Alchemy: Little Brother's Turn


D/C: I own nothing.


Date: 9-12-1991

Draco knew he and several others have made themselves targets with their choice of classes. Anyone taking non-magical classes or alchemy class, became targets this year. He had spoken to the older Slytherins and they mentioned that things began to get tense this year compared to the last two years. As for himself, he already has a target on himself for the mere fact his family took in the Elric's brothers into their home.

This has caused for Draco to carefully choose his allies and with the people that want to get close to him. For example, somehow Neville Longbottom got it into this his head that he, Draco Malfoy, is friend material. Does it have to do with the fact Draco, in his own way, stood up from Neville back on the Hogwarts Express? Or that many times he had to stop his fellow Slytherins from picking on him? Or the many times he had to help prevent Longbottom from causing a nuclear disaster in potions? Then… there was the time he saw Longbottom talking to Professor Elric. The next thing Draco knew, he's discussing the three Laws of Alchemy to the Gryffindor.

Draco still doesn't know why Longbottom thinks he's… friends' material. Someone Draco became acquainted with is Millicent Bulstrode, a fellow Slytherin who also got into the non-magical courses with him. They get along well, for the most part. Bulstrode may be… mean-spirited and brutish at first glance, but she's Slytherin all the way. Cunning, resourceful, and ambitious towards her own endeavors. One said endeavors is simply flying under the radar and doing what she wants without anyone being the wiser. The two began an… odd friendship or at the very least, an understanding.

One said understanding for these Slytherins is that people they once thought to be decent friends, are anything but friends. Draco's nose scrunched up as Millicent informed him what had happened at Flying Lessons. After he had helped Neville to the Hospital Wing, after said Gryffindor broke his wrist, something had occurred out in the pitch.

Neville's Remembrall escaped from his robes and Theodore Nott picked it up and taunted the Gryffindors with it. The main ones that took the bait were Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Whatever happened next, resulted with Harry being taking away by Professor McGonagall and now rumor has it, is now Gryffindor's Seeker.

"Oh, Nott later challenged Potter to a duel tonight after curfew." Millicent finished. "Nott isn't much of a dueler. My bet he'll tell Snape or Filch to get him in trou—Longbottom, get back on the cot."

"I have to warn Harry!"


"We should have listened to you, Neville." Ron managed to whisper out as he, Harry, Hermione and Neville were being stared down by a three-headed dog.

Neville only managed to let out a small whimper as the giant dog took a step towards them. "W-we s-sho-should go…"

"We are going to get expelled… we are going to get expelled…" Hermione kept repeating herself.

"We'll end up dead before that even happens." Harry couldn't help but say aloud.




Alphonse swore if anyone saw sees him holding a massive bottle of firewhiskey and tell Edward, he'll never hear the end of it. He had hidden several bottles in a broom closest in the fifth floor for emergencies. Today is such emergency. He has just returned from the Ministry after a long day of hearing Pettigrew's pleas and Edward just completely killing the rat's attempt for leniency.

Even so, it looks like the case is going to be a long one and he doesn't have time for it. The Alchemy Exams are this tomorrow and Alphonse still needs to create the exams and deal with the general camaraderie of Hogwarts life. Along with figuring out what's going on in the Third Floor. As it is apparent Dumbledore doesn't want him to know what's going on in there, Severus and Filius are unable to say anything. It didn't take long for him to figure out why…


Alphonse stood at the Second floor, looking up at the Third Floor. Wondering if he could sneak into the mysterious room and see what exactly is hiding in there. Just one tiny peak wouldn't hurt really. Unscrewing the bottle and taking a deep gulp of Firewhiskey in hopes to give him some liquid courage to go into the forbidden room.

As if hearing to his thoughts, one of the staircases started to move. It moved into a position that it would take one or two long strides to get on the staircase and just walk up to the mysterious forbidden door… that would have been the plan if it weren't for the fact four Gryffindors suddenly were falling out of the door and tumble down the stairs. All four of them landed in front of Alphonse with groans of pain.

The first one to take note of Alphonse's presence is Harry. Alphonse and Harry looked at each other, neither one knew what to say.

"…It's past curfew." Alphonse managed to finally say.

"…that's a large bottle of firewhiskey… Professor… Does Mr. Elric know about it?" Harry responded.

"… I'm going to pretend this is all a figment of my imagination."


Date: 9-13-1991


"Longbottom, Neville. Malfoy, Draco. You two are expected at the Alchemy Classroom this afternoon."