A/N: Pardon me if this kind of sucks. I had an idea for a scene in my head and had to write it down. This is all of the other stuff I wrote out to get the story where I needed it for my idea, so it isn't as good as it could have been.


Luther never had the accident, never became part ape, and never got sent to the moon.

Diego still went to the police academy.

Allison still is an actress, but she doesn't have a daughter.

Klaus, well, Klaus was still Klaus.

Five was missing.

Ben was still alive.

And Vanya…

Vanya has been gone for years…

The Umbrella Academy had been a constant fixture in the news for decades now. The six, now five, incredible children with superpowers were well known throughout the state. Their incredible deeds would be remembered for years to come. This time though, they were not on the front page, the whole page was saved to commemorate the death of Sir Reginald Hargreeves.

While the Umbrella Academy was still together, the Hargreeves were falling apart. Cracks had started forming between them, Luther and Diego's constant contest to see who is best, while improving them in the field, has started breaking the once brotherly camaraderie that the two had shared. Allison's constant trips to continue her film career, whether it was a new shoot or her next premiere, has started to isolate her from the family. Klaus and Ben, still close as ever, have been drifting away from the "family business" because, as Ben said, he didn't sign up for this, he was sick of always having to go hurt people and Klaus, who has been sober for a year or two now, thanks to Ben, was starting to agree.

Yet here they all were, in the academy, for the funeral of the man who made them what they are today. What surprised them most about the day was the reappearance of their lost brother. He kept mumbling something about coffee. Five had been acting weird since he had returned, but they probably would too if they had apparently been in the future for 45 years. The funeral wasn't much, but then again it was still better than the man deserved.

It was then that Five decided to breach the silence with a question they all feared.

"Where is Vanya?"

The question hung in the air for a few minutes freezing the family in their tracks.

Luther finally turned around, "She disappeared a few years after you did."

"And you didn't try to find her?" Five snapped, exasperated. His face was twisted in red hot anger.

"We tried Five! We couldn't find her! You know how good she was at not being seen! She'd be in the same room and no one would know until we accidentally bumped into her!" Diego yelled back. He couldn't keep his voice from shaking.

"She put her book out to try and get us to stop looking by hitting us where it hurt," Allison tried and failed to keep the hurt out of her voice, "But we never stopped."

"AND?!" Five yelled. He couldn't believe this, they were the god damn Umbrella Academy, and they couldn't even find one girl.

Ben decided to take a more calm approach, "we tried everything Five, she's gone."

"We thought she would at least come back for the funeral. Dear old Reggie was a monumental prick, but he was still our Vater after all." Klaus said with a flourish.

"You're all useless," Five grumbled walking back toward the academy. Luthor made an attempt to stop him, but Five just teleported past him.

"Did not miss that," Luther grumbled.


It wasn't until much later that Five reappeared in the academy. He was bleeding from a cut on his left arm. His family ran to his aid immediately, which he appreciated more than he let on, it almost made him smile, until they decided that this would be the perfect time to corner him about what happened, now and in the future. He only had one option left.

"The world ends in eight days."

He waited for the choir of gasps and exclamations to end before he continued.

"I decided to stop that from happening, but my previous employers aren't too happy about that decision."

Luther, ever the daddy's boy, took this as a call to action, "This is it! This is what dad had been training us for! We have a new mission!"

"Slow down," Ben, ever the voice of reason, "How do we know that just having you back here doesn't change things."

"If only that was all it took to avoid the apocalypse," Five sighed, "Trust me, the apocalypse is still coming and you all need to focus or else the world goes bye bye."

"Oh, he's just so adorable, 'the apocalypse is coming, the apocalypse is coming'" Klaus mocked, "Really, how are we gonna stop it if it already happened once?"

"He makes a good point," Diego agreed.

"Because I'm here," Five proclaimed.

"Told you," Ben laughed, victorious.

"Not just because I'm here, you idiot, but because I know how these people operate, we can find out who causes the apocalypse and stop them," Five started laying out his plan. First step, finding the owner of the prosthetic eye he removed from Luther's corpse. The rest of the all collectively turned pale.

"Did I forget to mention? You all are dead in the future."


It took awhile for the siblings to recover from that information. As it turns out, finding out that you are all going to die in a little over a week is a sobering thought, once it finally sets in that is. Apparently Five decided it was the perfect time to jump away from the shocked siblings.

"Master Luther," Pogo's voice sounded over the speakers, "There is a new mission."

Klaus shot up, "Wonderful! Something to take our minds of all of this dark, depressing crap!"

They all rushed off to get their gear and suits almost as quickly as Five had disappeared.

"Good luck, children!" Mom called as they were leaving.

"Thanks Mom!" Ben shouted, quickly followed by a "Love you mom!" From Diego.


It was another corrupt politician, stealing from the people to make herself wealthy while lining the streets with weapons and more drugs than even Klaus could handle, allegedly. They were the kinds of people who thought they were above the law, the cops couldn't touch them, that was where the Umbrella Academy came in.

They arrived at the building and busted straight through to the office. What they found waiting wasn't the evil they were expecting, instead, standing behind the desk, was a person dressed in a pure, almost blinding, white suit, its face covered by a white motorcycle helmet with a black visor, and a black case slung across its back.

"White," Diego growled. His hands reached for his knives.

They had met this person on multiple occasions over the past year. As always the figure walked forward and extended its hand toward the group, specifically toward Allison.

"Leave now, you know you can't win, just get out of our way," Luther commanded.

White had never beaten them in any of their past encounters, but that never stopped White from getting in their way. See, White had powers sure, but they were nowhere near as refined and powerful as Reginald Hargreeves had made his precious Umbrella Academy's.

"You're asking for it," Diego snapped, grabbing a dagger and throwing it aiming for White's heart.

Unlike every other time, where White would be forced to dodge, the knife gracefully, and harmlessly passes in front of White before embedding itself in the wall.

"What the hell!" Diego's startled shout broke the rest of the siblings out of their trance. White's hand retracted as Luther rushed forward throwing a punch towards the figure.

His fist stopped an inch from White's face before Luther was blown back into a wall.

"Shit! Luther!" Allison rushed to help him.

Ben stepped forward releasing The Horror. The tentacles lashed out against White, but they missed, practically sliding off of the figure in front of them. Ben was then thrown into Diego knocking them dangerously close to the window, did they mention that this was the 42nd floor?

"Klaus!" Ben shouted trying to get up, "Do your thing!"

"I can't! There are no ghosts here! It's almost like they're afraid!" Klaus shouted back before adding, "I might be scared too, maybe, a little bit."

White took a small step forward. Allison quickly stood up, "I heard a rumor-"

White snapped its fingers and Allison suddenly found no sound escaping her throat, she couldn't speak. She started panicking, what's going on, I can't talk, for how long, what if I never can talk again?

"COME ON!" Luther shouts, not an ounce of fear in his hardened features, "Everybody get up, we can win, we've done this before."

"NO!" Diego calls back, in afterthought he wonders when the wind got so loud that they had to shout to hear each other, "He's more powerful than last time, nothing we're doing is working! We need to retreat regroup and come up with a new plan!"

"Dammit, I'm Number One and I say we fight!"

"Oh, pulling the high and mighty Number One card again! Guess what! Dad's dead! No one cares what number you are!"

"SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!" Ben shouts back, sick of their petty squabbling, "We are injured and are clearly under prepared! Diego's right, we need to head back!"

Allison frantically nods her head and Klaus is already running for the exit before turning around and dragging Ben with him, muttering something like, "You know I could never leave you behind."

Luther reluctantly gives in and puts himself between his siblings and White as they run toward the exit. As they are leaving they hear a voice, it sounds almost unreal, fake, like an echo.

"You can still fix yourselves, you can still be heroes."