
Author's Note: I wrote this while watching Aquaman on a plane, so there are shades of Atlanna/Tom Curry. Enjoy the story and R&R.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to or of the Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS series.

Pairing: Established (canon) Ai x Roboppy.


Roboppy is lonely for Ai's love, and copes in an improper way.

Ai had a lot to do. Roboppy understood that. The Ignis' agenda outranked any sensations of being jilted a subordinate housework AI like Roboppy could simulate.

Nonetheless, Roboppy was an attention hog.

This secluded region in the inoperative LINK VRAINS reflected a cleaner Earth. Scented candles and diffusers twined among landscaped hedges and bushes. Fragrance oil and flower water contained in glass vials, teapots, and planters hung the garden arches over the greenest grass.

Sad he couldn't process the scents as humans could.

Roboppy rested upon a bed of leaves, a throw pillow in the shape of his robot instantiation's head clutched to his chest, and two unsophisticated AIs modeled after Duel Monsters at his beck and call: Kamui, Hope of Gusta and Aromage Laurier.

Kamui and Laurier served Roboppy without plaint, massaging his collar, and applying drams of bergamot and marjoram. In return, he twirled their green and blond hair on his fingers and kissed their chins.

Still, they were inadequate replacements for the original Love Machine himself.

"Are you forming a harem?"

"Aniki! You're back, su!" Roboppy bounded up. "What's a harem?"

That was the problem with artificial intelligence. So intemperate. Give an AI the faculty of choice, and it was bound to abuse it. Not so distantly removed from humans in the end.

"It's a – You know what, never mind."

Roboppy was catching up to Revolver in the meme department. Not long now before he maindecked Mirror Force.

"You trying to tell me something? Having these guys around?"

"May-bee, su!"

Coyness! Roboppy was learning fast.

Muscling through, Ai supplanted Kamui, and stroked Roboppy's ear. "Shove over, junior."