Disclaimer: I don't own Oregairu. Also yes, this is an incest fic.

It was Christmas Eve, the most awaited night for the normalfags.

If you took a walk outside, you would find that the number of couples frolicking the streets had dramatically increased, flaunting their success by showcasing their partners for all to see. The sickening smell of youth stained the cold winter air as the degree of teenage promiscuity would reach a whole new level overnight.

Even my parents had succumbed to the festive mood, booking themselves a two-night one-day reservation at an onsen by the countryside. They also made sure to personally greet their daughter a merry Christmas before they left, yet told her to impart to me the same words on their behalf.

I, Hikigaya Hachiman, on the other hand chose to remain at home, spending time playing MonHun on my PSP in the comfort of the living room sofa. I had well enough sources of frustration here, running countless quests to simply cut off tails and hopefully carve the necessary material to complete my set.

While the riajuus of the world were out there doing God knows what, right now my heart was racing from the thrilling music of an intense battle against a fire-spewing flying wyvern.

'Dammit, I didn't get a ruby again.' This desire sensor was really getting on my nerves; I had been grinding for hours now. Was this the tenth time already? RNGesus, hast thou forsaken me?

In the middle of my complaints the sound of the bathroom door swinging open reminded me that luckily, I wasn't completely alone for tonight.

"Onii-chan, I'm done! It's your turn now!"

As I laid back on the sofa with the gaming console in my hands, I paused my game and looked to find the best little sister in the world standing by the doorway to the living room. Her hair was still dripping wet, fresh from the bath which she had taken quite a long time to do as always. However, one thing was off from the usual routine…

"Why are you only dressed like that?"

The small and delicate body of my sister had nothing but a white towel draped around her figure, with the contrast of the fabric's color going well with her complexion. It snugged her body from right above her chest and ended just enough to keep her appearance somewhat passable to tag as "safe for work." She obviously still had some space in a certain department for her to fill in as she grew thus she had to hold onto it for now.

"Oh, while I was reaching for my clothes earlier they fell on the floor and got wet." She replied, motioning to her other hand holding her pajamas that were indeed a bit soaked.

Now, had she been a different girl I would've berated her for it. But you see, clumsy little sisters had a sort of appeal to it that you just couldn't get mad at them so easily. That's just how it worked.

"Alright, I'll go and take a bath now." I set down my PSP on the coffee table and took my change of clothes I had prepared beforehand. I stood up, stretching my arms above my head. "You should go get dressed right now or you might catch a cold."

"Aye aye, Onii-chan!" Komachi followed it with a lively salute.

And that's when it happened.

She had used the hand that served as the sole clamp for the gesture. The towel immediately went undone and fell at her feet for me to see her now fully exposed bare-naked body, my jaw dropping to the floor with the same speed.

"KYAAA-!" Komachi unleashed an ear-splitting screech with her voice, both her arms moving in unison to cover those which she couldn't so brazenly show. I quickly spun around to look away and give her an opportunity to flee to her room, as well as a window for me to calm my rapidly beating heart and hide the blush that marred my face.

The shuffling of her feet grew softer as she retreated upstairs, followed by the loud slamming of her door.I then let go of the breath I hadn't realized I had been holding onto.

See what I meant? Didn't I tell you that clumsy little sisters had their own charm?

Once the coast was finally clear I sat down first and spent a moment to regain my composure.

I had always been stuck with Komachi since we were young, taking care of her in our parents' stead whenever they were hindered by their work schedule. Sure, I bathed with her before numerous times, it was normal for skinship to occur at a young age after all. Upon growing up as close siblings together I had always acknowledged the fact that she was a member of the opposite sex, but...

It was merely a glimpse, the sight of her exposed form lasting no longer than a second, but those supple curves and her smooth-looking skin... they had all been carved into memory perfectly, allowing me to vividly recollect her image at my disposal.

Her breasts weren't that small like those of a certain person I know, but they weren't that big either. If I were Goldilocks, then I would have to say her size belonged in the "just right" category. They were perky and bounced along with her quick movement when she had crouched down to reach for her towel, perfectly matching her liveliness. Her nipples were bright pink and seemed to be erect in a beautiful display. Whether it was from the water's temperature, the friction from the fabric or the sudden exposure, I never knew.

A-and that part that was usually pixelated… It sort of resembled a peach with a slight pinkish hue, bearing no traces of hair at all much like what I've observed in various media. I could somehow tell that it looked wonderful, despite having never seen another more-developed one before for comparison. At least now I understood why flowers were sometimes used to allude to the female genitalia.

It was strange. Sometimes Komachi would outright strip in front of me, but I wouldn't feel anything at all. I'd see her cute underwear lying around, or maybe she was walking around wearing nothing but those on, nonetheless they never had these effects on me before.

Perhaps it was because of the underwear that I had never felt this way. Those last few articles of clothing were the final walls that had always separated me from taboo thoughts, and now that I had caught a glimpse of the other side after a short while of that barrier being down things would never be the same again.

'No, no, no… Keep it together. You're siblings Hachiman, BLOOD-RELATED SIBLINGS.' I mentally reprimanded myself, slapping some sense into my head. But c'mon, let's all be honest here:

Did that fact ever stop me from pursuing the imouto route on my visual novels?

'Dammit, things will be a bit weird for a while...'

I let out another sigh, wondering how things would be like for now. It would definitely take some time for the tension between us to die down, and I doubted either of us would be able to forget about what just happened.

'Perhaps some cold water and a long dip would clear my mind…'

As I stood back to my feet, the painful bulge I saw told me that for the first time in a while, I was certainly going to spend a little longer in the bath.

Well, so I had expected.

I sat on a stool inside the bathroom, thinking things over again and again. If I had started to masturbate to the thoughts and images of my little sister, I doubted I would ever only do it once. With the current situation between us and the frequency of us meeting, add that to the time of my life where my hormones were most active, even I had no faith in my own self-control. Plus, Komachi's appeal was way stronger than Yuigahama's slut power.

If I gave in now, I may be able to clean the stain I'd leave on the bathroom walls, but not the one in my hands.

I rinsed myself off with cold water, hoping it could wash away some of the perverted thoughts filling my head but to no avail. Not even the heat inside me waned one bit, stubbornly refusing to die down. The faint scent of her soap and fruity shampoo lingered in the air, the bathtub water she had used was still lukewarm… I had to contemplate on whether I would still be taking a dip before I got out.

Hell, it was the first time I was worried for Komachi's sake even when I was the one with her.

In the end, it was impossible for me to sit there quietly without imagining weird things so I decided against it and drained the water away. I'll admit, felt a pang of regret while watching the whirlpool swishing down the drain hole but it was probably for the best.

After my bath I returned to the living room to relax a bit longer before going to bed, and to my surprise Komachi was also there indian-sitting on the sofa. To my relief she was now more clothed, wearing one of her common loose shirts that exposed one of her black bra straps, paired with her shorts that showed a lot of skin. She had her face buried in another one of those teen magazines that upheld outrageous standards for the youth of today, something I wish she wouldn't indulge herself too much with.

I cautiously approached her, making sure my footsteps were heard so as to not spook her out. I reached for my PSP and plopped myself beside her.

"S-say," My voice immediately cracked as soon as I began talking. I cleared my throat and started off once more. "Komachi, have you thought of a present to give for Mom and Dad for Christmas?"

"Nope." Came her short response, throwing the responsibility of coming up with what to talk about back to me.

"I-I see, w-well we can just go and find one tomorrow since they won't be home yet, right?"


Another single liner from her. If my initial guess was right, then it could only mean one thing…

"Look, I-I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to see… y'know, t-that. Could you find it in your loving heart to forgive me?"

My little sister remained quiet, the rustling of the pages being flipped the only sound I was getting from her. I waited for a minute but there was no other response.

"Alright, I'll try apologizing again tomorrow, I'll be going to bed ahead of you. Good night."

"I-it's not that I'm mad at you."

Komachi finally spoke, causing me to stop from standing up mid-way. I sat back down, sighing in relief to hear that given what had happened, she at least wasn't angry at me.

"Right, but then why the cold shoulder?"

"Komachi isn't ignoring you, I'm talking to you right now, aren't I?"

"Yeah, but… I mean, you won't even look me in the eye."

With an exasperated sigh, she finally put down the magazine to show me her blushing face. She was pouting, the most obvious indication listed in my book that said something was wrong.

"Happy now? Dummy Onii-chan…" She crossed her arms over her chest, and—

Ah crap, I was starting to think about them again, wasn't I?

"Y-you're thinking about that again, weren't you!?"

"Urk, w-w-what made you say that…" Why did girls have the ability read minds anyway…

"T-there's the dirty old man glint in your rotten eyes!"

"No there isn't, that was just your imagination." I vehemently rubbed my eyes, slightly guilty of her accusation. "Look, I know you're being bothered by it and I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Komachi huffed. "But Onii-chan should really get a girlfriend already. Using your own sister to quell your thirst is bad."

"Hey, I wasn't doing any of that sort. And I don't even need a girlfriend so long as I have Koma—"

I had cut myself off but it was too late, Komachi's flustered face went redder by the second. I had to diffuse the situation before it went out of hand.

"I mean, maybe if you could teach me how to act to get a girlfriend then I might just…"

"Well, okay. I guess Komachi can do that. Hmm…" She pressed a finger on her chin, eyeing me from head to toe. To be honest, having her staring at me like that was oddly satisfying…

After a few rounds of observing me she nodded to herself, hammering her palm with her other hand as she had arrived to a conclusion.


"Right, I guess your face is your weakest point." Her verdict pierced my ego swift and true, like a psychological version of Hiratsuka-sensei's fearsome gut punch.

"Okay, stop right there. That's not helping at all."

"You're right. It's not the face that's the problem, it's your stinky eyes."

I facepalmed myself and sighed. It wasn't that I was disappointed by her findings, I've heard that countless times before.

Before I could complain, Komachi leaned towards me and held my face with both of her hands. She then turned my head to the left, then to the right as if she was trying to find something. Her eyebrows met in the middle as they furrowed, which meant she was focusing her all on whatever it was she was doing.

From that distance, I could smell again the same fruity fragrance she left at the bathroom. Her long eyelashes were seductively displayed as she blinked multiple times. Her fingers held me by my jawline, her thumbs pressing against my cheek so my lips were being pushed outward. I found myself taking furtive glances as the neckline of her shirt drooped dangerously low, revealing her small cleavage along with her black bra.

Had Komachi always been this attractive? We had been together all this time, yet only now being this close to her had I noticed how much she's matured over the years… Sure she carried some childishness in her since she was still a kid given her age, but when she was being quiet and serious like this…

"Well, if I were to be honest, Onii-chan is a really nice person who always puts others ahead of himself. He may not show it since he acts aloof, but in reality he's always cared. Maybe it's because Onii-chan doesn't know how to show it properly since nobody ever taught him how to do it before?" She smiled wide and showed me that small fang of hers.

She sure knew what to say whenever I was feeling down. They said you could always count on your family at trying times, and for me that was Komachi. Her kind words never failed to soothe my weariness when I badly needed some comforting.

"Even if your eyes are like that, I'm sure it's not a problem since you have more than enough to compensate for a little flaw like that. You're not perfect, but you're at least closer to my ideal type than most boys I know are. That much, Komachi can tell."

Her comment left me at a loss for words as she finally let go of my face. I could feel my ears burning up as my body temperature rose. That was the nicest thing I've heard from her, or anyone for that matter. I had even expected her to pull off the "tons of Komachi points" spiel and break the seriousness of the moment, but she never did. Instead she smiled at me, lovingly like she always would.

This was bad, my heart couldn't take any more of this any longer, and I think I might cry right now. I'm sorry Komachi; for the first time ever in my life I actually wished you weren't my blood-related sister.

"O-onii-chan? What's wrong?"

I lost myself in those round eyes of hers, drawn to them like a moth to a flame. My body moved on its own, getting on all fours and slowly inching forward.

"Wait, w-what are you doing?"

Komachi leaned back as I moved closer to her. The distressed look she had fed my urge to console her, to stroke her face and tell her that everything was going to be okay since her Onii-chan was here with her.

When her back hit the sofa's arm rest she stopped moving, wide eyes staring at me like a cornered rabbit trapped in its cage. My hands reached out for both of her shoulders, holding her down in place.

"O-O-Onii-chan, I-I don't think this is a good idea…"

Her voice quivered along with the rumbles from her trembling body. Her face gradually neared mine, so much so I could now feel her breathing against my skin. She closed her eyes and braced herself, I followed her example.

The softness of her lips filled my emptied thoughts. She showed no signs of resistance and remained quiet and still, accepting my advances as I continued to kiss her. I was unfazed by my inexperience, instead I relished the moment embracing the fact that I would learn of new things with Komachi as my partner.

Clumsily clamping our mouths together, we fumbled on how kissing should be properly done before we finally broke away from each other. As we were left gasping for air, I could feel a tightening in my chest where my heart was pumping harder than ever. Emotions I had long since welling up inside me were in an uproar as they tore through the surface. My mind was flooded with thoughts of her and her alone, along with the newfound understanding of why other people enjoyed something like this so much.

My longing had to be sated and I couldn't settle for just once, I craved for more and more of her now that I've had a taste of the forbidden fruit of Eden. With the sight of her in a roused and vulnerable state, who in their right mind would even be able to resist when subjected to such temptations?

I caressed her face gently with my hand, brushing the few locks of hair away and tucking them behind her ear before I closed in for another kiss.


This time, Komachi stopped me from getting closer by placing her arms on my chest. The shock from the rejection brought up a question that overwhelmed all of my burning desires:

'D-did I just force myself on my little sister?'

Of course, even if she didn't pull away before it didn't mean she was willing to do it. She might have been simply caught off-guard and didn't have enough time to react before I moved in for the kiss. I broke into a cold sweat upon the realization, a dizzying headache came that made me want to throw up.

"I-I… I-I'm sorry, Komachi. W-what was I…"

The living room felt like it was spinning, everything was moving around me and I couldn't hold onto anything for balance. My breathing went rapid; I couldn't tell if it was normal for someone under so much pressure or if I was already hyperventilating.

Then I felt someone squeeze my hand.

Amidst the blurry haze I saw my little sister before me, face stricken with worry. Now I was confused, I thought she'd hate me for doing something so stupid and sudden, but here she was looking out for me.

"I'm really sorry." I repeated, hanging my head low to not see her eye-to-eye at the moment. "I… I made us cross a line we shouldn't have. I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess, as your older brother I should be the one guiding you on the right path but… I just want to say I never regretted doing what I did even in the slightest."

I fucked up big time. If there was any relationship I'd never want to ruin, then this was exactly it. Yet I went and let myself act recklessly, destroying the one thing I treasured the most.

I hate myself. I wish I could die right now…

"I understand." Komachi spoke, scaring me half to death. I then felt her squeezing my hand tighter, causing me to look up make direct eye-contact.

"Besides, it's not like I… d-didn't like it."


Wait, did I mishear her? Did she just…

"I-I mean, what we did was… unacceptable? Unspeakable? I-I don't even know where to begin!" My body tensed up as she raised her voice. "B-but even after all that somewhere along the way, after the waves of emotions had calmed down, it sorta felt kind of… right."

My jaw dropped for the second time in a single night. I couldn't believe my ears. If this were all a dream, then God did exist and he had the worst taste in humor.

With that revelation finally out in the open we averted each other's gaze, embarrassed at how things unfolded. I sure as hell didn't expect my first Christmas Eve date being at home with my own little sister.

…crap, then I exactly couldn't flaunt this to my friends then? Oh wait, that's right, I didn't have friends in the first place.

"A-anyway… I think that doing stuff like that in the living room is a little bit… risqué. I believe it should be done elsewhere, a place more… private. Besides, it's getting cold here."

Komachi hugged herself as she shivered, cheeks tinged crimson from her suggestion. But I did get her point, making out in a place like this with a lot of openings… What if someone walked in on us? Or was watching through the window? Not to mention we were brother and sister…

"Alright, I have some thick blankets in my room that are great for keeping warm. Do you… wanna share them with me?"

I scratched my head, wondering if my offer came out awkward or desperate. I sucked at asking girls out, I mean she hasn't even taught me anything yet, right?

Still, Komachi shyly smiled at me and nodded before latching onto my arm. It was the first time a girl agreed to go with me. This day marked a lot of firsts for me.

And on top of that, she was my sister.

"Sure thing, Onii-chan."

Oh well, that wasn't particularly important to me. It's just as the saying went…

A/N: I'd aim for lewder things, but FFN might take it down like some great stories in the past. Shit happens I guess.

Also, if you've seen my other works then you'd know I'm an OreImo fan too, so if we're not taking the Yui route then imouto route is definitely the next best pick for Hachiman. Incest is WINcest.

I absolutely love Komachi, and I just want her to have a happy ending too. And while we're at it, I hope someone throws one out for Rumi too.

Aaaaand Komachi can't get married now. Well, married to anyone else except Hachiman anyway.

Until next time~