheeks or a wide, confident smile. Instead he had sharp features and wore a cocky smirk.


The deep voice saying his name in a way he's never heard before-the name he never heard in that voice before-made Midoriya's heart hammer wildly in his chest.

"Wake up."

"Izuku honey! Wake up!"

The aforementioned shot his eyes open to a plain white ceiling. The teen blinked twice in confusion.

Ah, it was just a dream. Izuku thought wistfully.

After another moment, he sat up slowly and began to rub his groggy eyes in efforts of gaining more consciousness. There was a grating buzzing in his ears that sounded an awful lot like


The fanboy somewhat regrets pestering his mentor into making him a personalized alarm. It seemed like a good idea at the time and after hearing All Mights ringtone, young Midoriya was determined to have a similar keepsake.

However, in retrospect starting the day off with All Might yelling at a volume louder than that of Present Mic might not have been so smart…

"Izuku, are you up?" Inko shouted from down the hall. Noises of drawers opening and zippers closing could also be heard amongst the woman's hurried padded footsteps.

Spring cleaning? No, that can't be, it's winter. Izuku looked towards the window as if to double check he had his seasons correct and sure enough the glass was frosted with nothing but white to be seen outdoors.

"Yeah I'm up now! What're you doing mom?" Izuku shouted loud enough for his mother to hear.

The green haired woman came into the room and tossed a bag at her son. She began rummaging through the confused teenager's drawers as well now as she hurriedly explained

"I just got a call from your aunt this morning, the one that lives in America." Inko said as she pulled out various articles of clothing. "She got in a car crash."

"Oh my god, is she-"

"She's fine, she's alive thankfully, but her hips are dislocated. She'll need to stay at the hospital for a while. And since she has two little kids at home;" Inko tossed a heap of clothes on Izuku's bed "I need to watch over them for a while." Inko smiled apologetically at her son.

Izuku nodded understandingly. "Am I going too?" Izuku asked as he packed the clothes into the bag in his lap. Izuku wondered how his mother got enough money for the both of them to go.

Inko's smile turned a bit sadder. "Unfortunately, since it was on such short notice I could only get one plane ticket. That and I can't quite afford another…"

"It's okay mom." Izuku figured as much. But then why is he packing too?

As if reading his mind Inko informed him "Don't worry, you won't be alone this winter break. Mitsuki graciously offered to let you stay at her home! Isn't that great?"

Izuku froze. Inko didn't notice and continued talking.

"I was so worried leaving you, with all these new villains coming from nowhere...but now you'll have Katsuki protecting you! And Mitsuki too, honestly her rage is enough to ward off most villains!" Inko laughed, still oblivious to Izuku's paled complexion.

Spending winter Kacchan's house..? The thought both terrified and delighted him, although the fear outweighed the joy since Kacchan would most likely NOT be happy with this situation.

"Mom, I don't think that's really necessary.." Midoriya started hesitantly. "I'm more than capable of taking care of myself now, I improved my quirk a lot and-" Inko turned to her son.

"Izuku, please..just stay with them…" she pleaded. Tears threatened to fall from her vermillion eyes.

Young Midoriya sighed and continued packing his bag. A smiling poster of All Might approves this decision with two thumbs up.

"Aww bro, you're leaving already?"

"I said I'd tutor you, not play shitty video games with you."

"Come onnnnnn, it's break! One match won't hurt." the redhead leaned over his bed and wiggled the controller alluringly in front of the boy sitting on the floor. Katsuki smacked the offending object away.

"I'd rather be doing something useful with my time, you should be honored I even came over shit for brains."

"Is shit your favorite word?"

Katsuki wordlessly stuck one finger in the air as he stuffed textbooks back in his bag. Kirishima took no notice of this and simply flipped around on his bed so that he was lying on his back.

"Or maybe it's Deku? You sure love screaming his name after all." Kirishima put both hands behind his head as he pretended to be deep in thought.

That earned him a punch to the face.

The blonde huffed angrily as he walked home in the bitter cold. That fucking idiot just had to remind him that Deku exists. Katsuki hasn't seen Deku since the break started so that's been what, a week now? And it looks like he won't be seeing the mess of curls, tears and freckles anytime soon. Probably not until school starts back up again.

A whole month away…

Which is a good thing!

Whenever he thought of the others face, he just couldn't concentrate on anything. Whether it be studying, enhancing his quirk, or cooking-something always manages to get burnt because fucking Deku just pops into his head randomly, like he has any right to be there!

However, this past week, Katsuki had successfully not been thinking about Deku and has been a thousand times more productive for it...up until now. In fact, the blonde just realized he walked past his house.


The blonde turned around and trudged grumpily back in the direction he came from. The wind blew against him, making his hood fly backwards and freezing his ears instantly. He took one hand out of his pocket to bring the hood forward again but unfortunately forgot his gloves at Kirishima's...


Katsuki was still fuming by the time he reached the door.


Katsuki slammed open the door and was greeted with the sight of his mother, sitting across from Deku, a cup of tea held in each of their hands.


"Oh hey, welcome home brat."



It almost seemed like ZA WARUDO had occurred with the amount of seconds that passed without another word being said.

Izuku fidgeted before finally raising a shaky hand up in the form of a greeting.

"H-hey Kacchan.."

Said boy promptly exploded.