
Ok so I was really in doubt to have them kill her on purpose or the below, either way she's toast in her form and Bad, it looks like you are getting your way.. sorta haha. Anyways, warnings for Character death, choking, dark DARK themes but happy ending, also last chapter from this fic. So the epilogue is also intertwined in this chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 14: Killer from within

"Mika… sweetspark, open your eyes little one". Mika groaned and slung an arm over her eyes before rolling over. "lm.e alone" came the slurred voice. "you've rested enough, get your lazy aft up" came the familiar glutteral growl. "You messed me up I deserve my rest!" she hissed and chucked a fluffy pillow to the source of the sound. She heard a satisfying poef sound and knew that she had hit the warlord right in the faceplates with it. "10 points" she grunted before heaving herself to a sitting position.

"fuck me I'm sore" she cursed and looked up to see the brilliant blue optics of Optimus prime right in front of her. He was in his real form and Mika was apparently on a large medical berth. "Well that is to be expected, we got carried away in our little play" Megatron said and then released a series of clicks to Optimus who in turn blushed.

"Translator is still working" Mika said smirking this time making Megatron flush. "I thought you took that thing off prime" he snarled. "Must have slipped my mind" the autobot leader said amiably putting a servo on the back of his helm in a very human gesture while winking at Mika. "tsk" Megatron huffed and looked away.

"How are you feeling Mika, we did not go too far did we?" Optimus asked while he moved a digit over the femmes shoulder to her arm in a gentle caress. When Mika shook her head in a no he seemed to relax "Thank you for indulging us so..and not judging us for our desires, me as a prime, am not often in a position where I can -let loose- as humans would say. My primal coding as you have seen is quite dominant and not very friendly, and Megatrons ..well" he said leaving a silence as if that would answer everything.

Megatron smirked "Do not play saint Prime, you and I are the just hide it in a layer of sweet energon" he uttered and moved to Mika before gently tapping her on her head "Glad we did not permanently damaged you femme.. -i- "he began and paused "I enjoyed myself greatly. "he rumbled and his cold red optics softened once more "You bit me" he remembered. "You were looking at me all doe eyed, and though I enjoy seeing that greatly, it didn't quite fit the scene did it?" Mika said smiling cheekily at the warlord.

"No it did not" Megatron agreed. "The translator worked well?" he asked Mika. Both mechs had clicked in cybertronian at the beginning of their little fantasy and he was curious if Mika had understood every word. "Worked like a charm, I could hear you discussing on how you would end me, heard something about me bleeding out" she said and eyed megatron wearily. "god I'm so fucked up that I got off on this" she said burying her head in her hands. Optimus chuckled "well we do make a good Triade for a reason" he reasoned making them all chuckle.

Mika got up from the berth and climbed on Optimus his hand but the moment she climbed up she felt woozy again and this time nearly fainted. Black spots gathering in her vision. "eeuhh I feel sick" she muttered and took a few deep breaths. Megatron frowned and stepped closer "What did you do Prime" he asked accusingly making the Semi frown and pull in his field a little. "I did not do anything, Mika what's wrong?" he asked.

Mika shook her head "its gone now, must have gotten up too fast, you guys did do a number on me hmm" she said smiling. Both mechs looked concerned but accepted her answer. "You need something to eat, it will make you feel better" Optimus said bringing the femme to his faceplates and giving her a resemblance of a kiss. "Yeah.." Mika said giving a gentle smile but it was clear that the smile wasn't quite genuine.

6 months later Mika had not improved. The dizzy spells were more regular and she was now having trouble with her vision. The prime finally had enough of her excuses and send a COM to Ratchet.

"Ratchet.. can you come here and have a look at Mika?- "Optimus, if you wrecked that poor girl again you and megatron are getting an aft whooping" came the annoyed response from the medic. "No Ratchet, and understood… no Mika is experiencing dizzy spells for the past few months now, they are increasing in strength and duration, also she is experiencing headaches and loss of vision" Optimus heard a thoughtful humming noise on the other side of the communication line "Be there in a minute" the medic replied and shut down the com.

"Mika, Ratchet is on his way for an investigation" Optimus stated and to his surprise Mika nodded and didn't argue with him. A minute later Ratchet walked in and called for Mika and Optimus "There you two are, alright so I hear you have been having dizzy spells and headaches for quite a while now..any other complaints?" the medic asked her.

Mika schrugged, I've been terribly moody lately, nausea.. and it hurts in weird places. For a sec I thought I got knocked up but I checked and that wasn't the case" she said sheepishly. Ratchet barked out a laugh "humans and cybertronians are highly incompatible" he said. "I KNOW that" Mika snapped harshly before shaking her head "sorry Ratch.. "she muttered.

Humming he quickly adjusted his sensors and pointed Mika to lay down on the medical berth. "I am going to scan you now, similar technology to an MRI scan so lie very stil.. this won't hurt a bit" the medic said and began scanning the whole frame of Mika. Optimus was impatiently pacing and nearly bumped into Megatron as he entered the med bay. "I heard the little femme is not feeling well?". Optimus nodded" dizziness was getting worse, behavioral changes, i called Ratchet for a checkup.

Megatron nodded and sat down on a berth, recognizing that the medic was scanning Mika. His spark churned with worry and he clenched his servo's. He did not respond well when he worried, he tended to hide his feelings with anger and worry was no different, but in the last almost 11 years he had softened slightly. He still had a wicket temper though.

After a minute or so Ratchet had finished and was analyzing the data, Optimus was about to ask the progress when the medic gave a low whine and vented deeply.

"Mika.." he said softly and looked at the little human he had gotten quite fond off with soft blue optics. "I.. I have some new's to share with you, do you want some privacy?" he asked gently. Mika had paled significantly and shook her head "No, whatever it is, Megatron and Optimus have a right to know."

The medic gave a nod and decided to just rip the bandage off. " Mika.. you have cancer" he said. Both of the fraction leaders optics widened as they had searched this particular human disease on the internet. "It is treatable right?" came optimus his hopeful reply. Megatron was silent, having seen enough in the medics optics.

"I.." Ratchet began and looked at Mika "I recommend you visit a human doctor.. .i do not know anything about treating it but Mika.. "he said getting the full attention from the little femme. Before he spoke mika piped up "It has already spread hasn't it" she said softly. Ratchet nodded. "I will visit a human doctor, see if there is anything we can still do" Mika said strangely neutral before hopping off the berth and walking out of the room. "Mika.." Optimus rumbled but Ratchet placed a servo on his oldest friends shoulder. "Leave her be for now.." he advised. Optimus his plating began to rattle a little bit in nervousness, his processor going 100 miles an hour. "But.. she, she is sick.. is there a cure? Human medicine is quite advanced correct? She can be fixed?" Optimus asked, his spark was clenching in his chest and he was venting harshly, his optics wide.

"Calm yourself Prime, you are going to have a spark arrest if you don't get yourself together" Megatron growled and grasped the mech by his armor and giving him a shake. "Wait until she visits the human doctor" Megatron said. Optimus nodded and tapped his brother on his shoulder. "Yes.. good advice sweetspark" he said using the endearment without realizing it. Megatron froze for a second but relaxed again.

Mika was just getting off the phone with the military hospital, they worked with Ratchet many times and knew that if he had looked at her and advised an appointment ASAP, that would need to be done. She would have an appointment tomorrow; the oncologist had asked for the MRI results from Ratchet and she had promised to have Ratchet send them over.

A few hours later she returned to where Optimus and Megatron were hanging out, the two mechs were amicably discussing some plans of new Cybertron and listening to each other. There was the occasional discussion and snarl or the warlord's arms frantically. Mika smiled and suppressed the tears that threatened to appear. What she wouldn't give to be like them, to be able to fully interact with them in their original form. To basically live forever with her two beautiful mates. Taking a deep breath, she stepped in the room. "Hi! What are you two rascals up to!" Mika said with a cheerly smile on her face.

"Mika" came the reply from Optimus his optics dimming slightly. "How are you feeling" he asked carefully and kneeled in front of the femme. Megatron stayed at a distance but gazed at her nonetheless. Mika shrugged "I'm ok, don't worry about me Optimus" she said with a sweet smile but it didn't reach her eyes.

The next day Mika went to visit the oncologist. Both Optimus and Megatron had activated their human holoforms to join her despite her protests. The Doctor knew who they were, or was at least aware both fractions, and to his credit his face remained carefully neutral.

After the doctor called her by her last name a few times Mika had insisted to call her Mika. "Mika" came the gentle tone from the doctor. She already knew what he was going to say, she could feel it in her whole body. "I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do" came the quick statement.

Mika nodded and bit her lower lip, silent tears running over her cheeks. Fuck this, this wasn't fair! Megatron and Optimus tensed, Megatrons response was one of anger, Optimus just stared ahead blankly.

"What do you mean, nothing you can do!?" roared Megatron, spittle leaving his mouth his eyes flashing red and looking quite crazed. The doctor paled and stuttered a response when Mika held her hand up and pressed it against Megatrons heaving chest.

"Megatron, it's ok.. it.. we can't stop it, I can feel it love" she said gently. "BAH! Humans were supposed to be advanced and they can not even stop their own body's from turning against them?" he hissed and glared at the now still doctor.

"It's to advanced" Mika gently said and wiped away her tears but they just kept coming. "How much time do I have?" she asked looking up at the oncologist.

The doctor took a deep breath. "Weeks.. perhaps two to three months, six at most if we use radiation and chemo therapy but I would not recommend that treatment with this type of cancer, the quality of life you will receive versus the time gained is nihil" he explained rubbing his hands.

Mika nodded "Wasn't planning on it" she said and stood up "Thank you doctor, I want to leave now if you don't mind" she said and walked out of the room. Optimus stood up and nodded to the doctor, he dragged a still growling Megatron with him.

They went back to base and told Ratchet the results, the medic gave a whine in sorrow and drew his field in. He had gotten fond of Mika, the femme did save his Prime after all, he was concerned about the ramifications of her passing as well, would there be another war?

2 months later Mika was in a lot of pain, mostly bed ridden and quite honestly, done with life. She couldn't even make love with her mates anymore because she was simply too fragile and they were afraid she would pass. Megatron was quite unbearable, destructive and quick to snap, Optimus fell back to his Prime mode, not allowing himself to think about emotions.

Sitting up Mika coughed and clutched her side before getting out of bed and moving towards Ratchet "hey Ratch" she said with a tired smile. The medic turned to Mika and knelt before her "how's the pain" he asked. "a bitch" was the short response. "Can I do anything for you? "Ratchet asked cocking his helm.

"Yeah.. can you COM optimus and Megatron, I want them with me" she said vaguely. Ratchet nodded and moved his digit to the side of his helm before he froza. "Mika.." he said mournfully. Mika just held a hand up "I enjoyed this life while I could, and while it sucks monkey balls that this is happening, right now I am quite content with leaving this earth" she explained and gently stroked the side of the medics face feeling some wetness there. "You were a great teacher and an even greater friend, I love you" she said gently and kissed the side of his faceplate. Ratchet whined and closed his optics for a click before composing himself. " I greatly enjoyed your company little one, I'm sorry we have to say goodbye" he smiled. "If you want. I have something for you" he said and stood up, activating his holoform and grabbing a syringe. "This painkiller is quite powerful. Effectiveness in around 5 minutes "he explained with a knowing look and was about to tell her more when Mika smiled and grasped it from him. "Thank you" she said "Now get those pain in the afts to our berth room, in their holoform, but not the human one.

A few minutes later Megatron and Optimus walked in as requested in their robot holoforms. Mika sat on the bed and smiled at them both. " I'm done.." she said simply. Optimus frowned and scanned her "You.. don't look like you are about to expire" he asked carefully. "I'm not, but the pain is unbearable and will only worsen, I am getting weaker by the day, I don't want it to reach the point where I can't even wipe my own arse" she said simply and shrugged.

Megatron huffed "and what do you want us to do about it femme" he asked crossing his arms over each other. Mika smirked and cocked her head "be creative" she just said and gently uncapped the injector containing the pain killer. She was always connected to an IV so it was easy to administer.

"W..what are you doing" Megatron stammered losing a bit of his cool composure. Mika smiled sadly. "This is a painkiller, quite powerful, enough to take away the pain and everything else, I.. I want to go love.. this is not life" she explained. Megatron's optics widened before stepping forward and gently grasping her hand. "No it is not, however.. this is not how you get to escape us femme, not yet" he purred and looked at Optimus. "One last time" he said and gently laid Mika down capturing her mouth, his glossa swirling inside of her mouth, gently massaging her muscle and sucking on it making the femme groan.

Optimus snapped out of his daze and moved closer as well, he had noticed Megatron had already removed his cod piece and did the same, freeing his spike that wasn't even half pressurized. "I.. I don't know if I can, oh Mika my love "he said mournfully. "I'm sure you can" Mika said chuckling "Please Optimus, for me "she pleaded. "I want to feel pleasure again, and you two are the only one's who can give it to me "Mika said blushing lightly. "I have one wish.. please don't ruin the peace you two have when I'm gone.. that would hurt me more than you can imagine..i love you two so much and I cant stand either of you hurt.."

Megatron nodded and moved his servo over her taut stomach, under her sweatpants and to her center pressing a digit in. She was already wet. "hmmh all for us, your body knows hn?" he asked purring before pushing another in, already stretching her brilliantly. "How do you want it" he asked rubbing deliciously slow inside her, his palm grazing her clit. " ah.. hn.. just surprise me, do what you will, consider it my last gift for you two. "hmh.. let us know if the pain overtakes the pleasure, I will use the painkiller" he said gruffly and took the injector from her pocketing it in his subspace.

Optimus was getting riled up and forced his primal coding down but he was concerned that he would not be able to do this without it. "Its ok Optimus, let it go, ah!" Mika said gently moaning at the end. The Prime vented loudly before stopping his resistance and his optics slowly bled red.

Megatron clicked at Optimus "I want to enjoy her, I want her to enjoy every bit of it.. we will frag her and I will inject the pain medication when we overloaded, in the meanwhile we need to discuss how to help her cross over" Optimus frowned "how can you discuss this so casually Megatron, have you no love for our mate" Megatrons reply was instant "because this is her wish" . "We can calculate the amount of ampere that would stop her heart?" The prime suggested over the COM while he kissed Mika.

The warlord seemed to mule the idea over. "perhaps a form of strangulation? Take away the oxygen while we frag her so she slips away?" Optimus fans kicked on and he inwardingly cursed. Blasted coding. "I have read that drowning is a pleasant way to pass, not initially but when the lungs fill with water it is claimed to be ..euforic, or we can just snap her neural connection of her brain" Megatron huffed meaning snapping her neck and added another digit to Mikas sopping and stretching center. "why couldn't she have just told us how she wants it, would have made this easier.. I do not like choosing my mates death..". Mika frowned "What are you two chatting about?" she asked panting lightly, ignoring the pain that shot trough her body from the exertion.

"Ways to help you cross over little one" the warlord rumbled. Optimus looked like he had been caught with his servo in the energon cookie jar. Mika chuckled "crazy mechs.. I really don't care, as long as I am here with you, and its not excruciatingly painful, I've experienced enough of that lately. " she muttered and grunted as Megatron thrusted his digits in particularly harshly. "A little pain?" he inquired making the femme laugh "Yes, that is acceptable".

"I have read that lack of oxygen during intercourse can provide an immensely pleasurable experience" the prime chimed in through the COM. "strangulation seems to be the most viable option" the warlord agreed. Having agreed on it they set to work, megatron still wearing a very neutral look on his faceplates. "I want to help, help her cross but our servo's are so big" Optimus clicked after a few seconds. Megatron glanced around the room and spotted the cotton sheets. "Leave it to me" he clicked back. "Are you ready us Mika" Megatron spoke. Mika froze and so did Optimus, this was the first time Megatron had called her by her name. it had always been femme or some other term but never her name. " called me Mika" she stuttered quite flustered. "That is your designation is it not?" he grunted and positioned himself in front of her while motioning Optimus to move behind her so she was sitting on the Primes hips. Megatron towered over them and lifted the femme up before grasping Optimus his spike, positioning it and beginning to press the femme down on it. "a..ah fuck! That feels good" Mika moaned and tried to relax as the blunt spike entered her ass.

A few aborted thrusts later and both Optimus and Megatron had pressed their spikes fully in, setting a lazy rhythm, Megatrons hips rolling gracefully going for the maximum pleasure. In the meanwhile his servo moved to one of the sheets tearing a long strip off while distracting the femme with a languid kiss. Mika moaned and kissed the other back, when she pulled back she stared lovingly in those red optics. "I love you." She sighted and the warlords harsh optics softened. "Mika… are you sure this is what you wish? We can keep looking for a cure" he whispered his vocals hoarse as his throat clenched with an unknown emotion. Mika smirked and shook her head" No love, no cure, this is what I want seeing the circumstances, look at it from the bright side, you both are finally acting out your fantasy for real this time" she joked gasping in pained pleasure as her body spasmed and her muscles protested.

Megatron nodded and gazed over her shoulder to Optimus. Optimus bit the side of her neck hard and soothed it with licking the wound. "I Optimus prime, claim you as my mate, may the stars be with you and may we see each other in the well of allsparks'" he uttered even though he knew his mate was human and would not go there, he wanted to entertain the thought that they would meet again. Mika whimpered in pain as the mech bit in her shoulder and Megatron moved forward before repeating the action on her other shoulder "I Megatronus, claim you as my mate, may your Passover be peaceful, and your afterlife be fruitful, until we meet again". He spoke clearly, his chest plates flaring out in pride as his spark swelled as he claimed his mate.

Mika panted and moaned "g..gods t..this feels so good" she whimpered but then hissed as pain overtook her again. "P..painkiller" she muttered as a tear leaked from her cheek. Megatron stopped abrubtly to grab the vial from his subspace and with a moment of hesitation injected it in her IV. The moment Mika felt it had entered her body she gently tugged on the tape and tugged the IV out making Optimus grunt in surprise. "Troublesome thing, don't need it anymore" she simply said and ignored the small stream of blood poring out her arm where the IV had been. The prime gave a shuddering vent before slowly moving "How did you want to proceed, I think it is time..Mika is going to get sluggish soon because of that painkiller. "Megatron languidly thrusted in the tight little femme and hummed. "I will wrap the strip of cloth is just procured around her neck, you take one end and I will, then as we frag her hard to climax we will tighten the cloth constricting her air flow slowly.. but Prime, once we start this we can not stop, we have to focus. .we owe that much to her. "Optimus beeped in confirmation " how are we to focus if we overload ourselves, we might accidently rip the cloth and this whole fails.

"The idea is that we allow minimal amount of oxygen the moment she and we climax, this will increase the power of the climax, but then before she recovers we need to finish it quickly". The warlord clicked and gave a sharp deep thrust inside her core, his servo moving to her breast and massaging it, his thumb caressing a hard nipple trough her shirt.

"Sounds complicated and high risk of failure" The prime clicked doubtfully. "Stop stalling Prime, we need to do this, it is her wish, unless you have another idea but we are running out of time "he switched over to the COM not wanting Mika to realize they were discussing her end and getting into a row over it.

Megatron gasped the cloth in a servo and wrapped it around Mika's neck. The femme swallowed nervously and Megatron saw it. he gentle caressed her cheek and beckoned optimus to move closer as well, they both gave her a lick and then nodded starting to thrust hard inside the femme. Optimus clicked in pleasure and tightened his end of the cloth as Megatron did as well, creating a pleasant tightness around Mika's neck.

Mika was panting, the painkiller was doing a phenomenal job and the pain changed to a dull throb. She was surprised at their choice but couldn't say she opposed, but she had no idea how it would go or what they would do exactly. The thought made her wet.

Megatron sniffed and smelled her arousal "hmmh Mika you smell delicious, we can smell your arousal, do you want us to be like our scene the last time? "he asked wondering if she wanted sweet words or words of how pleasurable she made them feel. "The latter" came the short raspy reply from Mika as she panted. Her climax was close. The warlord nodded and smirked.

"That's it femme, I can feel your center constrict around my spike, I just wish I could feel your throat spasm around my servo, feel you try and swallow but failing, does it feel good around your throat.. more?" he asked. Mika moaned and nodded when they tightened the soft cloth. "We will overload, as will you.. I promise that this will be the most pleasurable one you have ever felt" .

"Or will ever feel for that matter" came the growl from Optimus from behind her. He increased his thrusts groaning and hissing his pleasure "I can feel Megatron you know, I can feel his spike slamming into you on the other side.. do you want us to tear you apart? I bet we could with that painkiller in place, you wouldn't feel a thing.. perhaps this " he spoke tugging on the cloth making mika choke for a second "is just a distraction for what is really to come" he purred. Mika's body responded by clenching hard on both spikes. "hmmm you like that hmm, such a strange little femme.." he purred.

"We could cause internal bleeding, to assist the asphyxiation" Optimus COM'ed. The warlord looked doubtful not wanting to hurt the little femme unnecessarily. "how do you propose we proceed". Optimus purred and increased the speed of his thrusts. "the moment she climaxes you press down on her abdominal, hard.. just one quick push.. your strength will rupture her organs and cause her to..bleed out" The warlord was still unsure but he received data from the Prime showing calculations of amount of pressure, location and effect. "seems you have been busy" came the accusation but he was glad the prime had anticipated something like this and had been doing research. His spike twitched inside the femme "enough dawdling... I can feel Mika getting a tad sleepy".

Optimus picked up the pace together with Megatron, the warlord tightening his grip on the cloth around Mika's neck. "ah.. you feel so sublime femme, I wonder if you feel even tighter when your body fails you" he hissed. "wait with you overload until we finish her, I am concerned we will be too distracted to go though with it.. you were correct" he pinged the Prime who had a smirk on his faceplates.

Mika couldn't speak anymore as the pleasure was too great and the cloth too tight. Gasping for air she instinctively grasped the cloth around her neck. Her face was turning red and her heartbeat increased as the two slammed into her, throwing caution in the wind as they used more and more strength, each couple of thrusts caused the tightening of the cloth.

"Al..almost there love, just a bit longer" came the growl of the prime giving them all a sense of deja-vu. "Last chance to make us stop" Megatron purred seductively but mika shook her head. Megatron snarled and commanded optimus to hold down one of her arms while he did the other one, he didn't like the sigh of her grasping it like she was fighting to live, his spike did, but his processor did not. "I can feel you are close femme, give in!" he commanded and with a last deep thrust Mika started climaxing. "Now" Megatron roared in English, Optimus and himself released the cloth making Mika receive a rush of oxygen causing her to scream out her pleasure as her whole body tightened. Both megs groaned and had to give it their all to stop their overload protocols from taking over.

Megatron quickly scanned her, released her arm while Optimus pressed a servo against her back bracing her while Megatron placed a servo against her lower stomach and gave one powerful push. Mika was still in the midst of her orgasm and only whined as the warlord destroyed her from the inside. It wasn't enough to make her bleed out in seconds, but enough to have done critical, irreversible damage.

Bending forward closer to mika he grasped the cloth close to her throat beckoning Optimus to do the same before tightening the cloth hard, not allowing a shred of air to reach the femmes throat. "Mika.. my love.. I love you" Optimus moaned glutaral as he thrusted inside the femme, prolonging her pleasure as she soundlessly gasped for air, her heartrate was still high because of her orgasm and because her blood pressure dropped caused by the internal bleeding.

There was a question in Mika's eyes and Megatron kissed her gently "We made sure your body help you along a little bit" he said as he pressed his servo against her stomach, massaging it as if trying to stimulate the bleeding, or taking away the pain that wasn't their thanks to Ratchets ridiculously strong adapted human painkiller. "Mika i… I love you… by primus I will miss you so.. " Megatron groaned as he kept up the pace. Closing his optics he couldn't bear to look at Mika as she was struggling, little choking noises escaping and saliva dripping past her lips. "Forgive me for not showing it.. for not being there like Optimus was.. my sweet Mika" he moaned mournfully.

Optimus kept thrusting as well and whispered sweet words in Mika's ears before grunting and suddenly overloading, his optics flashing white as he tightened the cloth. Megatron soon followed him with a howl and after a few thrusts stilled his movement feeling her body tighten and twitch around her spike "that's it… let it go love.. almost there.. love you" he whispered feeling his body go into a miniature overload as Mika's center twitched so deliciously. Optimus gently stroked her hair and stilled as Megatron did as they tightened the cloth more. Optimus monitored her vitals while both were still, spikes still twitching their transfluid inside the femme they looked at her as she struggled. They kept the pressure up and gently stroked her hair, the other kissing her gently. "There you go.. just go.. its ok love.. relax and go to sleep" they whispered until Mika stilled and slumped. They kept the cloth tight and monitored her heartbeat until it frantically beat a few more times before stopping all together.

"She's gone" Optimus said his vocals rough with emotion. Looking up at Megatron he was surprised to see clear fluids running over his faceplates. The warlords shoulders where trembling and he seemed frozen as he stared at the still femme. "I loved her prime.. so much.. " he admitted in a glutaral tone making Optimus swallow. He had never seen his brother like this and it pained him.

They released Mika and pulled their spikes out of her, gently wrapping her in a blanket as if to keep her warm and laid down next to each other with Mika in the middle. Both gently kissing her and stroking her. "She looks peaceful, she has no more pain brother" he reassured the war mech. "We both loved her" he said and felt himself losing windshield fluid as well. Both cried silently while they said their goodbyes.

Mika's family had been aware that she had cancer, and that she was dying but still her death came as a shock. She had called her parents the night before and had a nice talk, not telling them about her plans, but letting them know how much she loved them. She had also adjusted her will that her fortune would go to her family, as mechs really didn't need money. The cremation was over before Optimus could blink and before they knew It, they were back at base.

They decided to honor Mika's last wish that they maintained the peace and continued to build New -Cybertron. The planet was in Earth's orbit for now but they were sure they would move it using the core thrusters to a spot away from humans.

Roughly 6 earth months later they were ready to go. Optimus nuzzled Megatrons neck and nipped a throat cable. The both of them had fragged occasionally but it just wasn't the same. They both hoped it would be better over time. Ratchet had just loaded all of the medical bay inside the shuttle and was saying goodbye to Epps and other friends that he had made over the years.

Optimus and Megatron stepped forward to join the medic when a voice made them freeze in their tracks "You boys weren't going to leave without me right?".

Optimus turned so fast that his stability sensors had trouble keeping up. Megatrons optics widened before snarling "What kind of joke is this?!" he roared and snapped his jaw. "WOa big guy… its really me.. just different" came the voice again. In front of them was a gorgeous femme, painted in crimson red parts. It was clear it was a ground and femme. But why did she sound like Mika.

"What game is this.. why do you sound like our mate!" Megatron said and flared his plating aggressively, too pissed off to properly look at the femme and comprehend that a femme cybertronian stood in front of him. "Calm down you doofus! Its really me!" she said and took a cautious step closer.

Optimus his field touched hers and Mika automatically leaned into her, her spark reaching out for one of her mates. "By primus it is her… " he muttered and took two brisk steps towards the femme, grasping her in his arms and pulling her close. His spark humming in happiness. "Mika.. how" he said and captured her lips finally being able to kiss her in his original form.

Megatron reached out his field as well and gasped as he recognized it.. but how.. how was this possible. Mika smirked and that was the point that the warlord was convinced. She looked so much like the old Mika.. her beautiful green optics shining at him. "How" came the glutaral demand as he took a tentative step closer.

Mika shook her helm a bit" Karma bonus points.. " she said simply and after she received a blank stare from the warlord she elaborated "I remember us.. you know, and then before I knew it I was in front of huuge versions of you and you" she said pointing at the mechs. "They argued a little bit and then finaly the biggest one, Primus I think he called himself, said that I earned enough -Karma bonus points to come back as this if I wanted.. of course I took the chance with both hands and they created this body for me.. it look a little while for me to fully develop and be able to control the body but this is me now" she ended and vented deeply.

Optimus buried his helm in her neck and purred. Megatron moved closer and stroked her face gently "You and your karma points.. I will take that seriously from now, I have many points to earn" he said sardonically.

"hmmh.. I love you" she clicked in their language. "And we you" came the simultaneous reply from both mechs. All was well finally..