Hi people, this will be my first proper attempt at a Harry Potter Fanfiction, if you have read some of my stuff before I had some ideas but never got around to finishing it, I decided to delete a lot of my stories which I couldn't bring myself to finish and just left Betrayal up as it was my only completed story. I hope to finish this as I've been wanting to write this for a while but never got around to it. This is loosely based off of I'm Still Here by kathryn518, I would recommend reading that story it's not finished and don't know if it ever will be, but it is a great story. Anyways here it is.

Harry Potter woke up with a headache, unsure of where he was.

"Blimey, where am I?" He asked himself looking around and noticed something severely wrong, he was not in the same body as he had been in previously,

"What the hell?" Harry said aloud looking over his body, the body of a 14-year-old. The memories before he had passed out came rushing back to him, the war going on for years neither side winning or losing. Losses were commonplace, losing his friends and eventually family he had that stuck with him through out the war. He got up slowly looking around.

"Knockturn Alley? Well could have ended up in more dangerous location. All 3 wands are on me that's good, wandless casting works, and looks like I have all the inner magic I had before I got sent back, that's going to be bloody useful. Good trunk is still there as well. Better put on a glamour just in case. " Harry said quietly to himself while walking out of the alleyway.

He ended up in Diagon Alley and noticed how busy the streets were. He walked out and joined the crowd keeping his head down and curiously wondered what the date was and approached a board and noticed an issue of the Daily Prophet on the ground and picked it up.

Attack at Quidditch World Cup

A terrible scene and this years Quidditch World Cup as several figures appeared and attacked the general populace. After the attacks A dark mark was scene in the sky and the implications of this are severe. Head Auror Black had this to say, 'We are investigating the crime and looking to find these individuals who have caused the attack, we urge anyone with any knowledge to please come forward and give statements in order to help solve this crime.'

Harry was at a loss; Sirius was alive and an Auror?

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Harry asked himself and ran towards Flourish and Blotts to look for a certain book.

"Daph come on you said we would only be in here for 10 minutes, its been 11 minutes now lets go." Astoria Greengrass whined to her older sister who was currently looking at purchasing some more novels to read.

"I am almost done looking Tori we will be out of here soon." Daphne Greengrass said whilst putting back the book she was holding.

She brushed her blonde hair aside and walked up to the counter and got in line to purchase the items she had in her hands. She absent mindedly looked around.

"So, where did you want to go after?" She asked her little sister.

"I don't know anywhere but a book shop, book shops are the worst." Astoria responded playing with her wand.

"Don't do that, god knows you may accidently hurt someone with a spell." Daphne scolded grabbing her sisters wand from her.

"Geez what's got you so worked up?" Astoria asked.

Daphne ignored her as a boy came bursting into the store looking around wildly. He ran up to the shelves and started scanning and grabbed a book and started to flip through the pages before he collapsed and covered his hands with his face.

'Strange' she thought to herself and handed over the books to pay for them.

-Line Break-

Harry was at a loss at what he was reading his parents were alive and had a daughter named Melissa who had survived a killing curse after his grandparents had been killed by Voldemort, more over Melissa had siblings, twin brothers who were 6 years younger than her. Everything started to make sense, he now knew what Voldemort was doing when he had found him.


Harry walked slowly wrapped around his invisibility cloak and observed Voldemort who seemed to be casting various spells into the ground.

'What you are doing moldyshorts.' Harry thought to himself as he circled Voldemort slowly. He noticed a book on the ground next to Voldemort who was chanting in a language he didn't recognize and noticed the bodies of several dead death eaters strewn around the ground.

'What in the world happened.' Harry thought to himself.

He slowly walked out of the shadows and pulled out his wands and began to fire a multitude of curses towards Voldemort who failed to notice him. As the spells neared Voldemort they were stopped by a barrier that seemed to placed around him, alerting Voldemort of Harry's presence.

"Harry Potter, here at last. You are too late, I will be rid of you once and for all and rule in a new world, one where I will rule and you will no longer exist a world without The Boy-Who-Lived!"

"What is this Tom, another plot to be rid of me yeah right." Harry yelled back.

"Insolent little welp, the ritual is complete I will emerge and be known as the conqueror and rule the world and you cannot stop me." Voldemort yelled before casting multiple curses at Harry.

Harry shielded the spells flying at him and conjured up cover for himself as he crouched down thinking of a new plan.

"Goodbye Harry Potter, enjoy your broken world." Voldemort called out and he was gone. Harry looked up confused and walked towards the now pulsing portal on the ground where Voldemort stood. He scanned his wand over the barrier and reached out with his hand. An explosion of magic propelled him backwards and he crashed into his own barrier.

'Shit' He thought to himself. "Dobby!"

The small house elf appeared concerned for Harry.

"Harry are you okay?" Dobby asked helping Harry to his feet.

"I'm fine we have the go through together, we can't let him do this to another world, can you help me break through this barrier?" Harry asked his loyal house elf.

"Would I be here if I couldn't? Come on let's get you up." Dobby replied helping his friend up.

They both used their magic to bring down the barrier and before stepping into the portal Harry turned to Dobby and spoke to him.

"I don't know what will happen, but if I don't see you right away I'll call you to me, we are bonded by magic now so hopefully we can meet again, if not it has been an honour my friend. Dobby there has never been a more loyal house elf." Harry spoke smiling at his most loyal friend.

"It has been an honour knowing you as well, I will see you on the other side, no matter what side that it may be." Dobby replied and they stepped into the portal together.

End Flashback

"Right Dobby!" Harry said aloud as the house elf appeared before him.

"My friend, you made it through, but you appear to me much younger than before." Dobby said looking curiously at him.

"So do you Dobby, where did you end up?" Harry asked.

"I was in the Hogwarts kitchens, working when I felt your pull. "Dobby responded before sticking a handout to help Harry up.

Harry pulled out his wand and performed a simple privacy charm around them and spoke to Dobby,

"It appears we came back in time, any theories on how that may have happened?" Harry asked Dobby.

"I am not entirely sure; it appears I have been merged with the memories of the Dobby of this world. It appears that Miss Potter freed me the same way you had in you're second year." Dobby said looking around.

"Well we should make sure we do things right so we don't have a repeat of what happened in our old world. For now, you should go back to Hogwarts and work there, it seems like I can call you whenever so for now keep doing what you're doing. I will see you later." Harry said before Dobby nodded and popped away.

Harry got up to walk out of the store when he noticed a blonde witch staring at him. Emerald eyes meet piercing blue eyes and Harry felt a spark. He recognized the girl from his years in school, but could not place a name with the face, he merely turned and walked out of the store.

-Line Break-

Daphne Greengrass watched the exchange between the young wizard and a house elf curiously, she couldn't hear anything that they were saying but it was clear that they were close by the way they respected each other which was strange considering that one of the individuals was a house elf. As she saw the elf disappear and the boy get up to leave they locked eyes and she was mesmerized by the most stunning emerald eyes she had ever seen. She had never seen the boy before but was instantly drawn to him curious as to who he was. He broke the eye contact and left the store, she sighed and hoped that she would see her again even though she had not once spoken a word to him.

"Come on Daph let's go home mom and dad are probably waiting for us to get home." Astoria said while walking out of the store.

As they walked back to the apparition point she looked around to see if she could spot the boy she saw earlier.

"Looking for that guy in the store? Crushing on him already?" Astoria asked smirking up at her sister.

Daphne scoffed, "Crush? Hardly I was merely interested as the why he was interacting with his house elf in that manner, it's not normal behavior and I was curious as to why."

"Whatever you say sis, by the way are you planning on trying out for the seeker position on the Slytherin quidditch team this year? You know you're a hell of a lot better then Malfoy."

"I would but the fact that Malfoy has the team bought makes it a lot harder for me to try out, there is a reason that no one else try's out for the seeker position."

"Well if he didn't would you? You're good Daph you can rival Melissa Potter when you're at you're best."

"I'll consider it, but with studies being what it is I will have to see."

"On the topic of quidditch what do you think everything at the world cup was about? Mom just thinks its some drunkard messing around."

"A drunkard who attacks people and disappears whilst casting the dark mark in the sky, I doubt that. My guess is that some old Death Eaters are coming back out of hiding, they've been active since Pettigrew escaped."

"Well you ne-"

Astoria was cut off by a scream, as several cloaked individuals with mask appeared in the alley, Death Eaters.

"Tori run we have to run." Daphne yelled at her sister as they ran towards the apparition point.

They ran and were almost there when a Death Eater appeared in front of them stopping the girls on spot.

"Well well well if it isn't the Greengrass girls, The Dark Lord will be pleased, having the Daughters of Cyrus Greengrass who opposed him last time around. Come along girls and I won't hurt you." The Death Eater told them brandishing his wand at the girls.

Daphne pushed Astoria behind her before pulling out her own wand,

"You better stay back; I know how to fight and I'm not afraid of you."

The Death Eater laughed, "a little fight in you I like that."

Before Daphne could even raise her wand she was struck by the cruciatus curse and felt pain that she never felt before and could not help the scream that she let out. Astoria was stuck frozen in place unsure of what to do. She pulled out her wand before being struck by the Death Eater in front of her.

"Hahaha, you too both have some fight in you, as I said before I like that."

"Then your gonna love me." A voice called out.

Astoria turned around and saw a figure wearing what looked to be a combat cloak and a hood over their head, the only thing visible through the hood were burning emerald eyes which glowed with fire.

The Death Eater looked up shocked, before steeling his nerves and turning his wand to the man before being struck by multiple curses. In a matter of moments, the Death Eater was dead.

Astoria was terrified as she clutched her sister who was still spasming from the curse. She did not notice the man crouch next to her.

"Is she hurt?" The man asked.

"Yes she was struck with the cruciatus curse."

"How long."

"Only for a couple of seconds will she be okay?"

"She seems like shes strong, she will be fine. You need to move and get out of here with her. Try to get to the app-"

The man was cut off as he was bombarded by spells from the Death Eaters who had finally noticed one of their own had been slain.

"Kill him he just killed Nott." A Death Eater yelled out before casting more curses.

"Damn, stay behind me and protect your sister." The man said before getting up to face the Death Eaters.

-Line Break-

Harry left the store and walked into a small alley way and pulled out his chest, casting the necessary spells and using his magical aura to open the chest and rummaged through it. He got his combat clothes out and transfigured them into the sizes that would fit him and got ready to head out again. He needed a way to get into Hogwarts but how, posing as a student would be the easiest was to do it but he didn't exactly know how he would it.

'Try to find a family,' He thought to himself, 'it would work but at the same time it wouldn't due to the fact that he would need to convince Dumbledore that he was from this time and not let him into his mind.'

"Well I can always think of something I have some time right now." Harry said alo9ud before getting ready to walk out of the alley when he heard it, screaming of the people. He ran and peered out of the edge of the alleyway he was in and saw them, around 20 Death Eaters and he couldn't help but smile.

"Finally, I can kill some dark fuckers." Harry said to himself while smiling and got out his combat robes and stepped out casting lethal curses towards the Death Eaters who were not paying attention to him and taking them down. As he was fighting he heard a scream and couldn't help but turn and look and saw a Death Eater standing over a girl using the cruciatus curse on her. He couldn't help but feel angry and felt his magic pulse off of him and ran over to the Death Eater in question.

As he got closer he saw the Death Eater hit a smaller girl causing her to fall next to the other girl who was spasming after being struck by the curse.

"Hahaha, you too both have some fight in you, as I said before I like that." He heard the Death Eater say.

Harry couldn't help the response that came out of his mouth, "Then you're gonna love me."

As soon as the man looked up and as soon as he started to raise his wand Harry struck, casting multiple bone breaking hexes before adding a cutting curse aimed at the mans neck killing him instantly. He ran towards the girls and knelt down, examining the girl before noticing who she was, the girl from the store, and then looked at the other girl who shared a striking resemblance and assumed they were sisters.

"Is she hurt?" Harry asked.

"Yes, she was struck with the cruciatus curse."

"How long."

"Only for a couple of seconds will she be okay?"

"She seems like she's strong, she will be fine. You need to move and get out of here with her. Try to get to the app-"

He was cut off as felt spells incoming and erected a shield that absorbed the spells. It appeared the other Death Eaters had noticed what he did and wanted revenge.

"Damn, stay behind me and protect your sister." Harry said before getting up and pulling out his second wand.

He used one to shield and the other to fight back, shielding and cursing at any Death Eater that he saw. The nice thing about being in a younger body with no injuries hampering him was that he was faster and more fluid then he had been in the old world, coupled with his comfort in fighting again meant he was having fun again in war.

Astoria looked up in awe at the sight in front of her, single handily this man was holding off near 15 Death Eaters and taking down their numbers as he was fighting back with an intensity that he had never seen before.

Daphne who was slowly recovering looked up at the man who saved her sister and couldn't help but be impressed. She had looked into the mans' eyes as she was recovering and was shocked at the flames behind them and couldn't help but feel fear as to what would happen.

Harry meanwhile was fighting like a mad man moving and ensuring the shield he placed in front of the sisters was up as well as the shield in front of himself whilst casting offensive spells at the same time. Feeling himself getting tired slowly and knew he needed to do something fast and decided to cast a powerful reductor at a Death Eater who was struck head on and lost the upper half of his body. This seemed to surprise the Death Eaters who saw what happened to their comrade and began to second guess their decision to fight.

"Aurors, leave now." A Death Eater yelled before taking a portkey out.

"Of course, they have portkeys," Harry said aloud before going back to the girls and checking on them.

"The aurors are here now, tell them everything that happened, I need to leave." Harry said before attempting to get up and leave.

He looked down and noticed a deep cut on his thigh which was now bleeding heavily.

"You're hurt, you need to go to the hospital." The older of the two who had finally seemed to be recovering from the curse.

"I will be fine, you need to go to the hospital Ms." Harry stopped not knowing her name.

"Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass and this is my sister, Astoria Greengrass." Daphne said.

"I hope you recover quickly miss, you two were both very brave." Harry said before sensing a spell coming towards him again. He quickly erected a shield but turning so suddenly caused him to fall due to the pain in his thigh which was cut very deep.

He saw multiple aurors converging on him before deciding that leaving would be his best bet and willed himself to go using an ancient form of wizard traveling and leaving as multiple stunners struck where he was.

"Wait he had nothing to do with the Death Eaters he stopped them." A new voice spoke out coming out of the shadows of the alley.

The aurors turned their wands instantly.

"Come out with your wand up and hands up." An auror commanded.

From the shadow stepped out Melissa Potter, The-Girl-Who-Lived.

"He helped them and made sure they were safe, I saw it." Melissa said nervously as she noticed her father amongst the aurors.

"Melissa what in the world are you doing here?" James Potter asked.

"I couldn't just leave I saw what happened and wanted to try and help." Melissa replied.

"You could've been hurt or killed, come on let's get you home, Frank can you help the Greengrass girls, their father will most likely be looking for them, take them to my house, I'll inform Cyrus where they will be." James Potter replied.

"Sounds good, come on girls lets get you out of here." Auror Longbottom said walking up to the girls and helping them up.

Daphne Greengrass was stunned, and in pain, she had been saved by a man she did not know but now knew something when looking into his eyes, it was the same person she had seen in the store and she was more determined to discover his identity.

Here is the end of this chapter, I will be going into more detail about each character's past and what happened to them in relation to Harry and the war. This will be a Harry and Daphne story only, no other pairings for Harry unless something else comes up. I know that this chapter was rushed, and I hope that the following chapters will be more detailed as I get more and more into writing this story for you all. I hope you all enjoyed this and hope you tune in for more Thanks!