Act 1-4


The Answer

Vergil ponders deeply about his choice since this will affect his future outcome and he needs to figure out who seems interesting to him to learn. His brain works hard to come up with an answer to Lady Ishtar as his curiosity about a certain individual made him pique his interest and with that, the professor has his answer.

"Okay,I will choose Venus's class to teach I supposed." Vergil reply.

"Oh thank goddess, and here I thought I will have to handle her highness." Walrand sigh with relief.

"The Red Wolf huh? What made you so choice Venus's class over the others if you don't mind telling me?" Ishtar question, curious about his answer.

Vergil plays with his bangs, "It is just...her personality caught my attention and curious about the reason she hates guys overall which stick to me even now. If not her, I would of pick Ophelia as my easy choice." Vergil respond.

Walrand chuckles, "Well dude, I am going to pick Ophelia's Class, The Black Dragon for me to teach. I also notice that she seems alright and cool." He smiles, eager to have her due to her easy nature.

"Then I will handle Ivory's class, The Blue Hawk." Elias spoke.

"Good, then I will happily take Leon's class, The White Lion." Aisha nod, a bit happy with the result.

Just like that, the professor quickly agrees on which class to guide from now on and the principal of the academy seems very please with the result of that little task. It looks like the sparring match has awoken something inside of the professor from battling their student and that what made her very happy to see from them all. Lady Ishtar slowly put her hands together to smile at them and explain the next step since Vergil need to hear the common instruction on what to do tomorrow and what needs to be expected from each professor.

"Very well, from this point on, you will hand over to the assigned class to teach them and also a personal room right next to them to blend in with your students. Books for learning are already provided in your quarter so if you have any question or request do come here for some assistance." Lady Ishtar reveals.

The professors bow maturely to Ishtar's word while leaving Vergil baffle by their action and just remain frozen as they all left into their room to quickly get to work on that. Since this is Vergil's first day, Lady Ishtar has already had a plan to help him out and the principal turn to Athelyna which she nods to move toward him.

"Let's go, professor. There much I have to tell you but first, your room." Athelyna 7

Without hearing his reply, Athelyna once again grabs his wrist to start pulling him and force to follow her once more just like before. The professor didn't bother speaking about that since his mind is focused primarily on the job he is currently worried about and just let this happen. The two descend the only stairs leading into the 2nd floor to turn to their left and head down the hall to stop at the end of it to see two peculiar doors near the exit of this castle.

"Before we exit the castle, this is the classrooms for Red Wolf and Blue Hawk since they will take the left side of the castle while White Lion and Black Dragon reside on the right side." Athelyna explains, "I will give you a map of the Academy which won't be too hard to know the layout of this place." She adds.

"Alright, a map sounds good right about now." Vergil reply.

His eyes look at the door before going outside of the castle to find himself to a road leading to a strange house filled with plants and seeing the stretch, massive building that appears to be a dorm. They walk down the path to let him see lots of doors on that building which suggest his students are residing there at the moment and Athelyna stop on the first door which made her pull out a master key to unlock it. Once open, Vergil could see his room, but most noticeably, is a pile of book stack on the desk which made him shudder at the awful amount of it.

"Here you go, this is your room. I am sure you notice the pile of books there, those are the books you need to learn to get your footing on your role as a professor so do get into the study before the big day tomorrow. A map is in there so you can take a good look at it and if you need any help you know where to find the office. I wanted to tell you more but it will have to wait after your first day to check on you and see how you doing." Athelyna reports.

"I-I see...well, I will be in my room all day today then.." Vergil sigh.

Athelyna's hand release Vergil as she pulls out a key for him to have and he took it since this must be his key to open or lock the door. With that, Athelyna bow before taking her leave and heading back into the office to meet with the principal of the Academy. The professor slowly turns back to the open door filled with books for me to study up and sigh at this whole mess. Vergil head over to his quarter to lock the door and quickly get back to work on that study that needs to do. As he shuffles the pile of book around, a map appears before him and gladly move into that first. As Athelyna mention, the map shows him all of the Academy to reveal the truth and took a bit of time on learning the layout before putting away.

"Now then, for the books.." Vergil mutter, tired.

Time passes swiftly as Vergil remain glue to the books to study every page the best that he can to learn or relearn the history of this place since Lady Ishtar provide some good intel for him to have. The sound of page-turning echoes silently even during the darkness as a mere candle illuminate the room to deeply engross on the page of information which caught his attention. His boredom quickly bolts from his mind as curiosity raise for every page turn and his dark eyes wander hungry for information of this strange land. Oddly, Vergil could see cute, drawing of Lady Ishtar drawn across all of the books to inform Vergil which information is vital and it did make her look a bit childish but helpful none the less.

[January 2nd]

The sound of birds chirping ring inside of his head which throbs painfully and waking him up to see the mess of himself sleeping on the table from the long study secession. His hand ran across his face to feel miserable right now but that had to wait as someone knock on his door and made him wobbly walk toward the door to open to see Athelyna outside.

"Vergil? What happen to you?" She asks, curious at his current state.

"Just woke up, why?" Vergil yawn.

"Woke up? You have a class in 10 min and I don't want the student seeing you like this! What have you done to look like this, professor.." Athelyna mutter, a bit upset.

"Well, studying of course...I barely manage to get to half of what you offer and I had to stay all night to do so..." Vergil reply, slightly drowsy.

"Half?...Vergil, that was for the month's worth." The knight reply, shock.

The professor gently put his head into the door as his entire head hurt from knowing that and he could see a few students heading toward the classroom which prompts him to head to the bathroom to get ready. There is no time to get rile up from that so he focuses on cleaning himself and head to the classroom as soon as possible.

"Anyways, your classroom will be to your right where we exit last time. It does have the Red Wolf symbol so it is hard to miss it and wish you good luck on your first day." Athelyna reply.

The knight took her leave as Vergil wash his face with some water to bring him into action and took the time to look at the mirror to not have the chance to look at himself properly. A messy, straight, dark hair with bangs looming above his right eyes which can often cover his black eye which he pushes the bang aside to check his eye color.

"I look as normal as I can be." Vergil comment.

The professor took a step back to look at his wardrobe which looks like a black, long-sleeved, button shirt with turtle-neck bend and with the sleeves bend as well to expose his dark gloves. A slit opens the front side of the shirt and below are a simple gray trouser with a pair of black and white shoes to finish it off. It looks simple enough for Vergil, not too crazy that he needs to take off so he began walking outside and enter the class from the same door he came off yesterday. As he enters the castle, his eyes turn to the right to see the door with a wolf on it and his classroom. The young man could hear the voice of students inside which made his hand slowly reach for the doorknob to have a slight pause and taking a slow inhale before opening the door. Vergil could see only five students turning toward him while seeing the familiar Lord also watching him and already guessing as to why he is here. The professor made his way into the chalkboard to hear the students whispering and confused to see a strange "student" heading into the teacher's desk.

"Hold it right there."

The professor stops at his track to shift his head toward the source of the sound to find a young woman speaking up and already getting up from her seat to come here to his side since she seems serious about something. He took this time to inspect one of his students to see her very dark brown hair with a low ponytail on her well-kept hair. Her eyes are relatively sharp and copper in hue. The girl's outfit is a lavender tunic and white skirt with black legging underneath and a thin red corded belt. She wears knee high-laced riding boots and a pair of black fingerless gloves. A breastplate can be seen as well a shoulder guard on her right shoulder as her final touch.

"Students have to sit on the desk and not on heading over there unless you are the professor. There are rules to follow young man." The girl advice.

"Where do I even begin to explain this to you..." Vergil sigh, "I may not look it but I AM your professor." the professor replies.

"W-What?..." The girl asks, shock.

Vergil continues forth on his path toward the desk to slam both of his hands down to bring all of his students attention which is already glued to him since they could hear the ruckus their peer made.

"From now on, I will be your professor who will guide The Red Wolf throughout the year. My name is Vergil for anyone curious about that." Vergil greet.

A silent of shock loom at the class to see a person close to their age being their professor and he ignores their reaction to move into the most important task for a professor, getting to know their names. This first day is very important since introduction will be made for all of them and he has to do his best to remember them so he doesn't cause any trouble.

"Now then, introduction is in order. Why don't we start with you Venus, I am sure you have something to say to the class." Vergil comment.

"Very well, if you insist." Venus spoke.

Vergil watch as the queen gets up from her chair to start speaking up with her peers and also, having a strange white fox mask hanging on her left side. The more he looks at Venus, the more complicated she can get and he hardly has time for that right now. An "innocent" smile appear on her face just like before, disturbing if you understand her already and never did budge on that smile.

"My name is Ventus Fenrisulf and the next heir of the Exalter Kingdom but don't let that bother you too much. I also hate weak, pathetic, worthless, insignificant-"

"Venus?..." Vergil question, a bit took back at her sudden long hate toward men.

"-No good men, especially if they are noble!" Venus spoke, struggling to maintain her "cheerful" attitude and breaking her pencil during the process, "But once again, don't let that bother you too much." Venus chuckles.

Of course, the students slowly clap at their future queen from her odd and terrifying speech about her deep hatred toward men, especially from the male students that will easily avoid her like the plague. Vergil knew this class was going to be the hardest out of all of them and yet, her personality and hatred only made him more curious. Why does Venus hate men so much with such passion, why does she suddenly change personality during their first encounter? An answer that never will appear only made him upset since he has to talk to her someday about it and it will be quite difficult for him. Despite her "unique" speech, one of the girls claps at her admirably which was the same girl that stop Vergil from going into his desk and could see they are related somehow or share a common vision.

"Thank for giving us such a..." Vergil paused, thinking of something nice to say to that, "incomparable introduction. Why don't YOU giving your name and something about yourself, young lady." Vergil adds.

Vergil crosses his arms while looking at the previous girl that he encounters and she took note of his order which she surprisingly listens to his command without a single shred of doubt of her mind.

"Of course, my name is Yua Lavoie and Venus's personal guard. I value choice as everyone is destined to follow their unique path and I am here just to fulfill my purpose." Yua spoke, confidently.

"I see..." Vergil mutter, interested.

His finger tap on his arm as the professor is slowly learning a bit more from their peers and something worth taking note of from their little introduction. Vergil's glare eyes didn't make Yua flinch which he suspects Yua must have a strong will and courage to look at him back with such a powerful gaze.


Suddenly, a female voice speaks up to make the professor turn to face a petite girl already stand up and ready for her introduction since she looks impatient to start.

"Go ahead, why don't you take over from here." Vergil nods.

A smile appears from his agreement which causes her eyes to shine, "Right! My name is Anya, I am just a simple commoner from an orphanage but I love to get to know all of my peers!" Anya greets, joyfully, "Also, I really, really love sweet!" She adds, hungrily and excited.

A sight of relief escape the professor lips since he found a "normal" student at long last and share a similar trait to Ophelia but entirely different in a sense. Normally Vergil wouldn't be so happy with that personality but after seeing Venus, he is just happy to have her deep down. His glare watch this small girl looking him back with her bright blue eyes and her long light-queen with a hint of dark-green tint hair looms behind her. A braided pigtail is also there as it reaches down into her hips while she stands roughly 4ft. 5 in. height. The attire of his student consists of a simple short skirt with a tunic and leather sandals which reek of average compare to a few bunches he knows.

"Good work Anya, we have a clear understanding of your motive." Vergil spoke, displaying a small grin.

Vergil does find odd for him to feel relax when around people like Anya since any other person would most likely be a bothersome or an annoyance. Normally he would frown with a serious face but he couldn't hide his soft side from softer people like her and he quickly removes his smile to get back into business. His eyes would immediately see a certain individual working on something on his desk as he shifting on working on machinery than focus on the introduction at hand.

"You there, raise from your desk and introduced yourself." Vergil order, seriously.

The young man's brown eyes look up to meet with the professor's angry expression since Vergil is calling him which cause him to panic a bit and get up from his desk by his command. Small chuckles can be heard as his right-hand scratch the back of his head at the embarrassment and think of something to say.

"Yeah sorry about that professor, I just can't help myself when it comes to invention, you know?" The boy spoke, feeling sorry for his rudeness.

"Do it after the introduction is done, it is your turn now." Vergil advise.

"Alright, the name is Sento Hibiki Tachibana, I am sure you heard of my family and like them, I am willing to strife to become a great inventor. I hope I can learn something from each one of you to become better than my old self!" Sento spoke, smiling and eager to learn.

It seems this person looks normal enough with a bad habit of focusing on his weird gadget laying on his desk but the boy remains focus on seeing the other since he learns his lesson. Sento's short black hair with a hint of red reach down into his shoulder and standing around 5ft. 8 in. The young man is wearing a light hooded trench coat with a red bandana tie around his left arm and a red shirt beneath the open coat. A pair of light-blue pant and black shoes is all he got. Now, his eyes wander to the last student of The Red Wolf class, just like Sento, the boy is engrossed on something on his desk which look like potions and other weird stuff hanging around which is why he is a bit further from the rest of the student. Vergil was about to speak up but he caught on the silent to turn to face his professor looking at him and slowly get up from his desk to speak up.

"Hello, my name is Reshe Haemo and what I experimenting with potions or other manners that would scare most human, but not me," Reshe spoke, glancing at his right open palm to hold a strange potion on hand while chuckling, "That my ONLY true ambition in life, to test such danger, beautiful potion on test object to fulfill my goal and desire." He continues.

A sigh leaves Vergil's lips at yet another "unique" character he has to deal with just like Venus is. Reshe stands tall at 6ft. 1 in. which made him look like a ghoul from his pale skin, a scar under his green right eye and white hair that lost all of its colors. His attire revolved around a long, black cloak which is made of many black feathers from a crow it seems and a hood which isn't used right now. The professor did see an unfamiliar greyish, metal mask looming on his desk which he doesn't seem to know or recall for that matter. Regardless, this is everyone from The Red Wolf present and the students Vergil had to deal with and get to know them until Lord Varus show up.

The first day wasn't too spectacular since this day would be the perfect time to get to know them just a bit and doing the study tomorrow which is a safe bet for Vergil to stop on the study of the pile book to move into knowing the students a bit. The sound of bell chiming a music note echoes across the Academy to let the other know it was time to leave and the first day is usually a short day. Vergil already is aware of most of the schedule here from reading those book back as his quarter and so, the rest of the students began to pack their stuff to head outside to do whatever they like. The professor took his time to leave as he made his way to the exit to find Anya waiting for him outside of the class.

"Professor!" Anya smile, calling out for his professor.

"Anya? Why are you still here?" Vergil question.

"Waiting for you of course! I want to know more about my professor since an idea appears in my head to hang out with you and so, here I am!" Anya reply, happy with the idea.

Vergil remains reserved at the offer since he wasn't the type to hang around with people and more strange to be invited for such activity. Even so, this would be the perfect chance to get to know the student of his class and so he nodded to agree with her plan while thinking about what to do from there.

"Great! do you have any idea of spending the time together? I don't know very much about this place just yet so..." Anya ponders, putting her right hand upon her chin as thumb raise and her index extend while sticking her tongue out to think deeply.

Vergil smiles thinly at this odd girl concentrating hard to find something to do and hereby call that expression her thinking mode. His mind began to work on what to do as Vergil recall seeing a park nearby which could be useful for doing something there.

"There is a park nearby here that we can use for something, why don't we have tea and talk about each other?" Vergil offered.

"I don't know...but! If you have lots of cookies then I am definitely in!" Anya reply, excited once she mentions sugary treat.

Vergil surely noted that down inside of her mind to use sweet against Anya to do whatever he wishes and something she enjoys the most from the looks of it. With the decision made, the professor heads out from the exit to have Anya follow him around and going between the Red Wolf's Dorm and Lake to reach the park which is next door or in front of the Blue Hawk's Dorm. The two could see a lot more staffs, knights, and servants moving around the castle since the Academy has begun now. The professor didn't pay too much attention as they both enter the somewhat large park together and took a table beneath the shade of the trees. Vergil could see lots of sugary treat hiding under a glass panel to avoid getting dirty from debris and keep them warm as a machine is below it to keep it mildly warm for the student.

"Impressive." Vergil comment.

"Yeah! I know where to go every day now! I can eat lots of cookies!" Anya happily spoke.

Without any hesitation, Anya quickly raises the glad lid to began eating the cookies like a wild animal and impatient at the sight of sweet. The professor quickly pulls the girl away from the sweet to prevent her from eating them all and be patient.

"Awwwww, why are you stopping me? They taste so good..." Anya pout, licking her lips to remove the sugar.

"Patient little one, we need tea to truly enjoy each other company and also the sweet." Vergil advise.

"But tea is really icky..." Anya sigh, sad.

"Have you tried tea with some sweet?" Vergil ask.

"No, not really since I don't enjoy it but I don't hate it either." She replies.

"You are really a bit childish" Vergil chuckles.

"Hmmmmmmmmm!" Anya pout, puffing her cheek with anger at the word child.

"Just wait a moment, I can promise you that you will enjoy this better than eating those sweet by their lonesome." The professor said, "Can you wait for the tea for my sake?" He ask.

"F-Fine...but I won't like it at all.." Anya mutter, sad.

Vergil sigh at the child angry for keeping her delicious sweet treat away from her grasp and so, he clod the lid of the cookie while Anya remains on her seat slump over on the desk. Her face facing at the clod lid with her eyes teary with sadness unable to eat her treat and causing the professor to sight at this once more. The young man ignored as he moves over to the side where the tools are safely sheltered by a small house to prepare some nice, warm tea. The only problem now that he has forgotten is that he doesn't remember how to make tea and just remain still watching unable to comprehend anything in here.

I forgot about my foolish of me..

While Vergil struggles to come up with a solution or an idea, a soft knocking on the wood made him turn around to see Athelyna at the door which was a huge relief for the inexperience professor.

"For the first time, you actually come in a good time." Vergil spoke, nodding.

"Huh? What do you mean by that? I just came here to check up on you to see how the first day go." Athelyna answer.

"Forget about that, I need your help on something and I need it fast." Vergil interrupts, "I want you to teach me how to make...," Vergil sigh, "some simple tea." He continues.

Athelyna remains baffle by the odd request but it is natural for Vergil since he lost his memory or he simply doesn't know how to make tea at all before his loss of memory. She makes her way over to Vergil to begin making the tea while Vergil watches her closely and focus on remembering every step of that way. Thankfully, the two manage to make some tea as Vergil has learned how to make tea with the help Athelyna and the professor quickly head over to the hungry little girl. Athelyna began pouting some small plate for each of them while Vergil put down the warm tea and letting Anya lift her slump body to finally eat.

"There you go, now you can eat your cookies as promise." Vergil spoke.

Anya smiled brightly hearing about his approval to eat and without wasting a mere second, her hand raises the glass lid to began eating. However, Anya dips her cookie into her tea before munching away and showing a joyful expression once she tastes the deliciousness of the sugar hitting her tastebud.

"This is quite deliwious! I never knew tea culd make cukies taste shu gud!" Anya replies happily with her food still in her mouth.

"Jeez, at least speak once you are done eating but your welcome and there more you can grab so spoil yourself if you so like." Vergil said.

"Don't mind if I do then, it has being a while since a share a cup of tea with others." Athelyna nods.

The professor along with Athelyna took a seat as they drink their warm cup of tea while grabbing a few cookies since both of them don't have the same sweet tooth as Anya. Due to Anya's ruckus, it seems a few people have caught their attention and began moving toward the small group at the park.


Vergil turns to see Ivory standing to be curious at the odd bunch sitting at the table having a drink of tea and hearing the small girl eating away all of the sweet already. His eyes look behind to see Lady Ishtar heading this way which made him wary at her presence since it could mean something big is coming or so he guesses.

"Oh my, you made tea and didn't invite me? for shamed professor." Lady Ishtar giggles, playfully and teasing.

"How would I know you have free time? Beside, why are you two here anyways?" Vergil asks.

"I came here to tell you about something important but, the scent of tea did make me quite thirsty and hungry for some cookies." Ishtar answer, smiling.

"As for me, I just overheard you and wanted to find a place to find peace which the scent of tea brought me here so to speak." Ivory spoke, firmly.

"I see, then you can grab some tea and take a seat with us." Vergil suggest.

"Yeah! The more the merrier!" Anya comment, happy to have more company.

With that, the group began taking a seat in the shade having a good drink of tea and watching the scene of the park while talking about this important matter Lady Ishtar wanted to speak. Meanwhile, Athelyna had to restock the goods since Anya's stomach is bottomless and constantly have to bring more cookies.

"You sure love sweet huh?" Athelyna ask, a bit suprise at her hunger for sweets.

"Yeah! my passion for sweet is boundless! Don't you like sweet as well?" Anya respond.

"Not really...since sweet tends to make someone fat with the sugar and all." Athelyna answer.

Back at the table, Vergil wanted to know more about this important matter that Ishtar mention since it is important for a reason and she did come all the way down here to speak of it.

"So, what's are you going to tell me?" Vergil ask.

"Ah right, I came here to tell you about your mission near the end of the month. So I want you to be mentally prepared for that during January 27 because that will be the day of your departure for that specific mission." The Principal reveals.

"I did read about that in your childish drawing and notes..." Vergil ponders.

"They aren't childish..." Ishtar mutter, sadly.

"Sorry, so where and what's this mission?" Vergil said.

"That will be in the Kan-Sawkoli in the Enchanting Forest of Texochltico" Ishtar answer.

Vergil tilts his head upon hearing a location name since his memory didn't react to those words and remain quiet since he doesn't know where that is. Unlike with Ivory, she know where that is and in fact, it is somewhat close to Saint Fall. Despite that, this made her a bit curious to find more about this mission Vergil will undergo since it is in her territory and Ivory has heard some rumor spreading around in the Texochltico.

"Why is the professor heading into Texochltico?" Ivory asks, curious.

"We have received rumor about the Amazoness tribe acting a bit odd and fishy lately so I assign Red Wolf on handling that mission to get some experience just like the other class dealing their own mission." Lady Ishtar answer.

"I am lost, what is the Amazoness?" Vergil asks, baffle.

"The Amazoness is a tribe on just woman who lives the old way of humanity and discards the new technology or change of what the world has to offer. Still, they are all-powerful female warrior tribe that lives inside the forest that hunt animal to live and strive for a better life." Ivory tell.

"Hold on, if they are all female then how they manage to keep their tribe alive right now? It wouldn't make sense that they manage to get this far using the old ways." Vergil remark.

"Yes, normally that would be the case even if they do rely on Manhunt to get their number growing and yet they are still around. My father could foresee the downfall of the tribe but somehow, they are still alive. It raises much rumor about that tribe ever since..." Ivory spoke, slightly worry.

Vergil glance to see Ivory deeply concern about his homeland of Kan-Sawkoli since she will be the future leader of that faction so it would be quite hard for her to just watch while she does nothing about it. The professor took a small sip of his tea to take all of this information in and want to gather more to ensure a good strategy to fight against this Amazoness. A soft gasp of follow by the drop of the cup made Vergil shift his focus on Ivory and learning a bit more about their unique culture and way of life.

"So what is this Manhunt that they do? It sounds like they are hunting a person I presume?" Vergil ask.

"At the end of every month, the girl will leave their home to look for a male mate to fight and once defeated. They will force him to be their new wife which will produce future children for the tribe and stay home to fulfill that role for the rest of their life." Ivory spoke, calmly.

"What? So in order word..." Vergil trails off, sweating.

"Indeed, you will fight them during the Manhunt of the Amazoness tribe since their number will drop significantly and the perfect opportunity to find out the truth." Lady Ishtar reveals, "No pressure." She smiles, innocently.

"Of course..." Vergil sigh, irritated.

The sound of their chatter began to melt into the background as his eyes focus on the empty cup and focus on what to do during the mission to avoid such a fatal future. Vergil didn't enjoy becoming a sex object for female warrior and I am sure his student would like to avoid that fate as well to continue to pursue their own path.

It is time to get serious.

[Act 1-4 End]



Question for Leon: Favorite food?

"What is my favorite food/meal?" Leon grin "Well, I can't just decide my favorite food since they are many type of food, but I can say that some of my favorite foods are Cheesy Verona Stew!" Leon closed his eyes and drooled a little "it's really delicious, with Verona and Teutales loach, also don't forget the two different type of melted cheese" Leon open his eyes and wiped his drools "sorry about that, my second favorite food is simply Fish Sandwich, it's great as a snack, with the fish being pickled in vinegar and served with cabbages and tomatoes, and I also tend to add sauce to my sandwich, sometimes its Parsley sauce, Fresh Herb sauce or, my personal favorite, Smoked-Almond Romesco sauce!" Leon closed his eyes and shiver in excitement "Hmmm... now I am hungry for one..." Leon opened his eyes and stopped shivering "Now for the last one, normally I don't grab this most of the time, but I can't just stopped myself because how good it is, so I spoil myself, but what can you do? it's a dessert meal!" Leon nonchalantly shrugs "secretly I grab it as a snack" Leon lean in and whisper 'but you didn't hear it from me" Leon backed off and continued with a smile "Its called Eirini Meat Pie, its really delicious, one of my favorite, heck my si-" Leon suddenly stop talking and looked away while frowning "F-forget you heard that..." Leon looked back and smiled, but the smile look forced, but nobody notice the difference "Getting that out of the way, the reason I like that meal is because the texture of the pie and ingredient, hmmm..." Leon lick his lips "the mixture of the tomatoes, cheese and meat give it a explosive taste" Suddenly Leon crossed his arms and gave an smug smirk that very rarely happen "I may not look like it, but I quite good at cooking, one of the benefit is that I can cook whatever I want, of course if I learn it I mean" *


Vergil, in a previous chapter, why did you compare Ophelia from a child to a monster? Sure anyone that carry an axe can be pretty scary, but wouldn't calling an axe user a monster would be more insulting?

"Insulting? But it is the truth, Ophelia is inhuman and that's a compliment on my behalf. Let me show you." Vergil reply.

The professor left the room to come back in a minute with a Silver Axe on his left hand and Ophelia following behind him curious as to why she is even here. Vergil approaches the table to extend his left hand above it and release it to make a decent noise but not enough to be considered a ruckus.

"See, a normal Axe held by "normal" human being like me and you. Now, for the inhuman axe...Ophelia can you let me see that Axe of your." Vergil ask.

"Huh? But that wouldn't be good, this Divine Weapon is only to be held by the chosen owner and if I did pass it to you. It could be quite heavy on you." Ophelia reply.

Vergil looks at the viewer at the clear answer and looks back at Ophelia, "Okay, then why don't you release that Divine Weapon into the table." Vergil rephase.

Ophelia didn't understand but she follows the professor's order to release the massive Axe into the table to easily break the table and hear a loud thud reaching the floor leaving a crack upon impact.

"Case closed..." Vergil spoke, sighing.

The GGGina

my question is for Leon. Do you have feelings for any of the other Lords?

Leon look like he is in thought "Do I have any feeling for the Lords of the other faction...? Leon tilted his head while keeping his look "to be honest... I never thought about romance or anything like it... my mom tends to read romance novels and I sometimes read it too since I get bored" Leon sadly smiled "but... I don't think anyone will be interested in me" Leon suddenly slap himself "Shut up, Leon! focus on your training!" Leon looked back and gave a sheepish smile while nervously laughing "Woops, sorry about that, we'll getting that topic out of the way, I can't say I am feeling something to Venus and Ivory, I am going to say something, but I might sound a hypocrite, but they are too serious for me, they have their own special quality that make them beautiful in their own, but for now... not interested in them, maybe in the future though" Leon scratched the back of his head nervously "my feeling for Ophelia? a little bit... she doesn't seem to be serious, or better yet she is rather carefree for a leader of a faction and going to be honest here, its rather refreshing since most nobles tend to be rather shit and focuses too much on reputation" Leon looked away mutter to himself 'I don't care about the reputation of my...' Leon clear his throat "Oops sorry about that again, but she seem someone I might enjoy hanging out with, but I hope she doesn't mind hanging out with me" Leon cheerfully laugh *


Elias, do you often use poisoned weaponry on students? I think that's a bit much, as well as dangerous since different people can react differently to things like toxins and allergens.

"Not often, all the time." Elias reply, "Everyone has a different opinion but I am careful and vary on Lady Ishtar's mission." He adds.

His right hand enters his pocket to search for something for a while before pulling a bottle that is label "Antidote" and shaking it a bit for the viewer.

"I always carry an antidote for my own poison. I am sure Ms. Ivory is well aware that I can be gentle but if they are my target..." Elias pause, "Well, let's just say it won't be a pretty or silent death." Elias coldly continues.


Vergil. Why did you think Aisha was fragile despite being able to see her stats? From what I read, she was strong enough to go toe to toe with a Lion, so why call her fragile?

"Aisha is more of a Speedster than Strenght than Defense which I say she is fragile and for the reason she manages to stay toe to toe with Leon, Aisha has a unique ability that I didn't have time to explain the professor's personal passive," Vergil spoke.

Vergil swiftly bring the chalkboard to slam into the chalkboard with the word "Wilderness Queen" written on it and slam the stick into terrains.

"You see, Aisha would have lost to Leon if she didn't have this ability up her sleeve that buff her in a sense when she inside any wild terrains which was the forest. Aisha will gain strength and defense upon entering a forest terrain which gave her the lead of this battle, albeit a close fight." Vergil explains.


For the Q/A guess i'll aim my question at Warland:
Hey man, how did you manage to counter a legendary weapon with a rather basic spell? Does dirt naturally calm down magic? That's some amazing technique magic man share your secrets.

"That simple dude, It is true that those Divine Weapons are strong but nothing can beat pure experience and talent." Walrand smile, "Or if you have lots of Magic inside of you and can resist it as well.." He chuckles.

"As for the dirt, I can easily push a lot of dirty with my power but it does require lots of concentration to make it happen or even stop her highness divine magic which will definitely kill me..." Walrand chuckles, worry, "So there is no secret my dude, just a guy that is strong magically and can tank just magic, physical can easily kill me which is a pain..." Walrand adds.

Author's Notes

Nothing to report besides the reply having this [*] is the Owner answer and Support and Roster will be in Background from now on so you should check that every Act to see something new. Also, your answer regarding support will be hidden unless you manage to get the S which will be revealed just like Vergil and Venus as shown below. If it has the [?] it mean it is hidden or for Vergil, it means it can get into S by the owner wishes.




C C+ B B+ A S


C B A ?


C B A ?






C B A ?




C B A ?


C B A ?







C C+ B B+ A S



















