Alright folks-it's suggestion box time! And today's suggestion comes follower Happygoluckymegami! And I hope you love her suggested story! And don't forget, if you have a suggestion, please leave it in the comments! If I use it, you'll get a mention in the opening!

So, our principals are Luka and Kagami…and this is the perfect story considering the time of year…

so, why are you reading this?

It was the changing of seasons-when the harsh cold of winter gave way to the rebirth of nature known as spring. But for one person, the coming of spring brought bittersweet emotions. That was Kagami, who had spent the last few springs in her home of Tokyo, Japan. And every spring-while her mother Tomoe couldn't enjoy it-Kagami enjoyed the blooming of the cherry blossoms.

And for the past 2 years she did her best to hide this from her boyfriend, guitarist Luka. She'd often mention how lovely Paris in the spring was…though he noted the tinge of sadness when she said this. And he could feel her emotions changing when the seasons changed. So, he resolved-no, made it his mission-to get Kagami home for spring.

Si the first thing he needed to research was the cost of a flight to Tokyo. Then he heeded to find a hotel for them to stay. He was indeed hit by the sticker-shock. But if it could make Kagami happy, then there was no price to great for her. So, he began to save whatever he earned from his gigs. He would track how much he had and how much he needed. And most importantly, he needed to keep his mission a secret.

And then, the day came when he would spring his surprise. It was another start of spring. And during dinner, Luka said, "Kagami…what would it mean if you could see the cherry blossoms bloom?"

Kagami gasped, but replied, "It would be incredible! I haven't seen the cherry blossoms blooming for some time…but living in Paris made that an impossible dream…"

Luka said, "Babe…it's not impossible…or a dream…" He passed her an envelope. She opened the envelope-to reveal two plane tickets to Tokyo. She said, "Luka…this isn't real…is it?"

Luka said, "Yes, it's real. I saved up money from my gigs over the last year and a half. Not only that, but I got us a hotel room, as well. So that you can see the cherry blossoms bloom."

She excitedly sprung up and embraced Luka-who was so surprised that he fell over. She said, "Oh, Luka! You sacrificed so much to do this for me?"

Luka said, "To make you happy, Kagami…there is no sacrifice I would not make."

Two weeks later, Luka and Kagami were on a plane to Tokyo. They would spend a week in Kagami's home country, doing some sightseeing and experiencing the blooming of the sakura trees (which is what Kagami referred to them as).

Upon arriving in Tokyo, they checked into their hotel room. Kagami was literally beside herself. She said, "Luka, I do not know if I am dreaming or not…If I am, do not awake me. If this is real, I do not wish to sleep."

Luka said, "Babe…you always have a way with words. I am happy you get to experience this…and even more so that I get to share this with you." They came together for a kiss, born of happiness in this moment.

Over the next few days, Luka and Kagami explored the city. Kagami had hit some of the boutiques-she promised to provide Marinette some 'examples' of high-quality fashion from Tokyo. Luka and Kagami also visited the Nippon Budokan martial arts hall. She took him to an area where several kendoka where exercising and practicing. She said, "I wanted to do this as well…"

Luka said, "I imagine that your prowess would be incredible."

On the last day of their trip, they planned a picnic in the Shinjuku Gyoen Park. While enjoying their meal, Kagami said, "Luka…it's just like I remembered. My mother would bring me to one of the parks and we'd enjoy the view of the blooming cherry blossoms. But after we moved to Paris…I thought I'd never get to experience this again. Thank you, Luka."

Luka said, "The last two springs…I noted your moods and emotions change when spring arrived. I wanted to ask you what was wrong. You said you enjoyed the beauty of Paris in the spring…but you tone implied that it was anything but true. So, I wanted you to experience the blooms…no matter what the cost. As I said…making you happy is worth everything."

And Luka leaned over to Kagami…and in the shadow of a great sakura tree…they shared another kiss. And as they returned home after a wonderful week they both would never forget, Kagami was happy to have gotten the opportunity to return home to experience a memory of her youth, as well as make new memories…and Luka was happy to not only have made it possible for Kagami, but to also be a part of making those new memories…

And that ends that story! I hope you will enjoy! And if you don't…blame Happygoluckymegami! And I actually want apologize to this writer, because I used her idea and credited another writer,,,so this story was her idea!

Anyway, you comments and feedback are appreciated!