"Be a goddamn man and go to your family!" Arthur yelled as he stared at his best friend, John. "Do this for me, please."

"Arthur..." said John as he looked at his brother for the last time. John tried to persuade Arthur not to do this, but he couldn't. "Arthur, your my brother." said John as he Arthur put his hat on John.

"I know. I wish things were different. I really want to go with you...but I can't John...My past has finally caught up with me..." said Arthur as a tear rolled down his face.

John couldn't say anything. Instead he grabbed Arthur and hugged him. "I'll never forget you Arthur..." said John. He let go after what seemed like hours but was actually about twenty seconds.

Arthur looked at him and smiled. "Goodbye John." said Arthur as he walked to his unfortunate fate.

"Goodbye Arthur." said John as he walked down the mountain to go see his family again.

Arthur proceeded up the mountain and got tackled by Micah. He couldn't put up much of a fight, but he sure as hell tried. "You goddamn rat!" said Arthur as he punched Micah in the face.

"I'm a survivor black lung! A survivor!" said Micah as he tried to draw his pistol but Arthur knocked it out of his hand. Arthur went to get the pistol but unfortunately felt immense pain inside of him and fell over. "What's wrong black lung! You'll never get that pistol." said Micah.

Arthur crawled closer and closer to the pistol but he could barely move. He finally was about to grab the pistol but a foot had stopped him. He looked up at saw his father figure. Javier and Bill were behind him. "It's over Arthur." said Dutch as he looked down.

"Dutch...he's the rat Dutch...it was him...please...believe me..." said Arthur as he could barely speak now. Dutch looked down and couldn't believe wgat was happening. His whole life was flashing before his eyes. He lifted his foot away from Arthur and looked at Micah.

"C'mon Dutch! We gotta go!" yelled Micah.

"I...Arthur...I'm sorry son...It shouldn't have been like this." said Dutch.

"Dutch...I...I don't wanna die...I'm afraid..." said Arthur as he cried. In this moment, Dutch finally realized his mistakes. He finally understood why things turned out the way they did. It was his fault. He put faith in Micah. He ignored Hosea. He brushed off anyone who tried to warn him. He sees his failure right in front of him.

"Micah, did you do it?" asked Dutch, even though he already knew the answer, he wanted to hear him say it.

"No I didn't! It was Arthur who talked, not me!" said Micah as he tried to convince Dutch. Dutch looked at Micah and pulled out his pistol. Javier and Bill did the same. "He's lying Dutch. It's all his fault this happened." said Javier as a tear rolled down his face. Javier loved this gang, and it was tearing him apart. This gang was his family.

"It's not all his fault. It's also mine. I trusted him when I shouldn't have. This is all over Micah." said Dutch as he cocked his gun. Arthur was in shock. He didn't think Dutch would be on his side in the end. He was trying his best to keep his eyes open but it was killing him. He could barely even see now. Micah then tried to draw his pistol but was shot down by the trio before he could do anything. Arthur tried to see who got shot and faintly saw the person in front of him fall. Dutch then put away his gun and knelt down next to his son. "I'm sorry Arthur." said Dutch as he, Javier, and Bill cried for Arthur.

"Thank you...Dutch..." said Arthur as he slowly lost consciousness. Dutch then heard pinkertons coming this way. He picked up Arthur and went away from the mountain with the remnants of a broken gang. He eventually found a spot to bury Arthur. It was a beautiful place. You could see the sunrise from here. There were flowers all around. He then buried his son.

"I wish things were different." Arthur thought as he suddenly woke up. He looked around and found himself back in Colter. 'I...was that real? I died, but I didn't.' Arthur quickly got up and rushed into the other room. He saw Dutch and Hosea talking.

"You okay Arthur?" asked Hosea as he looked at him with concern. Arthur couldn't believe his eyes. He was back here. He didn't know what to believe.

"I...Yeah I'm fine. It's nothing." said Arthur.

"Well, we're always here son." said Dutch as he smiled at him. Arthur looked at Dutch and almost cried right there. He had to sit down so he went back to his room and thought about everything. He then came to the conclusion that he had to go see Pearson. If what happens is what he thinks is gonna happen, then it all might make some sense to him. He went out to Pearson and sure enough he asked to go get some food and Charles had went with him. He returned back with food, dropped it off and then he back to his room. He was now convinced he was somehow sent back in time. 'I have to save this gang. I gotta save everyone.' Arthur Morgan somehow was given a second chance and he would be damned if he would ruin it.

Yo. Thanks for reading. I'm definitely gonna change a lot of the story. I always wanted to read a story like this but there isn't a lot out there so I decided to write it myself.