"I don't need it."

'You need it.'

"I don't need it."

'You need it.'

"I don't need it!"

'You need it.'

"I need it."

'You need it.'

"'Oh Cod, do I need it...'"

Another lazy Tuesday morning. Callie loved lazy Tuesday mornings like this. She could get away with just doing...nothing. It'd been a while since she or Marie had even done anything overly idol-like. Marie said that they were "retired", after their own final Splatfest went as wrong as it did, but Callie was sure she just didn't want to talk with those bigwigs in suits in the studio. "Retired"...Callie was never a fan of that word. She enjoyed being an idol too much to give it up...even if she did slack off quite a few times over the years. Today, of course, being one of those times.

Crumpled on the couch like a ragdoll, Callie let her limbs dangle loosely off of the edge of the couch, eyes glued to the tv screen above the fireplace. It was on, obviously, and showing one of those shows where Inklings ran an obstacle course above a giant pit of water. Something those humans used to do, but a bit more dangerous here. Well, it would be without the Respawn Pad nearby. A male Inkling, one with purple tentacles, had just managed to clear the large bouncy balls and was about to swing on the ropes...and then he slipped. There was an errant splash as the poor Inkling dropped into the water, struggled around and then exploded, as water-logged Inklings are wont to do. He respawned on the nearby pod, a defeated look on his face. Calle knew she shouldn't laugh...but she did. A genuine giggle stooped from her as she watched the Inkling be carted off and a new contender take his place.

Then, there was a click as the bedroom door opened. Out stepped Marie, clad in her Agent Outfit. Same as ever, really; green hoodie, white shirt, shorts, facemask ('cause THAT wasn't conspicuous), green cap and headphones. She was tapping on her phone for a bit, then slipped it into her pocket. She sighed, staring at Callie vegging out on the sofa, and approached her. She spoke, her voice muffled slightly by the facemask, "Is this really gonna be another day of you in front of the TV, Cal?"

"Yeah," Callie mumbled, shuffling around to look at her cousin in the face, "I'm fine here, and all."

"Well, I'm not," Marie huffed, crossing her arms, "I gotta get out there, get active, do things. Meet people. Live life! Not all of us can be terrified of the outdoors like you nowdays, can we?"

Callie arched up to look at Marie. Her face was twisted, and looked quite upset. She knew she was joking, but Marie was never one to think about what her wisecrack would sound to some people. Callie whimpered, "You know real well WHY that's the case," she assumed a look of fear, "Those Octarians are still out there...how do I know they haven't found us?! How do I know no-one's gonna sell me out and put me back!?"

"...Oh Cal..." Marie sighed, "It's been a year or so since then. The shades are gone, Octavio's still locked away, everything's fine. Okay?" Callie looked up at her. Marie's face scrunched up in pity. She held out her hand, "I'm going shopping. For like, clothes and groceries and stuff. You wanna come with?"

"...Not today," Callie sighed, "I wanna make sure I'm really ready to go out there again before I...do. Don't wanna have a breakdown if I see an Octoling or anything."

"...I mean, sure, fair enough," Marie sighed, "Just, promise me you'll try to get over this and not just languish in paranoia or something. Get some help. From Isabelle, from Isaac, from anyone...okay?"

"...Okay," Callie sighed, "I will."

"Good, thank you..." she sighed, going for the door, "I might ask Isabelle if she's busy, if not she can help me shop. I think she'd prefer even that to another day of Recon..." Marie giggled at her own words, and opened the door. She turned to Callie, flashing a warm smile, "I'll see you later, 'kay?"

"Bye, Cuz!" Callie perked up again as Marie slowly closed the door. There was a soft silence as Marie slowly plodded down the hallway towards the stairs. Then the thumping started as Marie slowly made her way down them. Alone. Again. Callie had locked herself in there for too long. Not the entire year, thankfully. She had left the house, once. It was after those events at the Metro. Octolings were finally moving in and settling with the locals. Most Inklings...well, the ones in Turf Wars. They were young, and they sure as shell weren't bright. Many assumed they were just Inklings with a fresh new hairstyle. But Marie knew better. Agent Isabelle knew better. And Callie...hoo boy. She bumped into an Octoling fresh from the Valley, still in his armour, and that was it. It wasn't an overly public freakout, thankfully, but it was enough to drive her to a panic attack. That was bad. And ever since then, she dared not go outside. She would sometimes stare out the window, eyes trained on the Square below. Focusing on the Octos. Whimpers in her throat.

Marie sighed, rummaging through her pockets until she dug out her phone again. A few key presses later, and there was a droning tone until Agent 3 picked up. Marie removed her headphones and brought the actual phone to her ear, "Izzy? It's Marie. Yeah, she didn't take the offer. She's still refusing to come outside...look, I need to do some shopping. Could you meet me at Arowana Mall, in disguise, in about a half hour? I need your help. In more ways than one. You can? Great. Okay, I'll see you there. Bye!"

Callie didn't even hear Marie talk into her phone, and then leave. She was in a different place. There again. Always there, again. She sat bolt up right on the couch, eyes shut tight but the vivid memories still flooding in. Her face was calm, perhaps too calm, for inside she was scrambling. It was all coming back now. The kidnapping, the interrogation, the first time the shades were slipped on, almost killing Agent 4, Marie shooting her in the face, all of it. Every day, the same vivid, terrible images. Played back again and again and again. It hurt. It always hurt, knowing what she did, conscious through it all. There was stress and there was...THIS. Callie sighed defeatedly. Now wasn't the time for a panic attack, or crying. Not today. She was feeling that...urge, again. That horrible, wonderful, terrible urge.

Getting to her trembling feet, Callie made her way to her bedroom. She opened and closed the door, took a deep breath and reached for the keys she kept by the side of the door. She had told Marie they were for a lockbox containing her most prized possession out of all of them, and Marie was happy enough to let it stay that way and not be nosy. She was just kind of expecting it to be a baseball glove or a trophy for one of their first performances, something like that. But it wasn't that. Oh boy, was it not. Slipping the lockbox out from under her bed, Callie unlocked it and gingerly opened the lid. And there they were.

The hypnoshades. Callie had promised to her cousin that Sheldon had disabled them after Marie shot them off...twice (they looked cool, as far as Callie cared) and that they were no longer functional. That she had gotten rid of them for good, throwing them into the sea where no-one find them, Inkling or Octo. But...no. There was a calling to her, a faint beat like a heart that resided deep within them. Something approaching...pleasure. The feelings of the lights dancing across her vision, seeping into her brain, wiping her free will...she was disgusted that she enjoyed that feeling so much. Like, genuine passion. It made her feel sick. And yet, she could hear the shades. A voice in her head, that was in her voice, but not her own.

'Come on, Cal...put 'em on. Get in loser, you're going tripping.'

"I don't wanna..." Callie said out loud, holding the shades in her trembling palm, "But...it feels so good," she took a few more seconds of careful consideration. She knew what time Marie would be home...right? She knew what time she had to overpower the shades and take them off again...right?! She sighed, her voice filled with shame, "Marie...I'm sorry."

'No you're not.'

And as she slipped them on and turned on, no, she didn't. Not anymore, at least. Right away, she could feel the lights dancing across her mind in their pretty patterns. She could feel the hypnotic blinking worm its way into her brain, massaging it with unearthly rhythms and sequences. She started grunting, legs crossing, hands gripping the edge of the bed as the feelings sucked away her free will. She was screaming out - both in horror at enjoying this, and in pleasure from doing so. The intensity of the lights kicked into overdrive as the flashing patterns assaulted her eyes. Blues, reds, greens and yellows, in that order. Over and over. Drilling into her consciousness. She began to drool, eyes rolling vividly, eyelids fluttering and a heavy blush across her cheeks as she rocked back and forth on the bed. So little of her self-control existed before long. She could feel the voices take over, her vision slowly going dark, her arms and legs going limp. It was a struggle to remain awake - and that was the best feeling of all.

'That's it...' the voices crowed, 'Struggle. Just like you did when Octavio slipped them on the first time. You know you love it.'

"I...ILoveIT" Callie struggled, her voice slurred and her head reeling, "It'sSoGOOOOOD"

After one final gasping scream of pure, horrific pleasure, the shades finally took total control. Callie felt her limbs go limp, slumping onto the bed and crumpling into a heap. She felt...wrong. Like she wasn't herself, or anyone else. But it felt so right. Her vision was...so dark...she couldn't...hold...

"Hnng. Soooooogooood..."

And she was out.


A few hours passed in the apartment. All was silent within it, with Marie gone and Callie on the bed. Well, for an hour or so. And then...she sat up again. Stock still. Eyes twitching. Staring into the distance. Awaiting an order from her master. It wasn't Octavio, not anymore. Now Callie's master was...flexible. She would rather there not be one, though. But she wasn't in the right state of mind to think right now. She continued to stare, her face void of expression. She only had enough thought to think to whatever remained of herself - she was loving this.

Then, a click. The door to the apartment unlocked. It swung open, and in stepped Marie. She was tired, had a new puffy black jacket on and was hauling a few bags of shopping into the apartment block. She removed her facemask and took some deep breaths - breathing in that thing was a struggle, but it helped keep her unknown to the people. And then, following her, was Agent 3; Isabelle. She was a taller Inkling, a bit closer to Marie's age than other Inklings, her tentacles a lime green and arranged into frizzy bunches with a short fringe on her face. Her eyes were blue, and she wore the old Hero outfit that had become iconic to her. Hero Suit, headphones, cargo pants and blocky trainers. She too was carrying white bags full of bread and milk and cheese. She was panting with exertion as she set them down by the counter and wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Whew!" she crowed as she did so, "Why do you buy so much stuff, Miss Marie?"

"Grocery shopping's a little risky when you're an ex-idol," Marie huffed, "I only do it when I absolutely need to. Any more would risk my disguise working less over time. Same with Cal," she stopped for an errant sigh, "If she would even leave the house anymore...still though," she approached one of the bags and pulled out a plastic bottle full of a thick purple liquid, "You helped me with the shopping, and I thank you for that. Here is your reward, as promised."

"Oh, thank you, Miss Marie!" Isabelle said happily, taking the bottle and taking a sip after opening the lid, "Mmm! Taro Seashake, my favourite!"

"Hey, speaking of Callie..." Marie hummed, looking over to Callie's bed room and shouting, "Callie! I'm home!"

Isabelle closed the door as Marie listened for an answer. Nothing. Not even a grumbled moan. She wasn't on the couch, she would know if she was in the bathroom, and she wasn't on the balcony. She was...hmm.

"Miss Callie?" Isabelle called out, "Are you awake?" No answer.

"I bet she's in her room," Marie sighed, before she stared forward with an uneasy expression, "But then, Cal's not one for sleeping in the middle of the day. Even if she barely leaves the house, she DOES get up at the crack of dawn. Earlier than me, in fact."

"I don't get up 'til 12..." Isabelle commented.

"So something's...up," Marie gasped, walking briskly towards Callie's room. She knocked on it politely, "Callie? ...Cuz? You okay?" Still nothing, "Callie! Open up! Is something wrong?" Silence. Marie sighed intensely and burst into the room, "Callie, what is..." she trailed off, her voice full of shock, "No..."

"What is it?!" Isabelle shifted into Hero Mode and burst in too, Hero Shot at the ready. She too trailed off, her aim lowering before the Hero Shot just clattered to the floor as her grasp on it lessened. There, on the bed, sitting stock still and staring into space, was Callie. With those...accursed hypnoshades on her face. She was drooling a little, her legs crossed, arms gripping the side of the bed. She looked spaced out, like she wasn't there. Isabelle's expression dropped, "Oh...are these the, uh...hynpo...h-hippo..."

"Hypnoshades..." Marie groaned, a frustrated tinge to her voice, "Thought I'd seen the last of those things. She told me she got rid of them!"

"Clearly not," Isabelle mumbled, tilting her head towards Callie.

"She lied to me. But why?" Marie took a few more deep breaths and relaxed, "It's just...did she put them on herself?"

"Well," Isabelle pondered, "If she's out like this..." she had an idea. She approached Callie and gave her a little shake on the shoulders, "Callie. Awaken."

Almost like a computer booting up, Callie rose from her slumber and turned in a robotic fashion towards the two. Her shades flashed a few more colours as a smile formed on her face. She spoke, her tone almost robotic, "'Ahh, Master Marie. Master Isabelle So glad to see you.'"

"I..." Marie was taken aback, "What?"

"Hmm, as I thought," Isabelle said, "Okay, if she's under our control...a few questions. So, what did you do with the hypnoshades?"

"'I sent them off to Sheldon, as Master Marie suggested,'" Callie exposed, tilting her head statically, "'But rather than have them disabled and destroyed, I asked that he look through the code and find the section where Octavio would be my master upon donning the shades. And then, I requested he delete it. Make the variable open to setting during operation.'"

"...What?" Marie asked again, her world rocked and her face showing a confused scream.

"'Octavio does not control me,'" Callie beamed, "'I can set the controller to whoever I please while I am...awake,'" she turned to Marie, stood up and approached, "'I decided, the best person to help me come to terms with what happened, is you. Master Marie. And the Agents, of course. I trust them.'"

"I mean I'm flattered, but..." Marie stumbled, "Why? I told you to get rid of those."

"'It was not that simple,'" Callie pouted, "'My brain decided to think fondly of the memories in a dark way. I grew...obsessed with the feeling of the shades. Its lights, dancing in my brain. Shaping my thoughts, taking my free will, letting me be this perfect little drone. As this, I do not need to think. I do not need to worry. I can sit back in my subconscious and allow others to dictate my actions for me. I can relax, safe inside my own mind, while still being useful. Win win, as Inklings would say.'"

Marie continued to stare at her cousin, a look of minor terror on her face. She fellt ill. Was this how Callie truly felt? Was this how she saw herself? Was this...oh cod, was this one of those fetishes?! She had heard so little of what those even were, but she had heard enough of DeviantSPLAT to know that whatever that word meant, it was BAD with a capital B. She gibbered, lower lip quivering, "I don't..."

"Miss Marie?" Isabelle asked, concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Well, no. Well..." Marie wailed, "If I knew about this sooner, I..." she stopped, "Oh Callie...I didn't know you felt this way."

"'I hid the feelings and the urges from you,'" Callie countered, "'Because I was afraid of your response to me getting gratification from Octavio's slavemaker. Only when you leave the apartment do I allow myself to indulge in the act. Is this...wrong?'"

"...I don't...no, it isn't!" Marie sighed, "If you told me this, I would've been fine. It's just a thing you're into. I would be so supportive, but...why hide it?"

"I don't know," Isabelle said sadly, "But then...if this is what she's into..." She turned to Marie, a sly look on her face, "Well, give her what she wants, I guess?" Isabelle snapped her fingers to get Callie's attention, "Callie. We have some groceries in the kitchen, in shopping bags. Could you please put them away for us?"

Marie turned to Isabelle, "Wait, wha-"

"'As you command, Master Isabelle. Hehe,'" Callie giggled, strolling off with a jaunty spring in her step. Marie stood where she was, deathly silent, for a few more seconds before her senses returned and she stumbled over to the kitchen area. It was one of those apartments where the whole thing was like one main room with separate ones for the bed and bathrooms. The moment Marie emerged from Callie's bedroom, she could see her cousin dance around the kitchen, packing things away into the marked cupboards. She was still jumping around like she didn't have a care in the world. And she was...singing? 'Blushing Pink, Exploding Ink'...she was singing Bomb Rush Blush! But, she was so averse to singing that song now. Even hearing the song play out was enough to trigger her and send her crashing to the floor in the midst of a panic attack. And here, nothing. She acted, even felt like...herself again.

She walked over to Isabelle, who was watching the whole debacle with an impressed smile on her face. Marie stared amusedly at how calm Isabelle was with all this. She turned to her and spat, "So, this is weird, huh? Didn't think I'd agree to her getting brainwashed by her own terms, but...man. She seems so much happier now. Didn't you get brainwashed too?"

"Well, yeah," Isabelle sighed, cradling the left side of her face. Sometimes, she could swear she could still feel the goo tentacle slapped onto her face, draining her spirit and seeping into her mind, "It let me know exactly what Callie felt. I wouldn't be alive were it not for Elia. You know, Agent 8?" Marie nodded, "I know what it's like to be in Callie's place. And frankly, if she finds joy in it instead of pure misery..." she shrugged, "Let her have it. I just want a little fun, is all."

"'The groceries are packed away, Master,'" Callie stood before the two, saluting.

"Thanks, Miss Callie," Isabelle beamed a bright smile, "Now...uh, ooh, I know, as you're still singing, could you put on a little dance?"

"'Sure, Master!'" Callie saluted again, and instantly began dancing while still singing Bomb Rush Blush. She looked like she was having so much fun, and Marie could only stare on in relief. And yet, a small pang of...something resonated within her. Why? That single question circled over and over and over in her brain, constantly demanding an answer. An answer she didn't know. Was it Octavio? Was it the thought of him triumphing over his slave like this? Was it that she was still branded with that tattoo and still belonged to him in some manner? Was it that she was getting PLEASURE out of what used to give Marie grief? She couldn't understand. She could only watch on as the gears continued to chug in her head.

But before long, something bad happened. There was a beeping sound as the shades flashed something on both lenses. It was...a battery meter? It read 1%! Callie panicked a little, as much as her robotic form could, with a slight, "'Oh no...'" before the shades cut out entirely. There was a brief struggle as Callie returned to her own state of mind, grunting and groaning as limb after limb spasmed as control returned. Grabbing her head, she screamed a little as the feelings came back and her vision returned, her legs buckling underneath her newly controllable body and causing her to collapse to her hands and knees. There she lay for a few seconds, groaning in pain, before she slowly got to her feet.

"Ahh...my head's burning...how long was I..." Callie whined, before her eyes opened fully. She saw the two stare at her in confusion, and her mood dropped. She backed away slowly, fearfully, gingerly removing the shades from her head, "Oh. M-Marie...I didn't..."


"I-I can explain!"

"Callie, calm down. It-"

"OH Cod Marie you weren't supposed to see this side of me!"

"CALLIE!" Marie screamed, rushing over to grab the shivering squid and pull her into a tight hug, "It's okay, I'm not angry! Well I mean I am a little, but that's not the point!"

"Ow ow ow you're crushing me!" Callie squealed. Marie backed off a little, and Callie turned to the two, tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry! I don't...I didn't even..."

"It's okay, Cal...it's okay..." Marie huffed, reaching back in for the hug, "Just...how long have you had those? The whole year? Does Gramps know of this?" no response from Callie, who continued to shiver in Marie's grasp. Marie stared down at her cousin in a warped pity, before she drew a deep breath and began to ask a question she knew she didn't want the answer to, "...Callie? Is this something you derive pleasure from? Is this...is this a fetish? A-A kink? Does it...turn you on?"

"No! Well, maybe. Yes, I...I just like it!" Callie wailed, her composure failing her and extreme shame in her voice and face, "It's a feeling of intense pleasure that nothing has ever given me before! The thought of sinking into nothing and just allowing someone else to tell you want to do! I love it, okay?! I love the feeling of it! I feel alive but I'm not alive but I FEEL ALIVE I..." a pause, voided silence filling the air as the Sisters continued to cuddle. Callie, lip quivering, eyes watering, fingers trembling, held loosely to Marie, "I'm sorry..." she wailed again, whatever remained of her will breaking into strained sobs, "I'm sorry...oh Cod I'm so sorry!"

"...Callie..." Marie sighed, "I..."

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Callie reacted violently, pushing Marie away with strength she absolutely didn't see coming. She clattered to the floor as Callie ran out of the room and into the street, sobbing wildly, "I'm SORRY!" Marie tried to call out her name, but only a grunt of pain from the fall dared to escape her lips as Callie's mantra softened from distance, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

"Callie! WAIT CALLIE..." Marie cried out, but far too late to make a difference. Callie was long gone.

Isabelle, who had watched all of this unfold from the sidelines, had initially attempted to run after Callie, but it was pretty clear she wasn't going to catch up. Callie was like a wounded gazelle when she needed to move, and boy did she know that. Isabelle turned back to Marie and shrugged, a fake grin on her face, "Well...at least she's left the house?"

"I don't understand..." Marie whimpered, "...What've I done?"

"I don't know..." Isabelle sighed, before she reached for her Hero Shot and approached Marie, "Look, I'll go after her, if you want to. I'm pretty sure I know where she'll be going."

Marie looked up, "Gramps' house?"

"Out in the valley, yeah. Only place she'd feel safe. You coming?"

"I don't think she wants to...talk to me," Marie sighed, sniffing a little, "Oh Callie...why didn't she tell me this sooner..."

"Oh boy..." Isabelle sighed as she drew a Marie on the verge of crying into a hug, "Ssshh, shh, there there. It's okay..." Marie sighed, her emotions past her, and Isabelle sighed in relief. She broke from the hug, "Okay, so...what're you gonna do instead?"

"I...need to talk to someone," Marie said, getting to her feet and putting her disguise back on, "Get her some help, from someone who understands! But there's only one person in this city who must know what it's like outside of you!"

Isabelle stared at Marie, confusion in her voice, "...Who?"