Purely A/N: So, due to the content of the remainder of the story, which is around 70,000-80,000 words (off the top of my head) it will be a separate submission, but still the same story. I just can't have genocide in a T rated story. Plus, it's after a long time skip, and it would make sense to separate them. Sorry for any inconvenience, this is just convenient for me as the writer/poster. I'm sorry about Sabo's death, but it is very important to the rest of the story. And the Whitebeards arrive! They play a HUGE role in the rest of the story, though there are a few chapters before the brothers run into them. Hope you stay tuned and follow part 2, even if you're mad that I killed precious Sabo. Thanks for reading my story!

And, if you really don;t want to continue to a darker sequel, then this could jsut be the end of the story and it would be a cliffhanger of sorts.