Not Officially #1

Chapter 1: Just a normal day.

It was an average day for Saitama, any villains had shown up lately and well… it was getting pretty boring.

Everyone was talking about him, about One Punch Man, the guy who could end any fight with one punch, as his name may suggest.

"He is so awesome" or "He's a fraud" were generally the things he heard about himself.

Everyone had heard about him, and well, those videos on the internet had already millions of views.

Everyone was amazed about him, mostly because he was like All Might; some even said he was even stronger than the no.1 hero; this was because of the time he took down a villain with a gigantification Quir, it made this guy as big as the most enormous buildings in the ENTIRE world, that giant was making his way through Berlin, killing thousands, when One Punch Man showed up and took him out with one punch.

'Hell, I am tired' Saitama thought while he was making his way jumping through the roofs of the buildings.

He stopped and made his way down a bridge to try and get some rest.

Meanwhile Izuku Midoriya was struggling with a certain sludge villain who was trying to asphyxiate him to take over his body, but all of a sudden a bald man appeared out of nowhere and started shouting to the villain holding him.

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing" The sludge looked rather fascinated "After I take over this kid I will take over your body" Well, at least for the villain, having the body of that man who looked very weak was better than that weak ass kid.

After hearing what the villain said Izuku started to grow worried. 'Oh no, I am going to die and then this man is going to die too' he thought, but soon started to lose consciousness

The kid had just lost consciousness when Saitama started approaching the sludge and just punched the air. The shockwave from that punch was enough to send lots of parts of the slime villain through the whole bridge and for it to release Izuku, 'Damn, maybe i did too much noise and the heroes are going to come again to irritate me' The bald man thought.

All Might was approaching to the bridge when he heard and even felt that immense shockwave, 'Oh no! Someone must have been harmed' was the only thought of All Might in that moment.

He started to run and saw parts of the slimy villain he was chasing while approaching the bridge.

"Don't worry, for I a-"someone was coming to him and fast and probably was a hero, 'Oh shit, I can't let them get me, after all I do not have a hero license, I'm a vigilante' Saitama thought while preparing to run, that was before he saw a figure he knew too well, All Might. When the incident of the giant in Berlin happened, after defeating the giant, All Might let him go arguing that he couldn't stop someone who had just saved so many lives.

"Am here" All Might finished his sentence when he saw a bald man in the other end of the bridge.

"S-Saitama" Well, maybe telling All Might his real name was a mistake, but what could be done? "Hey" was the only thing Saitama could tell All Might. "Um, I'm getting out of here or else I'll miss the great bargain at the supermarket" Well that was partly the truth, but what if All Might blamed him for attacking the kid.

"Did y-"All Might was trying to tell Saitama something but he didn't listen, "NO! It wasn't me, there was this green sludge thing and it was trying to kill the kid and all that" Saitama interrupted All Might's sentence.

"Oh. All right Saitama, you can leave now" All Might said to the bald hero, or vigilante?

"Okay" Was the only thing Saitama said before disappearing in an instant, like if he'd just vanished.

'Well, at least I didn't screw up; having trouble with the authorities and licensed heroes is very irritating' Saitama thought while he ran at a very slow speed compared to the speeds he could reach if he tried. 'I hope that kid is ok' he thought while remembering that the kid was waking up from his unconsciousness when he left.

Well, that had been a busy day indeed, and he just wanted to get to his apartment and sleep, his home wasn't much, but you could live in it, when he got there he ate some udon he'd left unfinished from the morning and went to sleep

In another place, a quirkless green haired kid who had just been attacked by a villain couldn't comprehend what happened, he saw a bald man walking and remembered clearly how the villain said he would kill him after killing Izuku, but then all of a sudden All Might saved him and stored the villain in a bottle, he held onto his leg, and told him he couldn't be a hero, his day had been from bad to worse.

Then he heard and explosion and followed where the sound came from, when his eyes locked on Kacchan's, his former friend, now tormentor, who was trapped in the same slime that tried to kill him earlier, he leaped right into danger to help his friend/bully.

"You Can Be A HERO" Said a skeletal man that somehow resembled All Might but at the same time didn't.

Then he saw the kid, who he remembered from the bridge, grabbing his chest and crying.

He woke up.

"What the hell was that dream for?" Said Saitama who had just suddenly woken up.