
*Mal's POV*

"How much longer is this going to go on for?" I heard Jay ask incredulously after I had been lying in my hospital bed for Lucifer knows how long after Ben had removed my engagement ring.

"Fingers crossed not much longer" Ben said sadly which made my heart break into a thousand pieces. What my family and Ben didn't know is that even though I couldn't respond to them I could hear everything that they had said and done. I was going to have to make sure that Ben didn't beat himself too much over this; yes things could have ended very badly – but he wasn't to know! And I would ensure that he would know this! "I just hope she isn't mad at me" I heard him say as he squeezed my left hand in both of his again.

"I'm not" I muttered.

"Mal" I heard Ben mutter and I slowly opened my eyes and I watched as everyone gasped at me. My body still felt so weak and achy; but I knew that with time that I would get stronger and get better. "MAL!" Ben shouted before he quickly stood up and jumped forward and pulled me into a tight hug. I weakly wrapped my arms around him and I suddenly heard Ben break down and he started to cry against the right hand side of my neck.

"Hey!" I cooed. "What's this?" I muttered as I weakly ran my fingers through his hair as he continued to cry and sob against me. "Benny" I muttered. "Hey!" I repeatedly cooed. "Shh!" I hushed and I continued to try soothe Ben for the next few minutes.

"I'm so sorry Mal" I heard him sob.

"It's ok" I said. "You didn't know" I advised.

"You know what happened" he asked as he pulled away and looked at me with tear filled eyes.

"Yes Ben" I confirmed. "I could hear everything" I advised as Fairy Godmother and Doctor Cameron walked into the room.

"Oh Mally" he sighed sadly.

"It broke my heart to hear you all like that" I advised as I looked around the room and watched as my family smiled happily at me. I then adjusted myself in bed and Ben quickly stood up straight and dropped his arms from me.

"Sorry am I hurting you" he said sadly as he looked down at the floor.

"No" I said. "I think I have been lying in the same position for Hades how long" I chuckled. "Let me get up" I advised as I slowly sat up and Ben quickly readjusted my pillows so I could sit up properly. I felt dizzy for a couple of seconds before I slid to the side so I was closer to Evie and when I looked up at Ben I noticed that he was throwing a confused look at me.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Cuddling you" I advised.

"Oh" he muttered.

"So get here Beast" I teased and Ben chuckled as he kicked his shoes off and I pulled the covers back. Ben then slowly climbed into bed and cuddled into me; as I snuggled into his chest I heard him sigh and I smiled at being back in my Beast's arms.

"I thought that I might never get this again" he muttered.

"Ben please don't think like that-" I started as I looked up at him. "And please don't beat yourself up about this?" I asked. "Or else" I winked at him.

"Or else what?" he smiled down at me.

"We'll have problems" I warned him playfully. "Fiancé" I pressed.

"If that is what my Fiancé wishes" he chuckled.

"It is" I confirmed and I watched as he smiled at me before he pressed a brief but very loving kiss against my lips. When we pulled apart me and Ben cuddled together and I smiled at my family around the room.

"Nice for you to join us Sis" Jay teased as he winked at me.

"I thought I should" I joked. "Sorry for worrying you all" I told them all.

"It's ok" Evie smiled at me. "You're getting better that is what matters" she added.

"Yes" I agreed. "As you are all here with me" I smiled around the room again. We had all been through the ringer since I had collapsed; but we could all get through this – as we had each other – as always.

In all I ended up staying in hospital another week before I could return home; however as most of my things were packed away Evie, Jay, Carlos and Doug packed the rest of my things away and took them to Auradon Castle. I guessed that when I left hospital that I would be going to Auradon Castle not mine and Evie's home as Ben wanted to continue to look after me; and to be honest I didn't want it any other way.

I could tell that Ben still felt guilty about what had happened; and every time I caught him throwing me a guilty glance I would try and put his mind at rest. We both had planned to spend some time together when we got into our rooms; which was something that I was very much looking forward to.

"What is all this?" I asked after me and Ben walked hand in hand in our rooms to notice that Ben had a picnic blanket on our bed with a picnic blanket and his TV was already set up.

"A surprise" he smiled as he closed the door behind us.

"I see" I noted. "So what are we watching?" I questioned as we walked towards our bed. It felt weird to think of this being our bedroom, our bed, our things but this is how it was going to be from now on – and I wouldn't change a thing.

"Your choice" he grinned.

"I see" I repeated as we both climbed onto our bed and lay down with our heads rested against the pillows. "Someone is trying to spoil me" I teased.

"Yep" he chuckled as we cuddled together on our bed. "I have something for you" he advised.

"You didn't need to give me anything" I stated. "You are enough" I urged.

"Yes but there is something that I need to put right" he advised.

"Right?" I questioned in confusion. "What?" I added and I watched as Ben pulled a ring box out of his trouser pocket and he quickly opened it and I gasped at the sight of it. It was a gold ring that had a large egg shaped purple jewel in the centre that was flanked with green stones. "Oh Ben" I breathed.

"You like?" he grinned.

"I love it!" I exclaimed.

"I've had it checked" he explained. "Nothing is wrong with this ring" he continued. "So Maleficent Faery-" he began as he took the ring out of the box.

"Yes?" I said happily.

"Will you marry me?" he asked sincerely.

"Ben you already know my answer" I reminded me.

"Humour Princess?" he smiled.

"Yes Ben" I answered. "Yes I will marry you" I confirmed and I watched as a large grin spread across his face before he took my left hand and he slid the ring on my finger.

"Perfect" he smiled before he pressed a kiss against my lips. When we pulled apart we cuddled together and enjoyed our first date night in our home; which in my opinion was a most perfect way to end this whole stressful situation. I know that in time Ben would come to not feel so bad for what had happened; but I would get him through this - I was sure of it.

Hey guys, I really can't wait to see what you think of this story. As I am typing this I have just finished the first draft on the 7th of July; you guys don't know that I intend to post chapters after D3. And at this point I only have to work on my main story; which I believe I will need all of that time considering how much work I have left to do.

Also the next part of our series 'Learning to Love - Honesty' will be posted after this story, see you then.

P.S. I would also like to say that I am heartbroken about the loss of our Descendant brother Cameron Boyce. You will be sadly missed and my thoughts and prayers go out to your family. Yes I know I should have said something at the time; but as I currently write this chapter I have just found out about his passing. So it felt appropriate to note it down in my chapter, I hope you understand.

Much love,

