Fleur Delacour was miffed, she had been attempting to speak to Alexios Flamel, his ability to completely ignore her allure completely baffled her, it was rare for someone to be able to resist her allure but to ignore it all together was a feat she heard only a handful of wizards were able to accomplish. She wanted to see if she could learn more about the boy and had written back to her parents who had responded in confusion, it appeared that he appeared out of nowhere and the Flamels were also slowly coming back into light again. As she sat in the Great Hall eating a light breakfast she heard a rustle of feathers and saw the first wave of post owls arrive dropping off mail for the students and copies of the Daily Prophet. The front headline caught her attention immediately,


She briefly read the article before putting it down due to the nonsense that was spouted from the paper, why anyone ever read garbage like that she never knew. As she ate Aimee nudged her side,

"Look who it is, Mr. Immune."

Fleur looked up and saw Alexios Flamel walk into the great hall and ignored the looks and the whispers which started up by his appearance and took a seat at the Slytherin table. She was confused as she was unable to locate the blond-haired boy that was usually with him at all times before she saw the boy walk into the hall and take a seat next to the Flamel Heir. An owl dropped off a copy of the prophet and a letter to the blonde boy next to him. Curiously she noticed the blonde boy smirk at the paper before he showed it to Flamel who just shook his head and went back to his meal before he was yet again interrupted but this time by the boy showing Flamel his letter this time who actually smirked and said something to the boy before her sight of him was cut off by a blonde haired girl she had occasionally seen hanging around the duo.

-Line Break-

The rest of the week passed quickly for Harry, dealing mainly with classes which took little to no effort at all, he quickly found himself a new project to work on, fixing the marauders map. Harry knew that the map was made when his dad and friends were in school and figured that it would take him a couple of hours to make it again or at least solve the issue with the map, but after 2 days nothing he did seemed to fix the map at all. Draco was also not in the best of moods after Daphne Greengrass had joined their exercise sessions in the mornings, she seemed to enjoy taunting Malfoy whenever she was able to accomplish something faster or better than Malfoy. He had also began to start dueling practice with Draco in the chamber with Regulus watching and providing some instructions on tactics. Daphne had also ha basic dueling training in the Room of Requirements when Harry had the time to instruct her. He had to admit the girl did show promise with her creativity and basic spell use, but her downside was just that, her spell use was basic. Harry knew that she had a long way to go before she was even going to be competent when it came to dueling. There were also no further incidents within the Slytherin Common room after the second incident which surprised Harry, he had assumed that it would take three attempts before the idiots in the upper years understood that they were never going to break past the wards and was slightly disappointed that he didn't get to see the outcome of the third ward scheme. The weekend was something that Harry was looking forward too, he planned on spending the time coming up with a plan to deal with Crouch and fix the Marauders map. As Harry walked into the Great Hall he noticed all eyes on him and that there was a lot of whispering, thankfully this was something he was used to so just walked over to the Slytherin table and gathered up some food and began to eat ignoring everyone around him. Draco took a seat next to Harry who just nodded at him,

"You walk fast." Draco remarked.

"You strut slow." Harry responded, Draco just smirked in response before grabbing some food. The sound of an owl approaching interrupted Draco who grabbed the Prophet and looked at the headline before showing Harry who just shrugged it off, it appeared that yet again he was the focus of the papers. He was then interrupted by Malfoy who passed a letter to him.

"It appears that father has found out about your presence at the school and wants me to befriend you." Draco said smirking.

"Well tell him you already have, might as well keep up the act." Harry responded after reading over the letter.

"I don't plan on writing him or my mother back at all this year." Draco responded going back to his breakfast.

" Malfoy, you should learn to be a bit more subtle, you need to pretend that nothing is wrong and everything's normal."

"Please, you would have a better chance of ensuring that Weasley won't blow up a cauldron in potions."

The other Slytherins sniggered at the dig towards Malfoy who merely glared at Daphne who took a seat across from Harry.

"Can I help you Ms. Greengrass?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I need some help with my dueling, I want to learn more complex spell patterns." Daphne responded grabbing some food.

Harry nodded, "I'll help you on Monday, I'm busy today and tomorrow, have my own stuff to work on."

Before Daphne could respond, Hedwig flew in followed by two more owls who dropped off a large package that looked like a broom. Harry took the letter from Hedwig before giving her a piece of bacon as the owl nipped his ear affectionately before hopping up onto his shoulder and ate the bacon.

Daphne looked at the owl curiously who just stared back a the girl, something that unnerved the girl and for some odd reason she couldn't help but feel intimidated by the owl.

Harry merely looked up at Daphne sensing her discomfort before looking over at Malfoy who was looking at him trying to hold back a smirk.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"Your owl, why does it keep staring at me?" Daphne asked.

Harry merely shrugged in response before opening up the letter.

Draco couldn't help but laugh at the situation, "Just look away Greengrass, this is a battle that you will never win."

Harry tuned them out and started to read the letter.


Firstly, you will have noticed the broom looking package, consider it a gift from Perenelle and I for giving us something useful to do again. Secondly, we have received many betrothal contracts for you, and I won't lie some of them are very tempting, granted from what you've said there's a certain blonde that has caught your eye. Anyways to more pressing issues, we have been contacting our old allies within the Wizgamot and are attempting to sow the seeds of our political comeback but remember this will take time even with the Malfoy boys help. The easiest way for us to do this is for you to get close to the grey and light families, turning the light families to grey is going to be easier then turning the dark families. For starters I would try to talk with the Bones, Zabinis, Smiths and the Boots. There is also the Greengrasses, but it appears you already have started on that path is no need for me to encourage you anymore. As for the light families the Longbottom's, and Potters will be the easiest to sway, and with the Potters comes Black. I know your reluctance to work with them given your history but having them on our side and their political clout will do us wonders, especially if you are planning on getting rid of Fudge. I'm not saying to approach them right now, but to just consider the benefits that will have for us. If you have any updates regarding any events that occur in the school do not hesitate to contact us right away.

- Nicholas

Harry looked over the letter one more time before tearing open the broom and stared at it in wonder. Sitting there was a brand new Firebolt Ultra, the faster better version of the Firebolt and the fastest broom on the market. After the war had broken out Harry didn't have much of chance to fly and enjoy the feeling of freedom he had when he was on a broom. Harry could hear Draco whistle out loud upon seeing the broom.

"That is a beauty, Flamels sent got it for you?"

"Yeah as a thank you." Harry said before realizing that Daphne was listening in on the conversation. "Well I'm off to the library, I won't be back in the common room till later."

Hedwig took flight and few back to the owlery as Harry got up and left to the library unaware that both Daphne and Fleur were watching him go.

-Line Break-

As Harry sat in the library going over books to figure out what was wrong with the marauders map, he felt a sense of nostalgia rush through him remembering all the times that he Hermione and Ron would be in there studying, well Hermione studying while Harry and Ron would mess around not taking things seriously. He regretted not being a better student, maybe it would have helped him win the fight against Voldemort, he sighed before grabbing another book and combing through it to try and get a better understanding of how the map was made and what spells went into it. He also had finally come up with a suitable plan to deal with Crouch and get Moody back, it would have to be after Melissa's name came out of the Goblet but it would ensure that everything in this timeline would go to plan. He was interrupted by Draco who took a seat at the table that Harry was at and looked at the books and map on the table.

"Trying to fix the map?" Draco asked looking over the books.

Harry just leaned back and rubbed his eyes, "Yeah, I was never good at Arithmancy, so this is turning out to be a lot more work than I anticipated."

"I wish I could help but I never took Arithmancy, so I won't be of any use." Draco said reading through one of the books a look of confusion on his face.

"Look, I need you to start a list of the families you know are Dark, Grey and Light. I need a list of students that currently attend school here and the chances of them turning to our side." Harry told Draco who looked up in interest.

"Well I know of one that can be of use, the Greengrasses." Draco said with a smirk before continuing. "She's looking for you."

"Well she knows where I am." Harry responded simply before looking through another book.

"What are your plans with her? Are you going to help her as well?" Draco asked curiously.

"I'm saving everyone here Malfoy, was she a Death Eater?" Harry asked looking at Draco.

"You don't know do you. It happened during the holidays of 6th year, she never returned with her sister, turns out they were attacked for not joining the Dark Bastard. I was too young to go there but I heard what happened, they killed Cyrus Greengrass right away but kept the girls and their mom alive for hours, you can imagine what went on." Draco trailed off looking sick remembering what he heard.

Harry stared off feeling anger at knowing what had happened and looked at Draco, "I'm going to make sure that it doesn't happen again, no one is going to suffer because foo that son of a bitch."

Draco looked at Harry and nodded before getting up and walking away, needing some fresh air after reliving some of the things he saw and did when he was a Death Eater.

Harry meanwhile just stared at the table, feeling numb. He couldn't help but wonder the fate of those he didn't get to see, the ones who didn't die fighting for the light. He knew that the entire war and loss was due to his inability to act and inability to not stop Voldemort and he swore to himself that it wouldn't happen again. He got up and walked over to put away some of the books he collected and looked to grab more before he heard someone clear their throat behind him.

"You know I didn't actually think you would be in the library." Daphne Greengrass remarked looking at him curiously.

"I'm sure you heard me when I said I was going to the library so it's not my problem if you went somewhere else to look."

"I need to talk to you regarding compensation." Daphne said looking at him.

"Compensation for what?" Harry asked not looking up from the book he was looking at.

"You saved my life Flamel, not only that you warded not only my room but my sisters as well, hell half of the younger years owe you a debt now that you made their lives easier." Daphne explained.

Harry sighed, "Look Greengrass, I didn't do what I do for recognition or to get people to owe me debts, I did it because it's right and its kind, just that, it's kind. You don't owe me anything, I believed we already talked about this."

"Say what you will, but I won't stop insisting until you give me a chance to repay you." Daphne said leaning back and crossing her arms.

Harry just sighed before grabbing another book and looking at the cover

"Arithmancy? I don't recall you being in that class." Daphne said looking at him curiously after reading the cover of the book he was looking at.

"I'm not, I'm just working on something that I got from a friend. It isn't working though, and I need to figure it out but I'm rubbish at Arithmancy." Harry admitted as he pulled some more books.

Daphne followed him as he took a seat and pushed the books to one side of the table.

"What is it you're working on?" Daphne asked curiously.

Harry regarded her before moving the map and showing her. "This map if it works properly should show the entire map of Hogwarts and show every person of every moment of everyday."

Daphne looked at the map then at Harry with a raised eyebrow. Harry couldn't help but chuckle.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Pressing his wand to the map which began to slowly show the map, or at least parts of that weren't broken. "This is where it doesn't seem to work." Harry said frustrated and leaning back in his chair.

Daphne leaned forward and took a look at the map, "I can help you; I've been taking Arithmancy since last year, second best grade in our year."

"Whose first?"

"Hermione Granger." Daphne said with a scowl. "But I do plan on beating her this year."

"What can I do to repay you for helping me?" Harry asked, knowing how Slytherins work.

Daphne looked at him, "Nothing, you saved my life, helped me and my sister as well as helping me get better at defending myself. You never let me repay you as you clearly stated earlier so consider this repayment, granted it is nowhere near enough, but it is a start."

Harry looked at her before nodding, "So far these are the charms I figured are used on the map itself." Harry said passing over a piece of parchment.

Daphne looked over the list and nodded, "Well there isn't anything too complex, so there shouldn't be a reason why it isn't working. Do you have any idea as to why it isn't working?"

"No, I have a couple ideas but nothing that's certain." Harry admitted shaking his head.

"Well, let's get started." Daphne said with a small smirk.

-Line Break-

"Come on, we already have so much to do." Hermione exclaimed dragging Melissa through the library.

"Mione it's the first week, don't you think you're overreacting a little?" Melissa whined back.

"Do you want to ensure that we stay at the top of our grade? Daphne Greengrass beat you in all classes last year barring DADA. It also looks like we have completion with Alexios Flamel." Hermione explained.

"It's not like she's going to be in here first thing. I don't think that we are ever going to beat Flamel in anything, he's been privately tutored by some of the best teachers in the world." Melissa responded with a smile.

"Well it doesn't hurt to get a head start." Hermione responded as they entered the library walking over to their table near the back.

As they neared the table they noticed that it was occupied by Daphne Greengrass and Alexios Flamel. They were looking over a book together and writing notes down. Melissa looked at Hermione who just glared at her, "I told you she would be here."

Melissa just shook her head and walked over to the pair to introduce herself to the Flamel heir and to say hi to Daphne, while they weren't exactly friends, their parent's friendship ensured they saw each other, and they were acquaintances at the very least.

"Hi Daphne." Hermione said reaching the table.

Hermione received no response which annoyed the girl but made Melissa chuckle realizing that they were under a silencing charm she merely waved at Daphne who saw the movement out of the corner of her eye. She saw who it was and nodded before nudging Flamel in the side who looked up and froze very quickly seeing both Hermione and her standing there. He waved his hand dispelling the charm around them, what surprised Melissa was that he was able to do it wandlessly and without saying a word.

"Hermione, Melissa how are you?' Daphne asked drawing back Melissa's attention.

"We're good, already studying?" Melissa asked the blonde.

"Yes, helping Alexios here with some Arithmancy." Daphne said gesturing to the boy next to her who seemed to be staring at Hermione a look of sadness on his face who was busy looking at the titles of the books on the desk.

"Oh, I didn't know that you were in Arithmancy." Hermione said now looking at the Flamel Heir.

Alexios who know realized the others were now looking at him responded, "I'm not, it is a project for an old friend of mine, and I am useless in the field of Arithmancy and Ms. Greengrass here offered her assistance."

Daphne couldn't help but be impressed at how quickly Alexios donned a neutral face in front of the girls. She could tell that he was unnerved by the two girls in front of him. Normally attention was brought to Melissa Potter, but Alexios seemed more focused on Hermione Granger.

"Sorry my name is Hermione Granger." Hermione introduced with a handout.

Alexios regarded her before nodding and taking her hand slowly, "Alexios Flamel."

Once again Daphne did not miss the way he had said her name and knew that there was something going on with Alexios Flamel and it had to do with the muggleborn witch in front of him.

Melissa looked at the boy in front of her and also extended a hand in greeting. "Melissa Potter."

Alexios once again looked at the girl before accepting her hand as well, "Alexios Flamel."

-Line Break-

Harrys eyes widened as he looked up and saw Melissa Potter and Hermione Granger standing before him. He looked at Hermione and felt a wave of guilt and sadness wash over him, remembering the last things she ever said to him. 'Always be Kind.'

As he was consumed by his thoughts he didn't realize that the conversation between the 3 girls had shifted to him, he quickly regained his composure and shook Hermione's hand, fighting back the bile and the tears. He then was introduced to Melissa Potter, the Girl who Lived, he had to admit she looked normal. She seemed happier, he assumed that's what having a family that cared for you was able to do. He took her hand and instantly felt a spark and knew instantly that their magical cores were attempting to connect to each other, they were near identical in that regard. He could tell that she felt it by the expression on her face and quickly let go.

Unaware of the connection felt by the two who had just shaken hands, Hermione leaned forward attempting to see what they were working on, which Harry quickly covered with a book.

"DO you two need any help? Melissa and I are competent in Arithmancy as well." Hermione said looking at Harry curiously before looking at Daphne.

Daphne looked at Harry knowing that the choice to include them was solely up to him and not her.

"Thank you, but I think that Daphne and I can manage." Harry said smiling at them weakly.

Daphne was relived, while she would never admit it, she was a little infatuated by the boy and did not mind spending more one on one time with him.

Hermione looked a little sad while Melissa still unable to comprehend the feeling she had just nodded and dragged Hermione away, "Well it was nice seeing you Daphne and nice meeting you Alexios."

Daphne looked over at Flamel who looked frazzled and dejected, "You alright?"

"Yeah, look I'm going to go and clear my head, I plan on working on this tomorrow if you want to come and help me tomorrow." Alexios said getting up and gathering his things.

Daphne looked at him curiously, "For sure I'll meet you in the great hall for breakfast."

Alexios nodded before walking off.

'Interesting.' Daphne thought, 'Another piece to the puzzle of Harry Potter. Just who are you exactly.'