The Great Hall was silent. Dumbledore's speech had been cut short; an odd mix of emotions flickered on his face, before he carefully made his expression go blank. His normally twinkling eyes were dull as he stared at the short figure that had just kicked the doors open wide. Most of the students' eyes were drawn to the dents in the solid oak doors. The person entered, and the Hall was no longer silent. The sound of gasps and whispers filled the large room, but the man-no, boy- didn't spare any of them a single glance. His long, golden, braided hair swayed behind him as he strode up to Dumbledore, his eyes locked on the old headmaster. The Great Hall grew deathly silent again as the boy spoke.

"Where is it, Albus. What have you done with the Philosophers stone."

Dumbledore paled, leaving many of the staff members to wonder just who this boy could be to inflict such a reaction on their eccentric headmaster. They soon got their answer when Dumbledore stuttered-stuttered- out an answer.

"N..Nice to see you too, father."