(Chapter 6: Grinding and Choices)

It was the month of December as Raphael and the group was now preparing for the 2nd task which was easy to do via Raphael going with Jade to the elemental plane of water and her using a spell of water breathing that would allow for them to train. Which was a great experience for him to do considering that it allowed for him to fight underwater, something that was an absolute must for him seeing as how it forced him to now have to shift spells around for what would be most effective for what was to come in the 2nd task.

Furthermore, he'd also been making good on his word to do training with Orianna in the Forbidden Forest; which had proven to be very much exciting seeing that it was the most fun he's been able to have on a consistent basis. That and his spending some more time with Sirius who was quite a good deal of fun to talk to on top of the fact while helping him to build up a good case for his impending court date, there was also the matter of helping him with his magic which had from what Sirius had told him gone through a radical shift since his imprisonment.

(December 7th, 2017, Forbidden Forest, 8:04 Pm)

It was a bit after 8 at night as Orianna and Raphael were currently cutting a swath of destruction throughout the Forbidden Forest, which was unprepared for the evoker and paladin tearing apart every creature in sight.

"Thanks for doing this with me Raphael, since it's been boring as all 9 hells here." Orianna thanked the evoker as she took the head off another giant spider

"It's no problem at all. Besides, you couldn't be anymore right with how dull things are. But at least we'll be back in business after all this stuff is over." Raphael replied as he blasted another with a bolt of searing flames that Orianna finished off with twin cleaves of her battleaxe

"Not to mention that the classes I've been sitting in on are boring as all get out. Because I thought that there would at least be some stuff I could have fun with in learning, but turns out the classes are as dull and lifeless as an earth elemental after your done with one." Raphael added as he kicked over one of the giant spiders and continued on their venture throughout the Forbidden Forest

"Wait a minute you've been sitting in on their classes?" Orianna questioned

"Yeah, I thought it'd be a good idea to see what the school my folks went to was like and see if there was anything worthwhile. Turns out this place is a severe letdown." Raphael replied in having expected more from his parent's alma mater but was quite disappointed

"Halos and I told ya not to get your hopes up about this place. With how these fuckers are so backwards acting then it makes too much goddamn sense that the school they send their kids too would be just as ass backwards." Orianna said in knowing that a place as ass backwards as Raphael's home would similarly have an education system as backwards

"...As much as I want to argue with you otherwise, I can't." Raphael responded in knowing that she was right

"Well, I think us killing more stuff will make you feel better." Orianna said as a small smile of agreement came from Raphael

That in mind the two headed off further into the Forbidden Forest that once was covered in frost and winter snow, was soon enough covered in gore and ash from the evoker and paladin who wreaked havoc upon it. Between Orianna's battleaxe and Raphael arcane might, the creatures that were unlucky enough to catch their attention were quickly sundered in moments, yet try as they might to escape the duo they were ultimately unable to before either being slashed to bloody pieces or blown to bits.

Orianna and Raphael throughout their warpath were having a figurative and literal blast in destroying all that got in their way, with flashes of divine radiance, flame, lightning and pure magical force illuminating the winter night. All accompanied by the deafening noise of the explosive force and sounds of flesh and bone being split asunder and violently blown apart to the wayside, causing the Forbidden Forest to shake and quiver from their seemingly non-stop warpath.

With them slaughtering their way through Forbidden Forest that looked more akin to a warzone with corpses of various creatures strewn about, trees blown to ash and sawdust and craters pockmarking the ground before the reached something they never thought they would've. That being a fully grown Behir the serpentine creature that was a little over 24 feet long and 15 feet tall, with 8 slender yet muscular legs built for high-speed movement with electric blue colored scales covering its hide all the while bright golden predatory eyes stared them down.

"Of all the things to find here, I never thought we'd go up against a Behir of all things." Raphael spoke in surprise of them encountering the beast before them

"Well, are we gonna kill it or what?" Orianna questioned with bloodthirsty anticipation

"Oh yeah, there's no doubt about that. I was surprised we'd find one here." Raphael answered back and lobbing a fireball at the creature

With the Behir catching the horse-sized fireball into its face which exploded with great force, causing a roar of pain to erupt from it before it soon felt, even more, come crashing onto it with Orianna leaping into action with her battleaxe and burying it into the side of its neck. The Behir soon lashing out at Raphael intent on biting him in half, luckily for the evoker he managed to cast the Misty Step spell to teleport away while Orianna was forced to contend with it quickly wrapping around her in an attempt to constrict and crush her.

This was met with her unleashing a shockwave of crimson hellfire that scorched the Behir's hide and having it bellow out in pain from the hellfire that burnt into its flesh, this was only exacerbated by Raphael unleashing a blight spell upon it. The Behir thrashing about from the wave of necrotic energy that caused some of its flesh to wither and rot, which left Orianna with enough of an opportunity to escape from its grasp before jumping up and delivering a Divine Smite that split through the flesh of its neck and into its collarbone.

With thick violet-hued blood seeping from the wound of the now enraged Behir soon let out another bellow, which was then immediately followed up by it breathing out a concentrated beam of electricity that hurtled towards our duo. Luckily enough Raphael was able to get to and grab Orianna so that he could use the Misty Step spell to teleport them out of the way from the attack which left a near 30 foot long by 5 foot wide trench of destruction in the ground.

"At least we finally get a fucking challenge." Orianna said excitedly before raising up her shield to protect herself and Raphael from being bitten by the Behir

With Orianna retaliating with a charged up Divine Smite to its face that sundered the left side of its face, the divine energy of the strike tearing out a huge chunk of its face that hissed from the winter air that blew across the jagged gash that nearly blinded it. This only being exacerbated by Raphael shooting out an octet of rays made of scorching flame that were aimed at its left eye, reducing it to a seared and molten mess of flesh, blood, and ocular fluid.

The now half-blind Behir furious with being injured had lashed out once again with its lightning breath that was evaded by Raphael casting Misty Step once again while Orianna was able to deflect a good portion of it with her shield. With Orianna racing into action with two divine smite the beast, with one carving out a large gash into one of its forelegs before jumping up and carving out another across its right flank, the divine energies ravenously splitting the flesh apart.

With Raphael proceeding to gather arcane energies in his hand that dropped the temperatures even further before blasting the Behir with a cone of cold at its maximum power to kill the beast that was unprepared for the assault of frigid winds, ice shards, and cruel cold winds. The result was the Behir falling over from the attack with a dying bellow as hoarfrost covered its large body while the shards of ice and cold winds had ravenously dug into its wounds to freeze them over to the point of nearly splitting them further open from the bloody having so violently being chilled.

"That was pretty fucking fun." Orianna said in having enjoyed taking on the Behir

"Agreed. At least I know that while the education here sucks, there's a fuckton of beasts for us to have a lot of fun with." Raphael responded in agreement considering that their killing the beasts within the Forbidden Forest was going to provide a good bit of entertainment for the course of the tournament

"Well, what do you wanna do now?" Orianna questioned

"You wanna get something to eat? 'Cause I don't know about you, but I could for something to eat." Raphael asked since he could go for a bite to eat right about now

"Sure why not." Orianna answered back with a shrug that was all Raphael needed to teleport them back to the castle to search for some food

(3 days later, December 10th, 2017, Hogsmeade, 3:45 Pm)

It was a few days later as after some discussion on who to take to the Yule Ball as after some talk of who to ask he decided to go ahead and say fuck it and ask Rita Skeeter since she was both attractive and would be a good way to get closer to the reporter.

'There she is.' Raphael thought as he went over to the reporter

"Oh Raphael, I didn't expect to see you. Did you want to schedule another interview, perhaps with one of your friends?" Rita inquired as to why the evoker came to her

"Hmmm...put a pin in that for later as I've talked with Jade a few times and she'd be happy to do so at a later date. But that's not the reason why I came to see you." Raphael told her since he'd talked to the cleric about doing a joint interview with him something she'd happily do

"Well then, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Rita questioned as they headed inside the 3 Broomsticks to get away from the bitter cold

"The thing is with the Yule Ball, I wanted to know if you'd come with me as my date to it." Raphael told her causing the reporter to look at him a bit surprised at hearing that

"Well..this is an unexpected turn of events." Rita said flattered that she was being asked by the evoker

"So does that mean you'll go with me then?" Raphael questioned the reporter

"Of course I will, as that sounds delightful. But might I ask why me exactly? Surely you'd have other girls both from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons pining after you." Rita accepted although was curious as to why Raphael had chosen her when there were dozens if not hundreds of girls pining after a chance to get next to the Boy Who Lived

"That's for two reasons really. The first being that I don't really care about any of the girls there since I know full well that the majority of them would bore me. Honestly, I'd rather not have some twat gush over me being the slayer of Voldemort and being the heir to the Potter family. Instead I'd rather them know me for being an up and coming wizard who is studying and working his way up to becoming one of the most powerful mages of all time." Raphael responded as he chose Rita out of all the girls in Hogwarts because for the most part, he could see it on their faces what most of them were about

That being their attempting to get next to him or know him all for being the Boy Who Lived after getting his parents killed by Voldemort on top of him being the only heir to House Potter, was something that turned him away from the girls there. For the sheer fact that he didn't want to know some ditzy twat who didn't know the first things about what magic could really do and was more fancying being with him for his fame and status as a heir to a powerful House, which is why he instead sought for those who'd see him for more than that and more for his being a powerful evoker and seeker of knowledge.

"Fair enough point. After all, I can understand that more than anyone. Take it from someone who has been looked down on for being just another tabloid reporter who's only good for writing the dirty secrets of others and other drama." Rita replied in sympathetic understanding to where Raphael was coming from

"Most of the time, the men who've wanted to try dating me or looking at me with anything close to romantic only did so to cover their own asses. I can't even tell you how many I've been with just so they could only do so the get some dirt on their political opponents or so that I could fluff up their reputations. So believe me when I say I know the feeling of not wanting anyone." Rita responded in having gone through more than her fair share of bad dating and romantic experiences all for the fact that they wanted to use her to get ahead in social and political circles

"I guess we can both agree that dating people here sucks worse than minotaur shit." Raphael spoke causing a bit of laughter to escape from Rita as some butterbeers came to their table

"That's a good one. But yes here's to having shit luck with finding a significant other." Rita responded as they clinked glasses

"Well, Rita trust me when I say that I'm not looking to settle down for a very long time. Since there's too much out there about there to know for me to saddle myself down to someone. My goals to becoming a powerful arcanist will come first and foremost before I think about settling down anytime soon. Besides, between you and me I'm not looking to put up with some whiny little shits all day when I can be out there furthering my craft." Raphael told her considering that he wasn't gonna chain himself down to anyone when he could be using that time spent to become a more powerful wizard

"Something that I can more than sympathize with. Seeing that I've forgone the idea of settling down anytime soon because my career along with some of my other pursuits mean too much to me to stop. All for what, so I can take care of some sniveling brat while my supposed other gets to continue furthering what he wants. Pardon my words but fuck all of that, with a hippogriff dick." Rita responded in likemindedness of not wanting to settle down when that time could be used to further her pursuits and wants instead of being saddled with a kid

"Now then what was that other reason that you've chosen me?" Rita questioned in wondering what the other reason was behind him choosing her

"Well, that one's easy. Because to be perfectly honest you pretty much fit my type." Raphael answered back catching Rita's further interest

"Really you have a type? Mind sharing what it is." Rita questioned Raphael into wanting to further know what his type was

"Sure. My type if you must know are specifically older women. Since that is mainly my type and nothing else really does it for me, besides a woman who has finished growing up and has some experience under her belt." Raphael answered back in revealing what his type was in women

Raphael fully admitting to the fact that another contributing factor to the reason why he wasn't interested in anyone from Hogwarts was due to the fact that he mainly was only attracted to older women in general. For it was something that he couldn't help in his adventures only cementing that fact with having seen gorgeous older women in the form of half-elves, elves, goliaths, dwarves, genasi, tiefling and other such races that had only made his love and attraction for older women all the more concrete.

"That certainly puts things into perspective." Rita replied with a lustful grin

"Glad that it does, because on a personal note they're far better than anything the girls at Hogwarts or anywhere else would have to offer." Raphael noted causing him to gain Rita's further attention

"So you mean to tell me that you have some experience with the fairer sex then?" Rita asked while Raphael drank from his Butterbeer

"Well, to speed things up in my training. I had crossed paths with some fey who were grateful for some stuff I and my traveling group had done for them and had asked for what favors we wanted. I had cashed mine in by wanting my body to speed up its growth process. That was easily granted with some magical manipulations of my body and soon enough I look like a college student. Which led to my share of experiences that I most certainly don't regret." Raphael told her considering that the group had helped out the fey and had been rewarded with some favors and Raphael's had been the sped up growth of his body

"That explains why you look so handsome compared to everyone else your age." Rita noted as she looked over Raphael who looked closer to 26 than 15

"Correct, the power of Fey magic warping your body at work here. So let's also just say that they're very free-spirited and joyful people if you catch my drift." Raphael told her considering that those within the Feywilds were very fun-loving and joyous people

"I'll take your word on that Raphael, which is why I'll also take you up on being your date. Since if what's to go by, perhaps you and I can have some alone time together for a more 'personal' interview." Rita said as she had to admit to herself that the idea of a more personal interview with Raphael did sound quite appealing if looks and his hinted experience was anything to go by

"That sounds delightful. If nothing else I'll take my butterbeer to go and will see you later." Raphael spoke as he bid Rita farewell before taking his butterbeer with him

'This has certainly made my day exponentially better.' Rita thought to herself with a smile on her face over how the day had turned out

"Now then what dress do I wear for the ball? Oh decisions, decision." Rita said to herself as she pondered what dress would look best on her for the Yule Ball

(Several Hours later, 11:25 Pm, Hogwarts)

It was hours later with Raphael, for the most part, hanging out with Sirius and just enjoying the night together while also just talking with his godfather about a few things.

"First things first Uncle Sirius. Once we get this whole mess settled with your court case and clearing your name, we're gonna take you on vacation somewhere nice. How does a vacation in Miami sound?" Raphael told Sirius as he handed him another bottle of Firewhiskey

"That sounds pretty good, I ain't ever really been to the states before." Sirius replied as he drank his 4th bottle of Firewhiskey

"Trust me you'll love it down there since that place is fucking gorgeous. Not to mention it'll be a great place to help get your groove back. Maybe from there we can set you up with some ladies, get you hooked up with some witches or some sun elves down there. Because one thing's for certain, I'm making it my mission to end your decade long dry spell." Raphael spoke his words slightly slurred from having drunk his 5th going on 6th bottle of Firewhiskey mixed with Dwarven ale

"Y-You don't gotta do all that for me, Raphael. Just y'all getting this court case set up for me is enough." Sirius responded before letting out a burp

"Oh no, it's fine. I mean, you got dicked over by these uppity bastards. So the least I can do is help you out and be your wingman." Raphael said before hiccuping from the alcohol he had

"I swear to Morgana you're the best goddamn godson I could ask for!" Sirius spoke with a partially drunken smile on his face

"You're g-godamn right I am. B-Because there ain't nothing I won't do to go to bat for you. After all, we're family are we?" Raphael responded as he downed the bottle of alcohol in one go

"Of course we are. A-And you no what, I'm sorry about everything. I really am." Sirius told him in his partially drunken state

"Hey, hey, hey, Hey. It ain't your fault. It's really not, because you know whose fault it is? It's that bearded dickhead Dumbledore." Raphael responded in knowing that even in his drunken state knowing that it was Dumbledore's fault that Sirius got imprisoned

"I mean honestly had it not been for that Gandalf impersonator then I could've been livin' it up with ya. Instead, I got fucking shafted by being with the Dursleys, fucking prick." Raphael added as he went for more ale

"Ya got that right, I swear one of these days Albus is gonna get it." Sirius spoke before a mischievous smile came to mind

"Better yet why should we wait, as you know a fuck ton of magic right?" Sirius questioned his drunken godson who hiccuped a bit

"Y-Yeah why'd you ask?" Raphael wondered

"Well, I got a great idea to fuck with Dumbledore if you're up for it." Sirius told him as Raphael let a drunken smile cross his face

"I'm all ears Uncle Sirius." Raphael replied as Sirius told him of how they were gonna prank Dumbledore

That in mind the two quickly gathered supplies and under spells of invisibility as well as using a ring of Spell Storing to cast a spell to aid in their stealthily going to where Dumbledore was located, they eventually found the headmaster's quarters. Where a sleeping Dumbledore was fast asleep unaware of the evoker and Sirius standing over him while Sirius being the somewhat more sober of the two put the bag of their supplies to prank Dumbledore with down while Raphael cast a silence spell over the place.

"And ya sure that nobody can 'ere us?" Sirius questioned as Raphael nodded

"Trust me except for the two us talking, Dumbledore won't hear a fucking thing. Besides, the security he did have over this room was child's play to bypass. T-The fucker, p-p-probably didn't think a-anyone would have the balls to sneak into his chambers." Raphael answered as he took out shaving shears, razor and shaving cream

"Excellent, this is gonna be one for the history books." Sirius said with his mischievous grin growing even wider

"Here's to pulling off an awesome prank with my goddad." Raphael spoke as he handed Sirius his shears to cut Dumbledore's hair

"Same to you my wonderful godson. Now then let's...shear ourselves a fucking goat." Sirius replied as both had malevolent and mischievous grin on their faces

That in mind both godson and godfather spent the next hour shaving Dumbledore completely bald, in completely ridding the headmaster of not just his hair and beard but also of his eyebrows as well for good measure. To the point of which by the time they finished their task the Headmaster of Hogwarts looked more like a wrinkled thumb than a respectable wizard, the sight being hilarious enough to where in their drunken stupor it took all of their available willpower not to laugh right then and there.

With both of them cleaning up and taking Dumbledore's shaven beard and hair as their trophies and quickly ran back to their rooms feeling quite victorious over what had happened this night.

"T-This has to be the best bit of fun I've had in years!" Sirius said barking out in laughter over their accomplished prank

"Its the best fun I've had since I've been in this godforsaken place." Raphael replied still chuckling over the fact they shaved Dumbledore fully bald

"So how mad do you think he'll be when he finds out he looks like a giant penis?" Raphael questioned his godfather who was still laughing to himself over the now bald headmaster

"He won't show it because he has to make appearances, which is gonna be damned hard to do since he looks like a hippogriff arsehole. But I know full well he'll be fuckin' seething mad for sure." Sirius answered back with a broad smile on his face at what they accomplished

"That is just excellent. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes how much of a jackass he looks like. I still can't believe we pulled that off." Raphael spoke in feeling pretty good about himself right now

"One things' for sure. James would've been proud as all can be with what you just did." Sirius told his godson in knowing full well that Prongs would be laughing his butt off at this

"You really think he'd be proud of me?" Raphael asked

"Of course he would. Since you did something that not even your father and I could accomplish when we were coming up. So believe me when I say that he'd be over the moon and laughing himself till he's blue in the face from this." Sirius answered back in knowing that James would be immensely proud of Raphael for accomplish a prank that would be hailed as nothing short of legendary

"Glad to hear Uncle Sirius, as this was a nice end to my day. Who would've thought getting drunk with my godfather would've wound up with me pranking that dipshit Dumbledore." Raphael said with a yawn as he felt pretty pleased with himself

"Well, it was one hell of a day for me too Raphael. But I suggest you get yourself some sleep. Because you've got a long day ahead of ya, if you want to really enjoy the look on Dumbledore's face when he realizes how much of a fool he looks like." Sirius told him in knowing that he'd need the energy for how much laughing he and the rest of the other 3 schools would be doing at the headmaster of Hogwarts

"Gotcha and goodnight Uncle Sirius." Raphael replied before drifting off into heavy sleep

"James, Lily you'd be proud of him. Your son is truly something special that's for sure." Sirius said to himself before going to sleep himself with a smug smile of satisfaction at the prank they pulled on Dumbledore this night

(3 days later, 8:40 Pm, Hogwarts, December 13th, 2017)

It was 3 days later as the entirety of Hogwarts was still in raucous uproar after seeing the now bald Headmaster on display, with Raphael being in highly good spirits upon seeing his drunken handiwork with Sirius in full view.

"Hey Halos what's going on?" Raphael asked as the elven rogue rushed into the room

"Holy shit! Raphael, you aren't gonna believe what the fuck I just saw!" Halos spoke still in surprise and shock of what he witnessed

"Just calm down and take a breather for a moment and then tell me what in the 9 hells you just saw?" Raphael told him as Halos did so and took a few moments to calm himself down

"So tell me what did you see Halos?" Raphael questioned the elf

"Alright, you know that guy who's supposed to be the Defence against Dark Arts teacher around her...what's his name. Oh yeah, Bad Eye Moody or some shit like that. Well, turns out he's literally not who he says he is." Halos answered back in still being surprised by what he saw

"What do you mean the guy isn't who he says he is?" Raphael inquired

That in mind Halos began telling Raphael of what he saw when spying on Mad-Eye-Moody who from what he described was actually under the effects of a Polyjuice Potion, before having to scramble together for another one. Yet what was the most surprising thing to Halos was of how the fake Moody was supposedly keeping in contact with a still alive Voldemort who told him to keep an eye on Raphael while he and someone that went by the alias of Wormtail prepared to bring him back.

"And that's everything I saw Raphael." Halos finished in his informing of what he'd seen

"Well this is intriguing to say the least. Apparently we not only have an imposter in our midst but also it looks like Voldemort isn't as dead as everyone thinks." Raphael spoke in finding things getting far more interesting to say the least

"So what in the hells are we gonna do about this?" Halos questioned as to what they were gonna do about one of Voldemort's followers

"First off get Orianna and Jade here and fill them in on what's going on, because we'll be needing all hands on deck to handle this." Raphael answered back in knowing that if this was gonna be handled to go off without a hitch then all hands would need to be at the ready

"Gotcha." Halos spoke as he went to gather Orianna and Jade

That in mind it would a few moments later of gathering the two and then filling them in on the situation at hand with the fake Moody and his being a follower of Voldemort.

"This certainly complicates things. To think that there's a follower of that madman right under everyone's nose. Either this Dumbledore man honestly doesn't know anything or he's just waiting to play the big hero if he's allowed for an imposter to be under his walls for so long" Jade spoke in finding this to be quite the predicament

"Well he keeps that hook-nosed asshole around and he was a supposedly 'former' follower of Voldemort's. Which if you ask me is total nonsense, because I wouldn't trust the man as far as could throw him with Bigby's hand." Raphael said in reference to Snape

"Still we have to figure out how we're going to go about this. One false move and we risk bringing a lot of unwanted attention down on all of our heads." Jade spoke in knowing full well that they had to be careful in doing this in knowing that one misstep and everything could go sideways

"I say we knock the fucker out, tie him up, bring him back here and then squeeze him dry of every single bit of information we can. Then after that we take his damn head off or Jade and Raphael could probably send his ass to the Hells or what have you." Orianna suggested as to a viable strategy on how to go about doing things

"That's a great idea actually. However, I say we not do the whole killing him thing." Raphael said in finding Orianna's idea to be a good one

"Why shouldn't we kill the fucker? I mean we know right where he is and against the four of he wouldn't stand a fucking chance." Orianna questioned in wondering why they wouldn't seize the initiative that was right in front of them

"That's because if we killed him, then we'd still get in trouble for it. Consider it like this Orianna, we may know that he's an imposter but no one else does. Which means that if we murder him we're fucked." Halos answered in knowing full well the implications that would be brought in the aftermath of doing so

"And we can't tell that asshat Dumbledore. He'll probably mess it all up for us, knowing him he'd probably tell us to stay out of it. Either for the Greater Good that he has to be the one to figure all of this out, or him telling me about some bullshit about how I shouldn't waste him on the spot and that he can be turned over to light. Among the other numerous things he'll do, to probably try and do to tie us up, so that we're here longer than we need to be for whatever the hell he's got planned." Raphael added in knowing that telling Dumbledore was a no go in knowing full well that the headmaster would use this as a means to twist and tie up Raphael in his machinations

"Then it's settled that we capture him. But that still brings up the question of what we're going to do with him once we finish getting all of what we need to know out of him? We can't kill him and simply can't let him go to tell Voldemort of what we've done to him." Jade brought up in knowing that the one of the tricky parts was what to do with him afterward

"I've got that part covered actually." Raphael spoke up in having a spell just for this occasion

"After we're done getting our information out of him, then all I have to do is cast a Modify Memory spell on him and what we do to him won't be remembered for a very long time." Raphael added in having been glad he learned that spell that had helped him out of some sore spots

"...I almost forgot you could do that." Halos said in remembering full well of Raphael's arcane abilities

"To be honest I don't really care for using it much. But at least its incredibly useful." Raphael replied in finding said spell to be quite useful, to say the least

"Then I guess its settled then. We capture this fucker, squeeze out all the information we need out of him, Raphael mind wipes him and then we prepare for the battle that's coming our way." Orianna spoke in summary of their game plan

"Correct, as we've got a lot to prepare for and a decent enough time frame to work with. So let's make this count." Raphael said as everyone nodded in agreement before they got up to prepare for the capture of the imposter

"Well, Voldemort. I hope you're ready for round 2 because this time around I'll be ready." Raphael thought to himself at the impending rematch between himself and the dark lord

So with Orianna and Raphael having found their own bit of entertainment in the Forbidden Forest, along with Raphael gaining a date to the Yule Ball and pulling off a drunken prank with Sirius. We also find out about a fake Mad-Eye in the midst of Hogwarts. So with all that being said how will everything unfold when they capture the imposter and find out what's needed to be known, well stay tuned for the new chapters of Harry Potter: A Evoker's Tale.

Now then onto the reviews from the last chapter.

dannyrockon122: Thank you for the rating and hope you continue to enjoy the chapter.

jslee (Chapter 1): Raphael's arcane focus will be revealed a bit later on in the story considering that it is something that allows so him to not have to use a wand. Also as to what Raphael took a dip in then he would've taken a few dips in Bard to get the Silence spell.

Emsar: I'm happy that you liked the story so far and trust me I can't wait to dive more into the relationship that's growing between Raphael and Rita.

Zero Fullbuster: Glad you enjoy the story and hope you continue to support and read it my good dude.

emthereble: I'm ecstatic you love the story my dude.

frankieu: Happy you liked the last chapter and hope you'll continue to read more

Guest: I've never really thought of writing a RWBY story before considering that I never really considered it before, because if I did then I'd just for the most part throw a good chunk of canon out the window.

Kourtney Uzu Yato: I'm happy you enjoyed the chapter. Also the idea for Raphael using Polymorph to turn into a giant fuck off ape was an idea I got from watching the Vegeta go Great Ape for the first time. Also it won't be that hard for Raphael to figure how to deal with the 2nd task with the resources he has at his disposal. Furthermore, the precious person won't be really anyone of Raphael's friends since as you mentioned they're to fucking strong to really get captured which is why I'm leaving it a surprise. But I will say that when he does find out who it is...Raphael's probably gonna pop a blood vessel from sheer anger. Also the whole bits with Sirius bonding with Raphael are becoming some of my favorite parts to write on top of the fact that James was not ready to be caught in a Wall of Death...rip to James's ribs and pride by getting outdone by Lily in the pit.

And cut things there as I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and all that went with it, but without further delay let's get to it now shall we.

First up we've got Raphael and Orianna fucking shit up in the Forbidden Forest and encountering a Behir of all things, which I hoped you guys liked considering that I thought it would be dope to show there are all sorts of creatures we don't see in canon lurking in the Forest.

Following that up we've got Raphael asking Rita out to the Yule Ball which I thought would be fun to do considering that when you really think about it Rita is very much underused and there's ton of which you can do. Something of which I plan on doing and expanding upon throughout the story.

Next up after that is a bit between a drunken Sirius and Raphael eventually pranking Dumbledore which had to be my favorite bit to have written in showing the bond between them that lead to a hilarious prank.

Lastly, we've got the bit of Halos informing Raphael of the imposter Mad-Eye and the group coming up with the plan to capture and squeeze out info from him. Something that I wanted to do because it made too much sense to me that they wouldn't go on the attack to get what they'd want and plan to counter Voldemort when he revives himself.

So then with all that being said please favorite, follow, review and share this story out as much as possible and thanks for the support given to the story, as I really appreciate it. And remember reviews help the story a lot since it means quite a bit to me and who knows I may gain future ideas from them also remember flames will be ignored while criticism that's well thought out and reasonable will be accepted.

So with all that being said this is Nomadic Chaos using the power of Chaos to give you guys good content to read, with the next chapter detailing the Yule Ball and the group spending Christmas with Sirius. So be sure to stay tuned for all of that.