Sasuke didn't understand how Sarada went from promising that she'll marry him when she grows up, because her papa was "strong and cool", to saying that she will marry his "super-strong and super-cool" friend and rival, Naruto.

Alternatively: Sarada is amazed that Naruto has a fluffy fox in his stomach and announces their engagement, causing Sasuke to have a complete break from reality.

[Short-story. Featuring the Uchiha and Uzumaki families, as well as Kakashi being a troll.]

Chapter 1: Sarada's Decleration!


When Sarada is three-years-old, Sakura asks Sasuke to change a lightbulb in their daughter's bedroom, too pre-occupied with preparing dinner to do it herself.

The young girl watches in amazement as Papa uses chatra to climb up the ceiling and easily fixes the problem. She can't believe he can do such an awesome ninja-thing! She promptly decides that her father is really, really cool!

Sasuke smirks, revelling in the admiration shining in his daughter's wide eyes. That admiration is only meant for Sasuke; Sarada spares such eyes for no one besides him. He actively makes sure of it.

The door creaks open, and Sakura comes in with a plate full of cookies for Sarada to enjoy. The young girl, however, is too focused on Sasuke to care about sweet things at that moment.

"Mama!" Sarada suddenly calls when she notices the presence of the pink-haired woman. She runs to her mother, but trips slightly on the way, nearly giving Sakura a heart attack. However, the girl catches herself with surprisingly fast reflexes for a toddler.

Sasuke leans against the wall, watching the scene play out with soft eyes. Sakura crouches to her daughter's level to listen to whatever she wants to say.

"Are Mama and Papa married?" Sarada questions, impatient. She still hasn't gotten the hang of speaking in second person, something her parents think is adorable.

Sakura furrows her eyebrows. She starts to say, "Of course—"

"Why?" Sarada interjects, staring at her mother with puppy-dog eyes.

Sakura blinks. Then she blushes a light peach, glancing between Sasuke and the child that was the result of their marriage. "Well," she begins. "I married your father because I love him..." she finishes shyly.

"Why does Mama love Papa?"

"That's a big question, sweetie," Sakura laughs nervously, a little worried that her answer would be inadequate.

She takes a breath to compose herself.

"Well, when I first met your father I loved him because I thought he was strong and cool, but then I began to love him because—"

Sarada stops listening. "I think Papa's strong and cool!" she exclaims, turning to look at her father. "So, when I'm bigger, I'm going to marry Papa!"

Sasuke's face shows an uncharacteristic influx of emotions. Sakura has only seen such emotions a handful of times by her husband, and a grin reaches her lips.

She sputters, humoring her daughter. "But Sarada!" she says. "I'm married to Papa! Both of us can't be married to him!"

"Sorry Mama," Sarada apologizes, face serious, as if she's an adult. "I'm marrying Papa."

Sasuke, on the other hand, bends down to his daughter's level. "That's perfect," he tells her, grabbing her hand. "Now none of those stupid pests called boys can ever take Papa's princess away."

Sakura sweat-drops nervously, thinking, Oh dear...

Sarada, however, sympathizes with her father.

"Boys are stupid," she agrees, before correcting herself, "Only Papa isn't stupid!"

(Little did Sasuke know that his idiot best friend, Naruto, would take his sweet princess from him.)


This short story is solely fluffy crack, featuring the adorable families of SasuSakuSara and NaruHinaBoruHima. Also, Team 7 bonding with Hokage Kakashi is something you should look forward to ;)
